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王志 《史学月刊》2006,(1):66-70
近世日本是建立在武力统治和身份统治基础上的封建家族国家,虽然其以中国的儒学为统治思想,但是统治阶级始终坚持尚武为立国之本,把尚武习武看成是执政者和有教养者的重要标志,认为在治世能保持尚武精神的武士才是真武士。关于君臣关系,在“家”观念支配下,他们认为君臣关系是建立在同一家族共同体基础上的,家臣与主君同样对家的延续兴亡负有责任。他们的忠君观念具有家族主义和集团主义色彩,具有超越主君个人而把家国作为忠诚对象的特征。近世武士阶级在中国儒学的影响下,能够自觉地从治国安民这一政治角度考虑百姓的生活,并且达到“为国家人民立君”这样的政治高度。  相似文献   

詹雪龙 《风景名胜》2010,(11):81-92
一把素琴,蕴藏着天人合一的奥义……七根丝弦,十指间诉不尽人海沧桑……余音缭绕、时空穿梭,心弦依旧、知音何求……  相似文献   

<正>在甘肃敦煌西部,有一处新发现的奇特地质地貌,学术上称为雅丹地貌。大风刮过时,会发出各种怪叫声,由于其整体像一座中世纪的古城堡,因而也被人们称为"魔鬼城"。  相似文献   


Following examination of a number of post-medieval perceptions of Peak, or Peveril, Castle in Derbyshire, the topographical setting of the castle is discussed. It is suggested that late-12th-century literature can give clues as to the way in those who built and used the castle in the 12th and 13th centuries might have appreciated the site.  相似文献   

巴隆国际猎场坐落在青海省海西蒙古族藏族自治州都兰县境内,昆仑支脉布尔汗布达山中。猎场分巴隆、香加、沟里三个猎区。总面积2000多平方公里。是青海省第一家对外开放,集观光、狩猎、科学考察、野生动物保护为一体的大型国际猎场。  相似文献   

In palaeopathology, diagnosis of skeletal disease is classically made with reference to changes wrought by known diseases in modern or recent cases. This report presents a skeleton from medieval England which shows a form of erosive arthropathy. A more precise diagnosis is problematic because the alterations appear inconsistent with any of the principle forms of erosive arthropathy in current clinical classification. The distribution of lesions in the axial and appendicular skeleton resembles that in seronegative spondyloarthropathies. The nature of the lesions however, which are almost entirely lytic and concentrated principally at synovial articulations rather than entheses, is inconsistent with seronegative spondyloarthropathies and is more consistent with pathophysiology of rheumatoid arthritis. These observations raise the possibility that the manifestations of erosive arthropathies may have altered over time and/or that our clinical understanding of the skeletal distribution of lesions in these diseases may be incomplete. These scenarios would have profound implications for our ability to identify the various forms of erosive arthritis in archaeological populations, but further work investigating erosive arthritis in patients, together with systematic studies of skeletal cases, would be required before firm conclusions can be made. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The discovery of the workshop ‘Les Olleries Xiques’ in Paterna has provided a unique opportunity to analyse the raw materials, and in particular the recipes used in the production of the lustre decorations. Chemical and phase analyses of lustre raw materials and of lustre decorations belonging to the workshop pottery are shown. A comparison with existing ancient documentation on lustre recipes is also presented.  相似文献   

Dubrovnik was an important trade city throughout the medieval and post‐medieval time period, maintaining its own glass production from the 14th to the 16th century. Unfortunately, Dubrovnik glass discoveries have not been well investigated up until now, except via archival data in large data analyses. In the following work, we will shed new light on the glass material found in this region, which has diverse origins, chronology, typology and style. Medieval and post‐medieval glass finds (10th/12th–18th centuries) discovered during archaeological excavations in Dubrovnik and the Dubrovnik region were analysed using particle‐induced X‐ray emission (PIXE) and particle‐induced gamma‐ray emission (PIGE), which revealed three main compositional groups: natron glass, plant‐ash glass and potash glass. This demonstrates the important commercial links present between Dubrovnik and other major glass‐making centres.  相似文献   

Medieval Pottery     
J. I. 《考古杂志》2013,170(1):62-64
Excavation of an area of over 750 sq. m during 1992–94 and 1999 revealed a multi-period prehistoric site preserved beneath the Roman fort. Flints attested mesolithic activity. In the early Neolithic a segmented ditch may represent part of a causewayed enclosure. By c. 3000 cal. B.C. this had been superseded (in this area) by pits and shelters associated with flint-knapping. Finds, but not structures, attest a bronze-age presence. Within the period 390–170 cal. B.C. a roundhouse with cultivation plot, part of an unenclosed settlement, occupied the area. This had been burnt and was rich in carbonised plant remains which provided information about the arable economy and spatial variations in the use of the roundhouse interior. In the later Iron Age the area was reclaimed by cultivation associated with an unlocated settlement. The nature of the occupation on the eve of the Roman period is not known.  相似文献   

T. Wright 《考古杂志》2013,170(1):212-221
Correlation between features excavated in advance of a gas pipeline, and cropmarks photographed some years previously, led to identification of a Saxon rural settlement, occupied from the sixth or seventh century through to the mid-ninth century. It comprised several interconnected enclosures, adjacent to two main trackways. A narrow strip was excavated through the settlement, and five possible sunken-featured buildings, and numerous ditches and pits, were recorded—most ditches delineated enclosures which had been repeatedly redefined. The pottery assemblage spanned the transition between regional early Saxon and middle Saxon wares. Prehistoric occupation in the vicinity was evidenced by pottery (including beakers), flints and a bronze dagger jragment.  相似文献   

Albert Way 《考古杂志》2013,170(1):226-239
The Coningesby family connection with Guy of Warwick is recorded in a pedigree of the family in the Lincolnshire Record Office. The will of Sir Henry Coningesby, knight, indicates that he built the present house at North Mymms Park, probably in the 1580s. It is suggested that the ‘Warwick’ worthy depicts Sir Henry's thirteenth-century ancestor, Sir Roger Coningesby, knight, Steward of the house to Guy of Warwick. There was a connection by marriage between the house at North Mymms, Hertfordshire and Nether Hall, Essex, where similar wall paintings had existed. The association between the Coningesby family, when at the Manor of Weld and the Cutts family, when at Salisbury Hall, both in the parish of Shenley, Hertfordshire, probably accounts for the similarity of the frieze in the Oak bedroom and the frieze in Childerley Hall, Cambridgeshire.  相似文献   

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