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Positioning itself with regards to debates on the role of regionalization in the industrial revolution and on consumer and retailing revolutions, this paper uses the records of John Shaw, hardware factor of Wolverhampton, to examine how commercial travel created real spatial interactions across the industrializing economy of northern England in the period 1810–15. The paper argues that by integrating production and consumption, commercial travel played a vital part in advancing and reconciling the concurrent but apparently conflicting processes of economic regionalization and economic integration that characterized the period. Empirically, the paper contributes original data indicating concrete patterns of interaction across the space economy of early nineteenth century northern England in terms of both ‘routes’ and the intensity of interactions. The empirical material also allows for discussion of customer identities, the structure of geographically dispersed commodity chains and regional variations, if any, the nature of customer relationships.  相似文献   

铁路与石家庄城市的崛起:1905—1937年   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
江沛  熊亚平 《近代史研究》2005,1(3):170-197
近代以来,随着华北铁路网络的形成与铁路运输业的发展,华北区域城市兴起的条件、布局及特点发生了明显变化,由于铁路枢纽地位的形成和近代商贸流通体系的需要,一些地方逐渐形成新兴的城市。1905-1937年间正太、京汉铁路与石家庄城市崛起间的关系,便具体展示了铁路运输业与石家庄城市的交通运输业、工商业,城市人口增长和街市扩展等方面的关联作用,及以铁路为代表的新式交通对近代华北城市群体的分布特点、城市空间结构、等级规模所产生的重要影响。  相似文献   


When the inventor of phrenology, Franz Joseph Gall, came to Denmark in the fall of 1805, he was met with great enthusiasm and fascination among the general public, as well as within the scientific community. His visit was an event that was covered by the newspapers unlike any other scientific lecture. However, as soon as Gall left, public interest in phrenology almost instantaneously vanished. Different theories have been put forth in the attempt to answer the question as to why phrenology never found a audience in Denmark. The Danish phrenologist Carl Otto explained it by referring to the poor quality of the Danish phrenological publications. Danish historians have argued that phrenology was too incompatible with the dominant scientific paradigm, Natürphilosophie. This article argues that the newspaper coverage of phrenology was more about sensational news stories than about science, and ultimately phrenology was a fad that wore off when the newspapers shifted their focus to other news.  相似文献   

Theodore Roosevelt circumvented Congress and expanded presidential power at the beginning of the 20th century, in part, by using the press to establish executive leadership of public opinion. This article describes how Roosevelt and his chief forester, Gifford Pinchot, launched a crusade in the press for Progressive conservation despite the opposition of congressmen who tried to block the use of publicists by executive agencies. Although Congress forbade the hiring of "publicity experts" in 1913, they were already common in executive agencies.  相似文献   

晚清教科之"科学"概念的生成与演化(1901-1905)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
19、20世纪之交,"科学"一词在中国初现,虽与教育相关,却不特指分科教育.新政时期,中国朝野皆以日本教育作为汲取"科学"的管道,使得晚清新教育与日本"科学"紧密结合,从而形成教科意义上的"科学"概念.这种"科学"概念的生成体现了朝野各方"以日为师"方向上的同一性,但"科学"意义之上负载了不同的政治理想.清政府整体移植日本官办教育体系,以期巩固"政教合一"的专制政权.在野士人通过教育接引日本的启蒙思想,从中寻求改造社会的思想资源,二者在政治上的对立越演越烈.教科之"科学"的生成是"科学"概念在教育领域泛化的结果,它在学术与政治两方面都动摇了清政府的专制统治.  相似文献   

During the Constitutional years (1906–11) the legal status of the Jews and some other religious minorities improved, even if only to a limited extent. Can one assume that this change in the legal status of the Jews reflected changes in the public's actual treatment toward the Jews in reality during the days leading up to the Constitutional Revolution in 1906? To an extent, the answer is in the affirmative. The present article argues, however, that the real life situation of the Jews in the years leading up to the Constitutional Revolution was still often one of abuse and occasional persecution. To prove this contention, section I of the article presents some such cases. Section II establishes some of the reasons for the attacks on the Jews—not only religious, but also economic and socio-political ones, as well as briefly suggesting certain recurring paradigms surrounding it. Section III looks at one case study from November 1905 in the city of Shiraz. Finally, this preliminary research ends with some concluding remarks.

Be-karestan-e Sane‘ kas cheh danad,

kherad dar kar-e U hayran bemanad.1 1Shahin, Shahin-i Turah, ed. M. Khooban (Los Angeles: Ketab, 1999), 280. View all notes  相似文献   

During the 1920-1929 period, the Civic Club of Allegheny County supported political consolidation of the county's municipalities and townships. Civic Club leaders sought boundary reform to tackle perceived social problems and political inefficiencies in the Pittsburgh region. This policy was aligned with a national network of Progressive urban reformers, some of whom guided the Civic Club's plans. These reform efforts culminated in the 1929 Metropolitan Charter, which was rejected by Allegheny County voters. Traditional explanations of this failed vote emphasize the high threshold for success of the charter. However, such accounts ignore the apparent disjunction between the national perception of regional problems and the local reception of recommended solutions. Reform advocates were unable to adapt national Progressive theories to the local context of Allegheny County. This article first describes the national network of Progressive Era research that prescribed metropolitan solutions for urban problems in cities such as Pittsburgh. The article then examines attempts by the Civic Club of Allegheny County to introduce these theories to Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. The failure of the 1929 Metropolitan Charter is reevaluated, and the implications of these events for current proponents of metropolitanism and political reform are discussed.  相似文献   


The Ring family ran two of the most important pipemaking businesses in 19th-century Bristol. This account is in three parts: Part 1 is a survey of the documentary evidence for the two companies. Ring & Cookworthy were in operation from 1802 until 1819, R. F. Ring & Co. worked under various managements from c. 1812 until c. 1884. Part 2 provides data on the export of Ring-made pipes, collected from the Bristol Presentment Books. Pipes were sent mainly to America, but also to Ireland, Spain, the Caribbean and elsewhere. Part 3 illustrates waste from their kilns found in dumps in various parts of Bristol. These groups are all dated to c. 1850.  相似文献   

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