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 共查询到20条相似文献,搜索用时 15 毫秒
O tto N eugebauer : Ethiopic Astronomy and Computus.
R obert B anks : Paul's Idea of Community: The Early House Churches in their Historical Setting.
R. N. S wanson : Universities, Academics and the Great Schism.
P atrick C ollinson : Archbishop Grindal, 1519-1583: The Struggle for a Reformed Church.
P hyllis M ack C rew : Calvinist Preaching and Iconoclasm in the Netherlands, 1544–1569.
R obert L. N ichols and T heofanis G eorge S tavrou (eds): Russian Orthodoxy under the Old Regime.
W illiam J. C allahan and D avid H iggs (eds): Church and Society in Catholic Europe of the Eighteenth Century.
N orman S. M oon : Education for Ministry: Bristol Baptist College 1679–1979.
H arry W. P aul : The Edge of Contingency: French Catholic Reaction to Scientific Change from Darwin to Duhem.
A llan M. G rocott : Convicts, Clergymen and Churches: Attitudes of Convicts and Ex-Convicts Towards the Churches and Clergy in New South Wales from 1788 to 1851.
R alph M. W iltgen : The Founding of the Roman Catholic Church in Oceania
D avid W etherell : Reluctant Mission: The Anglican Church in Papua New Guinea, 1891–1942.  相似文献   

Reviews in this article
M alcolm B arber : The Trial of the Templars.
R obert K olb : Nikolaus von Amsdorf (1483–1565): Popular in the Preservation of Luther's Legacy
M urray T olmie : The Triumph of the Saints: The Separate Churches of London 1616–1649.
J ohn H. P ruett : The Parish Clergy Under the Later Stuarts: The Leicestershire Experience.
A nthony R hodes : The Vatican in the Age of the Dictators, 1922–1945.
M ichael C harles H ogan : The Catholic Campaign for State Aid: A Study of a Pressure Group Campaign in New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory, 1950–1972
V assilis G. V itsaxis : Hindu Epics, Myths and Legends in Popular illustrations.
W. O wen C ole and P iara S ingh S ambhi : The Sikhs. Their Religious Beliefs and Practices.  相似文献   

E duard L ohse : The New Testament Environment, trans. John E. Steely.
H enry A nsgar K elly : The Matrimonial Trials of Henry VIII.
R. C. R ichardson : Puritanism in North-West England: A Regional Study of the Diocese of Chester to 1642.
B. W orden : The Rump Parliament, 1648-1653.
W illiam K. M edlin and C hristos G. P atrinelis : Renaissance Influences and Religious Reforms in Russia.
W. R. W ard : Religion and Society in England
J ohn F. C leverley : The First Generation: School and Society in Early Australia.
W illiam G ribbin : The Churches Militant: the War of 1812 and American Religion.
D avid E dwin H arrell J r : White Sects and Black Men in the Recent South.
G eorgia H arkness and C harles F. K raft
F. C. T urner : Catholicism and Political Development in Latin America.  相似文献   

Book review in this Article
E rnest L. M artin : The Birth of Christ Recalculated.
H. M. T eepl E: The Noah's Ark Nonsense.
R. M. O gilvi E: The Library of Lactantius.
A lan Y oung : William Cumin: Border Politics and the Bishopric of Durham, 1141–1144
R oy M artin H aines : The Church and Politics in Fourteenth-Century England: The Career of Adam Orleton, c. 1275–1345
R obert S auzet : Contre-Réforme et reforme catholique en Bas-Languedoc: Le diocèse de Nimes au XVIIe siècle
H. C. P orter : The Inconstant Savage: England and the North American Indian, 1500–1660.
M artin K ing W hyte : The Status of Women in Pre-Industrial Societies.
O wen C hadwick : The Secularization of the European Mind in the Nineteenth Century.
G eoffrey S tephens : The Hutchins School: Macquarie Street Years, 1846–1965.
W illiam N icolle O ats : The Rose and the Waratah: The Friends'School, Hobart. Formation and Development, 1832–1945.  相似文献   

