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This article attempts a preliminary exploration of the intraregional cohesion and division between British Hong Kong and the Lingnan macroregion. A deliberately overlooked locale in Skinner's macroregional model, Hong Kong developed from a periphery zone on the far eastern outskirt of Lingnan in its precolonial days to a thriving metropolis at the end of British rule. The transformation of British Hong Kong attests to the economic fundamentals of intraregional cohesion. More significantly it highlights the decisive power of political intervention, underestimated in Skinner's approach, which brought enduring changes to the shape as well as the internal and external relations of the macroregion.  相似文献   

This article proposes the concept of policy blending to improve our understanding of the densely interactive quality of political initiatives in early 1950s China. Using three cases studies, I argue that policy blending, defined as the process by which previous political experiences shaped the implementation and interpretation of those subsequent to them (sometimes in ways contrary to the government's intentions), occurred frequently during this period, to the extent that people's understanding of the first years of Chinese Communist Party rule cannot be separated from this phenomenon. Using examples from marriage registration, the Marriage Law and the national discussion of the 1954 draft Constitution, I advance the historiographical argument that the early 1950s should not be demarcated by, or taught mainly with reference to, "temporally encapsulated" policies with clear beginnings and ends (i.e., policy "a" occurred in year "b," followed by policy "c" in year "d"). Rather, policies seeped into each other, producing a blurry--but sometimes accurate--"impression" of state power. I further suggest that the concept of policy blending can be helpful in understanding subsequent political initiatives as well.  相似文献   

This special issue grows out of a shared research interest in the state-building process during the formative years of the People's Republic of China (roughly defined,1949-66) and its profound political,social,economic,and cultural consequences.Five articles in this issue demonstrate that the Communist Party ot China made a great effort to mobilize different political constituents,social classes,professional groups,and cultural communities to consolidate its rule and advance its revolutionary agendas.Governing a deeply diverse and discontented society,the Party created a system of control and mobilization based on the combined mechanisms of political indoctrination,bureaucratic intervention,neighborhood surveillance,and social voluntarism.Communist rule in the 1950s and early 1960s created new cultural forms,business practices,and a new framework under which the party-state's political agenda and bureaucratic apparatus interacted with individual lives.  相似文献   

Given its restrictive natural and geographical conditions, Tibet remained backward in economic development for a long time. With the peaceful liberation of Tibet in 1951, the Central Government formulated policies geared to stimulate social and economic development in the region. From 1952 to 2000, the Central Government granted 47.49343 billion Yuan in aid of Tibet, and spent 31.0232 billion Yuan in infrastructure construction there. In 1984, the Second National Conference on Work in Ti…  相似文献   

In the 1939 New County Reforms, the Nationalist government made the baojia system the lowest level of self-government in the country. This decision was the result of more than ten years of discussion among Nationalist administrators and writers who were searching for a tutelary system to train the people in their political rights in preparation for constitutional rule. In the 1920s and 1930s, Nationalist writers claimed to be following Sun Zhongshan's (Sun Yat-sen) philosophy by reinventing the baojia as a form of democracy. Harkening back to a reimagined national past, they "discovered" that the imperial baojia was not a system of local control, but a traditional model of bureaucratically-designed local self-government. Nationalist writers dovetailed this new baojia with Sun Zhongshan's philosophy in order to rationalize its position as the foundation of the Three Principles of the People State. Once philosophically legitimized, Nationalist writers endorsed the baojia as a top-down bureaucratic system that would transform the political, social, and economic life of the country; it would become the core political unit of their state-making and nation-building projects. In so doing, the baojia came to represent the Nationalists' deeply-held belief in the power of human agency to create state institutions capable of entirely remaking society and transforming the nation.  相似文献   

In the decades before the full-scale war with Japan in 1937, a robust series of institutions connected the bourgeois with intellectuals (which included professionals and journalists, as well as academics) in Shanghai. Collectively, these institutions can be understood as forming an urban "cultural nexus of power" that allowed non-state actors to effectively control aspects of Shanghai's political life. This bourgeois-intellectual alliance was not inevitable; no similar bonds existed between these same two groups in Beijing. It was forged in Shanghai due to the city's unique historical position as a Treaty Port and its dynamic economy, which included an extensive structure of private higher education and a market-based publishing industry. Unlike the rural "cultural nexus of power" originally described by Prasenjit Duara, this urban nexus grew stronger during the political and economic changes of the early twentieth century. War and revolution in the 1930s and 1940s, however, destroyed the connections between the bourgeoisie and the intellectuals, ending the vibrant urban environment they had created.  相似文献   

