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石质文物破坏问题不仅在于人为破坏和表面污染,更多来自自然因素对文物的破坏,例如,日晒雨淋、风沙吹蚀、地表水的冲刷、地震、地下水的侵蚀溶蚀。为对第六批全国重点文物保护单位阳华岩摩崖石刻露天石质文物病害进行探查,采用无损探测的地面核磁共振方法和探地雷达方法,直接找水的地面核磁共振方法成功探测出摩崖石刻依附岩体地层含水分布状况。探地雷达方法探测出依附岩山体内岩溶、裂隙的发育状况。两种方法探测结果发现,石刻依附岩体内岩溶、裂隙发育,部分区域岩溶裂隙带已成为地下水汇聚场所或流通通道,对阳华岩摩崖石刻构成了极为严峻的侵蚀威胁。两种方法解释结果互为验证,研究结果为阳华岩摩崖石刻的病害治理和保护提供了宝贵的基础资料。  相似文献   

本文叙述了白鹤梁题刻所处的地理环境,气候条件,地质构造和岩石属性,分析了题刻本体的稳定性及不利于题刻保护的各种因素,总结了实施维修保护工程的内涵,材料和工艺措施,探讨了石质文物维修保护中的几个问题。  相似文献   

<正>摩崖石刻,是指人们在天然石壁上摹刻文字以记事记景,其起源于远古的记事方式,兴盛于北朝时期,隋唐宋元明清以来连绵不断。广义的摩崖石刻既包括文字题刻,还包括石质造像、岩画等。这里论及的摩崖石刻,一般为文字题刻。历朝历代都有文人在江西的名山中挥笔,尤其是庐山、三清山等名胜留下了数量可观的摩崖石刻,是江西山水风光的点睛之笔。镌刻在江西大地苍山上的摩崖石刻,  相似文献   

因三峡工程,镌刻于瞿塘峡白盐山绝壁上,总长210米、总面积510平方米,自宋代到民国时期的13幅题刻将全部被淹没在三峡水库一期蓄水位之下。为保护这批珍贵的历史文化遗产,进行了瞿塘峡摩崖题刻搬迁保护工程。  相似文献   

成县大云寺是依山崖而建的寺院,据说初建于东汉时期,历经各代遗存下来部分寺院建筑痕迹,摩崖造像和诸多题刻文献。这些题刻文献可分为残余碑刻和摩崖石刻两种类型。从内容看有佛经、佛教活动,也有历代文人游记诗篇,对研究区域佛教和历史文化提供重要资料。  相似文献   

石质文物表层工程性能保护是这类文物保护的重要科学问题,保护材料选择是表层工程性能保护的关键技术应用难点。基于对浙江羊山造像与摩崖题刻表层保护材料应用效果系统进行的实验室测试、分析,通过对优选的5种保护材料的基本性质、使用浓度、色差、附着力、接触角、吸水率及多个耐久性指标的测试,根据测试结果得出保护材料的各方面性能评价指标研究结果,显示水性纳米二氧化硅复合氟碳乳液和油性聚硅氧烷具备保护适宜性。  相似文献   

明代河南浚县盛产花斑石,北京宫殿及陵寝营建,多次在此采办花石。浚县所发现的天启六年皇极殿采石摩崖题刻,是明代北京营建石料采办的重要史料,为明代宫廷营建史研究和故宫太和殿保护提供了重要的石料采办遗迹资料。  相似文献   

1992年12月19日,笔者与现任临安博物馆研究员的倪亚清一同调查了宝石山摩崖造像。本文根据所得资料就摩崖造像的年代与题材进行了剖析,认为其间最早的龛像造于10世纪的吴越国时期,在以后的宋、元、明时代陆续补凿,而最为集中雕刻的年代是宋元时期,下限为明代。其题材大部分属于汉传佛教造像,仅元代第5龛表现为藏传风格。在九处摩崖题刻中,一处属藏传内容,也刻于元代。其他题刻多造于元代至明代。  相似文献   

近年来文物普查发现 安徽历代的碑石遗物虽迭经破坏,但至今仍有3000多块(处).它们中的碑刻散见全省各地、而摩崖题刻,则集中分布在几座著名的山上,如琅琊山、天柱山、九华山、黄山、齐山、浮山、齐云山等.这些石刻文字记录了中古以来女徽社会发展变化的各个方面,具有丰富的历史内容;它们保存了许多著名历史人物的手迹与经历以及各种书体的书道珍品,向人们展示了中国书法艺术发展的演变轨迹.尤其值得珍视的是,在地处皖东的滁州市琅琊山上,至今仍然保存着我省现知最早的几段唐代摩崖题刻,在研究地方历史发展、古籍版本校勘,诗文创作,书法鉴赏等方面,具有重要的价值,本文拟对这批唐刻资料进行全面介绍,并就有关问题略抒管见,以征知者教正.  相似文献   

刘明 《黑龙江史志》2012,(16):48-49
凉山彝族自治州越西县境内原有一处摩崖石刻题记文物点,第三次全国文物普查期间,又新发现一处摩崖石刻题记。两处摩崖石刻题记与"南方丝绸之路"及"茶马古道"有密切的联系。  相似文献   

