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When summer comes to Lhasa, men like to gather together outside tea bars to watch a pair of Tibetans play at a table with a square-shaped piece of wood placed on it. Two players are sitting crosslegged and sipping sweet tea while their fingers continually toy with round wooden discs, referred to as "pieces". Whenever the wooden piece hits any of the four comers of the squareshaped wood plank where there is a hole,  相似文献   

邮政史是西藏地方历史的一个重要组成部分。从大清邮政在拉萨开办邮局的1910年起,到西藏地方邮政“扎康”(藏语邮政的称谓)正式撤消的1959年止,这一大段历史,长达半个世纪。在这段期间,英印邮政和西藏地方邮政共存的史实,早已为人所知。更奇特的是,五十年代初期,西藏和平解放,军邮与人民邮政也参与过渡,各自独立而又相互交叉,形成了罕见的四种邮政系统同时在西藏运行的奇观。  相似文献   

The endlessly emergence of Tibetan artists has been driven by the great contributions from the Art Department of Tibetan University for a long time.The Tibetan artist contingent features young artists.They are vigorous and transmit creative thought. They control the most splendid and far-reaching foreground. While enmeshed in the boundless ocean of Tibetan culture and living day and night with the landscape,divinities,and people, they took different approaches in their lives and pursue their unique creative arts which make them inseparable from Tibet.  相似文献   

WANG'S TIBETAN WIFEWANG'STIBETANWIFE¥//Wang'shardworkhascarnedhimnumerouscertificatesOfmerit,includinganawardasaNationalModel...  相似文献   

The endlessly emergence of Tibetan artists has been driven by the great contributions from the Art Department of Tibetan University for a long time.The Tibetan artist contingent features young artists.They are vigorous and transmit creative thought. They control the most splendid and far-reaching foreground. While enmeshed in the boundless ocean of Tibetan culture and living day and night with the landscape,divinities,and people, they took different approaches in their lives and pursue their unique creat...  相似文献   

正For most people living in Lhasa,no matter what may be forgotten about their childhood,they always have clear memories about what foods and snacks they came across.What makes them so remarkable?Here,we shall see one of the fascinating local foods and snacks that used to pervade the area.  相似文献   

To those who have yet to visit Tibet, this is a book about its culture, religion and folk costumes to empower the soul of the readers to reach, if possible, that sacred land. But it is most likely to be for those who have already paid a visit to Tibet, that this book will give readers a profound verification of their spiritual journey through the presented characters, pictures and materials displayed in this book, while recalling their physical journey.  相似文献   

In Tibetan,the name for a seal is Thangka.According to records,the word originates from Turkish,initially borrowing from Mongolian and finally absorbed into Tibetan.Various names were given to seals in Tibetan.Official seals are generally named Thangka,or Kathang in honorific dialect;personal seals referred to as Gyithang;general seals are called Dathang or Sethang.  相似文献   

In Tibetan,the name for a seal is Thangka.According to records,the word originates from Turkish,initially borrowing from Mongolian and finally absorbed into Tibetan.Various names were given to seals in Tibetan.Official seals are generally named Thangka,or Kathang in honorific dialect;personal seals referred to as Gyithang;general seals are called Dathang or Sethang.  相似文献   

Whenever speaking of the wines of ethnic Tibet, people may firstly think of the Tibetan word Chang - barley wine. Though there is no clear record in the literature of the history of the brewing industry in Tibet,  相似文献   

Here is my congratulation on the publication of Photos on Tibetan Culture. Containing 1,600 photos, supported by 200,000 words, this is a rare work of its kind published in China.Tibet is an inalienable part of the Chinese territory, and the Tibetan culture is a brilliant part of the Chinese national cultural treasure. This photographic work plays a role that books that merely use words to describe Tibetan culture cannot play. When viewed from the historical angle, the existence and evolut…  相似文献   

Back in 2014,during the opening ceremony for the Tibet Yak Museum,a hoard of guests came in from Beijing as well as from areas throughout China.An adequate venue for accommodation for such a large event was an absolute must.Tibet Hotel was one suggestion.The location of its grounds was rather close to the museum's campus.The idea indeed made it convenient to hold various sorts of activities,regardless of the fact the hotel was somewhat old with little to no luxurious facilities,though the staff is known for excellent service.  相似文献   

<正>Papermaking technology is one of the four great inventions of China and also one of the outstanding inventions of civilization throughout human history.In A.D.105,Cai Lun,based on his study and analysis of his predecessors'technology on producing silk crystals,used  相似文献   

In his youth, he worked for sixteen years in northern Tibet where he put his heart and soul into this snow-covered plateau. According to his friends, it is impossible to give a complete portrayal of his life with limited words. He is Wu Yuchu, head of the Yok Museum of Tibet. Mr. Wu is known as"Mr. Yak", a mon in his 60s working tirelessly for the preservation and promotion of yak culture.In 2017, Mr. Wu agreed to start writing a column called"Colorful Choracters of Tibet"about real Tibetan people he knew over the years on China'sTibet magozine. We will select some of the bestpieces to share with our readers.  相似文献   

正From August 2 to 4,2016,the sixth Beijing International Seminar on Tibetan Studies was held,with over 300 scholars from both home and abroad gathering and exchanging their academic standpoints.As one of the largest academic gatherings on Tibetan studies in the world,the seminar fully showcased new research results and reflected new trends on Tibetan studies around the globe.  相似文献   

<正>Yognag Village in the town of Yagla in Sog County is one of the common small villages situated at the northeast section of the Tibet Autonomous Region,but a fairly common phenomenon there is the large crowd gatherings.People disregard their long journeys and come from far and near to see the"Gen Kyibuk"-an exclusive inheritor who is specialized in using a traditional  相似文献   

Dr. Tsedong, born in 1967, is the first Tibetan glaciologist in history.His parents both worked in the breeding farm in Nyingchi. So helived on the pastures of Nulang in his boyhood. His most proud achievement then was that despite being in the Tibetan-language class in the county junior high,  相似文献   

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