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The aim of this article is to explore the causes of the recent and surprising expansion of heritage tourism in Ireland, working with contemporary anthropological data. It is a fact that numerous descendants of Irish migrants have been returning ‘home’ recently to discover the land where their forebears originally came from. Of particular interest here are specific types of return to the homeland, such as the gathering of clans. We would like to point out here that such collective, ritualized activities have a twofold nature: in addition to their role in the forging of identity, they provide a means for the governments of Ireland and Northern Ireland to develop touristic activities over the entire island, thus diversifying economic resources.  相似文献   

This case-study is the first attempt to examine a commercial outpost in the Crusader Levant within the context of the commercial and colonial expansion of its mother-city and in direct relation to its particular features. The Venetian quarter in Acre in the second half of the thirteenth century provided the physical setting for the exercise of authority by the state and a solid base for the expansion of its dominion. The Venetian administration there implemented the strict regulation of commerce and shipping enacted in Venice in this period, including several rules stemming from the particular needs of Acre. Various families of settlers from Venice, nobles as well as popolani, can be traced for several generations; the grant of Venetian status to natives of the Latin kingdom of Jerusalem, Latins oriental Christians, and Jews, enlarged the size of the Venetian population in Acre. The fate of the refugees who escaped from the city in 1291 is the last topic to be examined.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to analyse the influence of Ferdinand Gonseth's epistemological and philosophical reflection on Gaston Bachelard. This will be done on at least two levels: on the one hand, on the level of direct quotations of Gonseth's texts and notions made by Bachelard; on the other, on the level of an agreement between the two conceptions concerning some central issues— agreement that lets one suppose an influence of Gonseth on Bachelard or an identity between their views. One concludes recalling the notion of «subjectivité quelconque», suggested to Bachelard by the gonsethean idea of «logique comme physique de l'objet quelconque», and seeking to grasp the differences between Bachelard's notion of «sujet quelconque», and Gonseth's one ofhomo phenomenologicus. One could define Bachelard's and Gonseth's epistemologies as two phenomenologies of the man of science: this is their main common feature.  相似文献   

Résumé L'article propose une classification générale de la poterie ancienne décorée à la roulette, dans la Région des Grands Lacs et en Afrique de l'Est. Un premier groupe de poterie, appelé ici W, caractérisé principalement par la roulette torsadée, est produit vraisemblablement dèsca 800 AD; cette poterie pourrait avoir été diffusée de la région Est vers la zone interlacustre par le sud du Lac Victoria. L'hypothèse que le groupe W est associé à des populations de langues sud-nilotiques permet de reconsidérer les débuts du Deuxième Age du fer en Afrique interlacustre. Cet article suggère l'installation de groupes de pasteurs sud-nilotes dans la zone interlacustre; leurs rapports avec les autochtones sont examinés, en particulier le cas du Rwanda.Le groupe X (roulette nouée) apparaît en Ouganda dans les premiers siècles du second millénaire, suivi du groupe Y (roulette torsadée fine); à partir de 1500 AD, ils remplacent le groupe W dans la région interlacustre. Dans cet ensemble céramique, que l'on sait associé à des groupes de langues ouest-nilotiques venus du nord, une distinction est suggérée entre trois styles régionaux, qui sont mis en relation avec l'histoire des migrations de leurs producteurs.
This article offers a general classification of the ancient roulette-decorated pottery from the Great Lakes Region and from East Africa. A first pottery group, here named W, mainly characterised by twisted string roulette, appears as early asca 800 AD; this pottery might have been introduced to the interlacustrine area from the east and south of Lake Victoria. The hypothesis that the W group was associated with speakers of Southern-Nilotic languages is relevant to our view of the beginning of the Late Iron Age in interlacustrine Africa. This article suggests the establishment of pastoralist groups of Southern-Nilotic speakers in the interlacustrine zone and also examines their contacts with local populations, giving special attention to Rwanda.The X group (knotted string roulette) appears in Uganda in the first centuries of the second millennium, followed by the Y group (thin twisted string roulette). Fromca 1500 AD these groups replaced the W group in the interlacustrine area. In these last groups, which are associated with Western-Nilotes coming from the north, a distinction is made between three regional styles which are further correlated with the history of their makers.

