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年年有余 在莲花上有一条鱼.便是“年年有余”了.主丰衣足食,图画可挂在写字楼.客厅中.玉器可以佩戴身上。  相似文献   

武则天称帝与图谶祥瑞--以S.6502《大云经疏》为中心   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、引言 中国的封建专制制度,绵亘近三千年.据统计,大大小小的君侯、皇帝不下六百多人.他们之能够身登大宝,不外三途:一靠自己打天下,二靠祖荫承袭,三靠骨肉相残.但是无论在哪种情况下登基,他们都需要打出自己的招牌--制造理论根据;他们都需要显示皇天后土的支持--制造图谶祥瑞.一句话,他们都想争取平民百姓恭听恭顺,都需要愚弄百姓,都需要麻醉百姓.这类事件,古今中外概莫能外.  相似文献   

海宁汉画像石墓前室的两方"祥瑞图"内容丰富,但因没有榜题而难以定名。本文在前人考辨的基础上,结合相关史料,对图中所刻祥瑞重新予以考析,并提出了自己的见解。  相似文献   

Auspicious Bird     
AuspiciousBirdWUCHANGQING&LIRONGOnOctober20,1996,China’s17threcoverablesatelitewassenttothedesignedorbit.After15daysofsmoothf...  相似文献   

In1950,ChairmanMaoZedongorderedtheChinesePeople'sLiberationArmy(PLA)tomarchintoTibetandbuildroadsallalongtheway.Fromthenon,hundredsofthousandsofthePLAmenandciviliansworkedhardforthispurpose.Theydug30millioncubicmetersofstoneandmud,andbuiltsome400bridges.Some3,000peoplediedforthispurpose.Asaresult,theSichuan-TibetandQinghai-TibetHighwayswereopenonDecember25,1954.HISTORY.Accordingtohistoricalrecords,Tibetfeaturedhorsespassingrockymountainpaths.Numerousserfsandslavesdiedontheroad.Goi…  相似文献   

"Eight auspicious" signs("Zhaxidajie" in Tibetan,"Astamangala" in Sanskrit) means"eight auspicious patterns". Intraditional Tibetan drawing, theseEight Auspicious Symbols are agroup of Buddhist lucky symbols thatappear on many Buddhist textiles,religious objects and paintings.Each symbol represents an aspectof Buddhist teaching and when theyappear together, their powers aremultiplied. "Eight auspicious" signsare the most common grouping:  相似文献   

<正>海鹦是鸻形目海雀科的鸟类,亦称海雀,主要生活在挪威北部的沿海地区。海鹦是一种可爱的鸟,身长约30厘米,长得呆头呆脑的,眼睛小小,看上去像是画了夸张的眼线,而最有趣的就是那硕大的鸟喙,还是红黄艳丽色彩,长得就好像戏曲演员似的。海鹦喜欢群居,把巢穴筑在沿海岛屿的悬崖峭壁上的石缝沟中或洞穴里。巢穴主要用作休息、睡觉和储藏食物。平时在大海的上空展翅飞翔。  相似文献   

AuspiciousHadaPresentedtoRoadtoHappiness¥FENGXIAOXIATheSichuan-TibetandtheQinghai-TibethighwaysopenedtotrafficonDecember25,19...  相似文献   

This article is the first thorough examination of the Thai handbooks that are produced to explain agricultural and environmental knowledge. These khu-meu (handbooks) and tamra (textbooks) come into use when knowledge is moving from one party to another. They also establish symbolic correlations within the human, terrestrial world, or between the human, terrestrial world and the worlds of the gods, spirits, ancestors, or the unseen. Despite the fact that handbooks are pervasive for the organising, preserving, retrieving, transmitting and consuming of knowledge throughout the Southeast Asian region, there has been very little concerted study of handbook knowledge. Our analysis of environmental handbooks in Thailand shows that simplified mastery is a common goal of the handbook genre in both its “how to” and “reading signs” forms. The knowledge captured by the Thai language handbooks is of a practical, predictive kind and suited to particular circumstances. Such knowledge can ultimately bridge and blur the dichotomy between scientific and local epistemologies.  相似文献   

