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中国古代社会特定的社会历史条件 ,限定了古代思想家的思想视野和思想方式。由于中国古代的地理环境所决定 ,中国古代思想家所感受到的世界不同于希腊哲学家所感受的世界 ;中国早期国家产生的道路不同于雅典人的国家 ,商品经济的相对不发达 ,家长制家庭与村社土地制度的长期存留 ,也在很大程度上影响了中国古代思想家对于国家、权力、平等与公正等问题的理解  相似文献   

对历史哲学的研究是李大钊在学术研究领域中探索的最主要方面。他对历史哲学的地位进行科学的解说 ,并对历史本体论、历史认识论作了研究 ,为建立历史哲学的中国学派做出了贡献。李大钊是中国马克思主义历史哲学的开创者  相似文献   

Questions relating to the ability of particular groups in society to access information and communications technologies (ICTs) have become a growing part of the academic and policy literature. The issues raised in this literature have revolved around a number of themes, many of which can be subsumed under concerns about a growing digital divide whereby society is being divided into information rich and information poor sectors. This differentiation can be between particular social groups irrespective of place, or between people in particular places be these large regional areas (e.g. metropolitan versus non‐metropolitan) or localities and communities within an urban area. This paper focuses on the existence of a ‘digital divide’ across the Sydney metropolitan area. Using ABS 2001 census data the paper presents an analysis of computer and internet access and use for clusters of local communities and focuses on how usage differs across communities as differentiated by socio‐economic status, household and family status and ethnic background.  相似文献   

计划经济时期中国社会福利制度的历史考察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从20世纪50年代起,在计划经济体制的历史背景下,中国形成了比较完整的社会福利体系,对促进经济发展和保障人民生活起到了至关重要的作用,其积极贡献不可磨灭。但同时,这一时期的社会福利制度又具有鲜明的计划经济体制的烙印,具有很大的历史局限性。加强其研究对构建与社会主义市场经济新体制相匹配的社会福利制度具有重要的参考意义。  相似文献   

"中国社会史论战"对于唯物史观的传播   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李勇 《史学月刊》2004,(12):89-95
20世纪20年代末到30年代初的中国社会性质和社会史论战,是大革命失败后人们思考中国往何处去和人们应该怎么办这些问题造成的,其兴起的学术原因完全是共产国际关于中国社会不同看法的交锋在中国的反响。论战中唯物史观的经典作被大量翻译过来并被许多学争相引用,马克思社会形态学说受到了广泛注意。那时的论战对待唯物史观的态度并非完全赶时髦或纯粹是党派之争,事实上确有一些学对待西方的社会学说和论战中出现的观点,保持着学的风范,即对于理论和学术的批判态度。  相似文献   

过去30年里,中国历史气候的研究取得了世所瞩目的成就。这一研究领域中每次重要的进展,都伴随着资料的开拓和方法的创新。有鉴于此,本文主要对近三十年来历史气候研究中文献资料的收集整理、资料中存在问题的甄别和处理,温度序列、干湿序列的重建及其它相关历史气候研究领域中研究方法的进展做了回顾总结。指出研究方法的进步主要体现在更有效地提取和利用历史文献中的有效信息,尽量减少重建过程和结果的不确定性。而一定的方法总是适用于一定的资料。并认为新资料的继续开拓和集成方法的发展完善将进一步推动研究的进步。  相似文献   

Social constructionism, and Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe’s discourse theory in particular, are well-known for their anti-essentialist understanding of identity. Hence these discourses have theoretically been utilized for understanding social identity construction and for deconstructing identities. However, I claim that social constructionism and Laclau and Mouffe’s discourse theory may have the as yet non-theorized operation of detecting and combating wholesale indictments of identities. This operation helps us diagnose how ethnic identity and affect become incriminated as supposedly inextricably intertwined with racism, chauvinism and related pathologies. Yet interestingly, instead of unveiling and critiquing the new hegemony of blanket indictment of ethnic identity/affect, social constructionism and Laclau and Mouffe’s discourse theory have been used to incriminate identity as such. The present article interprets Laclau and Mouffe’s discourse theory against the grain to chastise the tendency to declare ethnic identity/affect as the new enemy. It shows how such new, hegemonic incrimination aspires to fill the empty signifier of peaceful coexistence with otherness, yet runs the risk of effacing otherness. The article concludes with an example of a reconstructive alternative.  相似文献   

Studies of suzerain-vassal state relationships in the Qing dynasty have been a focus of domestic and overseas academic circles. This paper examines the origins, semiotics, and legal principles of suzerain-vassal state relationships in the Qing dynasty with some innovative viewpoints. Translated from Studies in Qing History, No. 1, 2004  相似文献   

与古代埃及和西亚诸国只留下编年体的历史记载不同,古代以色列民族具有自己鲜明的历史意识;与古代希腊充满人本精神的历史记载也不同,以色列民族历史观的实质是一神论的神权历史观.他们将对耶和华神的信仰融入对民族历史发展的思考和解释之中,其历史书卷的编写几乎持续了一千年之久,在这一过程中,以色列历史成为"历史就是耶和华神对以色列民族的救赎史"的生动体现.  相似文献   

