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气候变迁和中国历史   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文联系东亚、欧州和北美气候变迁及其影响 ,论述中国各历史时期气候变迁和历史的关系。指出以农为本的中国 ,尤其是北方 ,在气候变化面前显得格外脆弱。气候变化影响农业 ,从而影响社会各方面。从新石器时代至清朝 ,中国气候温暖期与寒冷期周期性变化的过程 ,是游牧文明与农耕文明两种生态环境较量与整合的过程。在温暖期 ,中国经济繁荣 ,民族统一 ,国家昌盛 ;寒冷期 ,气候剧变引起经济衰退 ,游牧民族南侵 ,农民起义 ,国家分裂 ,经济文化中心南移等。最后 ,作者指出 ,在历史时期 ,气候是中国北方政治命运的决定性因素之一 ,并强调将世界气候作为一个整体研究历史事件的重要性  相似文献   


The farm mounds of coastal North Norway are settlement accumulations produced by long period settlement on the same location. The majority seems to have come during medieval and later periods, but there are a few of early iron age origin.

There has been no total excavation of a farm mound, only minor trenches. This paper summarizes the efforts done on exploring the context and characteristics of farm mounds, based on surveys in one central part of North Norway, the Harstad area.

Questions like economical reconstruction and causes of accumulation are discussed.  相似文献   


This article examines Indian humanitarian help for Republican victims during the Spanish Civil War. It focuses in particular on aid initiatives by the Indian national movement, which were embedded in the larger quest for independence from British colonial rule. By creating their own humanitarian programme in favour of Republican Spain, Indian nationalists dissociated themselves from Britain’s foreign policy and tried to orchestrate a politics of moral superiority for themselves. The article also explores Indian participation in transnational networks of Left solidarity. Established to generate political and humanitarian support for Republican Spain, Indian actors concurrently utilized these networks to enhance their status in the international community and to advance their own end of an independent state.  相似文献   

晚清民国时期的茶馆戏园,作为公共空间为大众提供娱乐,从中除了可以了解人们在茶馆戏园的日常生活外,还可以看到改良精英和地方政府竭力改革戏曲作为控制大众娱乐的一部分,把他们的政治灌输在表演的节目之中,把他们所认为的"新的"、"进步的"情节加入到传统戏曲中,以"教育"民众.精英和国家对茶馆戏园的改良和控制揭示了大众文化与精英文化之间、地方文化的独特性与国家文化的同一模式之间的斗争.在国家权力及其文化霸权之下,大众娱乐不可避免地被改变了.但国家要达到控制的目的远非轻而易举,从晚清改革到国民政府的崩溃,成都地方文化和习惯堡垒顽固地坚守着它们的防线,充分显示了近代中国文化变化与持续性同时并存这样一个重要的历史现象.  相似文献   


This article challenges the standard historiography of the New Culture Movement by tracing the important role played by Pu Dianjun, a key member of the Constitution Research Group, in the broader cultural reform movement in early Republican China. It examines Pu’s years as the president and chief editor of Chenbao (1918–1922), which he transformed from a little-read partisan paper to a widely circulated and intellectually influential newspaper in Beijing. It demonstrates that Pu’s cultural endeavors, which consisted of efforts at societal change through individual awakening, were geared toward his political ideal – the transformation of Chinese commoners into capable voters in a constitutional system. Despite his absence from the standard historiography, Pu left important legacies affecting life in China today.  相似文献   


Panamanian coarse handmade earthenware is part of the wide-ranging phenomenon of handmade Colono wares common in Latin America and the Caribbean during the colonial and post-colonial periods. This article presents an overview of vessel forms and decoration and discusses the possible influence of different cultural traditions, based on archaeological research in Panama. Comparisons are made with indigenous pottery and with medieval ceramics from southern Spain and North Africa. The results may be seen as a case study highlighting the significance of handmade pottery in relation to processes of ethnic and social identity, cultural interaction and contact.  相似文献   

Gongju, or public offices, controlled by the local gentry class, were the grassroots authorities in rural Guangdong during the late Qing. These offices maintained their own armed forces and usually had powers of administration, tax collection, and self-defense, as well as judicial powers. They were considered the extension of prefecture and county governments. With the authorization of the prefecture and county governments, these offices had the power to deal with important legal cases. Although they came under attack during the 1911 Revolution, these offices were able to recover quickly in different forms. In the late Qing era, local gentry with official titles earned in middle-level or lower-level civil service examinations took the leadership roles in such grassroots offices, but they were replaced by people who had direct control over the armed forces during Republican times.  相似文献   

In recent years, a number of studies have examined the introduction of Western learning into China after the late nineteenth century. Many of these works discuss how Chinese scholarship might have been reshaped by Western classification and structure of knowledge, and ask how it absorbed and adopted the vocabulary and language of Western learning. While defining the newly emerged idea of “national essence”, late Qing Chinese literati, notably the members of the Society for Preserving National Learning, also tried to incorporate Western scientific knowledge, as they understood and perceived it, into the framework of Chinese learning. From 1907–1911, more than a hundred botanical and zoological illustrations, drawn more or less according to Western scientific norm, appeared in Guocui xuebao, a journal published by the Society for Preserving National Learning. These pictures are an indication of the attempts made by late Qing Chinese literati to integrate Chinese and Western scholarship. Focusing on these drawings, this paper examines how the painter Cai Shou might have adopted and applied the natural history knowledge and the drawing techniques he acquired through various means. It also asks with what ideal late Qing and early Republican Chinese literati might have identified themselves.  相似文献   


