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Fist Leg:Xainza The periods between March and May or between October and December are the best times for going to northern Tibet,when there is no rainy season,cars will not get stuck and it is not too cold.  相似文献   

On July 10,2004a 12-member journalist delegation left Beijing for Tibet by air.The plane landed at Chengdu Shuangliu Airport at 13:00,and took off again at 15:10.At about 17:00 we arrived at Lhasa Gonggar Airport.Following a journey of some 90 km after leaving the airport,we reached Lhasa, and stayed at Lhasa Tibet Hotel.  相似文献   

The Tibetan Red Cross has a branch in Tibet and in LhasaCity, whose members are openminded, non bureaucratic and sincerely dedicated to the improvement of poor people‘s standard of living and life conditions. So, at the end of the year 2000, they accepted a small project that they have been working with and supporting since with success. The cooperation of local authorities (Lhundrup and Medrogongkar)at every stage and level also contributed enormously to the achievements of the project, It must be underlined that although the sponsors are Europeans and there is one foreigner working with inPSTTM, the work and expertise are solely based on local Tibetan and Chinese knowledge. The reason is simple: there is enough local knowledge for everything needed for this project.  相似文献   

Gungjor County in Qamdois situated on the middlesection of the Jinsha-jiang River,on the upperreaches of the Yangtze Riverand in the northern part ofHenduan Mountains.Foreststhere total 220,198 hectares,and the forested area totals60,791 hectares.They com-bine to function as a naturalscreen on the Yangtze's upperreaches.  相似文献   

Before directly addressing the titular question, this chapter examines how conceptions of hope often lead us astray, reaffirming rather than challenging the status quo. In analytic philosophy, hope is often understood as a desire that is not entirely justified with reasons. In critical theory, hope has recently been looked upon suspiciously, as an affect the circulation of which is intensified by neoliberal economics. In mid-twentieth-century German theology and theory, hope is viewed as entirely other-worldly. In liberation theology, the object of hope is identification with the poor. This article argues that each of these views produces antinomies, and each of these views ends up perpetuating the status quo: in a racial context, white supremacy. After exploring the antinomies of hope, the article urges that whites are to embrace these antinomies. They are to hope for despair.  相似文献   

Upon the invita-tion of the ChinaNational Centerfor TibetanStudies,I attended theInternational Symposiumon Tibetology held in Bei-jing in July 2001.Of the100-odd participants,mostwere Chinese Tibetan studyworkers.Foreign scholarsnumbered only some 20,and they came from the  相似文献   

Simply for Touching this Piece of Pure Land Mayu Hot Spring is the third we have passed on our way. It is located in Mayu Township 4.539 meters above sea level.  相似文献   

AdiscussionmeetinqwasheldinLhasaonthemorningofJuly25tomarktheeighthanniversaryofthelaunchingofChina'sTibetAttendingthediscussionmeetingwereleadersoftheTibetAutonomousRegion,Radi,chairmanofthePeople'sCongressoftheTibetAutonomousReqion,deliveredaspeechatthe…  相似文献   

Drawing on letters written by citizens of the USSR to US Congressman James Wright following his 1987 congressional visit and Soviet television appearance as well as follow‐up interviews conducted by this author with many of the same individuals in 2002–2004, this paper will recount the memories of several Muscovites and argue that although the western collective memory of the Cold War is one of victory, the individual accounts of Russians reveals a created memory of the Soviet past which, when confronted with the dire socioeconomic conditions that exist in post‐1991 Russia, leads to a crisis of identity.  相似文献   

Travel in Tibet     
Travel in TibetTravelinTibet¥YANGYICHOUAvastlandmassrosefromthedepthsoftheoceansome40millionyearsagoformingwhatweknowtodayasT...  相似文献   

BeforetheDemocraticReforminTibetin1959,Tibetanserfslivedindirepoverty,Infact,theywerepartofaslavesociety.Inthatpartoftheworld,thereweresomeethnicgroupswhostillledaprimitivewayoflife.Duringourrecentvisittotheseethnicgroups,wedidourbesttolookforsignsoftheirpastlives,butfoundtintsofmodernityamidthetraditionallifestyle.LhobaEthnicGroupEscapeFromtheForestHuntingwasthechiefmeansofsubsistenceforpeopleoftheLhobaethnicgroupinTibet.Thegamewasusedtotradeforzanba(roastedhighlandbarleyflour),sheep'sw…  相似文献   

EDITOR'S NOTE: The Chongqing Publishing House has published a set of eight books under the general title of Series Books on Folk Art in Tibet, covering clay molding art, mask art, garments, tangka painting, weaving, building and decoration, Mani stone carving, and sculpturing. They contain some 20,000 illustrations to enhance reader interest.  相似文献   

DietChangesinTibetNAMGYIBackinthemid-1980s,autumnwastheseasonforfunctionariesofTibetangovernmentinstitutionstostorefoodt'orha...  相似文献   

Peopleintheworldasawholenowliveinapollutedenvironmentfeaturinginferiorwaterqualityandcontaminatedair.InTibet,however,theairisclean,theriverandlakewateriscrystalclear,andtheskyisblue.Thishasmuchtodowithasmallpopulation,measurestakenbytheCentralGovernmenttoprotecttheenvironment,andeffortsmadebyenvironmentalworkers.HIPPOPHAERHAMNOIDES.InJuly1999,wefoundwithgreatinterestlargeexpanseofnaturalHippophaerhamnoidessurroundingaremotevillageinQoizhomo,Shannan,Tibet.Accordingtolocalforestrydepa…  相似文献   

B lack.necked cranes re as l:i]J171ous as pan das and re aSpdellS Of Wlldllfe SLlbj。ttofirstclassstatep旧tee-oon.They areftyl.-nd mmMyin Chin& lthough somehave also been discoveredn India,Bhutan and Nepal. Known as Gras Nsrlcollls,they measure 120 cmlong.They卜ave wiitsh su-ver feathers whose ims resomewhat brownish.Theirheads enbit some dark redcol加butmo血Ms of theirheads and neck re black,with a wmtC叩ot below theCyes.The feathers on theirwings re browmsh,whi…  相似文献   

IN1975,theQinghai-TibetPlateauComprehensiveScien-tificInspectionTeamoftheChineseAcademvofSciencesstartedtosurveythegeothermalresourcesinsouthernTibet.Atestwellwithadepthof39meters(ascomParedtothedesigneddepthof300meters)atYangbajainfoundastrongcurrentofhotundergroundwater.Encouragedbythediscovery,theCentralGovemmentandthelocalgovernmentoftheTibetAutonomousRegionorganizeddeveloPmentofgeothermalresourcesintheareaandthedevel-opmentofageothermalpowergen-eratoLTenyearslaterin1985,whenChine…  相似文献   

~~Beijing Tibet Middle School~~  相似文献   

FortheHappinessOftheTibetans──ProgramtoAidthePoorinTibetLIUGUANGXUThegovernmentoftheTibetAutonomousRegionhasmappedoutaplantos...  相似文献   

FollowingtheLivingBuddhaXaricangIntoTibetforthePeacefulLiberationofTibetBeginningwiththisissue,wecreateanewcolumncalledPastMe...  相似文献   

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