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The Norbu Lingka Road running for two km between Norbu Lingka andthe Potala Palace was built in 2000 with investment of 20 million Yuan.It is lined with snow pine trees and its sidewalks are paved with galzed tileslike those used to pave the sidewalks of the Chang'an Boulevard in Beijing.  相似文献   

The Shoton (Sour Milk Drinking) Festival is one of the indispensable festivals for the Tibetans. When I reached Lhasa, however, it was already “something that had happened in the past.” My friends told me, the festival featured Tibetan opera performance in the Norbu Lingka, and monks and lay people were immersed in a world of art and happy celebrations. They also told me Tibetan opera was called Lhamo in Tibetan, meaning fairy maid.  相似文献   

<正>The press conference of the Tibetan themed film"Never Give up"was held in Beijing on Jan.18,2015.The film is based on the novel"Tibetan Children",written by a Tibetan young writer Yingsa Norbu Tsering.It tells stories of Tibetan kids such as Norbu Tsering who go to inland for studying and growing up.  相似文献   

<正>With slightly curly shoulder-length black hair,a dark brown complexion and prominent facial features,Norbu Dondrup looked like just an ordinary Khampa man.It was an afternoon in June.The sunshine was a bit dazzling.We agreed to meet in the courtyard of Sholdo Traditional Handicraft School.Concerned that his  相似文献   

正The sound of loom weaving comes out of a three-story building in the Lugu Alley off the Barkor Street.Drugyal's wife Norbu Droma and her assistants are making traditional Tibetan bags.The black pulu shop sign stands out in the quiet alley.Step into the shop,you will see wool,calfskin and sheepskin bags hang neatly on the wall.The products on display on the counter are of the current style made for everyday life,while those traditional handmade bags in the inner  相似文献   

On December 14, 2001, the 25th Session of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee held in Helsinkidecided that Norbu Lingka be an extension of the Potala Palace,a "world heritage."  相似文献   

New Books     
<正>Moinyul,the Hiding Paradise This is the first book produced in China concerning the Moinyul area in Tibet.Consisting of a total of 23 chapters and 13 invaluable historical attached files,the book is written by Pasang Norbu and narrates the history and culture of Moinpa and the people living there all the way from the ninth to nineteenth century.The book was published  相似文献   

正Unlike most young Tibetan people who yearn for stable governmental financial support to provide for a simple living upon their completion of education,Norbu Dradul is an exception.Possessing the same name of the heroic Tibetan King Gesar,Norbu Dradul is an influential photographer in Tibetan areas,and he has been working  相似文献   

February 13, 1990 (the 19th day of the 12th Tibetan month of the Year of the Earth Snake of the 17th Cycle of Tibetan Calendar): Gyaincain Norbu was born in Jiali County of the TAR.  相似文献   

<正>Dorje Norbu is a villager from the first group of the village of Lhalung in the township of Tsari within Lhozhag County.What makes him different from other local villagers is he runs two separate vegetable greenhouses.Although he dropped out of junior middle school,he is still recognized as a skilled 30-yearold unmarried farmer who takes care of his mother.Dorje Norbu has been working two vegetable greenhouses by  相似文献   

When Qamba Lobsang bade farewell to his uncle at the Norbu Lingka, summer palace of the Dalai Lama, he didn't realize he would be doing the same job as the old man in the future: serving as a butler at the palace.However, what Galsang is doing is somewhat different from what his uncle used to do. As a senior official under the Gaxag government in old Tibet, his uncle was charged with tending the Potala Palace and Norbu Lingka. As  相似文献   

Gyaltsen Norbu is a Tibetan,born in Bathang of Sichuan Province.In June of 1950,he joined the People's Liberation Army and served in the vanguard of the 18~(th) Military Force.He undertook such posts as cadre of Tibetan language in the 3^rd Division of the 18^th Military Force,information advisor for Chamdo Garrison Corp of Xichang Military Force,  相似文献   