This article explores the dynamic interplay between memory and forgetfulness in three French classical tragedies: Cinna, Andromaque, and Britannicus. Corneille envisages forgetfulness as a political virtue in Cinna: Auguste's clemency represents not only the redemption of the political misdeeds of his enemies but also their conversion from rebellion to submission. Moreover, the emperor's magnanimity conjures the notion of historical myth, his transcendence of guilt, and his profound need to detach himself from his criminal identity. Andromaque highlights, on the contrary, the tragic inability of protagonists to escape the powerful hold of the past on their conscience. Memories of the Trojan War continue to obsess them. Whereas Pyrrhus calls into question his heroic identity and winds up rejecting it, Andromaque takes refuge in the mythic past of Troy and remains forever wedded to the horrific images of the war's carnage. Racine emphasizes the deep-rooted influence of the historical past in Britannicus: Agrippine incarnates the aging matriarch bent on recapturing her glorious past but remains obsessed with the tragic dimension of time, which will result in her ultimate fall from power. Néron exemplifies the would-be virtuous emperor incapable of escaping from the tragedy of genetic determinism. By centering attention on the sheer decadence of Rome and the ignominious reign of the “monstre naissant,” Britannicus stands in direct opposition to Cinna, which clearly belongs to the heroic tradition of French classical tragedy.  相似文献   

During the 1930’s epistemology, history and history of science reciprocally and importantly influenced each other, even if indirectly. Philosophers and historians discussed the epistemological concepts emerging from the crisis of the exact sciences. They rejected Empirism and Idealism for an «experimental Rationalism» that connected theory and experience. It all caused a dialectical conception of science, fundamentally historical, but for which historians were still reluctant from a theoretical point of view. History was nevertheless the centre of philosophical and epistemological reflexions.  相似文献   

In the 16th and 17th centuries, medical knowledge was anthropological in so much as it produced a discourse on man whose ambition and legitimacy needed no justification. Underwritten by the belief that the body was an object of science, the epistemic horizons of a doctrina de homine emerged from the interaction of medical practice, particularly anatomy, with philosophy and theology in a specific framework - the reorganization of knowledge in Europe over the “long 16th century”.  相似文献   

As a recent phenomenon which strongly resonates with a transnationalism that can be understood as a desire to transcend both physical and cultural borders, the exile of Québécois filmmakers to Hollywood raises issues surrounding the notions of identity and territory that are relevant to Québec politics and cinema. This vast migration of successful filmmakers who are invading Hollywood with their Québécois imprint allows us to revisit the notions of Americanness (américanité) and territory, at a time where globalization and cultural diversification are blooming. In order to better explore those issues, we will retrace the evolution of the notion of Americanness in Québec films produced at various periods of time. Likewise, the study of the more recent works of Québécois director/auteur Jean-Marc Vallée will allow us to discover the director’s diversified representations of contemporary American dreams and landscapes.  相似文献   

ARP (la Société Civile des Auteurs, Réalisateurs et Producteurs) is one of the most significant cinema lobby groups in France today. Among its most important manifestations are the annual Rencontres de Beaune, a series of debates that attract some of the most influential figures in both the cultural and political domains internationally. This article aims to document the political successes and impact of ARP through a presentation and analysis of the 2000–2004 Rencontres Cinématographiques de Beaune.  相似文献   

