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Tlbetan legend has it that many years ago the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau was originally an extensive ocean.One day,a vicious fiveheaded dragon entered this ocean and brought catastrophe to all local creatures.So Heaven sent five fairies to conquer the vicious dragon.Forming a long-term strategy to prevent any catastrophe which might be brought about by the vicious dragon,the five fairies forced the ocean to retreat and converted the eastern part of what was once the ocean to a primitive forest and the western...  相似文献   

The Lhasa-Shigatse Railway, the second railway in Tibet Autonomous Region and also an extension of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, was officially put into use on August 15, 2014, The 251 kilometers railway links the regional capital Lhasa and Shigatse, the second-largest city in the region. It has a total of 14 stops including Lhasa, Xicrong, Chushur, Nyemo, Rinbtmg and Shigatse and reduces the travel time from the current six hours by highway to around three hours. The first passenger train left Lhasa for Shigatse at 9 a.m. August 16, 2014.  相似文献   

在奥运年、奥运月,《旅游纵览》国际摄影俱乐部成员徐彦夫从汶川重建家园的前沿传来令人振奋与欣喜的镜头,这是绽放在奥运举办月中尤为动人的笑脸。  相似文献   

Gillian Smith  David Crane   《考古杂志》2018,175(2):255-291
The article reports on a newly re-discovered fragment of a recumbent effigial slab commemorating Abbot Hywel (‘Howel’), most likely an abbot of the Cistercian house of Valle Crucis, near Llangollen (Denbighs.). The slab was probably carved very early in the fourteenth century, and could have covered the abbot’s burial place. The stone was dislocated and fragmented at an unknown point in the abbey’s history, and most likely removed from the site during the nineteenth-century clearance of the abbey ruins. It was briefly reported on in 1895 and has been lost to scholarship subsequently.

If indeed from Valle Crucis, the stone is the only known effigial slab commemorating a Cistercian abbot from Wales, and a rare example from Britain. Given that few similar Cistercian abbatial monuments have been identified from elsewhere, the ‘Smiling Abbot’, although only a fragment, is a significant addition to the known corpus of later medieval mortuary monuments. The article discusses the provenance, dating, identification and significance of the monument, including the abbot’s distinctive smile. The stone sheds new light on mortuary and commemorative practice at Valle Crucis Abbey in the early fourteenth century.  相似文献   

申易 《世界》2012,(7):76-79
格拉茨很老,老到900多年前,就有人聚居在这里。15世纪时,已是奥地利皇帝菲特利三世的心头好,将自己的皇宫建在这里。彼时,邻国意大利刮起了中世纪的艺术革新风潮,格拉茨自然深受影响,文艺复兴式、哥特式、  相似文献   

TIME AND AGAIN WE SEE STRANGE FACES on archaeological objects from early migration-period contexts in northern and western Europe. They are depicted on fibulas, belt buckles, button brooches and some other types of objects. With their bulgy eyes, open mouths and chubby cheeks they appear as though they were ‘shadowing’ and pursuing human-kind. Who are they, whose image might be represented here, what meaning did these images convey and what were they meant to achieve? Through an analysis of new and old archaeological finds, the appearances, spatial distribution and duration of use of these faces are discussed, and an interpretation for their meaning is suggested. Contacts between the various Germanic-speaking groups of northern Europe and their blended culture, signalled by motifs derived from Celtic, Roman and later Christian societies, created a new world of idiosyncratic images and thoughts which are interrogated here.  相似文献   

Since being excavated in 2003, the skull of LB1 (the holotype of Homo floresiensis) has been given many faces, though the details regarding how each was accomplished are typically few. Here we detail our application of known, and verified, relationships between the skull and soft tissues of anatomically modern humans to produce an evidence-based facial approximation of LB1. We then compare our results to nine pre-existing LB1 faces using geometric morphometrics. These analyses suggest our facial approximation differs in proportional facial width, upper lip height and nasal morphology. Some of these differences are likely due to a different interpretation of taphonomic and excavation damage, application of different 'forensic' methods and/or an idiosyncratic incorporation of aspects of non-human primate morphology. Other differences, and in particular upper lip height, are less justifiable in relation to the skeletal evidence.  相似文献   

Siruthavoor is a village situated 40?km south of Chennai in south India. The people of this village share their landscape with archaeological remains of south India’s past, including Iron Age–Early Historic burials and medieval temples. As an archaeologist, having witnessed and been both an indirect and direct participant in the changing reactions, actions, and perceptions of the community towards these monuments, I use this paper to explore the implications we can draw from the interaction between archaeological landscapes and various actors, spanning a period of twelve years. In India, as in many other countries, archaeological landscapes, monuments, and objects face the possibility of alteration, conservation, preservation, or destruction. The factors involved in this, I argue, are specific to localized conscious and unconscious decision-making by people living around such archaeological sites. Delving deeper into these issues will help us understand these often seemingly inexplicable choices that imperil the continued presence of archaeological monuments in the contemporary landscape. The behind-the-scenes events that occur in the ‘field’ of archaeology often remain untold, and yet they hold a lot of information. Through this narrative, this paper explores some of the subjectivities that we need to acknowledge as academics.  相似文献   

In this second part of this paper I extend the study of the regions where gold funeral masks were widespread in the late 6th–early 5th centuries BC. The broader cultural and historical contexts give the opportunity to understand more clearly the ethnic situation in these northern Balkan lands and the political development of the local tribal communities. The cultural interrelations between ethnically different people in this territory are studied as well, while the iconography of the local metalwork allows some religious concepts to be considered.  相似文献   

Carol Shields, one of Canada's and America's most popular and critically acclaimed writers, is the perfect example of the former permeability of the Canada–United States border. Born Carol Ann Warner in Oak Park, Illinois, in 1935, she married Canadian engineering student Donald Shields and immigrated with him to Canada in 1957, becoming a Canadian citizen in 1971. Between her immigration to Canada and her death nearly half a century later, Shields criss-crossed the 49th parallel – traditionally known as the world's longest undefended border, until 9/11 drastically changed travel – with ease. Her fictional characters cross the Canada–United States border with equal ease. Shields crosses borders not only literally, but also figuratively, as she travels from genre to genre with ease. Most famous for her fiction, Shields published in many genres, including poetry, drama, short stories, biography, and literary criticism, and she incorporates these other genres in her novels. Thus, Shields shows how art can cross borders with exemplary grace.  相似文献   

东晋建康兽面瓦当来源于西晋,其源头当在中原洛阳地区新莽时期的壁画兽面。汉晋建筑构件中的兽面使用经历了从地下墓葬到地面建筑的过程,这一过程与汉晋墓葬制度的区域变化有关,其根源在于早期道教的发展。  相似文献   

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