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弘扬历史研究中的民族精神和时代精神   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当今世界各国之间的竞争主要表现为综合国力之争,文化在综合国力竞争中的地位和作用越来越突出,文化的力量深深熔铸在民族的生命力、创造力和凝聚力之中。民族精神是文化的重要组成部分,作为民族文化优良传统的历史积淀,民族精神具有超强的社会整合功能。历史发展和历史研究中体现出的民族精神和时代精神,对于提高文化实力和综合国力有着重要作用。  相似文献   

This paper addresses Kyrgyz ‘time-telling’, exploring how Kyrgyz herders and villagers ‘tell’ of their experience of time through genealogies, family stories and epic poetry. The author takes a phenomenological approach, drawing on different forms of narrative; interweaving history, myth and story; revealing the life within the past, as genres mesh (and not always seamlessly). She argues that the lived experience of ‘time-telling’ works through narrative, memory, sound, performance, and poetics, providing a matrix through which the past is continuously brought to life for performers and audience alike. The paper is in three parts. The first sets the scene, exploring three interwoven, kin-related Kyrgyz genres – family trees, genealogies, and epic poetry. The second looks at diverse manifestations of the Kyrgyz epic Manas, and its interpenetration with social life. The third reveals how different forms of performing and remembering the epic bring the past to life through the act of performance.  相似文献   

本文根据对瑞士华文学校和华文夏令营的观察和对瑞士华人和台湾教师的访谈,描述了华人移民瑞士的主要情况及其多样化的网络和社会性;介绍了传授华文的组织机构概况和大陆与台湾在支持华文教育举措上的异同;分析探讨了在不同背景下认同类型的变化;意图反映受访者对"文化"和"语言"这两个概念的不同理解和阐释。主要观点是,保持这种被认定为统一的"华人"认同,是一种全球性的社会迁移策略,有助于他们更好地融入瑞士或者中国。  相似文献   

The authors present and compare new time series for calculating the real value of Swiss prices over the past five centuries. They analyze three different modes of price deflation using wages, consumer price indices (CPIs), and the gross domestic product (GDP), and assess the merits and limitations of each approach. The authors then examine how time series that cover long periods of time are made using Switzerland as a case study and introduce an original CPI for the years 1501-2006. The authors conclude by contrasting the different time series and proposing rough guidelines about their use.  相似文献   

俞祖华  赵慧峰 《史学月刊》2003,(12):111-116
对中华民族精神的研究是中国文化史、中国哲学史领域的重要问题。学者们对什么是民族精神,中华民族精神的含义、内涵、特征、功能及如何弘扬与提升中华民族精神等问题进行了广泛的探讨,提出了不同的意见。  相似文献   

韶山的全国网络关注热度矩阵及推广策略研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
网络搜索数据记录了用户的搜索关注与需求,为研究旅游营销推广策略提供了必要的数据基础.本文以韶山为研究对象,依托百度指数得到2011~2014年全国34个省(市、区)对韶山的网络关注度数据,首次引入网络关注热度指标,借鉴波士顿矩阵分析法构建网络关注热度矩阵,分析了位于四大象限内各省(市、区)关注热度时空特征.研究发现:全国34个省(市、区)对韶山的网络关注热度存在显著差异,从整体上看,呈现出良好的增长态势;关注热度矩阵中“发展型”区域壮大,“维持型”和“调整型”区域薄弱,“选择型”区域几近空白.最后针对各类型区域特征提出相应的韶山红色旅游品牌推广策略.  相似文献   

Tim Cresswell 《对极》2006,38(4):735-754
This paper considers the way mobility has been given meaning by decisions in the United States Supreme Court. It argues that in four key decisions the Court constructed a de facto “right to mobility” by linking mobility to notions of citizenship. The paper suggests that these cases illustrate the importance of considering how mobilities are given meaning in particular contexts and how these meanings are framed within notions of mobility as an essential human freedom. The paper is framed by discussions of mobility, rights and citizenship and concludes with a discussion of the role of othering in the production of mobility‐as‐citizenship.  相似文献   

Journal of Archaeological Research - Growing interest in bioarchaeology and its ability to address complex questions tied to social and biological identities in the past has led to the development...  相似文献   

