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孙东纯 《旅游》2012,(4):26-31,3
我暂居日本,虽无骑自行车旅行的经验却常幻想用自行车旅行日本。后来我在网上看到有个日本人花了几个月骑自行车环了本州岛一圈,就自称"环了日本一圈"。于是我想就环本州岛吧,在日本居住的这些年里有个"骑日本环岛"的经历听起来也不错。  相似文献   

<正>在祖国版图的西南端,有一个十分神秘、也十分神奇的圣地。有人说它是世界屋脊,空气稀薄高不可攀,有人说它是祖国边疆最遥远的地方,高山连绵,沟壑纵横,河流湍急,交通不便。这里是令很多人心神向往的地方,是摄影家的天堂。这里有多彩的民族文化,有浓郁的宗教情怀,有壮丽的雪山圣湖,有勤劳质朴的藏族同  相似文献   

孙慧平 《世界》2008,(9):166-169
在法国,曾有“裁缝不讨绅士账”的传统。裁缝们认为,来做礼服的都是名流贵族,他们十分看重自己的名誉,所以不用追讨制装费,贵族们迟早都会付钱。但也有例外,据说,法国大文豪维克多·雨果去世时还欠着圣罗兰的一笔礼服制装费,不过,这并不影响维克多·雨果的形象,反倒成了圣罗兰的美谈。  相似文献   

Tibet Gets Closer To BeijingTibetGetsCloserToBeijing¥//Whenplanningthe62aidprojects,theCentralGovernmentdidnotforgetculturall...  相似文献   

<正>When something or someplace reverberates in one’s mind and lingers for a long time,then you know it must be something special-and so it was when I took my th...  相似文献   

伍振 《旅游纵览》2009,(6):64-66
<正>从西安出发,一直沿着汉江往陕南行走,绿野之中,山坡之下,穿越着秦岭,不知不觉就到了安康。安康,取安宁康泰之意,古称金州,位于陕西省东南隅,北靠秦岭,南依巴山。安康,地处"秦头楚尾",人文史可上溯到石器时代。新石器时代,境内即有先民在越河川道及汉江两岸繁衍生息。春秋战国时期,安康地扼南北要冲,公元前611年庸国被秦、巴、楚三分,安康成为秦楚必争之地。  相似文献   

西方集群和集群政策的研究及其对中国的借鉴意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自上个世纪90年代末以来,国内学者和政策决策者对集群的集群政策表现出日益浓厚的兴趣。由于现行的集群理论源自西方工业化国家,作为发展中的中国能否和如何吸收运用这些西方理论和研究经验成为讨论的焦点之一。本文的目的是通过探讨西方集群研究和集群政策的理论基础,以期能带给中国的相关研究一些有益的启示。本文首先对波特和经合组织两学派的集群概念的起源、发展和着重点进行了回顾。然后分析了集群起源和发展的条件、生命周期、发展机制、空间维度、类型等西方集群研究的要素,阐述了西方工业国家的集群政策概念及相关评判。相对于发达国家丰富的关于技术创新区域的研究而言,针对发展中国家创新系统和集群的理论性及经验性研究则要少得多。所以发展中国家的集群研究及集群政策需要更合适自身实际情况的理论。最后笔者以集群理论和中国实际情况为例,通过问题的分析、理论的分析和理论的调整三步骤说明新理论发展的可能途径。  相似文献   

商业业态及其对城市商业空间结构的影响   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:14  
张水清 《人文地理》2002,17(5):36-40
商业业态是商业的经营形式与状态,不同业态的商业企业具有不同的市场定位与地理定位,其区位选择的结果形成了特定的商业空间结构。本文探讨了不同时期的商业业态所对应的商业空间结构,揭示了商业业态与商业空间结构具有极大的相关性。  相似文献   

Given its restrictive natural and geographical conditions, Tibet remained backward in economic development for a long time. With the peaceful liberation of Tibet in 1951, the Central Government formulated policies geared to stimulate social and economic development in the region. From 1952 to 2000, the Central Government granted 47.49343 billion Yuan in aid of Tibet, and spent 31.0232 billion Yuan in infrastructure construction there. In 1984, the Second National Conference on Work in Ti…  相似文献   

正Tibet,the roof of the world,has always been globally renowned for its highaltitude mountaineering.The first group of Chinese heroes to reach the peak of Mt.Qomolangma included Tibetan athletes.Today,Tibet has become a land favored by high-altitude mountaineers.As the Chinese sport industry is about to kick off,Tibet is taking the opportunity to make use of its resources and achieve significant development in sports.  相似文献   

Simply for Touching this Piece of Pure Land Mayu Hot Spring is the third we have passed on our way. It is located in Mayu Township 4,539 meters above sea level. Only one mouth of spring is left on this piece of large land, spouting ou with a strong sulfurous smell and at high temperature. Gongzha said that he used to herd there in his childhood. At that time there were many springs spouting all over the place. Bogar is a residential area of Mayu Township, known as Bogar Gyiaro on the map…  相似文献   


Covering the period 1290–1584, the Paston, Plumpton, Cely and Stonor letters, although for the most part ‘business letters’, concerned with the administration of their households and estates, nevertheless throw fascinating light on aspects of contemporary society. They reveal that the lives of those who strove to survive and prosper as landowning gentry were played out against a background of civil war, violent Scottish incursions over the northern borders, and military reversals in France. Closer to home, they struggled with predatory lords, tight-fisted dowagers, disgruntled sons, wretched daughters and bitterly contested wills.

Faced with many imponderables, they marshalled their defences: judicious marriages and kinship networks, compliant children, the patronage of influential magnates – perhaps even of the king himself, such protection as was afforded by the law and unceasing vigilance.

