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Road for Gonggar AirportThe Central Government has approved construction of the "two bridges and one tunnel" project which is expected to shorten the 98-km distance from Lhasa to Gonggar Airport to 53 km. As a result, the travel shall be shortened from 90 minutes to 50 minutes.Construction of the project shall consume 6.5 billion Yuan in investment.The two bridges refer to the 1,594-rneter-long Lhasa River Bridge and the 3,797-meter-long Yarlung Zangbo River Bridge. Both are of the extra large type in Tibet.The one tunnel refers to the Shierong Tunnel that cuts through the mountain by 2,426 meters.The new road will extend 13.282 km. It will be a second class one by the Chinese standard. It is expected to meet Tibet's need for economic construction in the 10-15-year period. It is expected to be built at the end of 2004.  相似文献   

She is Obviously a bright girl,her eyes attractive enough tokeep me staring for minutes onend,when I first met her at myfriend's home.  相似文献   

In a Tibetan valley, before the sun rises, a corpse tied in a fetal posi-tion is laid on a large rock on a mountainside. Someone is burning a fire with cypress branches andIndian azalea branches, onto which zanba(roasted highland barley) is sprinkled, andthe smoke curls upwards. A very strange odor soon begins tospread across the valley. Within 20 minutes, a black dotemerges from before the rising sun andbegins to fly towards the smoke; one dot,two, three Gradually, the first dot assume…  相似文献   

1) From 1932 to 1933 British explorers,after lots of hardships and dangers, orga-nized 3 PV-3 planes to fly over Qomolang-ma. They reached a height just 150 metersabove the mountain top, and flew around itfor 15 minutes before returning to base.This flight was only an exploring activity,instead of an attempt at civil transportation.2) During World War II, the "hump airroutes" for transporting war materials fromBurma (Myanmar) to Kunming was close tosoutheast edge of the Himalayas and USA…  相似文献   

At 18:30 on the evening of June 15, horns were blown as the 11th Panchen Erdeni stepped out of the Sunlight Hall of the Tashilhungpo Monastery in Xigaze into the Dorgyia Courtyard, where he was seated on the throne prepared for him.When all of the 500-odd monks present had taken their own seats, the young Buddhist master led them to recite the Sutra of Tara and eight other sutras.The sutra recitation lasted about 90 minutes. The young master, seated on his throne from beginning to end, never stumbled while the monks recited with closed eyes and lowered heads, obvi-  相似文献   

Burning aromatic plants is a religious ritual indispensable forworshipping activities.BURNING AROMATIC PLANTS ON THE 15TH DAY OFTHE 5TH TIBETAN YEARLegend has it that King Gesar subdued many demons andwiped out evil in the interest of his people. One day, he summoned his men, and sang:"Whom should deity protect d there are no people ?Everything will turn upside down if there is no deityWhen there are both the people and the deity, everything willbecome auspicious.The 15th…  相似文献   

Garma Garze painting school is one of the three famous painting schools in the Tibetan-inhibited areas (along with Moinze and Qenze painting schools), and was formed in the 15th century. Major master painters of the school include Tonglha Zeweng, who is one of the most outstanding modem painters in the region.  相似文献   

FOOTSTEPS IN THE SNOWLANDAuthored by Wei Ke, who worked in Tibet from 1950 to1 970, this is the 19th volume of the Selected Tibetan Historical Data. Stories he experienced in the book are interestingand give readers knowledge. Running to 270,000 words, the32-mo book has been published by the Ethnic MinoritiesPublishing House. It is priced at 15 Yuan per copy.LIFE OF THE TIBETAN FARMERSAuthored by Xu Ping and Zheng Dui, the book is animprovement of the former book title…  相似文献   

EDITOR'S NOTE: In 2000, the illiteracy among people aged 15 and older was 55-65 percent in Qamdo,Nagqu and Ngari, and 26.2 percent in Lhasa and 31.14 percent in Nyingchi. Female illiterates arenumerically greater than their male counterparts. Such a situation is most serious in Qamdo,followed by Xigaze and Nagqu; it is relatively less in Lhasa and Nyingchi.  相似文献   

Garma Garze painting school is one of the threefamous painting schools in the Tibetan-inhibitedareas (along with Moinze and Qenze paintingschools),and was formed in the 15th century.Major master painters of the school include Tongl-ha Zeweng,who is one of the most outstandingmodem painters in the region. Tonglha Zeweng(his religious name being Garma LhozhubWose)was born in Dege County in 1901.He started to learn to  相似文献   

The Sagya Dawa Festival is one of the most ceremonious religious festivals in TAR. it comes during the fourth month of Tibetan calendar every year held by Buddhists. This year it was on June 18(April 15 by Tibetan calendar).  相似文献   

当年查全性的讲话大约15分钟左右,邓小平插话表态,直到最后的拍板,整个过程只有20分钟。一个历史伟人瞬间的决断使中断10年之久的高考制度得以重新恢复。  相似文献   

过了3月15,你要是不知道8点20,就OUT了。 事件过程并不复杂,一年一度的央视“3·15”晚会开始后大概半小时,郑渊洁、“叫兽易小星”、“留几手”等大V在短短3分钟内相继发出了一条以“3·15在行动”为话题的微博,抨击对象亦“不约而同”指向苹果公司。不料又一个3分钟后,  相似文献   

The Samye Monastery in Shannan holds rituals to worship sutras on the 15th day of each 5th month. Worshipping sutras is called "Dorde Qoiba" in Tibetan, and the tradition was said to have been created by Muni Tsampo of the Tubo period.  相似文献   

237 London Rd. Burgess Hill RH15 9QU 27 March 05 Dear Degyi, We didn't hear from each other for a long time. ——Here's the latest from me. ……China's Tibet I like your Number Two. Front page perfect-answering Dalai Lama -good. That picture Caring performing religious ruituals Why! There is two counties left in the world today  相似文献   

Originally, people living in Shigatse celebrated their Lingka Festival from May 1st to 15th in accordance with the Tibetan calendar. Recent changes in the weather enable locals to hold a joint celebration with Children's Day. Therefore, the actual official holiday of Lingka Festival is on June 1st, when people join in a big celebration that usually lasts for one week.  相似文献   

面积:2.23平方公里海拔:45米地理位置:广东湛江Information交通:湛江市区一湖光岩风景区霞山:观海长廊9线旅游巴士每10分钟一班。汽车总站:3线公共汽车每15分钟一班。赤坎:汽车分站(寸金公园门口)6线公共汽车每30分钟一班。住宿:若想住宿景区可选择玛尔湖山庄内,湛江市区无论饮食和住宿都较为方便,重点推荐。  相似文献   

2002年12月12日,日本TBS(东京放送)电视台的权威新闻栏目<筑紫哲也News23>推出了一档15分钟的新闻特集,收视率达14.7%.节目引起了强烈反响.日本右翼声称要宰了这部片子的采访制作者,因为这部片子所揭露的真实历史让他们害怕.片子用大量真实可靠的事实,证明日本当年推行的慰安妇制度是真实存在的.  相似文献   

Located some 160 km northwest of Lhasa, Damxung is a county where people live on herding. Some 300 years ago, however, it was the camping ground for the Eight Banners of the Mongolian military.Why the Camping CroundIn the early 15th century, the Gelug Sect emerged in Tibetan areas. Founded by Tsongkapa much later than its counterparts, the sect developed by leaps and  相似文献   

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