美国“地区研究”兴起的历史考察   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
太平洋战争爆发后,特别是冷战初期,美国联邦政府、三大私人基金会以及相当一部分学者逐渐意识到深入了解非西方世界对维护国家安全的重要性,着手共同推动"地区研究"。联邦政府、私人基金会和学者三位一体体制运作的结果是复杂的:地区研究在迅速成长为一门显学的同时也不可避免地在很大程度上沦为政治的附庸;在满足了国家对地区专家和知识需求的同时也为一些地区研究者挑战美国对非西方世界的政策创造了条件。就美国地区研究兴起与国家安全考虑的密切关系而言,政治没有给学术留出太多独立生存的空间,而知识分子本身也并非都希望远离政治,学术与政治难以彻底分离。  相似文献   

India’s power and interests continue to grow in the Indo-Pacific region and globally, yet its national security policymaking approaches have not kept pace. These may have been barely adequate for India’s twentieth-century experience as a regional power tending towards strategic restraint, but currently constrain India from being able to harness its considerable national capabilities to protect larger and more complex interests. This article identifies five key obstacles to a more coherent and effective approach to national security: lack of staffing depth in policy and intelligence; weak structures for ensuring inclusive consultation in policymaking; a disempowered military when it comes to strategic decisions; a lack of security expertise among civilian officials and politicians; and an absence of whole-of-government guidance in making and expressing policy. Many reforms are necessary, but two enabling early steps are identified and recommended: the creation of a Chief of Defence Staff position to elevate military coordination and authoritative input to policy, and the preparation of a National Security Strategy to define and guide overall policy.  相似文献   

蒋蓝 《华夏地理》2004,(8):52-63
盐,作为人类生活的必需品,人人不可缺少.俗话说:走遍天下离不了线,山珍海味离不了盐;走遍天下娘好,吃尽滋味盐好;开门开件事,柴、米、油、盐、酱、醋、茶.无论世界上任何国家和地区,盐既是民生之必需,也是国家财政赋税收入的一项重要来源,甚至是一项重要的战略资源.  相似文献   

Detailed compositional and technological analysis of a large assemblage of prehistoric ceramics from numerous sites situated within the Peak District National Park has been used to explore the settlement patterns, societal structure, mobility and interaction of the populations that inhabited this area during the Early Bronze Age to Early Iron Age. A surprising pattern emerges of the widespread dominance of a single, geographically restricted temper type, which appears to have been transported and mixed with locally procured clay and used to produce pottery at numerous different sites. The distribution of this and several other compositional groups are defined via thin‐section petrography and compared to raw material field samples. The resulting patterns are used to assess the validity of previous theories about prehistoric life in this region during the third to first millennia bc .  相似文献   

This article explores the relationship between academic studies concerning Iran in Meiji Japan (1868?1912) and Orientalism in Western scholarship. Many researchers who have limited their definition of Iranian studies to the professional works published since the 1930s have concluded that there is an indirect relation between Iranian studies in Japan and Orientalism. In contrast, this paper takes it in a wider sense to mean all academic studies regarding Iran. The paper focuses on two such important proto-academic fields regarding foreign countries in Meiji Japan: geography and international politics. It concludes that the pioneering Iranian studies scholars in the Meiji period were not totally immune to Orientalism on the one hand but, on the other, that their research on Iran was less closely connected to imperialism than the Western scholarship that Edward Said famously critiqued.  相似文献   

赵青山 《敦煌学辑刊》2006,1(4):153-162
从20世纪30年代以来,很多学者已经开始利用敦煌文书研究敦煌地区寺院经济。时至今日,已有很多论著问世,这些文章涉及范围广,议论程度深。本文就前人的研究工作做一简单的概述,以展示目前这一领域的研究状况和程度。  相似文献   

徽学作为中国国学的重要组成部分,近年来逐渐发展为一门国际化的显学。然而,和整体的中国史研究不同,徽学尚无一本被完整地翻译成英文的著作,只有零星几篇论文以英文形式出版,徽学国际化的范畴主要局限在日韩为主的亚洲地区。因此,对当前优秀学术成果进行英译,是扩大徽学国际影响力的必要举措。而在译介工作的初期,以西方受众为导向,选择"归化为主,异化为辅"的翻译策略以及"中外合作,学者加盟"的译者主体,则更利于促进徽学在西方的传播。  相似文献   

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