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An academic “Seminar on Tibetan History”,hostedby China Tibetology Research Center,was held inBeijing from September 1 to September 3,2002.Pro-fessors and Experts.in Tibetan history from severalTaiwan universities,such as Taiwan Politics University,Culture University,Zhongzheng University,SouthChina University and Mingchuan University took partin the seminar,and more than 30 mainland scholars  相似文献   

The Tibetan Red Cross has a branch in Tibet and in LhasaCity, whose members are openminded, non bureaucratic and sincerely dedicated to the improvement of poor people‘s standard of living and life conditions. So, at the end of the year 2000, they accepted a small project that they have been working with and supporting since with success. The cooperation of local authorities (Lhundrup and Medrogongkar)at every stage and level also contributed enormously to the achievements of the project, It must be underlined that although the sponsors are Europeans and there is one foreigner working with inPSTTM, the work and expertise are solely based on local Tibetan and Chinese knowledge. The reason is simple: there is enough local knowledge for everything needed for this project.  相似文献   

Colin Renfrew: Archaeology and Language. The Puzzle of Indo‐European Origins. Jonathan Cape, London, 1987.

J. P. Mallory: In Search of the Indo‐Europeans. Language, Archaeology and Myth. Thames and Hudson, London, 1989.

T. L. Markey and John A. C. Greppin: When Worlds Collide. Indo‐Europeans and Pre‐Indo‐Europeans. Karoma, Ann Arbor, 1990.  相似文献   

TibetanFolkEpic¥//TheBiographyofKingGesar,afamousTibetanfolkepicbasedonpopularmythology,folktales,folksongsandsayings,isconsi...  相似文献   

EightTibetanTreasuresXEIRABGYACO,WENQUNTAIEightTibetanTreasures,alsoknownastheEightTibetanFairiesandEightAuspiciousInsignias,...  相似文献   

Language is the sedimentation of history. Its unique characteristics enrich a peoples' understanding of their past. Language is also a tool of communication and interaction between people. It  相似文献   

WhentheOutlineofTraditionalTibetanFineArts,masterpieceoffamedDainzi,waspublished,itwonfirstprizeattheSecondNationalTibetanBooksFairin1995inBejing.Withgreatinterest,Ibrowsedthroughthebookandwassoonattractedbyitsrichcontent.GenqugDainziwasbornintoafarmingfa…  相似文献   

TheDevelopmentofTibetanCulture¥//ZHANGZHIWEIHistoryprovesthatadevelopedcultureisaprerequisiteforsocioeconomicdevelopment.Cult...  相似文献   

Of medium height.he isa strongly built manwith black,curly hair,with nothing unique todistinguish him from his fellowTibetans.But,Dorje is a Mem-ber of the Chinese Academyof Engineering(CAE),and noother Tibetan can match himin this regard.  相似文献   

AWindowonTibetanCultureGELEGThelastfewcenturiessawnumerouspeopleventUreintoTibet,aholylandtuckedawayontheRoofoftheWorld.Howev...  相似文献   

ManyintheworldviewTibetasalandwheretradihonalobjectsstillplayamajorroleindaiIylife.Ibothagreeanddisagreewiththis.PeoplewhosupportthisideabolstertheirviewbyarguingthatPOtteryhasalonghistoryinTibetandChinaatlarge.Indeed,potteryenjoysahistoryofmorethan5,000yearsinChina,andtheTibetanslearnedthisskillduringthe7thcentury.Throughthepassingyears,pot-teryobectshaveenjoyedgoodsalesnotonlyinTibetbutalsoinitsneighborNepal.HoweveL...PlasticWineWaresvs.F)ottet'i,,WineWaresTheTibetanscherishthetradit…  相似文献   

Since the liberation from the German occupation of 1940–1945, the dominant national narrative has been of the far-reaching exploitation and destruction of the Norwegian economy by the occupant forces. The scholarly basis for this narrative was a book written by Odd Aukrust and Petter Jacob Bjerke in 1945. The narrative formed an important basis for the Norwegian variant of economic reconstruction following liberation and has also dominated historiography. However, Aukrust and Bjerve’s presentation of the bleak situation in 1945 was exaggerated and is, historically speaking, untenable. Another conclusion is that the German occupation initiated a 20-year period in which the Norwegian economy was less open and exposed to internal and external competition than in any other period subsequent to Norway entering the liberal age of free trade and free international capital transactions in the middle of the 19th century.  相似文献   

At noon,Dargye's wife cooked lunch for us.While chanting, the generous herder brought us dishes with green pepper fried with yak meat,well-cooked potato slices,vegetable soup and rice. We were told that all vegetables were actually picked from his glass house.Dargye said that just several years before,his family could only purchase vegetables from the markets of the County's downtown,200 km far away.  相似文献   

OpeningtheWindowforTibetanArt¥//Thisyearmarksthe30thanniversaryofthefoundingoftheTibetAutonomousRegion.China'sTibetiscelebrat...  相似文献   

Prefaceto'ChinaTibetanBuddhistMonasteries'¥//YANLINGDOJETheChinaTibetanBuddhistMinasteries(hereafterreferredtoasMonasteries),...  相似文献   

TibetanIssue:LievsTruthJ-YAOSHENIamaChineseAmerican.BorninChina,buthavingspent40yearsstudyingandlivingintheUnitedStates,Ihave...  相似文献   

TibetologistsarestudyingTibetwithgreatinterest.Manypapershavebeenproducedandthefollowingarehighlightsofsomeofthem.FactorsBehindGelug'sFallInTibetanSludies(issueNO.l,2000),XuDecunwrotethatinrecenttimesTibetansocietywasfilledwithshaIPeningcontradictionsastheTibetanfeudalserfownersystemdeclined.ReformofTibetanBuddhismturnedouttobeamust,andmanymonksleftBuddhahallsandshowedinterestintheoutsideworld.Ontheotherhand,theyfailedtodomoreforthedevelopmentofBuddhism,resultinginthedeclineoftheGelug…  相似文献   

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