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李一平 《世界历史》2006,(4):99-106
亚齐民族分离主义运动是印尼诸多民族问题中的一部分。本文通过对亚齐民族分离主义运动的产生、发展等问题的研究,认为亚齐民族分离主义运动的出现,是印尼不同地区和不同民族之间在“中心”与“边缘”关系上存在着的社会经济差异与发展的不均衡造成的。深入研究这一问题有助于认识东南亚地区的民族问题。  相似文献   

魁北克分离主义对加拿大联邦统一的挑战在1995年达到了危机状态.尽管当年就魁北克分离问题而举行的全民公决最终以非常微弱的多数使加拿大政府渡过了危机,但该问题的存在仍对加拿大联邦统一的前景构成威胁.为此,加拿大联邦政府一方面向加拿大最高法院请求有关魁北克分离问题的法律解释,同时又邀请了国内外著名的法学家对分离问题做出国内法、国际法上的权威分析和建议,并通过了特别立法来规定可能发生的魁北克分离要求的法律和政治程序,试图在法律、政治程序层面从根本上限制魁北克民族分离主义者的任意行为.  相似文献   

Islam came to China via the Silk Road, the great trading route beginning in the ancient Chinese capital of Xian. Islam flourished during the brutal but religiously tolerant Mongol Yuan dynasty. Harsh repressive measures were employed against the rebellious Muslims of the Qing dynasty. Islam has survived the tumultuous 20th century and has experienced a revival in the new millennium. Following a brief historical overview, including some of China's relevant history of insurrection, rebellion and reforms, the nature of the Muslim community in China, along with pressing contemporary issues, will be outlined and discussed.  相似文献   

唐桓 《民族译丛》2006,(2):29-37
下高棉人是今越南九龙江平原地区(历史上为“下柬埔寨”地区)的土著。下高棉人与越南主体民族越人(京人)之间在历史上形成的民族隔阂及现实矛盾,在世界民族分离主义浪潮的影响和外部敌对势力的煽动下,演变成下高棉人要求成立独立的“下高棉国家”的民族分离主义运动,对越南的社会、政治及对外关系产生了严重的影响。  相似文献   

楚鹏 《旅游纵览》2013,(2):34-39
随着旅游业的蓬勃发展,区域旅游合作也不断深入。长江三角洲不仅是我国经济最发达的地区之一,同时也是我国的旅游资源高富集区。长三角地区作为我国旅游的金三角区域,其旅游合作已经由旅游点、线合作向旅游区合作方向发展。本文对长三角地区旅游合作的基础与现状进行了全面深入的分析,并在此基础上提出了一系列对策以真正实现长江三角洲地区的区域旅游合作。  相似文献   

<正>魁北克城,这座北美最古老的城市,融合了欧洲的典雅和浪漫,包含了北美的奔放与热情。它拥有浪漫的艺术气质,是我心目中最美的古城。有人说,魁北克秋后似火的枫叶让人迷醉,而我则选择在零下近30摄氏度的寒冬时节造访,只为那全地球最盛大的冰雪狂欢节。  相似文献   

At the beginning of the 20th century Quebec stretched beyond its current boundaries. Indeed, it was commonplace to speak of Quebec d'en haut (upper) and Quebec d'en bas (lower). A common destiny seemed to disintegrate a third of the way through the century only to be rekindled in recent times.  相似文献   

<正>魁北克城向导Richard的美食寻味之旅从一家标榜正宗的拿波里披萨店开始,可惜我才吃了一半就仓惶而逃,据他说下段行程是带我去吃奶酪——想想那味道我要吓死了。美国纪录片《丑陋的美食》曾经嘲讽过玛格丽特披萨这种抱残守缺、因循守旧,以守护传统为名,  相似文献   

Abstract. The replacement of the Soviet Union by independent states rather than by a loose confederation of component republics reflects (in part) the demands for change that were being expressed by mass publics. What caused the people to reject decentralisation of authority within the existing state structure and chose rather to support movements that insisted on the establishment of independent states? We examine whether concerns about ‘discriminatory redistribution’ and ‘cultural preservation’ were more important than questions of ‘efficiency’ or ‘relative deprivation’ as motivations behind support for secession. The analysis is based upon public opinion data from Russia, Ukraine and Lithuania gathered in May of 1990 and in June of 1991. We conclude that although issues related to cultural preservation and discriminatory redistribution were foremost in the minds of separatists, concerns about efficiency and improved management in government are also relevant for understanding support for separatism.  相似文献   

The broader clash between Charles I and Parliament that became the English Civil Wars was reflected in the narrower battlefront of ecclesiology. With the collapse of censorship, Katherine Chidley's separatism, already formed by the 1620s, achieved an audience in 1641 with her first publication which, ironically, championed the less radical position (and newly coined term) of Independency. Her publication was in response to Thomas Edwards who was striving to ensure Presbyterianism became the new established church. The tension between the two demonstrates the continuity between Elizabethan Brownism and mid‐seventeenth‐century English separatism, the complexity of the relationship between Independency and separatism, and the rivalry between Presbyterians and Independents/separatists for legitimacy and predominance. The Chidley–Edwards duel sheds light on the multiple conflicts of the day when the magnitude of the stakes involved were captured succinctly in the previous monarch's maxim: “No bishop, no king, no nobility.” The new position of Independency emerges more clearly through their debate.  相似文献   

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