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中国传统的天文分野是基于"在天成象,在地成形"的宇宙生成论而构建出来的一套天地对应学说,其中蕴涵着丰富的政治文化和思想文化内容,值得我们从思想史及观念史的层面去加以考察。本文着眼于中国传统天下观的视角,对历代分野说体现出来的世界图景及其与国家政治版图之间的密切关系进行了系统研究,揭示出分野学说"分野止系中国"的文化地理观念,以及象征国家疆域主权、宣示中国与周边藩国政治臣属关系的政治功能。这些思想文化与政治文化特征所折射出来的就是充满华夏中心主义意识的中国传统天下观,自宋代以后,一些先知先觉的知识分子开始对这种狭隘的世界观提出质疑和批判,从而构成了晚清以后中国传统天下观崩溃的一个远源。  相似文献   

本文梳理了明清以来的山东方志分野,总结了山东方志中各县分野分布,并进一步考察了其叙述方式与理论背景。本文认为,传统分野理论自身本存在矛盾,且关注对象为较大的行政区划。多数地方志编纂者并非盲目因袭经典或官方文献,而是有自发的思考与书写。在这种背景中,方志分野叙述既有对分野理论本身的怀疑,也有刻意地调整与弥合。如将之置于思想史的背景中理解,能帮助我们更好地认识分野理论的传承脉络及其在思想史与地理学史中的内涵。  相似文献   

“九州”新解   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“九州”之说,出自上古文献记载。但“九州”是否为夏代的行政区划,史学界尚有争议。本文运用考古资料和历史地理文献,通过对上古领土意识和疆域观念的分析,认为:“禹序九州”实有此事,它体现的是夏人凭借他们所掌握的关于“天下”的地理知识,按照当时确已存在的人文地理区系和分野,对夏王朝声威所及之地所作出的具有地理学和政治学双重意义的划分和界定,体现了夏人对于“天下”秩序的认识。  相似文献   

《上海博物馆藏战国楚竹书》(四)收入一篇定名为《曹沫之陈》的古兵书,主要内容为春秋初期鲁庄公与曹沫之间关于对阵用兵之法的问对,其中涉及"交地"一词。此"交地"与《孙子·九地》中的"交地"为一。"交地"本为西周封邦建国时预留在各国封疆之间的"空白"地,法理上属于周天子。平时各诸侯国可以通过"交地"进行交通往来,但却不能任意占有。春秋时期,周王对诸侯国的约束力下降,先王之制失效,列国争相扩张,蚕食土地,"交地"不仅是列国争夺的对象,同时也是各国之间的缓冲地带。"交地"在本质上和传世先秦文献中的"间地"、"郤地"或"隙地"并无二致,只是在不同语境下的称谓差异而已。因此,春秋时期列国之间的疆界并非都是错壤而处,封疆之间也存在着"间"、"隙"、"交"地这样具有一定宽度的中间区。  相似文献   

在湘东地区包公信仰的田野调查基础上,对该地区存在的神灵附体现象进行了简略介绍,动态地刻画出湘东农村地区的信仰需求和行为方式,补充了有关南方汉族地区"萨满仪式"的研究。根据当地包公信仰生态的独特性,着重论述了"神媒"与"当地庙宇"之间的关系。民间信仰在社会转型过程中,与之对应的传统文化体系的种种适应性改变,正是回应这种诉求。  相似文献   

该书讲述的是1944—1946年以国共关系为中心的中国政治史。在此前的20余年中,国共关系几经波折,这一次波折乃是最后一次。但值得注意的是,这一次,其形式和性质与以往截然不同,它直接表现为国家政体和国家秩序的转型;更确切地说,最后一次国共关系变化引出了国家秩序的转型,并集中体现为两种国家政体的对立:联合政府与一党训政的对立。这一次政治转型的失败,决定了国共两党由政争走向战争的最终分野。  相似文献   

