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Since the end of the 19th Century, a little westerns sneaked into Tibet and then a real Tibet showed in front of the world through their sketches or photographs. In the early of the 20th Century, there were two photo studios in Lhasa by Nepalese. About in 1930s or 1940s one of Nepalese bosses got ill and dead. He was sent to the celestial burial stone of the Sera Monastery  相似文献   

<正>Having traveled to Tibet more than once,I find I have visited 74 counties in seven prefectures of Tibet,such as Lhasa,Ngaqu,Shigatse,Lhoka,Nyingchi and so on...  相似文献   

Limalhakang, a small hall in the RedPalace, does not attract the visitorswho pass through the many rooms ofthe Potala Palace. It is narrow andhouses no high statues of Buddha. What'smore, it is not elegantly decorated.Howevef, this is the place that contains themost important statues of Buddha in the PotalaPalace.Buddhism spread from India and CentralPlains to Tibet in the 7th century. Over the past1,300 years, Tibetan Buddhism has flourished.During this period, artisans have created ca…  相似文献   

正Themed as inheritance,integration,innovation and development,the conference is to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Lhasa Men-Tsee-Khang(renamed as Tibetan Medical Hospital of TAR since 1980)and carry forward the Tibetan medicine.The conference received 241 academic theses on the basic theory,clinical diagnosis and treatment of the Tibetan medicine in Tibetan,Han and English.  相似文献   

正Since 2002, I have developed a strong affinity towards Tibet.By now, I have made 20 trips to Tibet, the shortest being 12 days,the longest 16 months. On my fifth trip, I decided to leave behind my comfortable life as a documentary filmmaker in Beijing and live semipermanently for a while in Lhasa, so  相似文献   

AtthecrestoftheRedPalaceinthePotalaPalaceistheSasumNamgyalHall-theL1ivinqchamherofthe7thDalaiLamaGalsangGyaico.InthecenterisenshrinedaportraitofEmperorQianlongoftheQingDynasty(1644-1911).Infrontoftheportraitstandsanelegantlycarvedmemoriallongevitytabletto…  相似文献   

正Seeing that I came to the interview without an interpreter,a trace of displeasure flashed across the fair,thin face of Jannette Troost.I was afraid she would consider me unprofessional.But soon,the problem was easily solved and  相似文献   

正In the view of many people, Lhasa's weather is harsh and cold. This is because it is geographically situated upon the highland and surrounded by snow-capped mountain ranges and glaciers. How absolutely bleak such a place must be! Climatically, the city only has around two to three months when the weather is considered relatively favorable for outsiders to visit, but is this really the case?  相似文献   

In 1911, the 13th Dalai Lama fled toDarjeeling. During his stay there,he gained knowledge about diplomacy, economics and world development. Realizing that Tibet would behopeless unless it could master scienceand advanced culture, he decided toselect children of noble families to studyin Britain.Four young people were sent toLondon in 1913 - Mangzong XerabGuisang (who majored in geology),Qamwoba Renzin Dorje (power); GyipuWangdui Norbu (who studied postal services) and Gorkawa Soinam Gon…  相似文献   

陈苏镇 《考古学报》2021,(3):381-400
目 次 一 洛阳宫的重建 二 宫门和殿门 三 中华门和上阎 四 太极殿等核心建筑 魏晋的洛阳宫是在东汉北宫的废墟上重建的,其形制和格局与东汉有同也有异.学术界对此有所研究,但许多环节还没弄清,整体认识仍较模糊.笔者基于之前对两汉宫禁制度的研究,又仔细搜集和梳理了与魏晋洛阳宫有关的各种文献史料,认真研究了近年公布的一系列考古勘探发掘成果,对魏晋洛阳宫的形成过程,宫门、殿门、中华门、上阎等门禁设施的位置及其所构成的宫内格局,皇帝办公和居住的场所及其变迁等问题有了一些新看法.今详述于下,供大家参考,也请方家指正.  相似文献   

正It was sunset before my vehicle finally bumped and jolted to a stop before the great ruin of Lhagyari Palace. From the Yumbulagang of the Yarlung Valley to the Potala Palace of Lhasa,and further on to the relics of the Lhagyari Palace that was now in front of me…all of them  相似文献   