《History and theory》2010,49(1):153-156
Books reviewed in this issue.
R. G. C ollingwood : T he P hilosophy of E nchantment : S tudies in the F olktale , C ultural C riticism, and A nthropology . Edited by David Boucher, Wendy James, and Philip Smallwood.
T he M odern H istoriography R eader : W estern S ources . Edited by Adam Budd.
T he C ultural T urn in U.S. H istory : P ast , P resent, and F uture . Edited by James W. Cook, Lawrence B. Glickman, and Michael O'Malley.
L iterary H istoricity : L iterature and H istorical E xperience in E ighteenth -C entury B ritain . By Ruth Mack.
H istory , H istorians, and A utobiography . By Jeremy D. Popkin.
R icoeur el ' esperienza storica : L' ermeneutica filosofica nella tradizione delle A nnales . By Luca M. Possati.
R ecent T hemes on H istorians and the P ublic : H istorians in C onversation . Edited by Donald A. Yerxa.
R ecent T hemes in W orld H istory and the H istory of the W est : H istorians in C onversation . Edited by Donald A. Yerxa.  相似文献   

Book Reviewed in this articles:
R obert L. W ilken : The Land Called Holy: Palestine in Christian History and Thought. New Haven and London, Yale University Press, 1992; pp. xvi + 365
C. S tephen J aeger : The Envy of Angels: Cathedral School and Social Ideals in Medieval Europe, 950-1200 . University of Pennsylvania Press, 1994; pp. 515.
R oberta G ilchrist : Contemplation and Action: The Other Monasticism. London, Leicester University Press, 1995; pp. xvi + 250.
W illiam J. D ohar : The Black Death and Pastoral Leadership: The Diocese of Hereford in the Fourteenth Century . Philadelphia, Philadelphia University Press, 1995; pp. xvi + 198.
J ohn F ennell : A History of the Russian Church to 1448 . London and New York, Longman, 1995; pp. xii + 266.
M ihchel de C erteau : The Mystic Fable, Volume 1 : The Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries . Translated by Michael B. Smith, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1995; pp. 384.
J osé C asanova , Pblic Religions in the Modern World . Chicago and London, University of Chicago Press, 1995; pp. x 320
W alter H. C apps : The New Religious Right: Piety, Patriotism, and Politics . Columbia, South Carolina, University of South Carolina Press, 1994; p. 223.
D iana W ood : The Church and Childhood (Studies in Church History, Volume 31). Oxford, Published for the Ecclesiastical History Society by Basil Blackwell, 1994; pp. 530.
R ose -M ary S argent : The Diffident Naturalist: Robert Boyle and the Philosophy of Experiment . Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1995; pp. 336.
T homas O'C onnor : An Irish Theologian in Enlightenment France: Luke Joseph Hooke, 1714-96 . Dublin, Four Courts Press, 1995; pp. 218.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
W. E. G regory F loyd : Clement of Alexandria's Treatment of the Problem of Evil .
J ohn M eyendroff : Byzantine Theology: Historic Trends and Doctrinal Themes .
D. F. W right (trans. and ed.): Common Places of Martin Bucer (The Courtenay Library of Reformation Classics, 4).
J ohn W. P acker : The Transformation of Anglicanism, 1643–1660 .
P. J. M arshall (ed.): The British Discovery of Hinduism in the Eighteenth Century .
J ohn M c M anners : The French Revolution and the Church (Church History Outlines, 4).
G raeme K ent : Company of Heaven: Early Missionaries in the South Seas .
P aul Y ounger : Introduction to Indian Religious Thought .
M arvin H enry H arper : Gurus, Swamis, and Avataras: Spiritual Masters and their American Disciples .
R ichard P. D avis : Irish Issues in New Zealand Politics 1868–1922 .  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
M ichael P. C arroll The Cult of the Virgin Mary
S hery L. R eamies : The Legenda Aurea: A Reexamination of its Paradoxical History
J ohanna B roda , D aviad C arrasco and E duardo M atos M octezuma : The Great Temple of Tenochtitlan: Center and Periphery in the Aztec World
P eter L ake and M aria D owling (eds): Protestantism and the National Church in Sixteenth Century England
P atrick C ollinson : The Religion of Protestants: The Church in English Society 1559–1625, being the Ford Lectures for 1979
D avid H empton : Methodism and Politics in British Society, 1750–1850
R obert C olls : The Pitmen of the Northern Coalfield; Work, culture and Portest, 1790–1850
D eborah M. V alaence : Prophetic Sons and Daughters: Female Preaching and Popular Religion in Industrial England
J ohn H osie : Challenge: The Marists in Colonial Australia
S tuart P iggin : Faith of Steel: A History of theChristian Churches in Illawarra, Australia
L ogie B arrow : Independent Spirits: Spiritualism and English Plebeians, 1850–1910
M arie P eters : Christchurch-St Michael's: A Study in Anglicanism in New Zealand 1851–1972
R obert E. S ullivan and J ames M. O'T oole (eds): Catholic Boston: Studies in Religion and Community, 1870–1970
M argaret H ope B acon : Let This Life Speak- The Legacy of Henry Joel Cadbury
J ohn F. P ollard : The Vatican and Italian Fascism, 1929–32: A Study in Conflict
J ames B entley : Martin Niemöller
A ndrew M ichael M anis : Southern Civil Religions in Conflict: Black and White Baptists and Civil Rights, 1947–1957  相似文献   

