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“如果能再找到一处雕鸮正在使用的巢,就能说明它已经适应与人为邻,选巢与周边环境密切相关”。王永军说,在拍摄孵卵期雕鸮时,他多次发现它们安巢地点十分相似:  相似文献   

新知  杜名 《旅游纵览》2008,(11):44-47
益鸟雕鸮,中国鸮类中体形最大的一种,性情凶猛,主要以各种鼠类为食,但食性很广,几乎包括所有能够捕到的兽类、鸟类、鱼类、两栖类和爬行类等动物,诸如狐狸、豪猪、野猫类,甚至难以对付的苍鹰、鹗、游隼等猛禽等都可以成为雕鸮的食物  相似文献   

王永军 《华夏地理》2007,(3):148-165
圆圆的脸盘,弯钩似的尖嘴和一对金黄色的大眼睛,是雕鸮最为显著的特征,当它们栖于枝头或峭壁之上观察周边的情况时,总是机警地转动头部,目露凶光。别看这副尊容不怎么友善,甚至令人恐惧,却是老鼠的天敌,为国家二级保护动物。[编者按]  相似文献   

淡腹雪鸡(Tetraogallus tmetanus),别名藏雪鸡、雪鸡,藏名为“恐姆”。淡腹雪鸡体形比暗腹雪鸡小一些,身体全长49-57厘米,体重1.5-2.0公斤。上体土棕色,镶嵌黑褐色虫蠹状斑,颏、喉及前颈均污白色,前颈有一灰褐色带环,前额、眼线及耳羽土棕色,眼线棕色较深;除上述部位外,头、颈的上面和侧面均灰褐色;飞羽外翈基部边缘和覆羽外翈均杂以黑褐色虫蠹状点斑,各羽端  相似文献   

虽然已是5月,辽宁东部山区夜晚的气温有时还会降到零摄氏度左右,给整夜在野外观察和拍摄雕鸮的我,带来了很多意想不到的考验。在帐篷中,即使是穿着厚厚的羊皮裤,仍然会冻得难以忍受,我呼吸时排出来的水汽,在帐篷内壁凝结成大量的水珠,这些水珠慢慢地滑落,在帐篷底部形成了哗啦哗啦的积水。好在只要我睁着眼,几乎整夜都可以听到雕鸮发出的低沉的、梦呓般的鸣叫:“恨——呼——、恨——呼——”。那声音一会儿在近处的山坡上,一会儿又出现在近处的一棵枯树桩上,声音中传达出来的从容,令人感到夜晚就是它们的乐园。听着这种声音,再从安置在它们巢中的红外摄像头传来的幼鸟的一举一动,让我体味到自然的神奇和美妙,享受着这种乐趣,我整夜都不会觉得寂寞。雕鸮是一种大型猛禽,属鸮形目鸱鸮科,体重在3公斤左右,身长可达70~90厘米,飞翔时翼展约2米,是我国鸮类中个体最大的一种。它通体羽毛为黄褐色,人们与它相遇时,最难忘的是那一对金黄色的、犹如小手电筒似的大眼睛和一张圆圆的脸盘,那高高地竖立在头顶的耳簇羽,使它的头部看起来很像猫。在民间,这种鸟又被称作“恨狐”,显然是由它们的叫声而来。  相似文献   

暗腹雪鸡(Tetraogallus himalayensis),别名高山雪鸡、喜马拉雅雪鸡、几乎遍布西藏全境,青海和新疆也有分布,为国家二级动物。暗腹雪鸡体形较大,身体全长50到60厘米,体重达2.0至2.5公斤。通体呈土棕或红棕色,密布以黑褐色虫蠹状斑。颏、喉白色:颈侧白色,额、眼线、眉纹、脸、耳羽土黄色。外侧尾羽为深褐色,杂以黑褐色斑。趾赤橙色、爪黑色。  相似文献   

