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抗日战争时期,中华基督教会全国总会在西南民族地区发起边疆服务运动,开展以医疗卫生、文化教育、生计改良和传教为主的各类服务工作。羌族地区自清代末年始有了近代学校教育,但教育质量和效果不佳。边疆服务部在川西羌族地区开展的内容丰富、形式多样的教育活动,使一定范围内的羌族民众接触或接受了具有近代内涵的学校教育和社会教育,对羌族地区社会文化生活产生了积极影响。当然由于边疆教育的特殊性和作为宗教组织和社会团体的基督教会的自身局限,教会教育在羌族地区的作用不可评价过高。  相似文献   

从1930年代末开始,中华基督教会全国总会发起了一场"边疆服务"运动,基督教传播也同时展开。边疆服务带有"社会福音"的鲜明色彩。在这场运动中,总会同工深入川西北藏、羌山区及凉山彝族聚居地,配合教育、医疗卫生、生计等社会服务工作实施布道,力图构建基督教的"川西圣地"并"复兴"西康地区已呈颓势的教会事业。这一努力虽取得一定成绩,但因川、康民族地区信仰状况复杂多元,以及未能处理好世俗性社会工作与神职人员秉承的传达"上帝旨意"之间的关系,总会未能实现在"喜马拉雅低地"构建基督教福音"高地"的预期目标。  相似文献   

抗战时期华西坝教会五大学与中华基督教会边疆服务运动具有密切人事关联,不少教授在边疆服务运动兴起及发展过程中充当了发起人、领导者和参与者的角色,积极参与边疆服务部的实地服务和调查研究。随着抗战结束后华西坝教会五大学的衰歇,边疆服务运动亦逐步停滞。华西坝教会五大学与边疆服务部都为抗战时期中国的边疆研究及边疆建设做出了贡献,体现了当时学人和教会团体的学术自觉与社会担当。  相似文献   

关注边疆、研究边疆是20世纪30—40年代中国学术研究的重要组成部分。抗战之前,关注与研究边疆者大多为社会人士或者学生,而主流学界的研究人员并不多见。抗战爆发后,主流学界的传统史地以及新兴的民族学、社会学和语言学等学科之学者,开始关注并研究边疆,并掀起了一轮边疆研究的热潮。抗战前后对比,边疆研究之内容及其重点,从概述性的边地交通、资源、物产与边疆对外关系转到了边疆史地、民族、社会和语言为主的边疆学术综合性研究,并直接导致了"边政学"理论的提出与构建。边疆研究的这一转向,表明其已经从学术的边缘而进入了学术的中心。  相似文献   

1931年九一八事变后,华北基督教会积极投入抗日救亡运动,但面对国难,教会内部对于如何救国产生了争论.武力抵抗派除了呼吁武力抗击日本外,还成立战区服务委员会,开展前线军人与伤兵的服务工作;唯爱派则坚持基督教的博爱精神,呼吁用和平方式解决中日问题,采取发表宣言、祈祷、寻求国际支持等方式救国,并成立信行救国十人团;稳健派则主张发动民众,作长期抵抗,或向前线捐款捐物,或参加后方伤兵救护.华北基督教会开展的抗日运动,虽然形式多样,但都彰显了广大中国基督徒的爱国之心与社会责任感,对全民族抗战贡献了应有之力,也体现出基督教与民族主义之间的冲突与调适.  相似文献   

10世纪前的中国西北边疆经历了开拓、稳定和演变等过程,构成了一个相对完整的发展阶段,边疆发展的各种形态与主要特点尽皆呈现。南农北牧既是西北边疆的基本经济形态,也是历史上中原农业王朝与北方游牧民族角逐态势延伸的主要依据;在作为边疆主体的中原或内地王朝、客体的西域地区和旁体的北方游牧民族等三个主要因素的共同作用下,西北边疆的政治地理范围时有伸缩,而多种统治体制并存、边疆问题与民族问题一体化等特点也贯穿于这一时期西北边疆发展的整个过程。  相似文献   

明清时期,云南西部边地土司经历了"内外"分际的历史过程。有的土司留在王朝国家的版图,成为"内",有的土司离开了王朝国家的版图,成为"外",明朝确立的"三宣三慰"土司整体政治格局变为了分属不同政治共同体"内外"土司,最终在清缅战争中因官方提出"内地土司"的概念而得以确认,展现了明清以来云南西部边疆从有疆无界的整体土司区变为"尔疆我界"的中缅边界的过程,对中国统一多民族国家的形成、疆域变迁及边疆发展历程产生了深远的影响,也影响到东南亚世界历史政治格局的发展进程。  相似文献   

