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Different economic theories suggest that residential and labor market relocations are mutually related. This has been verified in various empirical studies. We analyze this relationship based on a bivariate duration model of residential and labor market mobility. This specification is motivated by a search model that allows for simultaneous search on the labor and housing market, taking commuting costs into account. We investigate this relationship by using information on job and residence durations. In order to be able to analyze properly empirical duration data, we derive the statistical distributions of interest. Our empirical results based on a Dutch sample of full-time employed workers show that residential and labor market mobility depend positively on one another, which is in line with the theoretical search model presented. Moreover, we present easy-to-interpret measures for this dependency.  相似文献   

旅游视角下的上海F1大奖赛   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈亮 《旅游科学》2004,18(3):52-56
F1作为世界三大赛事之一,将于2004年9月正式在中国举办上海大奖赛。F1大奖赛凭借其巨大的影响力,将为上海带来众多的社会经济效应。本文阐述了F1旅游活动的游客动机以及细分市场,分析了相关行业在F1旅游中的作用;同时,从城市旅游形象、旅游环境、基础设施、旅游经济、旅游产品几个方面论证了F1大奖赛是上海旅游发展的新极点。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the wage effects of unemployment duration and frequency for different regional labor market situations in The Netherlands using a simultaneous equations approach. The main finding is that unemployment duration has a significant negative effect and the frequency of unemployment a significant positive effect on wages in the core regions with relatively low unemployment rates. In the periphery with relatively high unemployment rates no significant effects of unemployment duration and frequency are found. It is argued that in the core regions unemployment duration is primarily viewed as a personal indicator of low productivity whereas in the periphery it is attributed to the situation in the regional labor market.  相似文献   

While extreme mobility and ensconced sedentism can be easily distinguished in the archeological record, effective means are lacking of discriminating between degrees of mobility that may range from seasonal shifts by farmers to recurrent moves across the landscape as a way of life. Fortunately, site layout and the way space is used are related to expectations regarding length of stay, and though they are not quantifiable measures, they provide linkages between the active and material realms. Short stays elicit a search for distinctive characteristics of a place rather than investing in the modification of a place. The quest for suitable spaces is a matter of fact among mobile groups, whereas sedentary groups, or those expecting to stay in one place for an extended period, tend to build their environment to suit their needs, even formalizing spaces in consistent ways from place to place. By understanding the ramifications of these concepts it is possible to distinguish between differing degrees of mobility of groups occupying similar environmental zones in the southern portion of the American Southwest in the protohistoric and early historic periods and to apply these to wider contexts.  相似文献   

王春雷 《旅游科学》2010,24(6):84-92
会展专业人才培养模式是一个院校对于会展办学的整体设计,因而需要进行系统性的构建,但目前这方面的研究成果不多,更缺乏实证性的研究。本文基于文献综述的发现和会展专业的特点,从理论上构建了一个项目驱动型会展专业人才培养模式的基本框架。进而以上海师范大学会展经济与管理专业为例,侧重从教育理念、培养目标、培养过程、培养制度和培养评价等方面进行了实证研究。  相似文献   


This article documents some examples of the event-responsive poetry of the British poet Bob Cobbing (1920–2002) and compares it to the unique theory of the event structure developed by British sculptural and conceptual artist John Latham (1921–2006). It establishes points of intersection between their practices, and particularly at the level of aesthetics where very little comparative work exists. While both men are best known for their experimental 1960s work (Cobbing in relation to sound and concrete poetry, and Latham in relation to conceptual art) this article focusses on their earlier work as being preparatory to their later, more developed practice. Artistic affinities are contextualized in relation to World War II, the dialectic of romantic and classical art, and the institution of welfare-capitalism. How poet and artist both visually represented time (drawing on scientific discourses to do so) is further identified as a link between their practices.  相似文献   

基于产业链视角的国内外事件管理研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李晓莉 《旅游科学》2009,23(5):64-71
文章分析了事件产业链各环节的构成及相应的研究取向,从上游、中游、下游及影响评估四个方面对国内外事件管理研究领域的主要观点及其差异进行了述评。发现对事件管理的战略管理,产业融合背景下利益相关者合作,及事件参加者体验被忽视的地位等研究的缺失在国内外均有存在,国内尤为突出;而产业发展成熟度的不同使国内外研究角度与方法存在诸多不同,研究结果的梳理为事件产业发展提供了理性的反思,并进一步指出了研究应关注的问题。  相似文献   

Focusing events have been widely referenced in policy studies literature as important drivers of major policy change. In multiple streams theory, punctuated equilibrium theory, and the advocacy coalition framework, they play a prominent role in explaining how major changes occur. Nearly all existing research, however, has focused on the very large and catastrophic events that catapult otherwise obscure issues onto the agenda, to the neglect of focusing events that may perform other functions. This article examines one such event: the Master Settlement Agreement (MSA) between the tobacco industry and the states signed in 1998. I observe that although the MSA focused substantial attention on the topic of tobacco regulation, produced major policy change, and shifted the policy image of the domain, it was not a typical focusing event. Drawing from the tipping point theories of Sociology and Malcolm Gladwell's The Tipping Point , I expand a theoretical distinction articulated by Baumgartner and Jones between "triggering" events and "consolidating" or "tipping" events to resolve this discrepancy.  相似文献   

This paper applies spatial duration models to the analysis of cosponsorship coalitions in the U.S. House of Representatives. This approach provides a unique and simultaneous statistical analysis of ideological space (specifically, coalition formation) and geographical space. Typically, duration models are associated with temporal longitudinal data, but recently have been adapted to the spatial domain (Pellegrini and Reader 1996). In this paper, spatial duration models are further adapted to examine ideological space including a consideration of unobserved sources of spatial variation (or omitted variable bias). We examine two features of cosponsorship coalitions, breadth and clustering. Breadth is defined as the ideological distance between the two most extreme members of the coalition which is an important “signal” to the rest of Congress regarding the scope and broad appeal of the proposed legislation. In contrast, clustering refers to the distance between individual members of a coalition and reveals the tendency, or not, of ideologically similar members of Congress to support various bills. To examine breadth and clustering, we employ spatial duration models of cosponsorship that permit a multivariate analysis incorporating both the characteristics of members of Congress and the geographical regions they represent. Results indicate that cosponsorship coalition patterns are primarily determined by the content of the legislation, not the actions of the coalition leadership. While the leadership characteristics of sponsors have a limited effect on cosponsorship breadth, the size of the coalition is the primary determinent. Leadership characteristics also have little effect on cosponsorship clustering. Rather, clustering is due to members' policy preferences, as measured by distance to the coalition leader. In addition, the duration analysis results suggest that geographical proximity between members of Congress “overcomes” ideological distance. Finally, the spatial duration approach is noted as a fruitful methodology for examining explicitly spatial patterns in both ideological or geographical space.  相似文献   

MarchinTaiwanisobviouslymeaningfulfortheTaiwanauthorities.becausetheislandaspartofhisTibetanindependenceprogram.YourcountrywasthetermwhichheusedtoaddressTaiwan.tothesatisfactionoftheTaiwanauthorities.Theofticiallyorganizedvisit.howev-er,wasdescrib…  相似文献   

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