陈晓捷 《考古与文物》2012,(3):78-86,113,114,1
2008年我们在陕西省铜川市耀州区西部的小坵镇和照金镇调查了6处石窟与摩崖造像,其中柳家湾摩崖造像、前咀子摩崖造像此前都有记载,其余4处为新发现。柳家湾摩崖造像和前咀子摩崖造像以前被认为是北朝时期的作品,此次根据发愿文及相关特征判断,认为柳家湾摩崖造像为唐代造像,前咀子摩崖造像为北宋造像。新发现的4处均为金代造像。另外还对这6处石窟与摩崖造像的性质作了初步探讨。  相似文献   

考古出土实物研究表明,商周青铜器铭文制作,通常是先雕刻正阴字铭文模,然后翻制反阳字铭文活块泥芯,镶嵌于主体泥芯合适位置组成复合泥芯,最后在浇铸青铜器时一并铸成于器物内壁上。复制具有151字铭文的西周晚期青铜颂鼎,整体采用失蜡铸造工艺,铭文制作借鉴商周青铜器陶范铸造的相关工艺,多次翻制制作一块铭文蜡片,嵌入模具型腔后翻制整体硅橡胶泥芯,获得了理想的效果。  相似文献   

In the present paper factor of safety of slope under seismic loading condition is evaluated assuming circular failure surface. Using Fellenius method the center of most critical circle is located. Adopting limit equilibrium method, under the influence of weight of potential sliding mass and seismic inertia forces, factor of safety is evaluated considering Rayleigh wave along with primary wave and shear wave. Results are presented and compared with the available results from literature. Detailed parametric studies are also carried out to observe the variation of safety factor at different soil strength and seismic forces.  相似文献   

The diffraction of Rayleigh waves by twin circular cavities in a poroelastic half-space is investigated using the indirect boundary integral equation method (IBIEM). To satisfy the boundary conditions on the free surface, Green’s functions of compressional and shear wave sources in a poroelastic half-space are derived based on Biot’s theory. It is verified that the IBIEM has great accuracy and numerical stability. Then, the influences of the drainage boundary condition, incident wave frequency, porosity, and cavity spacing on the dynamic responses are investigated by numerical examples. The results show that the amplification effect of the twin cavities is greater in the case of undrained boundary conditions, lower frequencies, and smaller cavity spacings. The porosity of the saturated medium also influences the dynamic responses because the velocity of the Rayleigh wave will change with the porosity of the saturated medium.  相似文献   

T. GRAF  R. THERRIEN 《Geofluids》2009,9(2):138-152
Density-driven geothermal flow in 3-D fractured rock is investigated and compared with density-driven haline flow. For typical matrix and fracture hydraulic conductivities, haline flow tends to be unstable (convecting) while geothermal flow is stable (non-convecting). Thermal diffusivity is generally three orders of magnitude larger than haline diffusivity and, as a result, large heat conduction diminishes growth of geothermal instabilities while low mass diffusion enables formation of unstable haline 'fingering' within fractures. A series of thermal flow simulations is presented to identify stable and unstable conditions for a wide range of hydraulic conductivities for matrix and fractures. The classic Rayleigh stability criterion can be applied to classify these simulations when fracture aperture is very small. However, the Rayleigh criterion is not applicable when the porous matrix hydraulic conductivity is very small, because stabilizing fracture–matrix heat conduction is independent of matrix hydraulic conductivity. In that case, the numerically estimated critical fracture conductivity is nine orders of magnitude larger than the theoretically calculated critical fracture conductivity based on Rayleigh theory. The numerical stability analysis presented here may be used as a guideline to predict if a geothermal system in 3-D fractured rock is stable or unstable.  相似文献   

本把一百多年来的甲骨语法研究史分为四个阶段,从研究成果、学术背景、研究领域、研究热点、研究人员、研究材料、研究方法等方面对二十世纪的甲骨语法学研究做了回顾,并对新世纪的甲骨语法研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

The role of gravity waves for the momentum and heat budget of the atmosphere between approximately 70 and 110 km height is considered. Parameterization schemes for vertical gravity wave diffusivity, generalized Rayleigh friction, viscous force, heat conduction and kinetic energy dissipation are reviewed. Eddy diffusion parameterization and its relation to the gravity wave approach is also discussed and it is shown that principal similarities exist in both concepts, especially when irregular (stochastic) contributions to the perturbations are modeled. Special attention is paid to the dissipation of perturbation kinetic energy and its contribution to the heat budget of the mesopause region. It is concluded that the amount of energy which can be attributed to the part of the gravity wave spectrum contributing to generalized Rayleigh friction above the mesopause is of the order of 10% of the total perturbation energy.  相似文献   

本文主要依据20世纪90年代国家组织的全国文物鉴定系统工程中, 所见青铜伪器、伪铭的典型资料,进行较全面的研究,依其伪作内涵,对器体、装饰、铭文等伪作的种种表现,以及伪作中相互交叉的各种情况,尤其是对伪作铭文的多种方法和内容的复杂性给予了较为详尽的叙述。对伪作铜镜特点,也进行了阐述。文章还从理论上论述了有关青铜器与金文辨伪中的几个重要问题。其中如伪作溯源和历代伪作主要特点,辨伪的理念与方法等,均具重要意义。  相似文献   

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