The establishment of Chinese legations abroad in the late Qing coincided with the emergence of a number of learned societies and transnational knowledge communities in the late nineteenth century. To what extent did the Chinese diplomats residing in Europe engage with these organizations in their interactions with the West? This paper examines an understudied aspect of late Qing foreign relations by tracing the activities of the diplomat-writer Chen Jitong (1852–1907) in several learned societies in Paris during the 1880s and 1890s. While serving as a secretary at the Qing legation in Paris, Chen also became a member of several Parisian learned societies (sociétés savantes). By enthusiastically participating in the meetings of these societies, contributing to their official journals, and delivering speeches at international congresses organized by these groups during the 1889 World’s Fair, Chen established a presence for Qing China in several nongovernmental international organizations. While the intellectual foci of these learned societies ranged from folklore studies, to architectural preservation, to ethnography, Chen contributed his own unique perspective and sensitivity as a Qing literatus in his representation of Chinese society and culture, which he also successfully fused in his writings about China for a French audience. I argue that Chen’s participation in the French and international learned societies should be understood as a form of late Qing cultural diplomacy, where what was at stake was not political sovereignty but the right of Chinese self-representation and contending notions of civilization.  相似文献   

文章依据相关档案及文献资料,从制度史研究的角度,对国民政府侨务委员会的沿革、机构设置、职能以及人事和经费等方面进行了考察。结果显示,相对于晚清与北洋政府而言,南京国民政府的侨务机构设置比较健全,在侨务工作的开展、协助政府积极利用海外侨力、保侨护侨等方面发挥了一定的积极作用,也为抗战期间海外华侨为祖国做出巨大贡献奠定了行政基础。但与此同时,机构的不断调整、人员配置的不到位,特别是经费上的捉襟见肘,成为困扰侨委会工作的主要问题。  相似文献   

《Political Theology》2013,14(5):634-651

This essay shows an important shift in the Religious Right from Evangelical participation to Renewalist participation in politics. Renewalists, who are largely Pentecostals, Charismatics and non-denominational Christians, have been lumped into the "Evangelical" category by scholars and the media alike. Yet their theological orientations and concerns drive political questions and actions in different ways. Sarah Palin's placement on the Republican ticket in 2008 as the Vice Presidential candidate represents the first time an explicitly Renewalist Christian has been nominated. Since then, Palin's weaving of her theological orientation has influenced both political activity and Republican candidates in the 2012 election. Butler's essay explores Palin's contribution to this change, and poses questions about how this shift affects the future of the Religious Right.  相似文献   

Two decades ago, only a handful of NGOs operated legally in China. Today the sector is thriving. Even with the threat of new restrictions under the Xi Jinping government, private social initiative appears poised for even greater expansion in the future. To fully appreciate the significance of these recent developments, this essay presents a wider view of China’s long history of civic organisation, comparing the contemporary resurgence of NGOs to the historical development of private charities in the Qing and Republican periods. It finds similarities in the motivations of organisers and donors, as well as in the relationship between civic organisations and the state, but sees other developments, such as the capitalisation of the NGO sector and its ability to mobilise public opinion, as substantively new.  相似文献   


The manifest representation of space and place is essential to good archaeology. Our ability to document and relate these concepts, projected into the past and reflected in the present, has increased tremendously with the expansion and availability of technology. We present recent efforts to further document a well-known place in the cultural landscape: the Kolomoki site in southwestern Georgia, occupied primarily during the Middle and Late Woodland periods. Specifically, we summarize older investigations of Mound A, then present the results of recent terrestrial LiDAR documentation. Our work substantiates the claim that Mound A was the largest Woodland-period mound in Eastern North America in terms of overall volume.  相似文献   

关晓红 《近代史研究》2012,(1):29-49,160
辛亥各省光复政权乃至民初政府的省制,多在清末外官改制和各省独立自治的基础上加以变通,共和制下如何确定中央与地方的关系,省制成为关键。民初朝野舆论相持最久、困扰最多的省制方案与争论,不宜单从民主与专制较量的角度立论,还应考虑时人对国家统一的向往与对分裂的隐忧。中国历史文化中,分合与治乱兴衰紧密联系。省制模式中集权与分权、官治与自治的平衡取舍,既与民主、专制相关联,也与统一或分裂的抉择相始终。由于以省为地方自治层级范围过大,东西方各国无此先例,单一制与联邦制均不适合,民初省制因此成为本土国情与域外制度纠结甚深的焦点。这一难解的症结,或许仍将对中国的政治体制改革产生深远影响。  相似文献   


