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传奇之旅并不仅止步于布拉格,捷克还有很多吸引人的魅力小城,如果你在布拉格已停留3天以上,且还有充裕时间的话,可以考虑从布拉格出发,到其他城市去走走看看。布拉格是捷克的中心,往来交通发达,又因为国土狭小,去一个城市,根本不用带着所有行李,而是可以一早出门,当晚返回。当然,那些宁静的小地方,也很值得住上一两晚。  相似文献   

珊珊 《世界》2008,(8):12-15
8月最热的城市当然是北京!奥林匹克运动会正如火如茶地在北京举办,全球其他国家又该如何吸引人们的视线?消暑度假、节日庆典、购物打折……不如让我们看看下面这些曾经举办过夏季奥运会的国家,8月拿什么精彩节目与奥运抢镜。  相似文献   

潇潇 《世界》2010,(6):118-125
哥本哈根的夜晚宁静。街道上行人稀少、灯光寥落,全然没有其他大都市的灯红酒绿。人们早早便上床睡觉,在丹麦工作生活了四年之久的Snow也早已入乡随俗,“早点关灯上床睡觉既是对资源的节省,也是最好的美容秘诀。”在这个举行全球气候大会的北欧城市,低碳和乐活的生活理念早已体现在人们衣食住行的每一个细枝末节。发条闹钟、再生卫生纸、毛衣椅垫……丹麦,已经为世界树立了一种乐活标准,比童话更美、更幸福。  相似文献   

kurt 《世界》2012,(11):122-123
无论从哪个角度来看,巴塔哥尼亚都像是商界中一个任性的孩子,它的经营方式与“利润最大化和降低成本”的说教背道而驰。低调、选材环保的产品一点儿也无碍其高端强大的户外地位。  相似文献   

280年前的一个春天,在法国上萨瓦省(hautesavoie)的阿纳西小镇,一个16岁的男孩爱上了一个骄傲的贵妇。那一天的阳光很好,他看到了她眼中泛起的湖波。  相似文献   

<正>关注环保的人发现,继2月的"世界湿地日",3月,有关生态环境的纪念日更多了:中国植树节,世界森林日,世界水日,世界气象日。寒冷的冬季渐行渐远,在生命复苏的时节,人们用纪念日的形式提醒自己,为了人类更长久地分享美好的  相似文献   

This article examines how mediation is not just limited to the format that's selected to convey the findings of previously conducted research that supposedly followed the conventional protocols of the historical discipline. Rather, it considers mediation as a fundamental part of building historical knowledge, for it assumes that every part of the historiographical operation can be defined as “mediation.” Specifically, it deals with colonial historical mediation, a concept that refers to the combination of an overt or concealed agenda, intentional or unnoticed bias, commonsense assumptions, inherited academic and political traditions, conceptual constellations, and more or less informed theoretical beliefs that configure the subtext upon which historical explanation is built, particularly in Latin America.  相似文献   

Summary.   This article reviews a number of research methodologies used to record household and settlement architecture and assesses their value in the investigation of the human use of prehistoric built space. It exemplifies, through case studies, five broad approaches to, and research techniques associated with, the investigation of such architecture. These approaches are: architectural form; the spatial distribution of activities; continuity and standardization; the relationship between built and non-built space; and human patterns of movement. Then, drawing mainly on Near Eastern, and particularly Anatolian, material, it shows how a sixth approach, the use of ethnographic observation and analogy, provides insights into functional and seasonal variations in spatial use, patterns of movement and social organization. It identifies seven categories of data collection and nine observations drawn from the ethnographic material which together provide an investigative and interpretative framework for the study of early farming communities in the Near East and elsewhere.  相似文献   

In this paper new and previously known passage tomb art in north‐west Ireland is recorded using an innovative recording technique. The use of this method, which involves vector drawing from digital photographs taken with oblique lighting (VeDPOL), has clarified and increased the instances of megalithic carving in the north‐west of Ireland. At two monuments – Listoghil and Heapstown Cairn – the new recordings have allowed us to contextualize the art within the broader corpus of passage tomb motifs. Additionally, it is proposed that one of the carvings from Listoghil is of later prehistoric origin and not Neolithic as previously believed. Finally, and most importantly, this paper highlights a group of motifs recently found at Cairn B in the Carrowkeel‐Keashcorran complex. This discovery demonstrates for the first time that megalithic art was a feature of all four major passage tomb complexes in Ireland.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. I analyze oligopolistic competition among three or more firms located on Hotelling's (1929) Main Street and show that in contrast with Hotelling's duopoly, the symmetric locational structure supports a noncooperative equilibrium in prices. However, in a two-stage game of location choice in the first stage, and price choice in the second stage, there exists no subgame-perfect equilibrium where the whole market is served. This is because, starting from any locational pattern, firms have incentives to move toward the central firm. This strong version of the Principle of Minimum Differentiation destroys the possibility of a locational equilibrium. The results are a direct consequence of the existence of boundaries in the space of location. The sharp difference between these results and those of the standard circular model (whose product space lacks boundaries) shows that the general use of the circular model as an approximation to the line interval model may be unwarranted.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.  In this paper we employ dichotomous, multinomial and conditional logit models to analyze the employment-migration behavior of some 380,000 U.K. university graduates. By controlling for a range of variables related to human capital acquisition and local economic conditions, we are able to distinguish between different types of sequential migration behavior from domicile to higher education and on to employment. Our findings indicate that U.K. female graduates are generally more migratory than male graduates. We suggest that the explanation for this result lies in the fact that migration can be used as a partial compensation mechanism for gender bias in the labor market.  相似文献   

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