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潘鲁生  王佳 《民俗研究》2023,(1):18-25+156
中国有五千年不曾间断的文明,文化遗产资源丰富、生生不息。历史上,中国传统艺术体系包括宫廷文人艺术与民族民间艺术;近现代受西方文化遗产保护观念和学科发展的影响,学术研究的自觉被激发;21世纪以来,快速城镇化引发文化遗产保护与发展的学术思考,学科建设提上日程。我们应立足国际视野,在中国特色哲学社会科学体系框架下,建设文化遗产学的学科体系、学术体系、话语体系,推动文化遗产事业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

以文化遗产保护为研究对象和学科体系的文化遗产保护学,具备学科建设的各种要素,但现有学科现状不能满足文化遗产保护事业发展需要,而明确学科地位,处理好其他相关学科与文化遗产保护学的关系,加强建设学科队伍和科研建设是文化遗产保护学科建设的基本途径。  相似文献   

民族文化遗产学作为一门新兴学科,其学科体系和理论框架构建尚处于初始阶段,需要学界进行积极有益的探索与创新。从研究对象、研究内容、研究任务、学科体系和规训制度等方面进行梳理、归纳、研究、创新,进而确定学科边界、内涵范畴、发展方向、规范要求,是学科构建的基本工作与根本要求。  相似文献   

完善文化遗产保护的学科建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文化遗产保护的学科建设的重要性虽然已被普遍认识,但学科建设尚不完善、不成熟.无论是文化遗产保护的教学课程,继续教育培训提高本行业专业人员的业务水平,还是需要取得社会各界的学术地位认可,都说明要加强这门学科的迫切性.在学科的定义、内涵、特征、研究方法和前沿领域等方面需要进一步研究和讨论,使其健全、成熟.提出从完善学科自身的理论与方法入手,从管理上推进学科建设的具体措施等建议.  相似文献   

考古学与文化遗产是两个独立的事物,两者是一种互为依托的关系,是一种互为制约的关系,是一种互动关系,正确理解两者的关系是发展考古学和文化遗产保护事业的思想基础.  相似文献   

国内学界对我国世界文化遗产管理体制改革的研究尚不够深入。我国目前的世界文化遗产管理体制具有条块分割、管理层级偏低的特点,这是遗产地出现三大困境的主要来源。国内学界对我国世界文化遗产管理体制改革主要有上统论、下放论和分级论三种论争,其中分级论在我国具有可行性。按照分级论,我国世界文化遗产管理体制改革的基本取向是向中央集权,并需要在组织机构、分类经营机制和管理制度等方面构建保障措施。  相似文献   

21世纪初至今,文化遗产的概念日渐为国人所认识、接受并实践,与此同时,文化遗产学的建构不断为学者、业者所关注与探讨,蔡达峰、潘如丹、曹兵武、杨志刚、苑利、孙华、贺云翱、李志超、彭兆荣、徐嵩龄、李军、张廷皓等专家学者发表了诸多论著,探讨了文化遗产学的学科体系、学科性质、研究对象、研究方法以及文化遗产的概念、文化遗产的保护等,有效推动了文化遗产学的学科建设与理论体系的构建。  相似文献   

在保护世界文化遗产和维护人类文化多样性理念下开展的非物质文化遗产保护,已获世界各国的广泛共识,形成国际潮流,并取得巨大成绩。伴随着专业化、系统化的非遗保护工作的展开,中国学界也针对这一热点现象和相关问题开展了学术研究,研究的深入逐渐引发了对建立中国非物质文化遗产学科的思考。非物质文化遗产学的兴起和发展与民间文艺学、民俗学、历史学、民族学等传统学科有着密切的学术联系,厘清其与这些学科(特别是民间文艺学、民俗学)之间的关系,对明确非物质文化遗产学的学科归属、定位以及发展方向具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

