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City planning is essential for providing physical environment for better community life and for providing green areas, while conserving historical heritage is an important achievement in city planning, particularly for historical cities such as Diyarbakir city. The focus of this paper is to outline how increasing the ratio of green area in the city centre of Diyarbakir, Turkey, with a land-use betterment model exemplified sustainable urbanism. We observed an applied urban design project that included both opening up free space to the public and increasing the amount of available green area. The project addressed an area adjacent to the Diyarbakir city walls, which are important not only for their history but also as reflections of the urbanization process of Diyarbak?r from prehistoric time to the twenty-first century. We have noticed that changes in the design area provided understanding of the city planning by public and supplied more green areas for children and women. Thus, the city became more desirable and more sustainable.  相似文献   

论我国城市开放空间系统的优化   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:14  
王发曾 《人文地理》2005,20(2):1-8,113
城市开放空间系统优化是强化生态城市建设,进而推动城市可持续发展的重要途径。本文讨论了我国城市开放空间系统优化的重大意义,指出:城市的可持续发展强烈呼唤生态城市建设,而生态城市建设必须以城市开放空间系统的优化为支撑。解析了城市开放空间系统的空间形态结构和要素组成结构,阐明了开放空间系统的实用功能、生态功能、文化功能、景观功能和调控功能等,提出了城市开放空间系统优化的理论基础和应遵循的基本原则。在此基础上,着重论述了城市开放空间系统优化的基本对策和空间布局结构优化、圈层一体化优化、系统要素优化等主要工作内容。  相似文献   

Fragments of Roman sewn‐plank boats have been found, during rescue excavations, in the Canale Anfora, an artificial channel used by Roman ships to enter the Roman city of Aquileia. Remains were found in both 1988 and 2005 at the same site. Elements of what were probably two boats are analysed and compared to other finds of Roman sewn boats found along the coast of the Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia regions. They are evidence of the use of this technique, instead of the more widespread mortise‐and‐tenon system, in the quite limited area of the Northern Adriatic. These boats were used both for inland and for maritime navigation.  相似文献   

We provide new insights on the city size distribution of countries around the world. Using more than 10,000 cities delineated via geospatial data and a globally consistent city identification scheme, we investigate distributional shapes in all countries. In terms of population, we find that Zipf's law holds for many, but not all, countries. Contrasting the distribution of population with the distribution of economic activity, measured by nighttime lights, across cities we shed light on the globally variant magnitude of agglomeration economies. Deviations from Zipf's law are to a large extent driven by an undue concentration in the largest cities. They benefit from agglomeration effects which seem to work through area rather than through density. Examining the cross‐country heterogeneity in the city size distribution, our model selection approach suggests that historical factors play an important role, in line with the time of development hypothesis.  相似文献   

汉番禺城故址新考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
关于两汉时期岭南地区经济都会番禺城故址所在历来多有争议,本文通过细致的考证分析,否定了今广州旧城区说这一学术界的主流观点以及番禺沙湾说、顺德简岸说等异说,并通过历史文献资料、历史地名遗存、地貌状况、汉墓葬点分布、历史水道交通条件、历史城市生态环境等多重证据,认为秦及南越国时期的番禺城在今广州旧城区,但汉武帝元鼎六年(前111年)则将南海郡治与番禺县治并置于旧番禺城之南,并考订两汉新番禺城的具体方位当在今广州市番禺区市桥北一带,论文相应还探讨了东汉末年番禺县城迁回旧址的时间、原因和意义。  相似文献   

韩信城遗址的平面布局及出土文物的研究表明:韩信城不是汉代建筑,城之所在应该是韩信出生的地方;韩信城在北宋时期为淮东转运枢纽,金元时期为军事重镇。  相似文献   

山东龙口市归城两周城址调查简报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
山东龙口市归城遗址是胶东地区重要的周代城址,曾出土包括启尊、启卣,以及黄县■器等在内的重要青铜器[1],为学术界所重视。归城遗址也是胶东地区青铜时代规模最大、内涵最为丰富的一处城址,对它的系统研究可以对胶东地区古代文明和国家形  相似文献   