C. H. W illiams :William Tyndale, Leaders of Religion series.
R. E. W itt :Isis in the Graeco-Roman World (Aspects of Greek and Roman Life).
G. W. H. L ampe (ed.): The Cambridge History of the Bible, Volume Two, from the Fathers to the Reformation.
B arry W. OD wyer :The Conspiracy of Mellifont, 1216-1231.
J ames A tkinson :The Trial of Luther.
C. F. A llison : The Rise of Moralism: The Proclamation of the Gospel from Hooker to Baxter.
J. H. M. S almon : Cardinal de Retz. The Anatomy of a Conspirator.
G eoffrey S erle :The Rush to be Rich: A History of the Colony of Victoria 1883-1889.
W illiam J. S amarin : Tongues of Men and Angels.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
C. M ackenzie B rown : The Triumph of the Goddess: The Canonical Models and Theological Visions of the Devī Bhāgavata Purāna.
R obert M arkus : The End of Ancient Christianity.
T homas A. M ason : Serving God and Mammon. William Juxon, 1582–1663: Bishop of London, Lord High Treasurer of England, and Archbishop of Canterbury.
S uzanne D esan : Reclaiming the Sacred: Lay Religion and Popular Politics in Revolutionary France.
D. W. B ebbington : Evangelicalism in Modern Britain: A History from the 1730s to the 1980s.
O wen C hadwick : Michael Ramsey: A Life.
K enneth C. B arnes : Nazism, Liberalism, and Christianity: Protestant Social Thought in Germany and Great Britain, 1925–1937.
R ichard W. V audry : The Free Church in Victorian Canada, 1844–1861.
T homas C. R eeves : A Question of Character: A Life of John F. Kennedy.
E ric J. S harpe : Nathan Söderblom, and the Study of Religion.
M ichael M c K ernan : Padre: Australian Chaplains in Gallipoli and France
A lan W. B lack (ed.): Religion in Australia: Sociological Perspectives.
J ames A. B outilier and others (eds): Mission, Church and Sect in Oceania.
C har M iller (ed.): Missions and Missionaries in the Pacific.
R. L anier B rttsch : Unto the Islands of the Sea: A History of the Latter-day Saints in the Pacific.
M ichael C athcart and others (eds): Mission to the South Seas: The Voyage of the 'Duffl', 1796–1799.  相似文献   

