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文化遗产风险管理是近十年国际、国内文化遗产保护领域越来越引起重视的课题之一,而风险评估是风险管理的重要环节。本文以ICCROM-CCI-ICN三家研究机构制定的"风险管理"体系为主要依据,以"台州府城墙"洪灾研究为实例,介绍风险管理基本概念,探讨文化遗产"风险评估"的研究方法,并结合台州府城墙保护实践思考遗产风险评估对文化遗产保护的影响。  相似文献   

卢如平 《风景名胜》2009,(11):24-25
2001年6月25日,台州府城墙和桃渚城同时被国务院公布为全国重点文物保护单位。台州府城墙,始建于东晋安帝元兴元年(402),临海郡太守辛景凿壁于临海龙顾山,以拒孙恩义军。扩建于唐高祖武德四年(621),由原来的依山而筑,增扩为北沿大固山巅,西南两面濒灵江的布局。  相似文献   

坐落在国家级历史文化名城浙江临海的台州府城墙,由于其重要的防倭防洪作用,在经历了1600多年风霜雨雪后,如今仍然巍然屹立,2001年被国务院公布为全国重点文物保护单位。  相似文献   

郑瑛中 《风景名胜》2009,(11):64-64
唐代古祠郑广文纪念馆,又名郑广文祠,坐落于风景秀丽的北固山南麓,背依著名的江南长城——台州府城墙。是为了纪念被唐玄宗誉为"诗书画三绝"的广文馆博士郑虔而建。  相似文献   

戚永晔 《风景名胜》2009,(11):12-15
东晋 北固山,旧称龙顾山,因为它的山形酷似一条首尾相顾的卧龙。台州府城墙的起点,就在这里。公元五世纪,东晋农民起义军首领孙恩率军攻打临海,太守司马崇惊惧出逃,被朝廷撤了职,接替他的是辛景。  相似文献   

梅城历为睦州、严州州治及建德县治所在地,是唐代以来江南的重要州府之一。城墙为严州府最重要、最具有价值的文化遗产,本次城墙考古发掘是第一次对明清时期严州府城墙、城门等遗址进行的科学发掘。通过对城墙的解剖,有助于了解严州府城市的变迁、明清时期严州府城墙和城门的形制结构,为深化明清时期江南城址考古和中国古代城市研究增添了重要的实物资料。  相似文献   

目前,“西北师大世界文化遗产研究中心”成立。世界遗产是世界级“名牌”,它有自己的价值标准、指标体系、运行机制、监测系统及申报程序。目前已有162个国家成为《保护世界文化与自然遗产公约》的缔约国,已有700多项遗产受到全国各地政府的重视,但在全国性的申报热潮中,理论研究工作相对滞后,导致申报工作盲目无序,鉴于此,西北师范大学成立了世界文化遗产研究中心。“中心”将本着“立足西北、面向西部”的精神,系统地研究世界遗产的国际规则,研究世界遗产在申报、保护等方面的成功经验,促进我国世界文化遗产的申报、保护及改变世界遗产理论相对匮乏的状况;积极参与国内各省区尤其是西部的世界遗产调查、申报及保护工作。对西北尤其是甘肃的潜在世界文化遗产价值发掘和评估,对申报世界遗产的可行性进行论证,并根据起成熟程度制定出切实可行的申报规划,为政府决策提供理论依据。西北师大世界文化遗产研究中心成立  相似文献   

世界自然保护联盟于2012年3月25日受理对新疆天山申请世界自然遗产进行评估,经过一系列的实地考察、比较、与各方交流以及专家共同讨论研究之后,现对新疆天山申请世界遗产的自然条件资格做出认定:世界自然保护联盟认为,新疆天山展现了非同寻常的自然美,同时保存了和反映了一定区域内生物及生态演化的过程,满足世界自然遗产申请的标准七和标准九,建议世界遗产大会予以批准其申请.  相似文献   

龙桥探险惊爆世界、手工火柴制造者、十字路口的稻米、世界遗产落户世遗墙、闭门造车  相似文献   

2015年2月10日,由清华大学建筑学院国家遗产中心和世界遗产杂志社联合主办的"世界遗产的观察"研讨会在清华大学建筑学院多功能厅举行。来自国家世界遗产主管部门、联合国教科文组织二类中心、以及中国世界遗产研究领域的专家学者出席本次研讨会,共同探讨世界遗产的保护现状和未来发展趋势。会议伊始,清华大学建筑学院国家遗产中心主任吕舟教授致开场辞。他对《世界遗产委员会大会年度观察报告》的编制情况进行了简要介绍。世界遗产  相似文献   

2010年11月,南京、西安、荆州、兴城以及临海、大同六座城市的代表在南京召开了古城墙科学保护第二次学术论坛。参会代表均为各地城墙保护最前沿的管理者,  相似文献   

