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贵州古代墓葬发现的买地券主要有汉魏之际(早期)和宋明时期(晚期)的,早晚期地券各有特点但又有内在联系,早期地券内容简单,类似生人买地契约,晚期地券受道家化的影响和渗透,完全变成道教的迷信工具,内容既复杂多样又神秘莫测。晚期地券受四川地区唐宋时期买地券的影响较大,但有独自地域特色。  相似文献   

周兴 《东南文化》2021,(4):121-128
江西宋元墓葬中出土有一类较为特别、数量偏少的买地券,基本发现于吉安市境内.以张重四地券为代表,券文中将西汉梅福作为知见人,文句有固定范式,券末附咒语、符箓,体现了较高的文化水平.结合《道藏》等文献,对劵文中一些术语进行了简要解读,并提出吉安市为这种买地券及其背后风水流派的中心传播区域.元代以后梅福因神职降低不再作为知见人出现,但劵文末符咒有所保留,在一些地方仍旧继续流传.  相似文献   

“买地券”习俗的考现学研究——闽台地区的事例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈进国 《民俗研究》2008,(1):129-164
一、前言 买地券,又称冥契、幽契、地前、冥券、墓券、幽券、铁业券、石契、买墓地券等(问有称“阳券”者),最初属于斩草破土或埋葬尸骨时墓穴所藏明器之一,即通过模拟现实生活中的土地契约文书,让生人或死者同各类神祗进行象征性“交易”,来表示亡灵(或寿主)领有墓地(或寿冢)居所的合法产权,并藉以压胜镇鬼、护卫阴界亡灵乃至阳界生人(或寿主)。  相似文献   

徐芳 《民俗研究》2004,(1):82-96
在以往女娲神话及其信仰的研究中,神话学者、民俗学者往往在大范围搜集资料的基础上,进行以文本为主的比较研究和溯源研究。对文本进行研究固然重要,可文本形成和变异的具体过程,也值得探讨,尤其是近些年,在全国民间传统重建热潮的带动下,与女娲相关的风物、女娲神话及其信仰都得到不同程度的恢复和重建,比如河南省西华县思都岗村的女娲城、甘肃省秦安县陇城乡女娲庙会等等。为什么会出现这些重建现象?重建的过程是怎样的?重建后呈现出哪些特征?这些问题在国内神话学界、民俗学界尚鲜有问津。  相似文献   

This article examines the efforts of two county instructors (jiaoyu), Xie Jinluan and Zheng Jiancai, to bolster the security of the maritime frontier and stabilize local society in early 19th century Fujian and Taiwan. Occurring during the Jiaqing transition in which Chinese elites increasingly voiced concerns about problems afflicting the empire, Xie and Zheng waged an information campaign to lobby for local issues while embedded in county educational posts. Printing their treatises through their alma mater, the Aofeng Academy, Fuzhou’s premier educational institution that promoted a rigorous Neo-Confucian scholarly orientation, and using well-positioned Aofeng alumni to take their causes to Beijing, the instructors were able to make changes on the local level and provide Qing officials with a new source of “expert” local information that bypassed the regular bureaucracy. By producing information on themes of local governance and manipulating the elite network of the Aofeng Academy that connected Fujian to circles of power in Beijing, Xie and Zheng became models of local political action, influencing new generations of Fujianese scholars over the 19th century.  相似文献   

徐炳三 《民俗研究》2006,26(4):214-221
福建省是近代中国基督教势力最大的地区之一。大量的入闽传教士为了实现所谓“中华归主”的理想,把目光触及到所有可能影响国人心态的社会现象,企图通过种种世俗化的社会改良来博得人们的好感,进而实现其传教目标。自然,与西方基督教文化相抵触的某些习俗也落入到他们改良主义的视野之中,其中就包括许多与女性有关的习俗。  相似文献   

闽台槟榔礼俗源流略考   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
闽台两地一衣带水,历史关系源远流长,其中尤以闽南与台湾关系最为密切:二者之间的血缘、史缘、文缘、俗缘等早为时人所津津乐道。台湾槟榔礼俗的形成就是两地俗缘相连的一个例证。众所周知,台湾同胞有嚼食槟榔的嗜好,平时携之在身,时常咀嚼以为乐事,客人相见亦请食...  相似文献   