W esley C arr : Angels and Principalities: The Background, Meaning and Development of the Pauline Phrase HA1 ARCHA1 KAl HA1 EX0US1A1.
P aul K eresztes : Constantine: A Great Christian Monarch and Apostle.
J effrey H elterman : Symbolic Action in the Plays of the Wakefield Master.
M argaret B owker : The Henrician Reformation: The Diocese of Lincoln under John Longland, 1521–1547.
C. J ohn S ommerville : Popular Religion in Restoration England.
D avid H illiard : God's Gentlemen: A History of the Melanesian Mission, 1849–1942.
K en R. M anley and M ichael P etras : The First Australian Baptists.
R ichard B roome : Treasure in Earthen Vessels: Protestant Churchmen in N.S. W. Society, 1900–1914.
R oss F itzgerald : From the Dreaming to 1915: A History of Queensland.
G erard H enderson : Mr Santamaria and the Bishops.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
R einhard P ummer : The Samaritans .
A lan M acquarrie : Scotland and the Crusades, 1095–1560 .
J ames W illiam B rodman : Ransoming Captives in Crusader Spain: The Order of Merced on the Christian-Islamic Frontier .
R obert S. G ottfried : Bury St Edmunds and the Urban Crisis: 1290–1539 .
B arry C ollett : Italian Benedictine Scholars and the Reformation: The Congregation of Santa Giustina of Padua .
H einz K remers (ed.) with L eonore S iegele -W enschkewitz and B ertold K lappert : Die Juden und Martin Luther
J. J. S carisbrick : The Reformation and the English People
R obert J. S crimgeour : Some Scots Were Here: A History of The Presbyterian Church in South Australia 1839–1977 .
G eoffrey A hern : Sunlight at Midnight: The Rudolf Steiner Movement and the Western Esoteric Tradition .
N icholas de L ange : Judaism .  相似文献   

M ircea E liade : Zalmoxis, the Vanishing God: Comparative Studies in the Religions and Folklore of Dacia and Eastern Europe, translated by Willard Trask.
S. G. F. B randon : Religion in Ancient History. Studies in Ideas, Men and Events.
S idney R. P ackard : Twelfth Century Europe, an Interpretative Essay.
A. L ynn M artin : Henry HI and the Jesuit Politicians.
T ai L iu : Discord in Zion: The Puritan Divines and the Puritan Revolution 1640-1660.
J ohn M iller : Popery and Politics in England, 1660-1688.
W alter E bsworth : Pioneer Catholic Victoria.
W. P. M orrell : The Anglican Church in New Zealand.
C laude W elch : Protestant Thought in the Nineteenth Century, Volume I, 1799-1870.
D enis G rundy : 'Secular, Compulsory and Free'. The Education Act of 1872.
A lbert M arrin : The Last Crusade: The Church of England in the First World War.
J ohn M offitt : Journey to Gorakhpur. Reflections on Hindu Spirituality.  相似文献   

E. F. O sborn : Justin Martyr (Beitrage zur historischen Theologie, 47), Tubingen, J. C. B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck)
W. L. W akefield : Heresy, Crusade and Inquisition in Southern France
B rendan B radshaw : The Dissolution of the Religious Orders in Ireland under Henry VIII
G undmar B lume : Goslar und der Schmalkaldische Bund 1527/31-1547 (Beitrage zur Geschichte der Stadt Goslar, 26)
A. K. W alker : William Law; His Life and Work. London, SPCK
P hilip N. B ackstrom : Christian Socialism and Co-operation in Victorian England
J. R. C. W right :'Above Parties': The Political Attitudes of the German Protestant Leadership, 1918-1933  相似文献   

A veril C ameron and A meslie K uhrt (eds): Images of Women in Antiquity.
A lfred P. S myth : Warlords and Holy Men: Scotland, A.D. 80-1000. London
B rian T ierney : Religion, Law and the Growth of Constitutional Thought, 1150-1650
N oel L. B rann : The Abbot Trithemius (1462-1516): The Renaissance of Monastic Humanism
E dward L. G oldberg : Patterns in Late Medici Art Patronage.
M alcolm D. P rentis : The Scots in Australia: A Study of New South Wales, Victoria, and Queensland, 1788-1900.
C hristine J ohnson : Developments in the Roman Catholic Church in Scotland 1789-1829
W illiam M c N air and H ilary R umley : Pioneer Aboriginal Mission: The Work of Wesleyan Missionary John Smithies in the Swan River Colony, 1840-1855.
M argaret M. P awsey : The Demon of Discord: Tensions in the Catholic Church in Victoria, 1853-1864.
M argaret M. P awsey : The Popish Plot: Culture Clashes in Victoria 1860-1863.
M amie G arvin F ields with K aren F ields : Lemon Swamp and Other Places: A Carolina Memoir.
T homas J. A rchdeacon : Becoming American: An Ethnic History.
W. W arren W agar (ed.): The Secular Mind: Transformations of Faith in Modern Europe.
G eoffrey S herington : Shore: A History of Sydney Church of England Grammar School.  相似文献   