The thirteenth Dalai Lama Ngawang LozangThubten Gyatso was a very spectacular and complexcharacter on the political stage of Tibet in moderntimes.His experience of a lifetime of frustrations re-flected the then tempestuous and changeable situation.Any evaluation of a Tibetan political and religiousleader has always been a contentious problem in aca-demic circles,because it involves the explanation andexposition of relations between the Tibetan local gov-ernment and the Central Government after the Revo-lution in 1911. For a long time I have had a keen inter-est in the“the Great Thirteenth,”as he has been called.After a long period of study I have formed my view-point on this historical figure, and I present it here to  相似文献   

<正>1,Historic meaning of the Reform and Opening-up in Tibet The status and destination of a certain object altogether form its historic meaning.To understand reform and opening up in Tibet,we should first understand its historic meaning.There is more than one thousand years’written history in Tibet,and the whole history of Tibet can be summarized into"two summits"and two"four hundred years".The first summit is from early 7th century to mid 8th century when Songtsen Gampo established Tubo Dynasty,communicated with Tang Dynasty,learnt from inland in economic and cultural fields and deepened friendship between Tibetan and Han.  相似文献   

王宇光 《神州》2012,(28):236
From the point of view of the interpersonal function in the theories of Halliday’s systemic functional grammar,this paper uses Clinton’s farewell speech as an example to explain how interpersonal meanings are generally realized in a political speech.Through a brief analysis of linguistic elements on different levels,the lexical,the sentential,we can find that modal auxiliaries and mood are the elements usually used in political speeches to achieve different interpersonal meanings.  相似文献   

The visit of our delegation to Tibet was, indeed, an eye-opener. Ours was one of the first political delegations fromIndia to visit the Tibet autonomous region in many decades. The economic development that we could see in the capital city of Lhasa as well as in the other urban and rural areas clearly showed that compared to Nepal, Bhutan or other Indian Himalayan areas, the Tibet region is witness to unprecedented economic and other consequent social  相似文献   

Keeping Abreast with Religious Advancement
The chapel in the Tashilhunpo Monastery for the stupa of the 10th Panchen Lama was built in 1993. I found the woodcarving art was my newly discovered complex art. When and where from does Tibetan woodcarving originates? I have not yet to make any conclusions from all my research. Notwithstanding, academic circles generally conclude that the origin and advancement of Tibetan woodcarving art was keeping abreast with the dissemination and development of Buddhism in Tibet. That is to say woodcarving was included when Songtsen Gampo built the Tubo Kingdom in the 7^th Century.  相似文献   

胡瑾 《神州》2013,(34):163-163
Media with the Politics
It' s not fresh news to anyone of us that the politics can use the media as an efficient strategy to present themselves and their political views. With the rapid development of the mass media and communications, it offers political figures to employ the strategies of symbolic construction with the purpose of presenting and promoting themselves in front of the audience (Schlesinger and Tnmber, 1994). With the purpose of keeping public orders and reduce the crime rate, the media plays a very important role in .'broadcasting' the 'advertising' for the government,  相似文献   

It is often said that “Confucius composed the Chunqiu 春秋 (The Spring and Autumn Annals) to convey the way of the king.” Scholars have long noticed that before the founding of and during the Han Dynasty the phrase that served as the title of the allegedly Confucian work, “Chunqiu,” was also often used to designate history in general. In what intellectual and textual contexts did the term evolve from something general into a specific concept associated with Confucius? What works or ideas did pre-Han and Han scholars have in mind when discussing Confucius’s Chunqiu and the broader “Chunqiu” canon?1 Exploring these questions, the study that follows begins by systematically documenting the occurrences of this term in pre-Han and Han texts. It demonstrates that while Mencius was the first person to associate Confucius’s teachings with the Chunqiu, his statement was a solitary and surprising voice in the pre-Han era. Not until the Western Han Dynasty was Confucius widely heralded as the creator of the Chunqiu. But few scholars are aware that Western Han scholars never strictly distinguished the laconic Chunqiu from the detailed historical knowledge preserved in the Gongyang 公羊, Guliang 谷梁, and Zuo 左 commentaries. Furthermore, as the Chunqiu gained canonical status, the phrase still served as a generic term, referring to various historical narratives. Zhang Xuecheng 章学诚 is famous for claiming that “The Six Classics are all history,” and I shall show that in the minds of the people of the Han Dynasty, all historical works were classics.  相似文献   

