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Ithasbeen10yearssincethe10thPanchenErdenidiedofsuddenheartattackonJanuary28,1989inTibet.ThestupawasbuiltwithaCentralGovernmentallocationamountingto60millionyuan.BeforehisdeparturefromBeliing,manyofhisfriendsadvisedhimtopostponetheconsecrationonthegroundsthatTibetwasenduringafreezingwinter.Butthemasterrefused.sayingthatthetimingwassetaccordingbydivination.DuringhisstayinTibet,themasterworkedtirelessly.Hehelddiscussionswithlocalresidentsandlamas,inspectedurbanandruralareas,andblessedmanyfoll…  相似文献   

HongyaVillagebecamefamousbecausethe14thDaIaiLamawasbornhere.Undulatingmountainranges,frozenriversandthefewBuddhistpagodascombinetomakeitaquietplace.Exposedtohighaltitude,frigidcoldandhailstorms,HongyaVillagewasoneofthepoorestplacesinQinghaiwhenthe14thDalaileft.Thisiswhythe14thDalai,whoisnowinexileabroad,oncesaidhecamefrom"apooroeasantfamily".Nowthevi1lagehas30T1betanhouseholdsand20HanfamIlies.ThevillagersenJoyaPer-capitashareof0.3hectareoffarmland.Theper-capitaincomereaches68oyuan.The1…  相似文献   

Medieval (9th–13th century) wooden and bone combs from archaeological sites in the Middle and Lower Ob basin are described. Those from Strelka and Bukhta Nakhodka are published for the ?rst time. The shape of the combs and the meaning of certain decorative patterns are discussed and comparative data is used. Until the 13th century, the native peoples of Northwestern Siberia used mostly unilateral combs made of a single piece of wood or bone. Later they were gradually replaced by imported bilateral combs of the Old Russian type or their local replicas. Apparently, medieval unilateral combs were used not only as hygiene items but also as elements of coiffure and amulets  相似文献   

Alfred Nutt 《Folklore》2013,124(2):164-166
RELIGIOUS THOUGHT AND HERESY IN THE MIDDLE AGES. By the Rev. F. W. BUSSELL, D.D. London: Robert Scott. 1918. Reviewed by J. Kennedy.

SIDE-LIGHTS ON THE TAIN AGE AND OTHER STUDIES. By M. E. DOBBS. Price 2s. 6d. net. Dundalk.. 1917. Reviewed by J. Baudi?.

THE MEGALITHIC CULTURE OF INDONESIA, by W. J. PERRY, B.A. Manchester: University Press. Longmans, Green &; Co. 1918 Reviewed by E. Sidney Hartland.  相似文献   

The10thPanchenErdeniinspectingamountainvillageoftheBaiethnicgroupinDali,The10thPanchenErdeniathome.(1988)The10thPanchenErdeniinspectingalivestockfarminXigaze,Tibet.(January1989)The10thPanchenErdenipresidingovertheabhisedaceremonyinGarze,SichuanProvince.(Seqtember1986)The10thPahchenErdenicarryingoutaninvestigationinaTibetanpas-pastoralarea.De10thPanchenErdenigivingimmunitycapsulestochildrenintheKindergartenoftheCentralInstituteforNationalities[nowtheCentralUniversityforNationalities…  相似文献   

On the basis of its technological and stylistic features, a new find of oriental silverware from the Konda River is identified as a work of the Ural-Siberian circle and dated to the 9th–10th centuries. Its scene of gender violence is interpreted using the parallel text of the “Sabha Parva,” which describes the sufferings of Draupadi, Queen of Pandavas, and the actions of Duhshasana who won her in a game of dice. The urban culture of the pre-Arabian Sogd connects the Indian source with the Turkic environment of the Ural region. Here knowledge of the story from the “Sabha Parva” had not yet been recorded but nonetheless existed judging from scenes from the “Virata Parva” which appears among the monumental paintings of Penjikent.  相似文献   

Houses are an important subject of archaeological research, normally explored through the households they contain. This has established a deliberately social agenda for the archaeology of houses, yet has had the unintended consequence of creating bounded worlds for study. Although household archaeologies explore the ways that households contributed to broader social and economic realms, it is rare to think through the public role of houses for non-residents and the larger population of the settlement. This paper seeks to explore this more public aspect of houses using the data from archaeology at Songo Mnara, a 14th–15th century Swahili town on the southern Tanzanian coast. This was a time when stone-built domestic architecture was first emerging in this region. The archaeology of the houses provides data for a series of ways that the house was at the heart of the economic and political life of the town, as well as demonstrating a spatial continuity between indoor and outdoor spaces. It is therefore suggested that the domestic and residential functions of the house for a particular household should be balanced with an appreciation of the broader world of the house itself.  相似文献   

Jiang Meets the 11th BainqenJiangMeetsthe11thBainqen¥//OntheafternoonofJanuary12,1996,ChinesePresidentJiangZeminmetwiththe11t...  相似文献   