物质文化遗产和非物质文化遗产是人类文化遗产的两大组成部分,虽然二者存在着显著差异,但是它们并不是孤立存在、截然分开的,而是相互依存、互相作用的,共同构成一个综合的文化空间。诸多学者对二者的关系都做过阐释和讨论,其中有些学者主观地割裂了二者的关系,过分强调它们之间的差异,而忽略了它们相互依存、互相作用的紧密联系,这样不利于对文化遗产的整体性保护。本文试图探讨物质文化遗产与非物质文化遗产的差异及联系,提出整体性保护文化遗产的策略。这样才能有效保护文化的完整性,使文化遗产的保护进入一种可持续发展的良性运转轨道。  相似文献   

在非物质文化遗产研究和保护中,无法回避的问题有:作为人类社会历史发展产物的非物质文化遗产,它的生态是怎样的?我们应该保护怎样的非物质文化遗产?能否科学回答这些问题,不仅会影响到人们对非物质文化遗产本质的理解,而且会影响到人们对非物质文化遗产保护原则和方法的选择。  相似文献   


The economic literature on heritage has primarily analysed the impact of building preservation on real‐estate values and community redevelopment. Recently, economists have expanded their study on heritage to include everything from historic buildings and antiques to museums and monuments. However, this research ignores the political and legal characteristics of heritage and is used primarily to justify government expenditures on heritage. The economic study of heritage should include a conceptual framework to explain the process through which certain artefacts acquire historic significance and value. This framework would provide guidance to establish which economic agents form part of the heritage world and what incentives guide them to join it. With this framework in place., we can evaluate how the tools used by these agents to obtain their own goals affect the provision of historic resources.  相似文献   

The expansion and evolution of local history over the last half century has given rise to both celebration and critical self‐reflection. This attention has been stimulated by the continued importance of local history as a popular cultural activity, in parallel with, paradoxically, a relatively recent decline in academic teaching provision in the subject. The reflection on the characteristics and role of local history has yielded searching consideration of its relationship with the pursuit of history more broadly, most especially in the academic discipline. However, little work has approached comprehending local history as being by its very nature also heritage. This paper turns to a series of essays by academic and non‐academic practitioners for a county history society’s journal over a period of 35 years, in order to shed light on the place of local history in evolving understandings of heritage as process.  相似文献   


This paper's review of relevant Australian writing critical of theory and practice concludes that official protection of the nation's heritage is a prejudicial, narrowly conceived system in the sense that it is not readily embraced by the public at large, and does not relate well to vigorous public concerns for the environment. Heritage remains too securely tied to the historic artefact. Much broader, vital concepts are needed. A ‘social and environmental relations’ model is proposed. Ideas related to such a concept are explored, including examples where heritage is integrated with aspects of community development. Practice in some communities is argued to be blazing paths well in advance of some of the heritage professionals. In support of such initiatives, research directions for historically‐based disciplines that are in accord with the proposed model are outlined.  相似文献   

This paper challenges current perspectives on Hong Kong heritage that are based predominantly on a dichotomous juxtaposition of traditional Chineseness vis‐à‐vis post‐colonial romanticism, and argues for a deeper appreciation of its industrial history and identity. Textured narratives are proposed that highlight the socio‐economic relationships that were/are essential components of the industrial (hi)story. Specifically, the paper identifies the time/space dimension as unique, and hence it should be valorised using context‐sensitive, carefully thought‐through and executed approaches. The paper presents an ‘other Hong Kong heritage story’ that foregrounds the compressed time–space nature of the city’s industrial history, the spatial organisation of manufacturing, and the dynamic spatial stretch that has been taken by the industrialisation process. Furthermore, a stretching of governance space for the identification, (re)presentation and conservation of heritage using a participatory approach is proposed. In the face of rapid deindustrialisation and pressure for urban renewal, prompt, well‐conceptualised and time/space‐sensitive efforts to valorise, preserve and manage this fast‐disappearing heritage in Hong Kong are vital.  相似文献   

文化线路:理论演进、内容体系与研究意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王丽萍 《人文地理》2011,26(5):43-48
文化线路在理论和实践层面均为世界遗产保护提供了新理念和新方法,在国际古迹遗址理事会和世界遗产专家的努力下,文化线路理论经过9次研讨会的补充、完善形成了概念清晰、内涵丰富的理论体系,历次会议内容体现了文化线路理论发展演变的特点。分析国际古迹遗址理事会第16届大会形成的《2008文化线路宪章》内容后,本文从理论层面深度解析文化线路思想,并指出文化线路对我国遗产保护体系重构、多元文化保护、遗产旅游资源的保护与利用和加强世界、民族的交流与联系具有举足轻重的指导作用。  相似文献   