Sign Geography     
Signs are significant elements of cultural landscapes throughout the world. Through their form and content, signs reveal a variety of information about places ranging from locational and physical geographic data through social, economic and political characteristics. Signs, which tell of past events, current conditions and future expectations, are landscape notes on the geography of change. Signs are frequently evidence of cultural diffusion and convergence. Many signs give direction to human activity and symbolize societal quest for order. Others reflect tastes, values and attitudes, in concert with prevailing belief systems. Signs are both cultural phenomena and landscape statements that attest to the way of life in a place.  相似文献   

聂济冬 《民俗研究》2003,(3):140-145
在我国,自古以来人们就有崇拜吉祥物情结,并且由此衍生出了吉祥文化。喜鹊报喜之说,在唐代广泛流传,《开元天宝遗事》:“时人之家,闻鹊声,皆为喜兆,故谓灵鹊报喜。喜灵鹊报喜,兆示着吉祥,预示  相似文献   

本文通过四川菩提瑞像的组合形式及国内其它地区同期遗存的相同造像的状况,论述了此类像之定名应称作菩提瑞像为宜,并指出它的流行是唐代瑞像崇拜的结果,同时分析了其与佛顶佛和大日如来像之关系。  相似文献   

马知遥 《民俗研究》2009,(1):159-165
乡民艺术与民间日常生活紧密相连,其生活表现以及内里寓寄的集体无意识,都表现出鲜明的“镜像”特点。中国乡民艺术的历史源远流长,其发生与图腾崇拜有关,而趋吉求福的民族心理则在长期传承中渗透其间,凝结成这种形象而生动的艺术意象,对于民间生活有着莫大影响,并在当代社会发展中随着社会生活的变化而发生着微妙变化。  相似文献   

People of the Tibetan ethnic group follow certain rituals that are remnants of the primitive religion that existed in the region many centuries ago, including burning incense and aromatic plants to create auspicious smoke, as well  相似文献   

The construction and analysis of a symmetric rotating field mill is described. Theoretical modelling of the mill's operation successfully predicts the experimentally observed features of the mill output. A pick-up phase signal generated by the mill rotor blades cutting field lines of a permanent magnet was used as a sampling pulse in a sample-and-hold electronic arrangement to determine both magnitude and direction of an impressed electric field. The mill's output voltage regressed on the electric field gave a correlation coefficient of 0.998. The sensitivity of the mill could be set arbitrarily and field changes of 0.5 V/m could be measured routinely. The time constant of 0.3 s makes the mill ideal for studies of the fair-weather field as well as of other phenomena with relatively long time constants. Special steps were incorporated in the mill construction to reduce effectively the damaging effects of water condensation on the performance of the mill.  相似文献   

论中国古代的幌子广告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国古代幌子广告经历了一个长期发展的过程。幌子广告的出现与原始人的图腾崇拜有着最直接的渊源关系。幌子广告的发展则与行商坐贾的分化不无关系。中国古代幌子广告类型众多,但概括起来,主要分为形象幌子、标志幌和字幌三种基本类型。幌子广告具有鲜明的行业特点,是中国古代民俗化的载体。  相似文献   


The relational turn in geography has led to an understanding of space and place as actively produced agents in people’s everyday lives. Geographers have also long recognized the importance of language in understanding the social and relational nature of space. The study of American Sign Language (ASL) presents a unique opportunity to examine how language use and language creation influence the production of linguistic space. For users of ASL, space is incredibly significant. Because of the visual and spatial nature of ASL, the space surrounding a signer’s body is important not only for the signer to communicate, but also for others involved in the conversation to participate. Environments created during conversations in ASL reflect the cultural and linguistic perception of the American Deaf community. By taking a critical perspective on the production of space, it will be shown that those who use ASL, through the medium of bodily performance, create linguistic, and communication spaces that are dynamic and visual. The embodied language of ASL and the Deaf community is a perspective geographers have yet to address.  相似文献   

四川唐代摩崖造像中部分瑞像的辨识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
佛教造像中有些造像因其来历不凡或为帝王、名家所造,或有神奇的灵应故事等,被称为瑞像。随着中印交往的频繁,大量印度瑞像被带回中土并不断被摹刻和流传。四川石刻中有一部分这样的造像,没有引起学者们的注意。由于每种瑞像无论时间和地域如何变化,都保存了固定的来历和基本稳定的形态特征。参考敦煌等地的研究成果能够辨别出四川摩崖造像中这些唐代瑞像,它们约在唐初开始出现,流行于七、八世纪,可能持续到十世纪。从来源上看,和唐初到印度求法的僧人玄奘和出使印度的使节王玄策等人关系密切。  相似文献   

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