This article explores the criminalization of homicide in early modern Denmark, 16th–17th centuries. Criminalization is here defined, primarily, as the harshening of penalties for homicide in law and practice. The article shows that a process of criminalization took place that contributed to a pacification of the population (demonstrated by a decrease in homicides) but also engendered practices of resistance and evasion which were reminiscent of a medieval feud culture. The attitude towards homicide was for a long time ambivalent, not just among the lower classes but at all levels of society. Criminalization and pacification were mainly products of state-building through harsher punishment and the formation of a more reliable legal system. This top-down process meshed with the broader population’s demands for justice and security.  相似文献   

Memorialsto10thBainqenLamaMarchingintunewiththeheartbeatoftimeandsocialprogress,themasterremainedontheTibetanPlateauandinthem...  相似文献   

A SOCIAL APPROACH TO MONETISATION shifts the attention from the classic money media — gold and silver — to the dissemination of two social practices: valuing and paying. When these two monetary practices first became widespread in western Scandinavia during the gold rich migration period (in the 5th to 6th centuries ad), they were not introduced in the sphere of trade, but instead were features of traditional or customary payments, such as weregeld (atonements for murder or offences against the person) or marriage dowries. By the Viking Age, in the late 8th to 10th centuries ad, despite flourishing commodity production, precious metals were used as payment in trade solely in towns. Even in towns, this commercial use seems to have been adopted late, and was employed only occasionally. This paper reviews the changing approaches to money and monetisation, and draws attention to the potential for regarding monetisation as the spread of a set of social practices.  相似文献   

Twelve gilded and enamelled Islamic glass fragments, produced in Syria or Egypt during the Ayyubid or Mamluk period, were provided by the Louvre museum for complete non-destructive analysis. The enamelling process of similar objects has been extensively studied in the last decades, but the gilding process has never been investigated in details. This paper focuses on the understanding of both the gilding process and the gold/glass adhesion mechanism. The structure, composition and thickness of the gold flakes forming the gilding decoration are measured. The complete process combining gilding and enamelling is described and the local mechanism of adhesion of gold flakes on the glass body is discussed.  相似文献   

Coade stone has played a significant role in architectural and ornamental design since its inception in the early 18th century. It is well known that earlier, experimental, architectural stoneware products existed, but few of these have been studied in detail scientifically, and only one major analytical study of Coade stone has appeared in the literature. This paper presents a new spectroscopic analysis of Coade stone along with that of a newly discovered sample from Oxnead Hall in Norfolk where it known that Sir Clement Paston experimented with artificial stone in the late 16th century. The results demonstrate that it is possible to differentiate between the two variants on the basis of both the raw materials used and the different phases formed in their production processes.  相似文献   

17thLivingBuddhaGarmabaVisitsHinterlandbyOurCorrespondentsWhentensofthousandsofpeoplegatheredatBeijing′sTiananmencelebratethe...  相似文献   

Talkingaboutthesuddendemiseofthe1OthPanchenErdeniinTibet1Oyearsago.everyoneImetexpressedtheirsorrowbysay-ing"Itwasfartooearly".Indeed,the1OthPanchenErdeniwasagreatmasterreveredbyall.MyfirstmeetingwithhimtookplaceinLanzhouinApril1951,whenIwasworkingintheEthnicGroupOfficeoftheCPCGansuProvincialUnitedFrontWorkDepartment.HewasonhiswaytoBeijingtopaytributetotheCentralGovernmentandassistinthenegotiationswiththelocalgov-ernmentofTibetonmattersconcern-ingthepeacefulliberationofTibet.Heimpr…  相似文献   

Whilethe14thDalaiLamaclaimstobe"seekinginternationalaidinorganizingpeacetalkswiththeChineseGovernment",the"Tibetanyouthcongress"isinserting"effortstowinindependence"intoitsresolutionsandissuingstatementsclaimingthatthecongressisamassorganizationindependentoftheDalaiLama'sgovernmentinexile.ThecongressisseekingindependenceandopposinganyeffortsforautonomywithinChina.Inthefaceofthissituation,the14thDalaiLamaexpressedregretatthemovesbythecongressandhasclaimedheisunabletopersuadethecongressional…  相似文献   

THIS ARTICLE PRESENTS a new contextual model to study the social implications of consumption strategies in an archaeological context. The model can be used to establish a baseline of consumption, against which other consumption strategies can be measured. By analysing and comparing finds from two different urban locations in medieval Denmark, we examine how these urban environments facilitated different consumption strategies, and how these strategies changed over time. We also discuss how the archaeological record can contribute to analysing the negotiation of social identities through consumption patterns and consumer choices as reflected in artefact assemblages. The analysis demonstrates that consumption strategies depend on and are related to the characteristics and social complexity of the town in terms of demographics and networks.  相似文献   

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