Recent excavations in the city of Gao in eastern Mali have uncovered a sizable assemblage of imported and locally produced beads which are similar in many ways to the beads excavated at the site of Igbo-Ukwu in Nigeria. The similarities between the two assemblages suggest that they are indicative of interregional trade along the River Niger. As the likely source of many of the beads is Fustat in Egypt, Gao may well have been the middleman between Igbo-Ukwu and the former site. This route, it is argued, is more satisfactory than a direct east-west trade across the Sudannic zone, which has been argued for previously as a channel of international trade for Igbo-Ukwu.  相似文献   

张家港原本是一个经济落后、交通闭塞的小县城,20世纪90年代以来,该市抓住 机遇,开发沿江码头,建设保税区,以港兴市,以市促港,实现了全市经济的跨越式发展。该市在 发展经济的过程中,坚持以人为本,大力弘扬"团结拼搏,负重奋进,自加压力,敢于争先"的张 家港精神,三个文明建设一起抓,走出了一条快速、高效、协调发展的新路子。  相似文献   

In 2015, Caracas, Venezuela, had a homicide rate of 75 per 100,000 inhabitants, which made it one of the most violent cities in the world that year. Despite these high rates of violence, the international community knows relatively little about the dynamics underlying conflict in the city. Through a systematic comparison of three poor and working-class neighborhoods in the Caracas metropolitan area, this article analyzes the factors that have driven these remarkably high rates of violence, as well as those factors that have configured the heterogeneous violent conditions that operate across the city. Building on extensive interviews in these neighborhoods, we argue that the levels of violence in particular locales derive from the ways in which the Bolivarian political regime failed in its efforts to incorporate the poor and working-class inhabitants of different parts of the metropolitan area into the political, social, and economic systems that dominate the country today. We also argue that variation in violence results from the way in which certain neighborhoods are geographically inserted into local illicit economies and the political and social dynamics of an increasingly violent and unstable political system.  相似文献   

The research concerns the Tiber delta area, about 3 km far from the present seacoast, where the remains of the ancient harbour of Rome are located. In 42 AD, Claudius started the construction of the harbour and Nero completed it in 64 AD. Then, the emperor Trajan went on to add a hexagonal basin to the former structure, which had gradually silted up. The imperial harbour was connected to the Tiber River and ultimately to the city of Rome through the Trajan channel. During the imperial period, most of the supplies imported from the Mediterranean provinces reached the city of Rome through Portus.  相似文献   

山西襄汾县陶寺城址发现陶寺文化中期大型夯土建筑基址   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
2005~2007年,根据中华文明探源工程(第一、第二阶段)相关课题的工作安排,要求在陶寺城址继续发掘,探索宫殿区布局和区划。陶寺大遗址保护规划的制定工作,同样迫切要求我们确定陶寺城址是否存在宫殿区,以及宫殿区所在位置、规模等比较明确的信息。因此,寻找宫殿  相似文献   

2001年 9月, 山东省章丘市博物馆对章丘市大康遗址进行了发掘, 发掘面积 50平方米, 发现龙山文化、岳石文化等遗存。该遗址面积较大, 为章丘市境内一处较为重要的古文化遗址。  相似文献   

La Paz, Bolivia, and its neighbouring city, El Alto, have been experiencing patterns of urban accumulation, dispossession and displacement that demonstrate the importance of social, cultural and historical logics to understanding the politics of urban space. A striking feature of these patterns is that the image of the person who has accumulated enough wealth to displace people, is that of an indigenous woman. The Aymaran woman, traditionally dressed in pollera skirt and Derby hat, who pays in cash for luxurious properties in the affluent, white area of the Zona Sur, is a trope that has entered popular culture and political discourse. In this article, I explore the development of this cultural trope from its emergence in the 2009 film named after the area in question, Zona Sur, and subsequent uses of images of this film in social media to describe and resist political changes in the city as related to space, property and belonging. My contention is that the trope of the rich Aymaran woman, and the reversal of expected patterns of urban development that she represents, places the colonial, cultural and gendered dynamics that structure how capital shapes urban space, into sharp relief. The rich Aymaran woman who has made her money in informal commerce transgresses ideas of propriety and belonging in La Paz, and also received ideas about urban processes and gender in critical geographical literature.  相似文献   