Parental affection and true love and devotion also find welcome expression among what were severely practical concerns.  相似文献   

The special number of the Canadian Geographer devoted to West Edmonton Mall raises important questions, notably that of the relative status, as values, of work (seen historically as fundamental to our culture), and of leisure, perceived, albeit controversially, as being embodied in wem. In preparing to present my principal thesis, I review recent reinterpretations of human behaviour advanced by workers in the fields of symbolic interaction and the sociology of knowledge. These schools ha ve given rise to the concept of, though not the term, functional religion. The meaning of this concept is close to that of ideology; a comparative analysis of the two terms justifies using the former. A survey of recent work by geographers who approach religion from a functional point of view closes the second part of the paper. In the course of this review the relative status of work and leisure emerges as a significant issue. The view of leisure as a norm presented in the third part of the paper is that advocated by Pieper, Huizinga, and de Grazia. They argue that the Classical view, according to which human life finds its meaning in activities that are carried on for their own sake (e.g., games), rather than in those pursued for the material rewards they offer, is correct. Following their lead, and in opposition to both Marxists and Liberals, I argue that the adoption of leisure as a fundamental value would provide a more satisfactory foundation for our culture than work has to this point. Le numéro spécial du Géographe canadien consacréà?étude du West Edmonton Mall soulève plusieurs questions importantes, notamment celle du statut relatif, comme valeur, du travail (valeur-clé historiquement dans notre culture) et du loisir, valeurs incarnées, bien que de façon controversées, dans le WEM. Pour établir les bases de la thèse principale, on examine les réinterprétations récentes du comportement hurnain avancées, dans les sciences humaines, par des chercheurs travaillant dans les domaines de ?interaction symbolique et la sociologie du savoir. Ces écoles ont engendré le concept, sinon le terme, de la religion fonctionelle. Le sens de ce terme est proche de celui de ?idéologie; une analyse comparative des deux termes justifie ?emploi du premier. Pour conclure la deuxièrne partie de ce mémoire, on passe en revue quelques écrits récents par des géographes qui abordent la religion ?un point de vue fonctionnel. De cet examen il ressort que le statut relative du travail et du loisir est ?une importance capitale. Dans la troisième partie, on présente une perspective sur le loisir qui est proche de celle qu'avancent Pieper, Huizinga, et de Grazia. Ceux-cisupportent la position des auteurs classiques, selon qui la vie humaine trouve sa signification dans les activités entreprises pour ellesměmes (par exemple, les jeux) plutǒt que pour le gain matériel. Appuyant leur argument, et m'opposant à celui des marxistes et des libéraux, je prétends que ?adoption du loisir comme vaieur fondamentale fournirait une meilleure assise à notre culture que celle offerte jusqu'ici par le travail.  相似文献   

One of the main debates regarding historical representation within digital media concerns narrative, particularly the difficulty in articulating it. Digital technologies are usually presented as opposed to linear, written narratives, which is of consequence to historical writing. Despite the many merits of scholarly approaches that try to circumvent this difficulty, the lack of theoretical understanding of the categories implied in such discussions is noticeable. To counter this, this article addresses the relationship between time, technics, and narrative. I contend that the challenges of crafting narratives in digital media conceal a problem pertaining to the relationship between time and technics. Drawing on Paul Ricoeur's work on narrative, Jimena Canales's studies of the history of science, Wolfgang Ernst's and Yuk Hui's discussions of technical temporality, and Bernard Stiegler's understanding of the relationship between time and technics, I argue that it is the temporality imbued in the workings of technical objects (such as computers) that renders them averse to narrative. In making this argument, I employ the notion of “counted time” (in contrast to Ricoeur's “narrative time”) to denote a temporal mode that, despite its intersections with social, human temporality, is alien to narrative.  相似文献   

<正>四姑娘山由四座连绵不断的山峰组成,长年冰雪覆盖,如同头披白纱,姿容俊俏的四位少女,四姑娘中以幺妹身材苗条、体态婀娜,现在人们常说的"四姑娘"指的就是这座最高最美的雪峰。藏地旅游是近年来人们最为关注的经典旅游方向之一,那里壮美的高原风光和厚重的民族文化,让每一个旅行者都魂牵梦萦。  相似文献   

<正>An 8.1-magnitude earthquake shook Nepal at 2:11 p.m.(Beijing Time)on Apr.25.The quake also strongly affected parts of Tibet,including the Nyalam,Dingri and Gyirong counties in Shigatse Prefecture.All parts of China were struggling for rescue and relief at once in the quake-affected areas in Tibet.On Apr.26,the 11th Panchen Choskyi Gyalpo made a special  相似文献   

<正>每个人心中都有一个"自己的西藏"。在那里,每颗心灵都会得到不同的慰藉。试图用一个词描述如此丰富的西藏,显然是空洞的,当然,试图用一组词完成对它的描摹,仍然可能是  相似文献   

To take my aged father to Dejung hot spring for several days in summer or fall had long been a wish of mine since I started working. Now 77 years old, my father's rheumatic arthritis had worsened a lot since he was 70. A rugged and proud man, he had some tough times in his youth. He used to silently swallow all the pain without any complaint, afraid of causing trouble for his children.  相似文献   

EDITOR'S NOTE: I recently interviewed Ngabu, Directorof the Forest Bureau of the Tibet Autonomous Region.The following are highlights of the interview.Question: Mr. Director, could you pleasetell me something about efforts Tibetwill make to build up its forestry management?Answer: Surely. According to the 10-yearprogram our Bureau worked out in 2000,Tibet will spend some 500 million Yuan to protect natural forests in the three counties ofMamkang, Gongjor and Gyangda on the upperrea…  相似文献   

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