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云雪梅 《收藏家》2000,(11):25-30
民国时期的北方活跃着两个美术社团,它们是中国画学研究会和湖社。前者由金城、陈师曾等创立于1920年5月,后者由金城之子金潜庵及金门弟子创立于1927年初。在近30年的时间里,它们以“精研古法,博采新知”为宗旨,招生授徒、举办展览,在当时的美术界有相当影响,现在人们多称其为“京派”。金城与这两个社团都有密切关系。一、中国画学研究会的缘起和背景作为民国期间北京和北方地区规模最大、持续最久的艺术社团,中国画学研究  相似文献   

民国时期商会组织是一个维护工商业主利益的社会团体,以“联合各业、振兴工业、齐一商志”为宗旨。商会组织在民国时期得到了充分的发展,作为这一时期商会活动的历史记录——民国时期商会档案,以其保存完整、时间跨度长、涉及地域广、案卷数量多、内容丰富等特点,在整个民国档案中占特殊而重要的地位。  相似文献   

民国时期是中国学术文化由传统到现代的转型期,中国仿效西方建立起一套现代意义上的学术体制,创建了现代意义上的学术门类和学科体系,产生了一些重要的学术思想,出现了一批学贯中西的著名学者,出版了一批有影响的学术著作。近年来,人们对民国时期的学术发展较为关注,但也出现了“褒奖有加而分析不足”的偏向,将当时有限的、相对的学术自由加以夸张、美化,对民国学术发展的内外机制缺乏深入理解,对民国学者的成就及其局限缺乏理性分析,进而得出了不少错误结论。这种偏向无疑是需要加以纠正的。如何看待民国时期的学术成就及其局限?如何把握民国学术发展的内外原因?为此,本刊专门约请了五位学者围绕这些问题展开深入探究。这些文章,以唯物史观的基本原则为理论指导,从不同的视角多维度审视民国学术发展状况,着力探讨制约民国学术发展的内外机制及其影响,分析民国学术发展的基本轨迹及其总体特征,以期对民国学术发展作出客观的评价和准确的历史定位。  相似文献   

黄冬芳 《神州》2013,(15):248-248
民国时期女子社团作为女性群体活动的组织,流露出相同的内质,形成一种立体的群体意识网络。本文试图通过对民国时期女子社团群体意识内涵、作用进行探索,以便了解当时妇女阶层意识发展的整体水平。  相似文献   

新中国成立后,以何种组织形式和方法领导科学工作是当时党和政府面临的一个重要问题。中国科学院作为“主管国家科学事业的政府职能部门”和“全国科学领导中心”,探索建立了专门委员制度、专业工作委员会和学部制度,逐渐确立了在新中国科学事业中的学术领导地位。全国科联是自然科学各专门学会的联合组织,是中国科学院进行学术领导的“群众基础”。中宣部科学(卫生)处和政务院文化教育委员会是党和政府领导中国科学院工作的主要机构,其中中宣部科学(卫生)处在实际工作中发挥了更为重要的作用。  相似文献   

民国议会史研究述评   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
薛恒 《近代史研究》2004,(3):270-290
民国议会制是辛亥革命以后中国政治制度“承百代之流,而会乎当今之变”的主要创新之一。民国议会的建立及其运行不仅标示着民国时期中国人在建立现代国家的努力中民主政治发展的程  相似文献   

“近代”、“近世”,历史分期与史学观念   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文考察了古典时间名词“近代”和“近世”在清末民国时期词义的演化及其给中国史学近代化和近代中国史学发展带来的影响 ,认为清末民国时期“近代”和“近世”词义的翻新 ,改变了中国传统的历史时间分期法 ,促进了中国通史研究的近代化 ,促进了专门史、边缘史、近代史研究的发展 ,同时又相当程度上反映了清末民国时期中国史学近代化的广度和深度。  相似文献   

2005年,安徽省钱币学会在中国钱币学会、省社科联、省社团管理局、人民银行合肥中支的领导和文博、科技院校以及广大会员的热心参与下,坚持以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,结合保持共产党员先进性教育活动,以“三贴近”为原则,积极开展钱币学术研究与交流,各项工作均取得较好成绩。  相似文献   

严格定义的“科幻小说”,是近代西方自然科学发展的产物。晚清和民国时期,有识之士秉着改良社会、“科学救国”的志愿,翻译引进了大量科幻小说,同时引发了晚清和民国时期国人创作科幻小说的浪潮。诸如梁启超、鲁迅等思想家、文学家,都加入到了科幻小说的翻译中。正是大量域外科幻作品的引入,才激发了晚清、民国乃至现当代中国科幻创作的繁荣。本跨页展现了1890年代到1980年代,部分重点外国作家、作品的翻译情况。  相似文献   

蔡元培是近代中国将科学精神与教育结合起来进行系统阐述的第一人。他从民国教育为宗旨“养成健全之人格”出发,指出科学对教育最大的贡献,在于培养大众的科学理性。蔡元培将力倡思想自由、学术自由,宣传科学文明、引入科学方法等归结为“科学精神”的培养,强调以“诚、勤、勇、爱”四字真言培育公民的“科学精神”。  相似文献   

Poems of Science     

Poems of Science is an anthology which has been edited by Mr J. Heath-Stubbs and Professor P. Salman. Its first edition will be published by Penguin Books Ltd in Spring 1984, and by the kind permission of the two editors and tbe publishers extracts from their Introduction to the anthology as well as a selection of the poems contained in it are reproduced here. These extracts from the Introduction, as well as the choice of poems here printed, were made by the Editor of Interdisciplinary Science Reviews. He would like to thank Mr Heath- Stubbs and Professor Salman and Mr MacFarlan of Penguin Books Ltd for the opportunity to present such a wide range of poetry from this remarkable interdisciplinary collection.  相似文献   


Academic essays in Germany either start or end with a citation from Goethe. I cannot refrain from this tradition as I have in mind three lines which described the situation in his time and during the last century, but which no longer hold true in our changing world. This is not easy to accept, especially for a scientist.  相似文献   

This paper presents a vision and a pathway for the future of archaeological practice, in which several fields that are currently considered distinct, including community-based collaborative archaeology, indigenous archaeology, and applied archaeology, could become the norm. Inspired by personal encounters with some exceptionally open and collaborative archaeology projects, as well as by recent advances in archaeological science, which are starting to make it more portable, this paper sets out an agenda for a more open approach to archaeological practice. It advocates a method of producing knowledge about the past that does not privilege one investigator over another, but gives everyone who is interested and wants to participate an opportunity to do. Specific methodological challenges that are discussed include the need to ‘flip’ the public outreach element of research designs, to embed open participation from the outset by nurturing relationships of mutual respect and trust, and to take advantage of, and improve, the portability of archaeological science, so that it can be done in and by local communities. It is argued here that the opening of archaeological research, including the archaeological sciences, to a wider range of participants, is the most ethical approach to archaeological practice in a pan-disciplinary research environment.  相似文献   


Central values of modern science are explored by examining psychological characteristics common amongst dentists and students attracted to science, relating these to a model of the philosophy of science, and suggesting a socio-historical explanation. Several explanations for the psychological features characteristic of modern science are discussed. The explanation favoured suggests that these psychological features are symptomatic of the social role of modern science, which is to secure knowledge which will enable effective, practical intervention in nature. Control is a primary cognitive value. The central value of modern science and their psychological correlates are expressive of dominant social interests in modern society.  相似文献   

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