LI Yueguang 《神州》2014,(5):22-23
Le roman de Chen Ran陈染Siren shenghuo 私人生活(La vie privée) constitue la vie d’une jeune femme, Ni Niuniu, qui vivait dans une métropole chinoise dans une époque de grands changements. Chen Ran a dévoilé la propre expérience de sa vie intime pour concrétiser son image de soi et d’autrui,son style de narration de la vie avec sa volonté et sa logique, pourétablir les paroles féminines.Chen Ran est une écrivaine singulière et importante dans la littérature contemporaine, elle nous a fourni une ressource spirituelle riche pour le développement de la littérature féminine du XXesiècle par ses nombreuses écritures d’exploration des expériences psychologiques spécifiques, féminines, qui représentent le modernisme.Pendant ces dernières années, son oeuvre s’ est orientée de plus en plus vers le psychologique et le philosophique en explorant la solitude, l’amour sexuel et la vie humaine. Chen Ran exprime la solitude et la tristesse des personnages par son écriture parfaite qui rend toute la beauté de la tristesse profonde. La tristesse qu’elle a exprimée n’est pas de simples expériences ou émotions personnelles, mais de la recherche et de l’interrogation profonde vers l’identité du《je》 et de l’《autre》  相似文献   

The distinction between literary chance and chance as experience (E. Köhler) allows the originality of Moritz’s autobiographical novel to be disengaged. This study of the motif of chance in book II ofAnton Reiser shows the establishment of a narrative method characterized by repressing the literary treatment of chance and maintaining of chance as a category of lived experience. In this text, the fortunate and unfortunate chances do not found the literary necessity of an exemplary destiny, but are the occasion for throwing light on the double determination, exterior and interior, that affects the character’s existence, an existence that is experienced under the sign of a radical contingency. It is in this first obscurity that psychological analysis operates, not to establish the horizon of Providence, but to disengage the general lessons of an existence, and to give to its hero, at this moment, the consistency of a novelistic character.  相似文献   

This article aims to reconstruct the history of the term “racial democracy” in Brazilian sociological literature. This term, usually associated with the idea of “myth”, is used in many studies of race relations without little definition or clarity. This article retraces its origins, in particular by showing that the concept is not the invention of Gilberto Freyre. It then examines the evolution of its use with particular emphasis on Unesco’s research in the 1950s and the texts of Florestan Fernandes in the 1960s.  相似文献   

Previous environmental equity studies have examined the spatial distribution of aircraft noise across cities. Their findings show that, in several cities, visible minorities and low-income populations are most affected by aircraft noise. In contrast, one study concludes that well-off populations are the most affected. These contradictory findings support the use of a comparative approach for several cities. The aim of this study is twofold. First, we want to identify if there are groups in the population that are in a situation of inequity to aircraft noise exposure in Toronto, Montréal, Vancouver, and Calgary. Then, we want to check if the exposure to the aircraft noise of the different groups varies significantly from one metropolis to another. We use the recommended noise exposure contour maps in Canada: the Noise Exposure Forecasts. Next, four variables are extracted from the 2016 Statistics Canada census at a fine-scale level (dissemination areas): that is, the percentages of low-income, visible minorities, 0- to 15-year-old, and 65-year-old and over populations. The results of a mixed effects logistic regression model show that environmental inequities in terms of exposure to aircraft noise for the four population groups are not consistent from city to city.  相似文献   

The market constitutes the crucial point in the debate which prevailed since the xviiith century in the history of antique economy. Became particularly complex for the Greek world because many historians and anthropologists (like Karl Polanyi) place there the liberty of the market economy as a break with the previous period. History must abandon too dogmatic a position on this emergence of the market and consider first the levels of the constitution of a market place, the agora, beginning with the end of the archaic period. The Greek city intervenes in the way in the exchanges. In this article, we study these interventions on the conditions of the sale and purchase, the practices, the values and the prices, the supplies, so as to understand the real innovation which that represents.  相似文献   

This study concerns the moral regulation of the Person in Brazil from the twenties to the end of the forties, from the point of view of the intense academic relationship between anthropology and psychoanalysis. It deals with the conditions under which that dialogue took place: the general crusade for the «civilization» of the country, between the central State initiatives in the promotion of hygiene and education and the medical, intellectual debates about the «African» heritage and the possibility of surmounting cultural «backwardness».  相似文献   

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