Book review in this Article
R. A. T omlinson : Greek Sanctuaries.
R upert F urneaux : The Roman Siege of Jerusalem.
B ernhard G rimm : Untersuchungen zur sozialen Stellung der frühen Christen in der römischen Gesellschaft.
J ane I. S mith : An Historical and Semantic Study of the term Islam as seen in a Sequence of Quran Commentaries.
H arry W. H azard (ed.): The Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries, volume III of Kenneth M. Setton (ed.).
R. J. M orris : Cholera, 1832: the Social Response to an Epidemic.
J udy B irmingham and C arol L iston : Old Sydney Burial Ground 1974.
A lan R oberts and E lizabeth M alcolm : Hunter Baillie: a History of the Presbyterian Church in Annandale.
B ruce M ansfield with F ay R ichardson : Knox: a History of Knox Grammar School, 1924–1974.
J ohn S. D unne : The Way of All the Earth: an Encounter with Eastern Religions.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Book Reviews
B ruce C hilton and J acob N eusner : Judaism in the New Testament: Practices and Beliefs .
Hildegard of Bingen and Gendered Theology in Judaeo-Christian Tradition , J ulie S. B arton and C onstant J. M ews (eds).
K ristin E ldyss S orensen Z apalac : 'In His Imageand Likeness': Political Iconography and Religious Change in Regensburg, 1500–1600.
M ichael A. M ullett : John Bunyan in Context .
B ruce M ansfield : Man on his Own: Interpretations of Erasmus ,
M ary C. S ullivan : Catherine McAuley and the Tradition of Mercy .
The American Quest for the Primitive Church , R ichard H ughes (ed.).
The Primitive Church in the Modern World , R ichard H ughes (ed.).
M ark N oll : The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind .
Amazing Grace: Evangelicalism in Australia, Britain, Canada, and the United States , G eorge A. R awlyk and M ark A. N oll (eds).
H ilary C arey : Believing in Australia: A Cultural History of Religions.
S ang -T aek L ee : Religion and Social Formation in Korea: Minjung and Millenarianism.
'And the Birds Began to Sing' Religion and Literature in Post-Colonial Cultures J ames S. S cott (ed.)  相似文献   


Book review in this Article
J. G. G ager : Kingdom and Community: The Social World of Early Christianity (Prentice-Hall Studies in Religion Series).
M arcel C hicoteau : Glanures au Viale Manzoni.
E. R udolph D aniel : The Franciscan Concept of Mission in the High Middle Ages.
A shley C larke and P hilip R ylands (eds): Restoring Venice: the Church of the Madonna Dell'Orto.
A. T. Y arwood : Samuel Marsden: The Great Survivor.
J. D. B ollen : Australian Baptists: A Religious Minority.
R ichard E ly : Unto God and Caesar: Religious Issues in the Emerging Commonwealth, 1891–1906.
J. N. M olony : The Emergence of Political Catholicism in Italy: Partito Popolare 1919–1926.
B ryan R. W ilson : Magic and the Millennium: A Sociological Study of Religious Movements among Tribal and Third-World Peoples.
V ictor C. H ayes (ed.): Australian Essays in World Religions, Adelaide, The Australian Association for the Study of Religions  相似文献   

《History and theory》2009,48(3):295-298
Book reviewed in this issue.
D isciplining the H olocaust . By Karyn Ball.
T he S ymbolic C ontruction of R eality : T he L egacy of E rnst C assirer . Edited by Jeffrey Barash.
N arrating the N ation : R epresentations in H istory , M edia and the A rts . Edited by Stefan Berger, Linas Eriksonas, and Andrew Mycock.
T he C ontested N ation : E thnicity , C lass , R eligion and G ender in N ational H istories . Edited by Stefan Berger and Chris Lorenz.
W riting the H istory of the M ind : P hilosophy and S cience in F rance , 1900 to 1960 s . By Cristina Chimisso.
N eue Z ugänge zur G eschichte der G eschichtswissenschaft . Edited by Jan Eckel and Thomas Etzemüller.
T hucydides and the P hilosophical O rigins of H istory . By Darien Shanske.
S ensing the P ast : S eeing , H earing , S melling , T asting, and T ouching in H istory . By Mark M. Smith.  相似文献   

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