陕西丹凤县巩家湾遗址发掘简报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Gongjiawan site.about 1200m^2, locates at Chafang township of Danfeng county. According to the stratigraphical deposits and the characteristics of the cuhural relics,Gongjiawan site can be mainly divided into three phases. The first phase is Yangshao Culture. The second is early period of Longshan Culture,which is discovered in the uper reaches of Danjing River for the first time,the discovery fills an important gap in developing alignment of archaeological cultures in this region. The third belongs to the middle--late era of the Western Zhou,which is different from that of the corresponding period of Guanzhong district, while is closed to that of Chu culture of the corresponding period of Hubei Province. The discovery is important for us to explore the distribution of Chu culture and cultural relation between Western Zhou and Chu ,at that lime.  相似文献   

This essay examines two sets of reports in the Qing-dynasty Jiaqing and Daoguang periods (respectively 1796-1820 and 1821-45) in order to understand better the perceived reality of the Tiandihui.The first set,found among the papers of Jiangxi governor Xianfu (1809-14),allows a comparison of a criminal gang that invoked the Tiandihui ceremony with one that did not.The second set includes the diary of Taihe county magistrate Xu Dihui (in office from 1824) that recorded various events which came to be reported to the senior officialdom as having been conducted by secret societies.By collating the incidents as reported in the diary and memorials to the emperor,the authors argue that the pressure of the administrative process was responsible for the ultimate acquiescence by the Hunan governor Han Wenqi (in office 1825-29) in the perception of an indisputable connection of the incidents with secret societies.Moreover,both sets of reports show that participants in secret-society ceremonies and officials who suppressed them knexv that the acclaimed networking of the Tiandihui as implied in its folklore was very far from the reality.  相似文献   

It is recorded in Mahayanottara Tantra Shastra (Supreme Continuum of the Greater Vehicle) that all things relating to Dharma can relieve distress from the three realms and result in Parinirvana (extreme stillness and extinction) as in the Buddha's sayings. The discourses attributed to the Buddha of complete enlightenment are called ka(bkav) (the Buddha's words). The Buddhist canon that contains the translated discourses of the Buddha is called Kangyur (lit. the translated discourses attributed to the Buddha). The new  相似文献   

<正>A 8.1-magnitude earthquake shook Nepal on Apr.25 in 2015.The quake also strongly affected parts of Tibet.The township of Dram in Nyalam county of Shigatse is one of the most devastated areas.Given the local complexity of geological structure and the harm of aftershocks,after the earthquake,the government of Tibet Autonomous Region decided that the reconstruction of the township was based on transferring all the masses in Dram and relocating them in Samdrutse district  相似文献   

In JAC 19, I investigated Lists of Monthly Barley-Wheat Distributions and Allowances (se-gar ziz-gar sa-dug4 itid-da), with regard to the types and amount of fodder provided to donkeys from the rule of Enentarzi to the end years of Urukagina. In this paper, I found that from Urukagina Year 5, ii (2^nd month), the daily fodder for donkeys, and the number of types of donkeys, were greatly reduced. Economic decline occurred in the reign of Urukagina, king of Lagash, from the fifth year on, possibly as a result of political decline. The fact that the archive of the House of The Lady ends in Urukagina's seventh year may imply that it is in this year that Lugalzaggesi, king of Umma, captured Lagash and Girsu.  相似文献   

The visit of our delegation to Tibet was, indeed, an eye-opener. Ours was one of the first political delegations fromIndia to visit the Tibet autonomous region in many decades. The economic development that we could see in the capital city of Lhasa as well as in the other urban and rural areas clearly showed that compared to Nepal, Bhutan or other Indian Himalayan areas, the Tibet region is witness to unprecedented economic and other consequent social  相似文献   

New Books     
The Rebirth of Ethnic Tibetans -Personal Experiences of Democratic Reform
Edited by the Journal Office of China's Tibet, the book firstly records the personal experience of several leaders of the nation and of the TAR during the Tibetan democratic reform. They are Ngapo Ngawang Jime, Dorje Tseten, and Gyaltsen Norbu. Secondly, the book collects papers written by the autocrats of Old Tibet, including Horkhang Champa Tendar and Lhalu Tsewang Dorje. Thirdly,  相似文献   

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