<正>每年三月,春天来临,万物复苏,大地充满生机。凤头??黑色的头顶上会如同大地长出绿草一样,长出长长的黑褐色羽毛——凤头,白白的颈部会长出一圈长长的黑褐色饰羽,像小斗蓬一样,这就是它们的夏装了。一穿上夏装,它们谈情说爱,生儿育女的时间就到了。它们会在湖面上游荡,每当碰到单只的异性,它们都会双目凝视,竖起黑色凤头,蓬松起颈部黑褐色的饰羽,互相做着相同的摆头、缩颈、向后梳理羽毛等动作。如果没有感觉,它们就分道扬镳,各自游走了;如果有了  相似文献   

我孩提时那些温馨的回忆,大都和山联系在一起。 那时候,我同村子里的小伙伴们一起上山放牛、打柴、游戏。山林是我们的乐园。我们特别喜欢捉野鸡。山上的野鸡比家里的鸡要大得多,黑褐色的,夏天的夜晚最多,几乎满山都听到“咯——咯”的野鸡叫声。  相似文献   

1971年,陕西省文物管理委员会发掘了乾县的唐懿德太子李重润墓,出土文物达上千件。其中有一件骑马狩猎俑(图一),自出图一唐筋德太子墓出土骑马狩猎俑土以来,一向被认为是绞胎作成。或日:"胎体以白色和黑褐色作出树木年轮的花纹,马身和垫板均作深酱色褐釉,也用黑褐色作木纹  相似文献   

记得曾与一位研究电影的学胡扯,说如果有条件的话,我会去找一件老物件拍个电影。比如一个老箱子或老柜子,虽然有些雕花图案,但样式很笨重的,刷着黑褐色的汕漆,上面有大大的金属环,很结实的样子,它也许是奶奶的陪嫁,当年放在显赫的位置上,叙说着某一段还不大寒酸的家史。  相似文献   

Two concentrations of animal bones, almost exclusively from small mammals and wild birds, were found within the destruction debris of a Roman bath complex in Sagalassos (SW Turkey). The overall species spectrum, skeletal element representation, fragmentation and preservation condition of the bones indicate that they represent the prey remains of a large nocturnal avian predator, more precisely the eagle owl (Bubo bubo). Differences in skeletal element representation and in prey species' spectrum show that the two bone clusters derive from pellets deposited near a nest site and a roost site, respectively. Radiocarbon dates obtained from the bones indicate that eagle owls lived in the collapsing bath complex during the second half of the 6th to the beginning of the 7th century AD, before the final abandonment of the town. The MNI of the prey animals found at the nest site, confronted with the daily dietary needs of a female eagle owl and its young, indicates repetitive use of the same place during several years. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The eagle owl (Bubo bubo) is the main leporid predator among nocturnal raptors. Although its role as an accumulator of leporid remains in archaeological sites has already been demonstrated, the taphonomic signature of this predator has not been properly characterised. Here we present the analysis of two samples of modern leporid remains recovered from eagle owls' nests with the aim of contributing new data to this subject. Results show that although variability occurs, the observed anatomical representation, breakage and digestion patterns allow us to distinguish this raptor from other rabbit predators. Finally, several characteristic features are noted to distinguish eagle owls as agents of leporid bone accumulations in the fossil record. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Micromammalian bone assemblages from modern pellets of the strigiform Bubo virginianus magellanicus, from the upper Atuel River (southern Mendoza, Argentina), were taphonomically analysed. The results allow us to place B. v. magellanicus in the category of intermediate modification (Category 2). This sample has also been compared with results from other members of this genus, in order to classify B. v. magellanicus as a taphonomic agent. The participation of the Bubo species in archaeological accumulations has been documented, but in Argentina, the role of B. v. magellanicus has been reported up to the present. It is partly because of the sequence of one archaeological site in the south of Mendoza Province called Laguna El Sosneado‐3 (LS‐3). However, considering the absence of a current taphonomic model of this owl, this participation was mentioned as a hypothesis. In the current investigation, archaeological and modern samples have been compared. The results indicate that the skeletal element assemblages recovered from LS‐3 were accumulated by strigiform birds. Taphonomical evidence of light modifications on units I and IV indicates that Tyto alba (Category 1) was probably the main species involved in these units, whereas the taphonomical evidence on skeletal element assemblages recovered from units II and III suggests the action of a strigiform with a major category of modification such as B. v. magellanicus. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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