胡晓慧 《民俗研究》2007,(2):89-112
一、关于考查地本文所指的温州地区,是指温州市下辖的鹿城、龙湾、瓯海三区,乐清、瑞安两市和永嘉、平阳、苍南、泰顺、文成、洞头六县。笔者于2007年春,对上述地区的一些乡镇、街道进行了实地调查。现在调查的基础上对该地区石敢当俗信给予更广泛的关注。在材料使用上以永嘉的上塘、乌牛、瓯北、桥下、徐岙、岩头,乐清  相似文献   

The explicit consideration of the shape of geographic features has been largely ignored in existing spatial association measures. The primary contribution of this work is the development of a new local spatial association measure—a Local Indicator of Spatial and Shape Association (LISShA). The LISShA measure is modeled after local Geary's Spatial Autocorrelation measure with distance between shapes, calculated using the Small–Le metric, replacing difference between attribute values and the spatial neighborhood defined by Fréchet distance. We provide some explanation of these metrics and show, in detail, how the LISShA and proposed moments are calculated in a one‐dimensional context in a case study of maritime anomaly detection.  相似文献   

Evidence of surgical interventions leaving traces on bones is quite abundant in archaeological material all over the world and is found frequently in the Andes. Among them, trepanations are most common, while amputations represent a relatively small part of the material. These have been reported from a few sites on the Peruvian north coast and archaeologically associated with the Moche culture. In 2013, two new cases from this area were found in situ within the Wari imperial mausoleum excavated at Castillo de Huarmey. Two individuals, one man and one woman, were found in the antechamber, serving as guards for the occupants of the main burial chamber. Their left feet were amputated, disarticulated at the ankle joints, a long time before they died. The article presents this find and discusses the form of amputation and the possible reasons why it was performed. As the context of both individuals possessed the same specifics, suggesting that they performed similar tasks related to religion and ritual, this article also presents a cultural interpretation of these finds, using other artefacts—ceremonial beakers in the form of the left human foot—known from Wari and Tiwanaku cultures. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

北周宇文俭墓清理发掘简报   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
北周宇文俭墓位于陕西省咸阳国际机场新建停机坪西南部,东跑机场候机楼200余米,南距机场东西公路250余米。1986年至1990年,机场建设初期,在宇文俭墓东发现有王德衡墓、王士良墓、若干云墓、独孤藏墓,在其东北有尉迟运墓,西北有叱罗协墓等①,总计十余座。1993年12月,机场在候机楼西侧建设停机坪时又发现了宇文俭墓,陕西省考古研究所随即派人对其进行了抢救性清理发掘,现将发掘情况简报如下: 一、墓葬形制 宇文俭墓为一斜坡式带天井土洞墓。墓总长50、深11米。由墓道、过洞、天井、南道、墓室几部分组成(…  相似文献   

In most parts of the developing world, the urbanization process has been dominated by rural–urban migration and the growth of existing cities. However, case‐studies in China’s Fujian Province suggest that this process can also be achieved mainly by in situ transformation in rural areas. Such in situ transformation of rural areas has been driven mainly by two forces, the development of township and village enterprises (TVEs) and the inflow of foreign investment; and facilitated by the relevant policies adopted by the Chinese government since 1978. The former has been very effective in the transformation of rural employment structure, while the latter has brought many physical changes to the previously rural landscape. Being mutually complementary, these two ways of rural transformation have not only benefited and urbanized the rural areas, but kept many farmers in their hometowns, replacing the dominant role of rural–urban migration and the growth of existing cities in the urbanization process.  相似文献   

A series of graves belonging to the Phoenician period were investigated after the campaign excavation of 2007 in the Phoenician‐Punic necropolis of Monte Sirai (Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy). One tomb in particular (labelled 252) is presented here because of its uniqueness. Tomb 252 contained the cremated remains of an individual, probably male, and comparison of the excavation records alongside reconstruction of the bone material itself makes clear that the individual was cremated in a prone position. It represents the first case of prone cremation reported in the literature. To investigate whether the temperature of the cremation was homogenous across the entire body, we have conducted a combined physical–chemical analysis using X‐ray diffraction spectroscopy and Fourier transform infrared. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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