石头城是南京作为中国重要都城城市的起点,对研究六朝都城史、南京城市建设史等具有重大意义。1998年7月至1999年2月,南京市文物研究所在清凉山地区开展了野外调查、勘探和试掘工作。一系列考古工作证实现存于清凉山地区的土垣为六朝时期的石头城城垣遗存,其最初建造时间为东吴时期,东晋以后又有加筑,城垣的彻底弃用时间约在五代、北宋时期。  相似文献   

The site of Tula, Hidalgo, Mexico, is well known for its distinctive architecture and sculpture that came to light in excavations initiated some 70 years ago. Less well known is the extensive corpus of archaeological research conducted over the past several decades, revealing a city that at its height covered an area of c. 16 km2 and incorporated a remarkably diverse landscape of hills, plains, alluvial valleys, and marsh. Its dense, urban character is evident in excavations at over 22 localities that uncovered complex arrangements of residential compounds whose nondurable architecture left relatively few surface traces. Evidence of craft production includes lithic and ceramic production loci in specific sectors of the ancient city. Tula possessed a large and densely settled hinterland that apparently encompassed the surrounding region, including most of the Basin of Mexico, and its area of direct influence appears to have extended to the north as far as San Luís Potosí. Tula is believed to have originated as the center of a regional state that consolidated various Coyotlatelco polities and probably remnants of a previous Teotihuacan-controlled settlement system. Its pre-Aztec history exhibits notable continuity in settlement, ceramics, and monumental art and architecture. The nature of the subsequent Aztec occupation supports ethnohistorical and other archaeological evidence that Tula’s ruins were what the Aztecs called Tollan.  相似文献   

王楠  陈才  刘继生 《人文地理》2008,23(3):54-58
随着《东北地区振兴规划》的实施,由内蒙古东部地区与东北三省构成的新东北经济区区际联系不断增多,双方对功能完善的综合运输系统需求日益增强。本文采用定性与定量相结合的研究方法,通过分析区际运输通道空间结构现状及客、货流未来发展特点,遵循交通运输与区域经济发展良性互动原则,提出建设6条运输通道与15个二级运输枢纽为骨架,3条运输干线为辅助的网格状区际综合运输通道空间结构,并指出在改善铁路、公路运输方式的同时,要积极开展油气及煤化工产品的管道运输,发挥多种运输方式综合优势,促进区域协调发展。  相似文献   

Australian central cities have undergone fundamental changes during the last decade. They have typically experienced massive office construction, while losing much of their residential communities, architectural and cultural heritage, retailing role and some recreational attractions. Government authorities have facilitated and participated in many central city projects. A metropolitan-wide survey conducted in Perth on these subjects shows increased dependence on the private car, increased preference for suburban living and shopping, but some willingness to consider central city living, a demand for further community participation in central city planning, and a preference for the future expansion of most non-office activities in the central area. The survey indentified notable gaps between government policies for the development of Perth's central area on one hand, and the preferences of Perth's residents on the other.  相似文献   

田中古城位于江西萍乡市区北约4公里。城址建于萍乡市经济开发区田中管理处下辖的田中村东北约1200米的一座低矮土岭上。城址北依山坡,东邻萍水(又称萍乡河),南部有几处起伏的低丘,西面是开阔的平地(图一)。古城周边有三个自然村,分别称为土城坳上、土城坳下和何家圳。据当地民众回忆,田中古城所在的土岭  相似文献   

As cities aim for more sustainable patterns of urbanization, intensification has emerged as a core planning strategy. In 2013, the City of Regina set new intensification targets: absorb 30% of annual population growth through intensification and add 10,000 residents to the city centre by 2035. In the decade since, implementation has been unsuccessful. This study explores the barriers to core area intensification in Regina by engaging with key informants through semi-structured interviews. Our findings identify the most significant barriers as soft market demand, a city centre that is unappealing as a residential context, insufficient political will, an absence of developers who specialize in core area intensification, and unfavourable development economics. These findings illustrate the unique challenges faced by mid-size Canadian cites in disrupting entrenched development patterns and driving development towards the downtown.  相似文献   

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