杨军 《史学集刊》2012,(2):17-18
自夏商周到元明清,尽管中国王朝经历了多次统一与分裂的交替,但伴随着多民族国家的发展,边疆逐渐形成并固定下来。自秦汉王朝形成汉人居中心,少数民族居边疆的格局后,历代民族分布的大格局基本因袭不变,中原与边疆形成了两种不同的政区,历代王朝对边疆地区的治理,经历了由羁縻统辖到中央集权直接统辖的发展历程。如何认识这个历程,如何划定古代中国疆域,历代王朝对郡县以外少数民族地区的各种作为是否属于边疆治理,不仅外国学者的看法不同,我国学者的观点也有很大分歧。这直接关系到古代中国边疆如何发展为今天的中国边疆,古代众多边疆民族如何结成今天的中华民族这个重大的命题。这组文章是从中国自古以来是一个多民族国家的基点出发,从边疆经略、政治统治、人口迁移、民族关系、军事防卫、经济开发、文化建设等方面探讨中国历代边疆治理问题,其中既有宏观的理论探讨,也有具体问题的研究,力图从多角度加深对中国历代边疆治理问题的思考和探讨。  相似文献   

深化边疆理论研究与推动中国边疆学的构筑   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
一、三次研究高潮与三次学术研讨会中国边疆研究具有悠久的历史、优良的传统、丰硕的成果,可用“千年积累、百年探索”来概括中国边疆研究的发展历程。我们在研究、总结前辈研究的历史遗产后,认为自19世纪中叶迄今,中国边疆研究曾出现三次研究高潮。19世纪中叶至19世纪末,西北边疆史地学的兴起是中国边疆研究第一次高潮的标志。20世纪20年代至40年代边政学的提出与展开,是第二次中国边疆研究高潮的突出成就。20世纪80年代以来中国边疆研究第三次研究高潮出现的  相似文献   

以研究中国边疆的形成发展规律为主要任务的中国边疆史地学科,在经历了20世纪,特别是近20年的迅速发展后,已经进入了21世纪。在新世纪的广阔天地里,这门学科必将获得新的飞跃,我对此深信不疑。  相似文献   

Identity is formed and reproduced through our relationships with human and non-human others. This paper applies this perspective to conduct an archaeological investigation of how identities emerged in urban environments during the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries through cuisine. This is achieved through a comparative analysis of food remains and the associated material culture from a range of medieval sites in Hampshire of different size and status. I argue that choices and strategies in preparing, cooking and consuming food were enmeshed within multiple facets of urban identity including gender, status and profession.  相似文献   

Christian churches control substantial areas of land in Africa. While intensifying struggles over their holdings are partly due to the increased pressure on land in general, they also reflect transformations in the relations through which churches’ claims to land are legitimized, the increased association of churches with business, and churches’ unique positioning as both institutions and communities. This article presents the trajectory of relations between church, state and community in Uganda from the missionary acquisition of land in the colonial era to the unravelling of church landholding under Museveni. Drawing on long‐term ethnographic fieldwork, the authors argue that claims to church land in contemporary Uganda draw on: 1) notions of belonging to the land; 2) views about the nature of churches as communities; 3) discontent regarding whether customary land owners gave churches user rights or ownership; and 4) assessment of the churches’ success in ensuring that the land works for the common good. The article develops a novel approach to analysing the changing meaning of the landholdings of religious institutions, thus extending ongoing discussions about land, politics, development and religion in Africa.  相似文献   


This essay explores the ways in which the positions and policies of the church have changed during the three principal phases of relations between the Catholic Church and the State since the founding of the Italian Republic. The first came after the Second World War when the church embarked on its democratic novitiate; the second was dominated by reformist project of Cardinal Montini; the leading role in the final phase during the papacy of John Paul II and the broader crisis of which the church was also part was played by Cardinal Ruini.  相似文献   


Recent scholarship has called attention to the common features shared by five French and British elite centres of leisure called ‘gloriette’ that were built or so-named in the late 13th and early 14th centuries. Because these centres of repose and entertainment were located in principal residences, and thus were not garden pavilions, it has been suggested that there was no relationship between the northern gloriettes and the garden pavilion of La Zisa in Palermo, Sicily, whose name also meant ‘the glorious’. This article draws on archival sources in order to enhance our understanding of the resemblances between the gloriette of Hesdin, in northern France, and the four gloriettes in England and Wales. Drawing on the significant features of these five northern gloriettes, it also takes another look at the details of La Zisa, suggesting that we should not be so quick to dismiss its possible influence on the northern gloriettes, most especially the two that were built by King Edward I and Count Robert II of Artois after they had passed through Palermo in 1270/72.  相似文献   

Howden Church     
Shrewsbury's late sixteenth-century Old Market Hall—recently restored and returned to public use—is among the most prominent buildings in the town centre and, or so it would seem, a reminder of the town's pre-eminence as a marketing centre in the central Marches in the early modern period. Combining documentary evidence, archaeology, and the evidence of the building itself, this inter-disciplinary study sets out to examine the real reasons for the Hall's construction, how it was built, and the way in which it functioned. The paper also looks backwards to the growth of marketing in this part of Shrewsbury in the thirteenth century, and its promotion by considerable civic investment in the 1260s when a new market square was created from what was previously a wet wasteland. Looking forward, it tells the story of the Hall's use in the post- medieval period, and of past attempts to deal with inherent structural defects in the original design.  相似文献   

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