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王文泸先生发表在报刊上的散文,要有机会看到的,看过数篇,受益匪浅。2003年年底和2004年年初报刊多次登载了王文泸散文随笔《站在高原能看多远》出版发行的消息和评论,再次引起我对王文泸美文的向往。抽空去了几次新华书店均脱销。去年2月不经意间买到一本再版本,但因工作太忙,一直未读,直到9月才有一次去青南出差的机会,我特意将书装入工作包。  相似文献   

张燕 《神州》2014,(1):96-97
<正>《小姨多鹤》是一个苦难年代中的温情故事。讲述了在战争背景下,一个中国女人、一个日本女人和一个憨厚男人之间的畸形爱恋,作者在延续"为爱受苦,为情痴迷,又为现实所虐"的情感模式的同时,通过对一段特殊历史背景下一个女人生活史诗的描述,展现一种超越民族、国界的人性之美。  相似文献   

Understanding mass public support for health systems and welfare polices is required in order to safeguard the legitimacy of democratic governance of the welfare state. If policies to meet dissatisfaction go unnoticed, the whole idea of responsive democracy is in vain. This paper focuses on the 2005 Swedish health care waiting-time guarantee, which resulted in drastically lower hospital waiting times in Västra Götaland County. Exploring questions of significant theoretical relevance in the literature about policy feedback effects, the paper investigates if the decrease in waiting times affected hospital service satisfaction and if this effect was moderated by policy proximity and visibility. Data from the West Sweden SOM survey are utilized, measuring hospital service satisfaction from 2004 to 2009. To disentangle the role of policy proximity, two indicators are used—user status and subjective health status. Furthermore, policy visibility is measured by an individual’s level of political interest. The results show that the decrease in waiting times resulted in a substantial increase in hospital service satisfaction. However, the increase was not more pronounced among groups with higher proximity and visibility. On the contrary, results indicate that the increase in hospital service satisfaction was stronger among those already in good health.  相似文献   

孫英剛 《中华文史论丛》2011,(2):221-254,405
中古時期的見鬼人溝通生人與亡魂,預測禍福,活躍於政治舞臺;在社會生活中,他們看宅地、招亡魂,影響了人們的日常生活和精神世界;在醫療領域,他們連綴亡魂,解釋病因,也産生了重要影響。在醫療、驅鬼、返魂等方面,見鬼人與佛道兩教存在競爭關係,並且遭到排斥和打擊。而佛道兩教雖然排斥巫者,但是在一些技術層面,卻是借鑑了巫術的解釋和方法。不論醫者,還是宗教人物,在救死扶傷或者驅除惡鬼之後,時常借助見鬼人的嘴,驗證自己的醫藥或者法術的功效。在很多情況下,見鬼人充當了證言提供者的角色。  相似文献   

Archaeologists frequently underestimate the importance of children as well as craft skill acquisition in the formation of archaeological assemblages. Perhaps even more often they conflate the terms “novice” and “child” in ways that oversimplify the factors that are involved in incorporating new producers into craft production. In particular, the skill acquisition involved in stone tool production is influenced by a variety of factors, including danger, raw material value, raw material availability, and raw material recyclability, as well as a variety of social factors. This paper examines the influence of each of these factors and also suggests patterns useful in recognizing and distinguishing between novices and children in the archaeological record.
Jeffrey R. FergusonEmail:

郝润华 《文献》2000,(4):182-188
日本市河世宁(1749-1820),江户时代后期著名汉学家,曾于日本文化元年(1804),搜集《全唐诗》未收作品编成《全唐诗逸》三卷,据《千载佳句》、《文镜秘府论》、《游仙窟》等中日古代文献所录唐诗,补进72首作品及279个句子,作者128人(其中82人不见于《全唐诗》).  相似文献   

本文从民族复兴思想对顾颉刚学术思想的影响和顾颉刚整理古籍的计划和实践、探索史学普及和学术通俗化之路、重视边疆学术研究和考察四个方面梳理了《上游集》反映出的抗战时期顾颉刚的主要学术活动及思想,揭示了这些学术活动背后隐含的顾颉刚对国家和民族前途的关切之情。  相似文献   

Lead isotopes combined with trace element data represent a powerful tool for non‐ferrous metal provenance studies. Nevertheless, unconsidered geological factors and archaeological data, as well as ignored analytical procedures, may substantially modify the interpretation of the isotopic and trace element signature obtained as a potential ore candidate. Three archaeological examples, accompanied by high‐resolution lead isotopic measurements (MC–ICP–MS), are presented here to discuss the above‐mentioned criticisms and to propose some solutions. The first example deals with prehistoric/historical gold/silver‐mining activity from Romania (the Baia Bor?a and Ro?ia Montan? ore deposits). The second one regards the lead/silver metallurgical activity from the Mont‐Lozère massif (France) during medieval times. The third example focuses on the comparison between two batches of lead isotope data gathered on Roman lead ingots from Saintes‐Maries‐de‐la‐Mer, using different SRM 981 Pb values.  相似文献   

Jeroen Klink 《对极》2014,46(3):629-649
Despite regulatory and financial rollout of the state at a number of scales, and a strengthening of the institutional framework that guides territorial planning and management, Brazilian metropolitan governance continues to be characterized by fragmented and relatively competitive organizational structures. Likewise, the Brazilian metropolis is marked by economic dynamism and intense socio‐spatial and environmental contradictions. Much of the mainstream literature on metropolitan governance has emphasized a natural “optimum” scale for planning and management in city‐regions, articulated by public and private stakeholders aimed at the coordinated delivery of economic, social and environmental services. Combining the literature on new state spaces and critical Brazilian urban‐regional studies, this paper provides an alternative framework to understand the impasse of Brazilian metropolitan areas, which is grounded within a geo‐historic reading of the contradictory projects and strategies of the developmental state and the contested nature of metropolitan scale itself.  相似文献   

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