In recent years, China's tourism researchers have started to pay attention to the empowerment of rural communities. Current theoretical research and social practices reflect that tourism needs to seek localized empowerment with respect to different types of tourism destinations. This paper, taking Furong Historical Village in Zhejiang Province as a case study, examines a special kind of Chinese historical village community in which the villagers’ consciousness of their rights is weak and tourism development is only in its initial stages. Based on the field surveys, this paper points out four roots of such a community's disempowerment: (1) the failure of political institutions to ensure the community's public interest; (2) accusations of historical villages ‘damaging protection’; (3) information asymmetry in the relationship between rural leaders and villagers; and (4) a sense of powerlessness in the daily lives of rural residents. Based on these findings, this paper suggests several empowerment paths: (1) placing the enhancement of psychological power as the core of community empowerment; (2) addressing villager empowerment needs according to different types, rather than generalizing a community as a whole; and (3) including a diversity of subjects in the process of empowerment. These empowerment paths would be a moderate extension toward increasing community empowerment, based on this empirical study.  相似文献   

张越 《史学集刊》2006,(2):73-77
20世纪30年代,经过中国社会史论战而迅速扩大影响的中国马克思主义史学,存在着明显的教条化和公式化、轻视史料与考证的缺失。40年代的中国马克思主义史学家对此进行了积极的反思和纠正,而且还从理论上论述了史料及考证方法在历史研究中的重要性,阐述了理论观点与材料方法间的辩证关系,极大地促进了马克思主义史学的中国化和学术研究的中国化。  相似文献   

A synthetic overview is presented of the motivations, technological possibilities, and benefits of the practice of providing large structures with monitoring installation and interpretative activities. Starting from the large body of experience gained in the field of dam engineering, the gradual penetration of these techniques in the area of preservation of monumental building is surveyed. Particular attention is dedicated to the case of the Brunelleschi Cupola in the Florentine Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore. The more pressing needs for the next-future development of these studies and practices are then enunciated, with the auspice that the obstacle posed to their diffusion by the difficulty of collecting adequate financial funds may be overcome in the best interest of the conservation of a precious historical-cultural heritage.  相似文献   

本文选择小岭华侨农场越南归侨为研究对象,运用田野调查和历史档案资料,阐释了在特殊迁移经历、政府倾斜性扶持政策及现实利益等因素的影响下,华侨农场越南归侨实现和巩固了对难民身份的想象与认同。  相似文献   

谈谈史学工作者的责任和素养   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
史学工作者应该有正确的立场、观点和良好的学术素养。首先,要尽到自己的历史责任,要关注现实提出的重大课题,服务于国家的长治久安,潜心研究,传承文明;其次,要坚持以马克思主义唯物史观为指导,实事求是,严谨务实,揭示历史的真相,正确地总结历史的经验和教训;再次是要“博学于文,行己有耻”,把做人、做学问、做事情结合起来。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the relationship between history and archaeology in general, their common concerns and links with historical archaeology. It deals with the development of historical archaeology in three related South American countries, Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay, and pays attention to recent trends in the theory and practice of the discipline in the area.  相似文献   

《经世大典》是元代编纂的一部政书,由于原书早已散佚,学界对该书史料来源的分析探讨鲜有涉及。就现存佚文分析,该书史料来源大致可以分为中央政府部门档案公文、元人著作、大臣献书、口头文献、前朝文献五类。  相似文献   

记载佯僙的历代史书中,只有明代三大《贵州通志》是可信的,其他史书都是抄撮而成,是失实的。应从明代三通志中疏理材料,使佯僙的研究能进一步深入。  相似文献   

Prior to the early 1950s, Americanist archaeologists, given their interest in chronology, routinely searched for direct historical connections between ethnographically documented cultures and archaeological cultures. In those instances where clear evolutionary connections existed between ethnographic and prehistoric cultures, the ethnic affinities of the latter could be assessed, chronologies of prehistoric cultures could be built, and ethnographic descendant cultures could be used as analogs of prehistoric ancestral cultures. The latter became known as specific historical analogy, and it stands in contrast to general comparative analogy, in which no detectable evolutionary connection exists between archaeological subjects and ethnographic sources. The theory underpinning the use of specific historical analogs is Darwinian evolutionism, or descent with modification; thus similarities between ethnographic sources and archaeological subjects are homologous. By midcentury, with the problem of chronology behind them, archaeologists began to address anthropological concerns. Darwinian evolutionism was replaced by the theory of orthogenesis as an explanation of culture change, and concomitantly specific historical analogy was replaced by general comparative analogy, in which similarities between ethnographic sources and archaeological subjects are the result of convergence. For over a century anthropologists and archaeologists have mixed elements of the two theories.  相似文献   

20世纪中叶以来 ,西方在人口史研究方面取得了巨大进展 ,还采用了新的研究方法。这些成果不仅提供了对近代人口普查前的各国人口数量和结构等基本状况的描述 ,而且增进了历史学对一些重大问题的理论探讨 ,拓宽了历史学的视野和领域。  相似文献   

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