According to Daniel Kahneman’s theory of loss aversion in behavioural economics and decision theory, people tend to prefer strongly avoiding losses to acquiring gains of the same value. A recently proposed alternative explanation of the same behaviour is inertia. In this paper, I am heuristically transferring these observations from the realm of economics to the realm of cultural heritage. In the cultural heritage sector of the Western world there has long been a preference for avoiding losses over acquiring gains of the same value. Maintenance of the status quo of cultural heritage is typically perceived as being superior to loss or substitution. However, social anthropologist Tim Ingold recently advocated a view that challenges this preference for loss aversion by considering both people and buildings as something persistent, continuously re-born, and constantly growing and going through a process of ever new creative transformations. By appreciating heritage objects as persistent and continuously being transformed in ongoing processes of change, growth and creation, the preference for loss aversion can be averted and a more dynamic view of cultural heritage be adopted that is better able to work through cases and examples like those presented in this paper.  相似文献   

Cultural heritage management is an inherently retrospective discipline. To the detriment of future heritage management, some heritage places were not recognised and managed even though they had instant global significance after their creation (e.g. sites of the Apollo space programme). The current revolution in robotic technologies, coupled with the developments in artificial intelligence, suggests that the creation of self‐reflective robots capable of semi‐independent thought (processes) is not too far away. This paper explores the conceptual and ethical issues that heritage managers face when dealing with the heritage such robots will create.  相似文献   

Authenticity is a constructive concept and the core principle for protection of cultural heritage, but it is also a controversial issue, along with its practice in different geographical and cultural contexts. Both the heritage management system and its authenticity principles are not indigenous, but were developed in western society and exported from western countries. As a result, conflicts arise with its implementation and therefore often lead to counterintuitive behaviors. This paper examines the heritage conservation process in the case of Hongcun by applying the social constructionism theory. The paper attempts to point out that both the heritage and the authenticity principles are socially constructed concepts and that the construction process is very much influenced by the power relationships involved. Authenticity in Hongcun is an implementation of the principle of material, static, and superficial style understandings, while less attention is paid to the non-material cultural heritage protection, which is especially reflected in the neglect and the development restrictions on local craft and folk art. The study shows that there is a need to be aware of the nature of the constructiveness and power relationships in the heritage management and to integrate local voices in the heritage conservation process to avoid conflicts and to achieve conservation goals.  相似文献   

从“原真性”实践反思中国遗产保护——以宏村为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
原真性是一个建构的概念,中国遗产保护在与国际接轨过程中,没有基于中国文化背景对其加以操作细化。本文通过宏村案例研究发现,在政府以"原真性"为指导思想的自上而下的遗产保护行动中,一直未能就原真性概念本身与社区自下而上的内生力量形成有效的社会互动和共同建构,这导致了原真性概念突出地表现出国际化、行政化、精英化的特征,本土声音特别是当地社区居民的话语权缺失,最终造成了文化遗产保护趋向于表面化、静态化、无机化、旅游化。因此,在遗产保护和管理中,要将原真性理解成一种建构性的标准,充分尊重居民所具有的权力,以确保原真性实践的有效性。  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
While recognised for advancing historical scholarship on collecting in the colonial Netherlands East Indies, the Netherlands-Indonesia Shared Cultural Heritage Project of 2003–2006 merits analysis in its own right as a ‘heritage process’. From the perspective of heritage studies theory, this article demonstrates how the project both illustrates and contradicts several influential conceptions of heritage. It also reveals that such heritage negotiations can benefit states dealing with the legacy of the colonial past in European museums, when they forgo competition in the interest of a workable consensus. However, the project also offers counterpoints and paradoxes connected to remembering and forgetting, between its orientation to the present and to the past, and in its relationship to the tangible and intangible heritage of Dutch colonialism.  相似文献   

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