城墙是人类文明发展史上阶段性的产物;城墙文化伴随城墙自始至终,是人类城市文明史的重要组成部分。即便当物质城墙消失以后,城墙文化仍然肩负着解读城市历史的功能。中国的城墙发端于新石器时期,发展于春秋战国,普及于秦汉,颠峰于明代大部分消亡于20世纪。其中有三次筑城高潮。现存的中国地面遗存城墙绝大多数为明清时期建造或修筑。到了近现代,重型火炮等先进军事设备在中国的出现,昭示着冷兵器时代城市防御工事——城墙原始功能上的"蜕化"与"不足"。最终导致大量地面城墙的消失。这种消失主要由自然界因素,战乱摧残和人为拆除三种因素造成,最严重和最彻底的是后者。  相似文献   

近30年间,中国辽吉两省、朝鲜西北地区相继发现了"列燧"遗址,主体性军事类障塞、中枢性行政类城址和附属性保障类遗址等重要的长城障塞遗址,累计调查发现的障塞数量规模已相当可观,为我们进行燕秦汉辽东长城障塞量化统计分析,创造了基本的条件。本文通过量化统计得出:目前在总长约1081公里的辽东长城障塞线上,共发现"点线式"障塞结构、"线段式"短垣结构和"线条式"长垣结构三种构筑形式;其中障塞结构遗址162座;"线段式"短垣结构遗址3道8段;"线条式"长垣结构长120公里。使我们对燕秦汉辽东长城障塞的地理分布、障塞类型、设置规律、建筑特征、历史分期等方面,初步有了一个理性认识。  相似文献   

《Public Archaeology》2013,12(4):211-238

In 2003, the Hadrian's Wall National Trail was opened, providing a 135 km (84 mile) public footpath along the length of the Roman frontier from Wallsend to Bowness-on-Solway. Each year, thousands of visitors walk the Trail from end-to-end and many more make day trips to visit specific locations within the wider World Heritage Site. In the second of two related papers (see Witcher, 2010), consideration turns from professional and popular visual representations of Hadrian's Wall to the ways in which visitors physically experience the monument and its landscape. The paper explores how embodied and sensory encounters produce and reproduce understandings which are charged with cultural and political meaning. Specifically, the elision of visitors and Roman soldiers through a process of embodied empathy/sympathy is outlined. It is argued that the way in which Western society assumes familiarity with an ancestral Roman Empire actively reduces the interrogative potential of encounters with the monument and limits visitors' ability to reflect on the significance of the Wall. The paper goes on to consider alternative modes of visual and physical engagement, drawing inspiration from virtual communities including geocachers who have used Information Technology such as Global Positioning Systems and Web 2.0 functionality to develop innovative modes of representation and encounter.  相似文献   

This article discusses the effects of tourism on local development in the context of World Heritage sites. The ‘Pre-Hispanic City and National Park of Palenque’ in Mexico will be used as a case study, with especial attention on local Indigenous communities. It analyses the use of ‘World Heritage’ as a brand for tourism promotion and expected tourism growth, and the changes in the role of the Indigenous peoples in archaeology and UNESCO policies. Furthermore, it examines the implementation of World Heritage policies by the Mexican government and the local decision-makers in Palenque. It presents the touristic elements of the site and how other factors have impacted tourism flow. The article points out the empowerment processes of modern Mayan people, the response by the official managers and the Indigenous reaction to governmental investments in tourism infrastructure. The article concludes that a shift from the current type management model to a new, participatory one could contribute to reduce social tension, fostering local development through tourism and improving communities’ quality of life. The data used for my analysis were collected during fieldwork in Palenque in 2014 and 2016.  相似文献   

The case of Kakadu National Park has had an unusually large amount of time and expense devoted to it in meetings of the World Heritage Bureau and the World Heritage Committee since 1997. Major controversy arose following the announcement that a new uranium mine would be developed at Jabiluka, located in an enclave surrounded by the World Heritage property, but not legally part of it. The explosive juxtaposition of issues concerning the trio of conservation of heritage values, uranium mining, and Aboriginal land rights inevitably led to strong reactions against the Federal Government's decision to allow mining, not least on the part of Australian and international non‐government organisations. It was felt that the mining development would jeopardise the integrity of the key values for which Kakadu had been inscribed on the World Heritage List. This paper attempts to unravel some of the strands of the ensuing debate — to at least begin to deconstruct the debate — that saw Kakadu almost placed on the List of World Heritage in Danger. This is an important task to attempt because there were many undercurrents to the publicly reported debate, and a large degree of ‘reading between the lines’ is needed to interpret official records of meetings adequately. The paper also attempts to throw some light on the forceful opposition to such a move on the part of the Australian Government, based in large part on its underlying developmentalist philosophy, and at a time when it was giving less than wholehearted support to many international agreements to which Australia is a signatory. Finally, it is hoped that an insight into the workings of the World Heritage Convention and its supporting bodies will be gained.  相似文献   

Fieldwork carried out for a Masters dissertation examined, through interviews, how well a consultation on the future management of the Hadrian’s Wall World Heritage Site had been carried out. Unexpected access was granted during a tense and uncertain period for those involved in managing the Site, at least partly because as a student, the author was not affiliated with any of the organisations concerned. This paper will examine the roles and relationships that the student may find him/herself in, in such a situation, and the possible benefits and dangers these bring. It will also look at the student’s privilege of a sustained period to focus on a single topic, often denied to academics. In the case of an MA, this produces relatively quick results and the possibility of contributing to urgent current issues, if students can be persuaded to publish.  相似文献   

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