刘慧 《民俗研究》2015,(2):105-114
泰山信仰是关于"生"的信仰,也可理解为生命信仰。这种信仰源发于对太阳的崇拜。太阳是世间万物的初始者,而由太阳运动所引发的阴阳观念是对生命发生的概说。天、地作为与阴阳对应的范畴,是生命的缔造者,封禅是对天地恩德的答谢。在泰山信仰的历史发展中,对"生"与"生命"的崇尚,始终是一个永恒的基点。泰山信仰的宗教与非宗教特性,具有广泛的"适应度",在不同的历史时期、不同的社会阶层,都会感受到它强大的生命活力。  相似文献   

符号系统是人类特有的一种语言,当作用于人与人的关系的时候,它是表达相互反映的中介;当作用人或客观世界的关系的时候,它是认识事物的工具;当作用于文化的时候,它是文化信息的载体。锡伯族民间美术在北方民族先民原始信仰、哲学和艺术的基础上,在民族文化艺术发展、融合、变迁中历史地构建起了一个与之相对应的特殊的艺术符号系统,在锡伯族人民对之创造、改造、传袭的过程中,使之具有了锡伯族民间特有的审美意趣与尺度,它不断地给予民间艺术家们以形象的启迪,成为锡伯族民族艺术造型体系的骨架。因此,有必要对这些神秘的艺术符…  相似文献   

吉祥 《中国地方志》2011,(10):44-52
传统意义的“边”一般是指处于国境边缘的地区,此种意义上的“边”涉及边疆地理、国界和边防、跨国的资源生态环境、边贸等诸多国家关系问题。而省际之间的边县关系通常是一个被忽视的领域。自秦始皇统一中国后至元代以前,中国的行政区划特别是一级政区,一直用天然山脉、河流作行政区的边界,行政区划与自然区划基本一致。  相似文献   

春秋列国盟会之演变   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
春秋列国盟会之演变莫金山盟会是春秋时期一个突出的历史现象。其数之多,种类之繁,涉及面之广,作用之大,影响之深远,在中国历史上,不仅空前,而且绝后。据笔者粗略统计,一部《左传》记述了四十一国一百五十余次盟会。当时诸侯之间、列国之间的矛盾纠纷的形成和解决...  相似文献   

在世界经济区域化一体化的发展趋势下,日本的日元区域化国际化进程给我国参与东亚货币合作带来一些启示,全球化时代区域内经济的高度相关性,欧元和美元金融区对亚洲货币造成的压力使东亚货币合作势在必行。中国在参与东亚货币合作过程中需要妥善处理中国与日本,中国与东亚其他国家和地区,中国和美国的关系,同时着力解决好中国正在面临的国内问题。  相似文献   

Administrative regions do not necessarily correspond to areas that are homogenous in terms of innovation intensity. Although this has been recognized in the literature, quantitative evidence that explicitly considers this problem is rare. Using spatial exploratory analysis on detailed regional data derived from a census of R&D performers in the Czech Republic, we identify local spatial clusters of R&D activities and assess the extent of their (mis)match with administrative borders. Overall, the results support the arguments for regionalization of innovation policy. However, the existing policy units do not appear well suited for this purpose. On one hand, there is a need for policy coordination between multiple administrative regions. On the other hand, however, there are diverse patterns within them. Similar problems are likely to haunt the regionalization process in many other countries, which is alarming, as the regional accent of innovation policies becomes ever more vehement over time.  相似文献   

川江的特殊历史地理背景及其在三国时期的战略地位决定了围绕川江对峙的双方政权对这一地区的经营擘画。由于对峙过程的持久性和地域的复杂性,双方的军事方略均在一定程度上体现为政区建置的调整。本文即从政区建置入手,剖析三国时期两个阶段中峡口东西两个政权,即鼎立时期的蜀国与吴国以及蜀亡以后的司马氏与吴国之间,围绕川江战线的攻防策略。  相似文献   

左江流域六县(市)地处桂西南喀斯特地区,区内农业资源和生产水平各有差异。为了配合该地区经济的全面开发,我们收集了该地区七十一个行政乡农业生产有关的特征数据,运用数学的方法--聚类分析法和电子计算机技术,对该地区农业的空间布局进行合理调整--种植业类型区划分,并分别论述各类型区的特点及今后发展方向。为该地区今后在农业生产上做到宜地适种、扬长避短,并在此基础上向区域化、集约化的农业迈进提供科学依据。  相似文献   

