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正If the Tibetan antelope is an elf among the highland animals,then the black-necked crane is undoubtedly the socialite among the birds on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.Gruidae are divided into four genera and fifteen species,of which the black-necked crane is the only one living and multiplying on the highland.The herdsmen in Changtang give it a sweet  相似文献   

正Snowfinches are passerine birds which live in high altitude areas.As the name implies,they are not afraid of the cold.One can see them playing everywhere even when it is under twenty or thirty degrees below zero Celsius in the cold Changtang winter.Snowfinches are slightly larger than Eurasian tree sparrows and can be seen in both no man's land and areas full of human activity.They have a relatively darker coat in summer and are  相似文献   

<正>Day One It was August 2013 when I first arrived in Changtang as a volunteer for WCS China.As our car was approaching the grassland,the air smelled a bit different,with the cool breeze of snowy mountains and the brisk smell of the prairie.When I saw the first Tibetan antelope holding her magnificent horns proudly high and staring at us for a while,I felt I was living in a dream.This was my first impression of Changtang.  相似文献   

<正>On Jan 19th,2011,without sunlight,the weather in Lhasa was bitterly cold.I went to the Forest Bureau of Tibet Autonomous Region to present my application and...  相似文献   

<正>"It breaks my heart looking at the door of my house!"In the guest house of Gumu Township government,a local herdsman was trying to describe for us how his home was wrecked by a brown bear.Inside the room,the smell of mutton and butter lingered in the air.Outside,there was the perfectly typical blue sky of Tibet.It was already June,but the weather was still chilly and windy on the Changtang grassland.The down jacket I put away only a month ago  相似文献   

<正>Changtang grassland is a unique and large landscape with a high altitude and harsh climate and is unsuitable for human life.However,it is home to many specific species,including the three knights:the wild yak(Bosmutus),the wild donkey(Equus kiang),and the Tibetan antelope(Pantholops hodgsoni),who range widely on the highland of northern Tibet.  相似文献   

<正>"Let me walk into the water and try it,"said Director Tsewang while he was rolling up his pants to his knees.He took out a shovel from the rear door of the car and walked towards the water.He tried to test the depth of the water by using his feet and moved forward slowly.With every step,he trod hard on the ground underwater and constantly used the shovel to clear the way.What he  相似文献   

Welcome to the Changtang National Nature Reserve,a place with annual average temperatures at or below freezing,oxygen about half that of sea level,and a prairie lying at an altitude 5,000 meters high.Found in the northern reaches of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau,humans can rarely,if ever,be found here,but wildlife abound,many animals among the rarest and most precious in the world.Within such an inferior natural environment,there are groups of special guardians tasked with protecting wildlife from year to year.  相似文献   

<正>Besides the two common giant saprophagous birds of prey pictured above,there is another vulture in Tibet.Vultures are often seen in Lhasa,Lhoka,and some other areas in southern Tibet.A celestial burial ground is the domain of Himalayan vultures and these third vultures,with the Changtang Prairie in northern Tibet being the haven of Himalayan  相似文献   

正Year after year,in temperatures as low as minus 20 degrees Celsius,in gales offorce 8 or 9,camping out in sheepfolds and hiking across steep glaciers and ridges as high as 5,000 meters,just to set up an infrared camera to capture images of snow leopards.What do you call that?Devotion of  相似文献   

珊阑 《旅游纵览》2016,(5):94-99
正瑙鲁(Nauru)是位于南太平洋密克罗尼西亚群岛的一个岛国,国土面积21.3平方公里,是世界上最小的岛国,也是世界上第三小的国家,人口约9200人,瑙鲁人在这个岛上生活的历史已经有千年之久了。瑙鲁的旅游景点不多,安尼巴惹湾和布阿达湖最为著名。安尼巴惹湾位于瑙鲁岛东部的安尼巴惹区,是瑙鲁的一个大海湾,这里的海滩有瑙鲁最好的沙滩,日平均  相似文献   

<正>瑙鲁(Nauru)是位于南太平洋密克罗尼西亚群岛的一个岛国,国土面积21.3平方公里,是世界上最小的岛国,也是世界上第三小的国家,人口约9200人,瑙鲁人在这个岛上生活的历史已经有千年之久了。瑙鲁的旅游景点不多,安尼巴惹湾和布阿达湖最为著名。安尼巴惹湾位于瑙鲁岛东部的安尼巴惹区,是瑙鲁的一个大海湾,这里的海滩有瑙鲁最好的沙滩,日平均  相似文献   


李永适 《华夏地理》2007,(11):10-10
为了寻找Made in China的字样,我把身边大大小小的东西都检查了一遍。我并不意外地发现,我所有电器的电池,不管是哪一国品牌,型式有多冷僻,都是中国所造。许多衣服,不论品牌,不论在哪里购买,也不令人意外地产于中国。在美国购买的手表,表面上印着小小的日本,表带的金属上却刻着中国。  相似文献   

想象一下,如果伽利略还魂,看见巨型麦哲伦望远镜(GMT,上)——在他首次用镜头放大夜空的四个世纪之后,是否认得出这庞然大物,其实是他当年用来发现木星卫星、而今已显寒碜的小镜筒的后世子孙?  相似文献   

我国贫困地区占全国总面积1/3以上,加速贫困地区经济发展对于我国的社会主义现代化建设具有重大意义。本文分析了贫困地区的形成原因,概述了改革开放以来扶贫开发工作的成就,在建立社会主义市场经济的新形势下贫困地区面临的挑战,提出了跨世纪的反贫困战略。  相似文献   

Spatial patterns in the production of chlor-alkali chemicals (soda ash, caustic soda, and chlorine) in the USSR are examined. The opening of large new salt deposits in the Volga region in the 1950s not only increased output of soda ash considerably, but also dramatically shifted production because of soda ash's raw material orientation. In contrast, because caustic-chlorine production tends to be market oriented, it was mainly the development of chlor-organic synthesis in the 1960s and 1970s that resulted in much greater spatial dispersion of production. Overall, the industry is now in a slow-growth phase, following the rapid gains made during the postwar period. Soda ash production is actually declining, while the wide array of applications for chlorine, especially chlorinated hydrocarbons, promises continued growth for the caustic-chlorine sector.  相似文献   

Summary. In 1972 Colin Renfrew suggested that the rise of Mycenaean civilization may have been made possible by the development of a polycultural triad of wheat, vine and olive in the Early Bronze Age. A careful examination of the botanical and archaeological evidence for the domestication of the olive lends little support to this aspect of the thesis. The palynological evidence from various points in Greece is inconclusive, but for most areas it would seem to suggest that the intensive cultivation of olive began in the Late Bronze Age or even later.
No conclusive archaeological evidence for processing or storage of olive oil exists for any period in the Bronze Age. The question of when olive domestication took place must remain unanswered until more data are available from Early and Middle Bronze Age contexts and more conclusive botanical data have been collected.  相似文献   

这幅作品的成功之处在于作者对四姑娘山婉约美的诠释。一幅优秀的风光摄影作品,不是简单地对自然界进行克隆,艺术美是对自然美的再造,它体现了一个人的思想境界及对人生的思考。  相似文献   

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