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<正>This year,the New Year in Tibetan calendar fell on Feb.27.Known as Losar in the Tibetan language,this is the most grand festival for Tibetan people,as families reunite and enjoy traditional festivities.  相似文献   

尹忠 《旅游纵览》2012,(1):62-65
<正>总觉得过年,过的就是那种古老的年俗。托口是一个坐落在五溪地区清水江、渠水交汇处,湘黔边境的千年古镇,居住着汉侗苗等民族的数万群众。白墙、青瓦,繁忙的古渡,长长的青石码头,都让人流连忘返。这里上可达云贵川,下顺沅水直通洞庭湖,历史上因为水运的便捷,曾经非常繁华。明末清初,江西、广东、江浙的油木商贩看准托口上通云贵、下联汉沪,两水交汇的地理优势,纷纷前  相似文献   

From 2006 to 2010,Tibet Autonomous Region launched thecomfortable housing project, a program for completely regulating and upgrading the living standards of local residents. The project allowed 274.8 thousand households (about 1.4 million farmers and herdsmen)who had previously lived in substandard residences to transfer to safe and comfortable new houses while the whole region in Tibet is enjoying web and telephone access.All townships and villages,and 80 percent of constructed villages,can now access r...  相似文献   

杨柳青镇,距天津市区16公里,地处京畿要冲,为京津之门户。据史料记载:杨柳青镇外多梨树,其木质坚硬可用于雕刻。有乡民用其雕刻门神、灶王、钟馗等纸符供奉。后逐渐演变为点缀年华、祈福纳祥的新春年画。明永乐十三年(1415年)京杭大运河开通流经杨柳青镇,漕运的兴盛,将南方精细纸张颜料运至这里,故此,习画艺者增多,出现了以画为业的手工作坊。至清乾隆,嘉庆年间达到鼎盛时期,年画流向全国,享誉中外。其镇六街三市,三十六村,年画作坊画牌相招,彩幌遥对,真可谓:"家家会点染,户户善丹青……"  相似文献   

正Themed as inheritance,integration,innovation and development,the conference is to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Lhasa Men-Tsee-Khang(renamed as Tibetan Medical Hospital of TAR since 1980)and carry forward the Tibetan medicine.The conference received 241 academic theses on the basic theory,clinical diagnosis and treatment of the Tibetan medicine in Tibetan,Han and English.  相似文献   

<正>《旅游纵览》是"精于摄影,专于旅游"的杂志,2月,全中国都泡在年味里,有那么一群人依然在路上行行摄摄。他们是热爱旅行和摄影的人,是把一大年凡俗的事抛在脑后的人,他们是《旅游纵览》的忠实读者。他们已经获得成功或正在走向成功,可以从容地去旅行,拍片,去享受采撷瞬间美的快乐。  相似文献   

沈旻 《旅游纵览》2010,(2):54-59
"江南佳丽地,金陵帝王州",古都南京有着悠久的历史与灿烂的文化。在南京过春节,能深刻感受到古都金陵民俗文化的厚重,你会被她那浓浓的节日氛围所吸引与感染,叫人难以忘怀。  相似文献   

<正>Introduction to Caterpillar Fungus Caterpillar fungus,known as YatsaGunbum in Tibetan,meaning literally"summer-grass winter-worm",is a mushroom with medicinal properties.It grows mainly on the Tibetan Plateau higher than 4000 meters above sea level and is ready for harvest usually in April and May.Tibetans have used  相似文献   

正Ngari Prefecture of Tibet,the so-called"Roof of the World",where the mountains and waters originate,is known for bringing out the ancient secret Shangshung civilization."Shangshung"is a word from the ancient Shangshung language."Shang"is the name of an ancient tribe,and"Shung"stands for"place"or"valley".According to historical records,the Kingdom of Shangshung came into being as early as  相似文献   

This is a short presentation drawn from a Belgian experience by Philippe Paquet,reporter at La Libre Belgique,Brussels,Beijing,October 2006.  相似文献   

1. Origins The search tot the means to maintain health is as ancient as the civilization of man. There is a Tibetan saying that: "the first ailment was indigestion; and boiled water,the first medicine," There are many such expressions through which we can deduce the knowledge of ancient times. For example, the application of melted butter to cauterize a wound, or the drinking of boiled water to cure indigestion, tell us something of traditional household treatments. Such experiential knowledge, gathered and passed on for many generations, gradually was collected and became a written tradition.  相似文献   

This is a short presentation drawn from a Belgian experience by Philippe Paquet,reporter at La Libre Belgique,Brussels,Beijing,October 2006.  相似文献   

In the spring of 1981, Zhaxi Cering, then chairman of the Ethnic Minority Affairs Commission of Sichuan Province, brought Qigyia and some others together to discuss the construction of a school. Convinced by the chairman, Qigyia, then 27 years old, left the bustling city of Kangding for remote Dege Zhuqing, thus beginning his 20-odd-year career as a school teacher.When the Sichuan Tibetan Language School was inaugurated on October 5, 1981, Qigyia was a bag of bones due to overwork. To …  相似文献   

正Tibetan opera is divided into four different schools:Gyangkhar, Junpa, Shambha and Jomulung.Although Jomulung originated in Lhasa, the other three come from Shigatse. In my view, there had to be something special about these places for something such as Tibetan opera  相似文献   

正From August 2 to 4,2016,the sixth Beijing International Seminar on Tibetan Studies was held,with over 300 scholars from both home and abroad gathering and exchanging their academic standpoints.As one of the largest academic gatherings on Tibetan studies in the world,the seminar fully showcased new research results and reflected new trends on Tibetan studies around the globe.  相似文献   

<正>The"Comfortable Housing"project for Tibetan farmers and herders was launched in 2006,and since then,2.3 million of these farmers and herders began living in new houses.So,how has their lifestyle changed?What happened to their domestic animals?How are they able to make rational use of their grassland?Has their overall livelihood  相似文献   

正Since 2002, I have developed a strong affinity towards Tibet.By now, I have made 20 trips to Tibet, the shortest being 12 days,the longest 16 months. On my fifth trip, I decided to leave behind my comfortable life as a documentary filmmaker in Beijing and live semipermanently for a while in Lhasa, so  相似文献   

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