In 2007,Wang Fang,a 29-year-old girl from Zhejiang Province,resigned from her lucrative job in a media company and hit the road from Lijiang to Lhasa by riding a bicycle with a couple of friends.She had long been attracted by the freedom of outdoor activities,admiring the lifestyle of being one with nature.That bicycle trip,her first long-distance cycling experience。  相似文献   

<正> 燕下都故城位于今河北省易县东南的北易水和中易水之间。它北、西和西南山峦环抱,东南面向华北大平原,正处于从上都——蓟(今北京市)到赵、齐等国的咽喉地带,是战国时期著名的陪都之一。 战国时期,随着燕国社会经济的发展和军事力量的增长,为了争雄中原,燕国的统治者就逐渐加强了对其南部城邑——武阳城的营建。到战国中期前后,武阳城已发展成为燕国南方的政治、经济、军事和文化中心,成为战国时期燕国的重要陪都之一,并直接称之为“燕下都”。 这种陪都制度,是有其渊源流长的历史进程的。并不为燕国所独有。周在灭商以前,就有丰、镐二京。《诗·大雅·文王有声》云:“既伐于崇,作邑于丰”,意即文王伐崇侯虎后,从岐下徙都于丰。“考卜维王,宅是镐京”,意即武王虽迁都于镐,而丰仍然是全国的政治、  相似文献   

Dawn has arrived.Dozens of horses are grazing leisurely at the foot of Tashi Tseri Hill in the Tibet Autonomous Region’s Lhoka City.Atop the mountain is Yumbulagang Palace,the oldest palace in Tibet.Most horse owners,who live off leading horses for tourists,are either chatting or throwing dice outside a teahouse nearby.Upon seeing us,some come over.I pick a white horse with a colorful woolen saddle.What a steed!  相似文献   

李志鹏  白凯  王晓娜 《人文地理》2021,36(3):175-184
地方融入是地方理论的延展和应用领域,其本土化实践与理论研究还有待推进.本文以拉萨八廓街的旅游劳工移民为研究对象,采用关键词网络分析和扎根理论,结合四层一体分析框架,探索该群体的地方融入现状和过程.研究表明:①拉萨八廓街旅游劳工移民地方融入过程可划分为自评、动机、实践和依恋4个阶段;②拉萨的社会氛围体现在对外的高度包容性...  相似文献   

Art galleries have emerged on the streets of Lhasa since the reform and opening up of China.The earliest ones were Art Gallery of Tibetan Exhibition Hall and Art Gallery of Potala Palace 20 years before.For 20 years as one fell,another rose until now,tens of art galleries of various sizes and centred around the Barkor Street are attracting enormous numbers of tourists from both home and abroad.  相似文献   

阿贝  林凡靖编 《世界》2011,(5):110-115
小镇上的人都说,Ezi0教授是个疯子。造个房子,用了五年的时间都没造好——他想要一座真正的宫殿,每处细节都美。数学家一旦执拗起来,十头牛都拉不回来。所以这房子,就修修停停地整整折腾了五年。他疯吗?在Ezio温文洁净的微笑中,我怎么觉得在他的世界里。为生活忙碌奔波、追求速食快乐的我们,才是真正的疯子。。  相似文献   

黄人二 《考古学报》2008,(4):461-474
《昭王毁室》与《昭王与龚之雎》共存于竹简十枚之中,为《上海博物馆藏战国楚竹书》第四册所公布出土竹简之两篇,与春秋战国之楚国史事相关(亦可能为通性之真实耳,详下),极为珍贵。因第五简有墨钉,故离析之。先就前者试解,《昭王毁室》存196字,原整理者已有校读,后来之研究者亦多,但疑义仍存,我认为不明于先秦宫室制度与丧葬礼俗,便无法明了此篇。释文一般采用宽式,计算机无法显示之处,依偏旁分析,以《说文》从某、某声法,实述字形  相似文献   

<正>If you sit by the Lhasa River in the deep autumn,all you hear around you would be people talking about kites.Unique in style,Tibetan kites are popular in Lhasa,Shigatse,and Tsetang,even spreading into the neighboring countries of Nepal and Bhutan.During the Qing Dynasty,Tibetan kites were prevalent among the Tibetan upper class.It is said that  相似文献   

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