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Sunplay SPF65 Watery Cool 长时间户外运动及水上活动 高度防晒指数护肤产品,提供彻底全面防晒保护:加添冰凉薄荷感受,在炎热高温下保持肌肤清凉舒爽:  相似文献   

江玥 《风景名胜》2013,(11):28-35
夏季避署纳凉;冬日养生泡汤。到了眼下这个寒风四起的时节,寻一处温柔暖和的汤泉地,养生休憩两不误,实为上选。在温泉中享受地热带来的温柔抚触,与泉里各种微量元素亲密相拥,再做个水中运动浴或岸上舒缓spa,尝一尝当地独到的美食,探访周边别致的美景……泡汤关不只是单一的,而是丰富得让人喜出望外。在这个冬天,积蓄起更多暖意。  相似文献   

一个实用新颖的境外品牌购物指南网站——博羊网(www.poyong.com)于2007年11月正式上线以来,根据用户消费的需求特征,网站内容涵盖了境外旅游、购物各方面,包括购物退税、品牌知识、购物场所、折扣参考等信息。目前博羊网已成为众多出境游客和时尚人士的消费顾问,特为读者推荐值得购买的境外品牌产品,  相似文献   

Rocky  毛毛 《世界》2008,(6):24-29
每年此时,度假与防晒都会成为关注度最高的字眼儿。老地方和老办法早已无法吸引我们善变的心思。带上最新款的防晒霜,去到那些新颖别致、阳光灿烂的新目的地,过个特立独行的假期,收获雀跃的心情,以及健康的肤色。  相似文献   

本文以广州为案例,通过通勤高峰期间出租车GPS数据的时空挖掘,分析基于GPS起讫关联的居住地交通产生与分布特征,并讨论其所隐含的城市职住空间关系及在交通需求分析中的潜在价值。研究发现居住用地交通产生的出行距离存在ZIPF法则所表现的衰减规律,到达工业、商业金融和公共服务等用地的距离依次降低,而空间上距离呈中心城区向郊区增加的同心环模式。此外,本文还尝试从交通模型参数设定、职-住关系等方面探讨本文研究的应用方向。  相似文献   

潇潇  秀秀  耳朵  钮坤 《世界》2010,(2):166-171
期盼已久的长假终于到来!你将向哪个方向进发?美食,自然是提高旅行幸福指数的最大法宝。如果恰好你正盘算着以下这些地方。一定记得带上这张《世界》为你精心绘制的美食地图。  相似文献   

贺席燕  赵航  黄红良 《人文地理》2018,33(3):112-120
利用贵阳市出租车GPS数据,建立ArcGIS空间模型计算路段平均行程速度,以空间数据库和ArcGIS空间分析为技术支撑,分析道路拥堵状态的时空演化规律。结果表明:①路网平均行程速度的时间分布特征具有高度相似性,且工作日与休息日分布差异大;②工作日高峰时段拥堵区域分布主要以老城区为主。休息日总体上呈现离散分布趋势,且晚高峰时段交通状况比早高峰更拥堵;③工作日早高峰交通拥堵路段呈由中心核心区逐渐向外围扩散的趋势,晚高峰呈由外围向中心核心区聚拢趋势。休息日早高峰不明显,晚高峰呈现由外围区域向内聚拢趋势。基于上述时空演化规律,从城市功能分散、城市道路网、城市空间发展、城市公交系统等方面讨论了贵阳市城市道路交通优化调整对策。  相似文献   

城市老年人的户外体力活动的时空特征直接反映了其对城市体育空间的利用情况及闲暇时间的体力活动情况。本文基于2017年南京市老年人GPS活动轨迹和GT3+调查的第一手数据,运用MATLAB时空密度趋势面的可视化技术和GIS测度空间面积分析并比较南京市不同社区老年人户外体力活动的时空特征、活动空间形态与面积、体力活动量等,揭示不同社区老年人户外体力活动时空特征的社区分异,为政府相关部门了解城市老年人户外活动规律提供理论依据,为城市规划建设部门改善相应的社区建成环境、促进老年人积极的生活方式提供实践指导。  相似文献   


To help promote the use of centimeter and sub-centimeter level GPS for surveying archaeological Sites, a series of tests was conducted at the deserted medieval village of Cottam in East Yorkshire,England. In order to understand the capabilities of the technology, the GPS system was tested for speed, accuracy, and reliability and the results were compared with those from a conventional total station. Using the capabilities of the total station as a benchmark, the GPS system's accuracy and reliability were found to be acceptable. The test system, however, was found to be considerably slower than the total station and much more difficult to use with equivalent levels of accuracy  相似文献   

A preliminary analysis was made of ionospheric slab thickness, τ, and total electron content, TEC, for southern Australia using GPS satellite measurements. It was found that at mid-latitudes τ has similar overall diurnal, seasonal and latitudinal variations in the southern hemisphere as in the northern hemisphere. However, there are appreciable differences between τ in the two hemispheres which would justify appropriate modifications to ionospheric models based on northern hemisphere data before being applied confidently to the southern hemisphere. The usefulness of GPS satellites together with ionosondes over a spread of latitudes was demonstrated in determining long-term variations of TEC and τ over a large area. It was concluded that as few as four GPS receivers could provide TEC for the whole of Australia in real-time, though approximately six receivers in convenient locations would be required in practice.  相似文献   

Research on complex systems has identified various aggregate relationships in phenomena that describe these systems. Travel length has been characterized by negative power distributions. Controversy, however, exists over whether mobility patterns can be modeled in terms of a simple power law (Lévy flight model) or that more complicated power laws (exponential power law, truncated Pareto) are required. This study concentrates on two issues: testing the validity of exponential power laws and truncated Pareto distributions in urban systems to describe aggregate mobility patterns, and examining differences in mobility patterns for different travel purposes. The article describes the results of an analysis of Global Positioning System (GPS) taxi trajectory data, collected in Guangzhou, China, to identify mobility patterns in the city. The least squares statistic is used to estimate the parameters of the distribution functions. Results suggest that a fusion of functions, based on an exponential power law and a truncated Pareto distribution, represents the travel time distribution best. Moreover, the findings of this study indicate different mobility patterns to exist for different travel purposes.  相似文献   

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