This article asks about differences and similarities in the way cultural policy and business policy deal with regions in Norwegian city regions. The article discusses New Regionalism as a particular spatial practice, and stresses the difference between regionalism as a bottom-up process driven by local stakeholders and regionalization as a top-down process driven by state bodies. The role and significance of New Regionalism in city-regional policy-making is investigated. Empirical findings shows that cultural policy at the city-regional level is still under strong influence from a top-down state regionalization, while business policy at the city-regional level is, to a large extent, an example of bottom-up regionalism. The spatial logic of these two policy-fields differs from each other. Business policy rests on an interpretation of region/place as a container of established networks, relations and interactions that should be coordinated in order to strengthen the region in its competition with other regions. Cultural policy rests on another interpretation that is not territorial in the same degree, but rather on a logic that place/region is created as relations between persons, groups and institutions within a geographical scope that is not predefined and fixed with borders and boundaries.  相似文献   

明初设立的九溪、永定二卫,到了清初已经演变为征收屯赋、管理屯民的地方行政性管辖机构。雍正年间裁卫设县,结束了九溪、永定二卫的历史存在,并在调整土地与户口归属的基础上,最终完成了湘西北地区卫所军事管理体制向州县行政管理体制的转变。  相似文献   

The basic notion in Soviet economic regionalization that administrative divisions should correspond closely to economic regions is often ignored at the local level. The Muya area, an intermontane basin in northern Transbaykalia, is discussed as an example of an area in which an artificial administrative division hampers the resolution of economic problems of the area as a whole.  相似文献   

Regionalization or districting problems commonly require each individual spatial unit to participate exclusively in a single region or district. Although this assumption is appropriate for some regionalization problems, it is less realistic for delineating functional clusters, such as metropolitan areas and trade areas where a region does not necessarily have exclusive coverage with other regions. This paper develops a spatial optimization model for detecting functional spatial clusters, named the p‐functional clusters location problem (p‐FCLP), which has been developed based on the Covering Location Problem. By relaxing the complete and exhaustive assignment requirement, a functional cluster is delineated with the selective spatial units that have substantial spatial interaction. This model is demonstrated with applications for a functional regionalization problem using three journey‐to‐work flow datasets: (1) among the 46 counties in South Carolina, (2) the counties in the East North Central division of the US Census, and (3) all counties in the US. The computational efficiency of p‐FCLP is compared with other regionalization problems. The computational results show that detecting functional spatial clusters with contiguity constraints effectively solves problems with optimality in a mixed integer programming (MIP) approach, suggesting the ability to solve large instance applications of regionalization problems.  相似文献   

The evolution of life on earth, the appearance of man, and social and historical progress are viewed as stages in a single process of development of the surface of the earth. Using the forum of a popular-science journal, a Soviet geographer noted for his theoretical work on regionalization envisages a time when the natural geographic envelope of the earth (atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere) will be so saturated with man-made engineering structures as to become a new entity called anthroposphere. This entity will have the characteristics ot a world-wide city with its municipal institutions. It will be highly organized in combined functional-nodal regions, benefitting from a multilevel system of services and a hierarchy of transport centers. It will be a “superorganism” with remarkable analogies to a living organism.  相似文献   

19世纪中后期,西力东侵,维系原来中国、朝鲜和日本三国关系的条件发生了变化,东亚地区三个古老的国家开始相继实现对外开放的历史进程。三国在向近代外交迈进的过程中表现出不同的姿态。中朝两国的统治者都不能以对世界变局的正确认识以及健康的心态迎接来自西方的挑战,融入新的国际秩序。只有日本在新的形势面前适时摒弃传统的世界观,以近代世界观看待东亚秩序问题,进而建立一个以日本为中心的东亚新秩序。三国在19世纪中后期不同的外交取向,与其是否能够与时俱进,形成近代世界秩序观有着直接的关系。  相似文献   

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