In this article, through the studies on the statues of brag-lha-klu-phug in Lhasa, combining with Chinese and Tibetan documents, the author makes a further exploration into its date, artistic styly and the relations with the Buddhist art of the neighbourhood. Apart from the influence of the art of grottos in Hexi Area, the traditional cultural relations between Tubo and Nepal, India also should be considered. The styles of statues, the Grotto of Tubo dynasty is closer to that of the Buddhist art of Nepal.  相似文献   

Despite the rolling of high plateau and stunning Himalayas, Tibet has a nickname of “Holy Land” with its ancient history and colorful culture. Refered as Shangri-La, the roof of the world and many more, the mysterious kingdom remained closed to others, exerting a strong hold on the imagination of the world. For centuries, it has fascinated mankind in various ways. Its religion is one of astonishing one. Here we have questions! What is Tibetan Buddhism about? How many sects it has? What about each one‘s doctrine? Have you ever known its architectures, its religious arts, as well as its incarnation of Living Buddha? People feel curious about its powerful inspiration and cohesive strength,  相似文献   

To most specialists and non-specialists of Chinese political culture, probably the most intriguing question is why the Chinese empire, one of the largest political entities in human history, attained against all odds its unparalleled longevity for more than two millennia from 221 BCE to 1911. Building upon his previous study of the formation of China's unique imperial ideology prior to the foundation of the first dynasty, (Yuri Pines, Envisioning Eternal Empire: Chinese Political Thought of the Warring States Era, Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 2009).  相似文献   

(1)China's Tang Dynasty (618-907) and Yuan dynasty(1279-1368) were of epoch-making importance in theformation and development of the Tibetan ethnicgroup.Numerous ethnic tribes began to unite,and theprocess of evolution from a tribal to a political societywas basically completed over the span of the twodynasties.The advanced political,ec,onomic and cul-rural systems of the Han people were introduced intoTibet,primitive tribes were gradually replaced by a  相似文献   

This volume brings together accounts of biographies of women covering a span of history from the Han dynasty to the mid-twentieth century.Its aim is to define and provide interpretive clues on the genre.It is,as the editors Joan Judge and Hu Ying point out,partly a study of epistemology,as many of the authors grapple with the issue of whether or not historians can claim to know the lives,including the inner worlds,of Chinese women through time,using biographical information.That seems to me a bit of a "straw wo/man," for knowledge of historical subjects is always mediated by sources.Nonetheless,the contributors,writing from the perspective of history or literature studies,bring a wide variety of viewpoints to bear on questions of the usefulness of women's biography for understanding changes in society,and in the process introduce some fascinating Chinese women.  相似文献   

Keeping abreast of China's massive economic and open-door reform,the social productive forces of the Tibet Autonomous Region(TAR)have gradually started to match the same pace as other areas of the country.All ethnicities living in the region have been enjoying the ever-increasing achievements of an abundant modern civilization,and with fullscale assistance from both the central government as well as Chinese people nationwide,local residents have united as one to fight against poverty and backwardness.  相似文献   

The Chinese Government has developed a strategy for the “Broad-Scale Development of WesternChina”, bringing the development of Western China, including Tibet, into the overall strategy for the modernisation of China. It has also formulated special preferential policies towards Tibet. Therefore Tibet is now in historically favorable circumstances for development. By studying those preferential policies toward Tibet adopted by the Chinese Government,the author tries to analyze their social and economic benefits, tease out the fundamental principles of Tibetan development reflected by them,  相似文献   

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