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Insbesondere in Zeiten knapper ?ffentlicher Finanzen haben Politik, Wirtschaft und Privathaushalte ein Interesse daran zu erfahren, ob die in zahlreichen F?rderprogrammen gebundenen Steuermittel effektiv, zielgenau und erfolgreich eingesetzt werden. über die Erfolgskontrolle von staatlichen Interventionsprogrammen hinaus werden zunehmend auch Institutionen, Instrumente und Beurteilungskriterien auf ihre Wirkung hin untersucht. Daher hat in jüngster Zeit nicht nur in den technischen Disziplinen, sondern auch in den planungsbezogenen und sozialwissenschaftlichen Fachrichtungen verst?rkt die Diskussion um Evaluierungen, ihre wissenschaftliche Genauigkeit, gesellschaftliche Akzeptanz sowie politische Brisanz eingesetzt. Verb?nde und Einrichtungen versuchen, die wissenschaftlichen und ethischen Standards für die Evaluation zu verbessern und neue angepa?te Evaluationsrichtlinien zu entwickeln. Um so erstaunlicher ist es, da? bis heute kaum ein wirklicher Durchbruch einer ausgepr?gten Evaluationskultur in Deutschland zu erkennen ist. So gilt es zu fragen, welche Erfahrungen es in Deutschland diesbezüglich gibt, welche St?rken und Schw?chen sich in der Vergangenheit erkennen lie?en und welche Methoden angesichts ver?nderter Rahmenbedingungen bei welchen Problemstellungen geeignet sind. Schlie?lich empfiehlt es sich, auf die Erfahrungen anderer L?nder zu blicken, um zu lernen, wie wir eine neue Evaluationskultur entwickeln k?nnen. Die Begriffe Evaluation und Evaluierung werden in diesem Text synonym verwendet, wie es auch sonst üblich ist.  相似文献   

Time Lines, Folded Time, and Discourse Analysis: Continuities of Maternal Imagination. Focusing on a discourse‐oriented history of knowledge, this article deals with the relation between continuity and time. It will discuss concepts of linear and homogenous time and problematize a one‐sided focus on discontinuity and rupture in discourse analyses. After examining notions of continuity, discontinuity, and temporality in the work of Michel Foucault, I will ask how continuous elements can be theorized both as instruments and objects of research, without adopting a linear concept of time. Thus, Michel Serres' concept of folded time will be presented, because it implies a multiple, heterogenous and non‐linear temporality and entails both continuous and discontinuous entities. Thereby relations of power should be considered as factors influencing the shape of the folding. In this way, folded time can serve as a useful tool for discourse analysis, enabling to examine specific and local continuities that vary in different discursive formations. To give an example, I will briefly turn to the concept of women's imagination in pregnancy. According to most historical analyses, this concept declined in the middle of the 18th century and persisted afterwards only as an outdated remainder in folk knowledge. Nevertheless, a closer examination reveals that knowledge on imagination was actively produced in medical advice literature and some scientific discourses until the first decades of the 20th century. This demonstrates that an overemphasis both on rupture and on the timeline of academic medicine might conceal continuous elements and the folded time of specific knowledge formations.  相似文献   


Based on an extensive personal investigation and study of the ethnographic literature, three methods of observation that are still used for time measurement in various minority nationality areas in South West China are reviewed: observation of the terrestrial environment; observation of the celestial environment; and use of specially constructed instruments. The sequence of developments in time measurement and the motivations behind them are analysed from the point of view of the 'needs theory' of Maslow. Physiological needs are deduced to be dominant among those who obtain food by gathering, fishing and hunting. To fulfil these needs, such people initially consider changes in the terrestrial environment and determine time by observing objects in that environment. Because errors made in determining the time have caused people's safety to be jeopardised, 'safety needs' have emerged as an important motivation for finding more accurate means to measure time. In their search for more refined methods of measurement, attention has shifted from the terrestrial to the celestial environment, using data about the movement of the Sun, Moon and stars to determine time. When human culture becomes complex, people have more complicated needs and require more specific methods of measuring time. Thus, they create artificial instruments to fulfil what Maslow called 'high motivations', such as 'belongingness and love needs', 'esteem needs' and 'the needs for safety actualisation'.  相似文献   

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