This paper analyzes a short essay by Kang Youwei (1858–1927) – one of the intellectual and political protagonists of late imperial and early Republican China. In it, he interpreted the historical experience of Russian modernization under Peter the Great (1672–1725) and used it as a “success story” for the renewal of Chinese monarchical institutions. It was written in 1898 and presented to the Manchu throne under the title “Account of the Reforms of Peter the Great”, and for our purposes will be the departing point for a “global intellectual circuit” through which the following questions will be addressed: Why was seventeenth and eighteenth century Russia considered as a model for China by the author? How did he manage to adapt the historical experience of Russia into a social and political conceptual framework for China? What was Kang’s historiographical method, and what kind of philosophy of history framed his reflections? What does this short essay tell us about Kang’s view on “Westernization”, on the concept of “modernity” itself, and on its use for historiographical purposes?  相似文献   

沈俊平 《中华文史论丛》2012,(1):361-389,399,400
葉德輝是清末民初的文獻學家,其所致力包括藏書建設,藏書目録編製、讀書題跋撰寫、書史研究、藏書經驗總結、前人書目考證糾正和訂補等,並延伸到圖書刊刻領域。葉德輝一生共刊刻超過百種圖書。除刊刻内容嚴肅及與本人學術喜好相關的圖書,還刊刻遊藝、房中等流傳甚少的書籍,其刻書幾乎沒有禁區。他不僅重視刊刻個人著述與家集,也重視刊刻海內外未經傳刻或罕見之本,於保存文獻、羽翼學術,居功至偉。葉德輝亦精於校勘之學,一些孤本文獻賴其力得以保存。故葉德輝不愧爲清末民初具有代表性的刻書家,其貢獻應予肯定。  相似文献   


In terms of approaches to warfare, the Spanish Civil War (1936–39) has traditionally been seen as a transition between the First and Second World Wars. The idea is based on several reports written by designated observers from Germany, Italy and the Soviet Union. Certainly, some of the tactics and equipment of these armies made their first appearance during this conflict.

However, this view raises several questions, as the experience and tactics observed in the Spanish battlefields often do not match those seen during the first phases of the Second World War. Were the innovations adopted by all sides and units? How did the new tactics influence the outcome of the conflict? Which tactics were tested and discarded for better ones?

It is difficult to address these questions using only textual sources, given the particularities of this war. To improve our understanding of the evolution of warfare, we need to combine textual sources with archaeological data and spatial analysis, and integrate the knowledge.

This study examines the assault on Republican positions at Fatarella Ridge during the last phase of the Battle of the Ebro (1938). In particular, the work explores, using spatial analysis of archaeological and textual sources, the level at which combined arms warfare was applied during the final months of the war. The use of an integrated methodology has allowed us to reconstruct the engagement and provides interesting insights into the evolution of tactics and fortification during this conflict.  相似文献   


Kinetic analysis methods based on linear and nonlinear rigid body dynamics are used to evaluate earthquake safety of masonry structures. In this study, the formulas used to calculate the in-plane and out-of-plane load capacities of masonry load-bearing walls were evaluated and a procedure based on rigid body mechanism was proposed to calculate the out-of-plane load capacities of the walls of Ottoman period masonry mosques. New aspects of the method with respect to existing formulations is the inclusion of dynamic axial load and definition of the collapse limit spectral acceleration on the overturning wall. The calculated capacities of the mosque and individual walls were compared with the results of nonlinear pushover analysis and time history analyses performed under 1.0 and 0.5 scaled forms of nine different 3-component ground motion records. It was displayed that the seismic load capacity estimated by the proposed method is very close to the values calculated by pushover and time history analyses. The method was developed on Lala Pasha Mosque, and the reliability and applicability of the proposed methodology is verified on a different historical masonry mosque in comparison to finite element analyses results.  相似文献   

许檀 《史学月刊》2007,(8):103-108
周村是清代山东著名商镇之一。其兴起在康熙-乾隆年间,清代中叶迅速发展。云集周村的各省客商中,北方商人以晋商势力最强,南方商人则以福建为多。道光年间汇聚周村的商人商号可达八九百家乃至千家。周村从南方输入的商品主要是绸缎、杂货,在本地集散的商品则有棉布、生丝、丝绸、茧绸等。清中叶以降,周村开始从单纯的商业中心向加工制造业中心转化,其所产棉布、丝绸不仅占领了东北、华北的广大农村市场,且有一部分打入城市市场。  相似文献   


Research on Yellow River flooding and on its governance has always been an important focus on the history of water conservancy in China. In recent years, scholars have reflected on this topic and provided in-depth empirical discussions that reveal the multiple and complex relationships of water management to the state, region, and people. Jia Guojing’s latest research on Yellow River governance during the Qing dynasty is an outstanding example. Based on the intricate relationship between water conservancy projects, local society, and state power, the present article summarizes and evaluates Jia Guojing’s research in the context of China’s “water management history” as conceived using Wittfogel’s Oriental Despotism as a point of departure. In doing so, it points out the long-existing issues in the history of China’s water conservancy and brings in as well those from abroad. The article ends by offering possibilities for further exploration.  相似文献   

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