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本文从产业结构分析出发,研究了东北亚经济区中一个特殊区域上三个国家间经济技术合作的政治和经济基础,指出了区域间经济技术合作的资源互补性、产业发展差异性、科技水平各具优势特征和经济发展水平差异性等现状特征,提出了中国东北地区与俄罗斯远东地区及蒙古人民共和国在经济技术合作的产业方向。  相似文献   

徐渊 《中国钱币》2006,17(1):29-38
“中华民国中央银行钞票”存世极少,十分珍贵。其面值见有壹元、五元两种(插二下),其中壹元票长144,宽89mm;五元票长160,宽92mm。钞票正面,上端均为篆书“中华民国中央银行钞票”、下侧均有篆书“中央银行发行”字样,中间则分别为隶书“壹元”或“五元”之面值,四角分别有“壹”和“1”或“五”和“5”的面值数,底纹均为由无数“中央银行”小字纵向排列而成的放光芒图案;钞票背面,中间分别为“壹元”或“五元”面值,面值两侧分别有“1”或“5”字面值数。吴筹中先生曾在1990年第三期《中国钱币》上刊出过一张五元票的黑白图版,当时他认为是…  相似文献   

钱屿 《中国钱币》2002,(3):51-53
1911年12月2日,苏浙联军攻克了南京。12月8日,江苏都督府任命余成烈为度支部江宁造币分厂总理,林景为协理。维时军需孔殷,日促拨款,势难停工以待新币式之颁布。是以12月11日,该厂沿用旧模重新开铸“大清银币”银元①。 1912年1月,原度支部江宁造币分厂改名为中华民国江南造币厂,刊用了木质关  相似文献   

钱杰 《中国钱币》2004,(1):11-13
192 7年 4月 1 5日 ,蒋介石在南京召开会议 ,决定定都南京 ,中华民国步入南京国民政府时期 ① 。 1 92 8年 4月 2 7日 ,国民政府通过马寅初“统一国币 ,废两用元”提议② 。 6月 2 0日 ,财政部在上海召开全国经济会议 ,会上确定币制方针 :推行纸币集中主义、推行金汇兑本位③ 。会上重新研究了马寅初“统一国币 ,废两用元”案 ,提出实施办法 1 0条 ,包括 :先定筹备时期为一年 ,积极筹备 ,并决定实施日期为民国十八年七月一日 ,以明令公布 ;上海造币厂应于最短时间内成立 ,半年以内必须开工鼓铸新银元 ,定为国币 ;请国府颁布国币新条例 ,规定…  相似文献   

Using Inuit as an illustration, this article discusses what it means to live in community, and argues that by taking people's moral geographies into account one may understand more fully the make‐up of community. The article maintains that their moral geography creates a feeling among Inuit of obligation for the other. It is this obligation that serves as the basis for community. The article theorizes about the implications of internalized mores based on obligation, and discusses how, in contrast to the concept of rights, such mores contribute to the formation and maintenance of community. The article concludes that developing a situated understanding of people's moral geographies may help to expand our comprehension of community construction and maintenance.  相似文献   

C. H. LEE    J. KIM  M. S. LEE 《Archaeometry》2010,52(1):31-44
This paper presents material characteristics and raw material provenance of the stone moulds for bronze slender daggers from Galdong. This type of bronze dagger is uniquely distributed in the Korean Peninsula and these stone moulds were the first to be found by excavation. The stone moulds were made of igneous hornblendite with course-grained holocrystalline textures. Based on petrological, mineralogical and geochemical characteristics, the original rock materials of the moulds were inferred to be derived from the Jangsu or Namwon areas which are about 50 km away from the excavation site. It is a notable achievement that this provenance study confirmed the domestic production of Korean-styled daggers.  相似文献   

从网站建设看中国网络利用水平的区域分异及其发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张林  佟宝全 《人文地理》2005,20(4):60-64
基于SOHU.COM网站提供的中国区域网站建设基础数据,论文描述了中国各省区(不包括港、澳、台)网站建设的基本情况,采用相关分析方法对中国网站建设的区域差异形成机制进行分析,认为区域信息基础设施、高素质人才储备状况、经济发展水平和人文环境等因素都不同程度地影响着区域网络利用水平,并采用聚类分析方法对我国区域网络利用水平进行分类,相应指出提高区域网络利用能力的方法和途径。  相似文献   

A Soviet political geographer analyzes elections to the USSR Congress of People's Deputies (March 26, 1989), based on returns from nationality-based electoral districts from which one-third of all deputies were elected (see Soviet Geography, October 1989 special issue). Topics investigated include problems in the partitioning of electoral districts (including analysis of the tendency toward the under-representation of cities relative to rural areas), the number of candidates vying for each deputy seat in various districts, the backgrounds of winning and losing candidates, and the extent to which elected deputies mirrored the nationality composition of their respective electoral districts. Translated by Jay K. Mitchell, PlanEcon, Inc., Washington, DC 20005.  相似文献   

<正>Editorial Comments:From 2006 to 2010 during the 11th five-year plan of the Chinese national economy,along with the improvement and upgrading of the Chinese c...  相似文献   

During the severe crises which terminated in the violent deaths of Tiberius Gracchus, Gaius Gracchus and Satuminus with their companions in 133, 121,and 100 B.C. respectively, the Senate developed a drastic measure of crisis management, i.e. the senatus consultum ultimum. Its literal meaning was the supreme resolution of the Senate, but actually, it was an emergency measure issued by the Senate in the name of defending the commonwealth. Its effectiveness simply derived from the assertion that the commonwealth, or to be more accurate, the domestic political order, was in jeopardy. Though it was repeatedly used in domestic conflicts and played an important role in the political life of the late Roman Republic, its legality was none the less argued by the contemporaries.  相似文献   

Explanations for very low fertility in ‘strong family’ countries emphasise the relatively high costs of childrearing but pay little attention to the potentially offsetting influences of distinctive living arrangements. In this paper, we use data from nationally representative surveys of married women of reproductive age in Japan and Italy to demonstrate that intergenerational co-residence and residential proximity to parents(-in-law) are positively associated with fertility intentions. We also examine ways in which relationships between living arrangements and fertility intentions may depend on family circumstances associated with the opportunity costs, psychological costs and economic costs of childrearing. Contrary to expectations, we find no evidence that intergenerational residential proximity is associated with higher fertility intentions among women for whom the opportunity costs of childrearing are thought to be the greatest. However, there is some relatively limited support for hypothesised moderating influences of the psychological and economic costs of childrearing.  相似文献   

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