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The author focuses her approach on the quite unknown actor’s figure, central in the theatrical activity of the jesuit colleges, at the end of the sixteenth and beginning of the seventeenth century. The author attempts to decipher the portrait of the christian actor, an antiactor invested by all the strenght of truth whose image is feigned by the comedian. But, more generally, the paper places the actor of Jesuit religious dramas, which were often written by the professors of the colleges, in the framework of those colleges, which constitutes the ultimate guarantee, since the actor is a student, and in no way a future actor, of the specificity of this theatre.  相似文献   

Dans la prétendue révolution chimique, un point de rupture demeure indiscutable : la réforme de la nomenclature chimique réalisée en 1787 par Guyton de Morveau, Lavoisier, Berthollet et Fourcroy. Cet événement est ici replacé dans le contexte plus large de l'évolution de la chimie aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles. La réforme de la terminologie est considérée dans le long terme ; les débats menés et les efforts déployés avant 1787 sont interprétés à la lumière de quatre facteurs : le développement de la chimie des gaz, l'introduction d'une nomenclature systématique pour les sels, le modèle suscité par la nomenclature linéenne et les réformes de la pharmacopée. Comparée aux efforts de Bergman et Guyton de Morveau, la Méthode de nomenclature chimique crée une rupture en approuvant la théorie de l'acidité et de la combustion de Lavoisier ; elle attire également l'attention sur le fait qu'il vaut mieux nommer une substance (méthode) que d'en chercher le terme approprié (nomenclature).  相似文献   

Cet article aborde la question des changements, dans la très longue durée, de la division internationale du travail à partir d'un observatoire qui est l'échange de produits de luxe. Cette approche est loin d'être mineure, car le commerce international s'est structuré, à l'époque moderne, à partir de ces produits de prix élevé. Dans la première moité du XIXe siècle, les trois évolutions les plus importantes ont été la régression structurelle des exportations de l'Asie des produits de haute qualité vers les produits primaires, la situation d'exportateur primaire des états-Unis et la division du travail entre Grande-Bretagne et France, entre exportations de produits industriels de qualité moyenne et exportations de produits de luxe et demi-luxe. Cette division internationale du travail marque encore fortement les échanges du XXe siècle. Au travers de cette étude sont recherchés les déterminants de la division internationale du travail, qui ne se comprend guère avec l'analyse économique standard d'inspiration ricardienne ou néoclassique. Des raisons complexes—provenant de la structure sociale des marchés des pays exportateurs, de leurs traditions de savoir-faire, des pratiques et des circuits commerciaux, des usages de paiement et de la structure des circuits des compensations internationales—expliquent que les actions individuelles des agents économiques convergent vers des configurations macroéconomiques qui ont leurs logiques propres.  相似文献   

On the basis of the trajectory of something made of paster which had impassioned the statisticians of the years 1880 and which furnished André Breton the very exemple for the notion of a surrealist object, one wonders whether the surrealist theory of chance was born by chance. By translating the issue which Ernest Coumet addressed in 1970 concerning the Pascalian geometry of chance, we investigate here the relationship between the history of science, art history and the history of scientific culture during the last century. In return, we hope to suggest why Coumet's article opened such a wide horizon in the history of the theory of probabilities thirty years ago.  相似文献   

Among the examples of the «principle of circulation» in European space, the Huguenot phenomenon is one of the most significant cases, by its duration, four centuries, its scale and the diversity of its expressions. It begins as early as the XVIth century with the persecution of the first French Protestants who start emigrating to Holland, confirms its dimension after the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes in 1685: 200,000 French Protestants take refuge mainly in Switzerland, in the United Provinces, in the British Isles and in Protestant Germany, continuing to have connections with their co-religionists who remained inside the French Kingdom. Throughout the XVIIIth century, three networks, religious, cultural and economic, in constant interaction without superimposing themselves, define a Huguenot circularity which marks European space. During the XIXth-century nationalisms, this circularity strongly weakens without completely disappearing, in particular among the French Huguenots. From World War II on, a reactivation based on memory occurs, which leads in France the Huguenot areas to receive many of Nazism's victims, then facilitates religious and cultural exchanges between Huguenots from France and from the «Refuge».  相似文献   


This article will analyse, from a transnational history point of view, the actions of Spanish anarchists in France from 1945 onwards, especially the relationships and the projects that they developed with French anarchists. Moreover, it will study the difficulties of integration faced by the Spanish libertarian colony in France, the links built with their French comrades and the different actions carried out in the domains of trade unionism, culture, leisure and the armed struggle.  相似文献   

Despite the growing interest in the use of child images in humanitarian contexts in the last few years, there has been no transverse study of the iconography of famines in contemporary times. On the contrary, this iconography has been analysed in a scattered way, in disciplinary boundaries that prevent a more global understanding of the birth and use of these images. By comparing the approaches of the history of humanitarianism and childhood, as well as of social photography and media analysis, the purpose of this article is to show that visuals of starving children eventually find their roots at the end of the nineteenth century, at a time when charitable organisations are using photography as a tool to mobilise civil society and governments as well as to internationalise the humanitarian response. This analysis of Western visual strategies and media mobilisations throughout the twentieth century helps to put into perspective the so-called rupture between a first and a second age of humanitarianism. It shows first how young generations have become a privileged form of representation since the nineteenth century, using an aesthetic universe that is morally compelling; then, later, how the depoliticisation of the victim’s figure engages a political message.  相似文献   

Reflecting on the alleged differences between the medieval town, based on its cathedral church, and the Renaissance town, supposedly grouped round its prince's palace, the author embarked on an examination of the role of the duomo and its precinct in the Italian town of the later middle ages. Apart from its central importance in religious functions, especially preaching and processions, and the conscious effort to ensure that the town's greatness was matched by the splendour of its cathedral, the author shows that the duomo served as the venue for recieving distinguished visitors, for public declarations, for miracle plays, for funerals, and even for some purely secular activities. The role of the duomo was thus at once religious and social and political.  相似文献   

Doubtless put together in Merovingian times, the temporal possessions of the archbishops of Rouen were enlarged in the twelfth century, thanks to restitutions and, above all, to royal donations. A rapid transformation took place in the thirteenth century: substantial growth and diversification — due to exchanges with the king, purchases of lordships, of houses, or of rents in direct ownership, and reclamations and other improvements — of a patrimony which had become an instrument of spiritual administration. Reaching their maximum revenue around 1330, these temporalities were scarcely modified thereafter as regards their composition, but difficulties in the first half of the fifteenth century, which halved the revenue, affected above all the rural elements, so that the proportion of urban revenues — especially dues on commerce — increased. At once vast and varied, these temporalities take on a somewhat original aspect by comparison with many other ecclesiastical temporalities based on the ownership of rural domains or urban properties.  相似文献   

This article examines the manner in which the Grosses vollständiges Universal-Lexikon published by Johann Heinrich Zedler from 1732 to 1750 and considered as the most important german language encyclopedia of its time, welcomes and restructures the classical doctrine of the reason of State. Contrary to the interpretation in which the concept of the State developed by the Lexikon would fit into a pure jusnaturalistic logic, it shows the permanence, parallel to wolffian natural law, of a prudential tradition of political thought. The Lexikon, a contemporary of the Anti-Machiavel of Frederic II, thus appears to be the faithful mirror of the heterogeneous tendencies which then illustrate the field of the problems in the reason of State.  相似文献   

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