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王纯  林坚 《人文地理》2005,20(1):113-116,74
城市空间发展方向选择是城市规划中的重要问题。本文引入政治地理学中的政治地理结构概念,以哈尔滨城市为例,对边疆城市空间发展方向选择的影响因素进行分析,发现:在特定时期,政治因素可能成为决定边疆城市空间发展方向选择的主导因素;但是,一旦政治地理结构趋于稳定,多因素的综合作用将显著上升,边疆城市空间发展选择应因时、因地制宜。  相似文献   

A variant of the structural contingency model is applied to the post-war experience of the British shipbuilding industry to show how technological change has affected the market for ships and compelled shipbuilding firms to adopt a number of responses. These include changes in industrial organization and the promotion of government intervention. Some of the ensuing outcomes are explored in detail by focusing on the industrial impact of the introduction of large tankers and standard ship designs. The regions that have benefited from the interaction of technological change and market demand are also identified.  相似文献   

Researchers interested in policy feedback effects can use the nonrecursive modeling strategies proposed here when time series data are not available for assessing feedback dynamics. This strategy is illustrated in a study of the impacts of American state divorce policies on divorce behavior and the responsiveness of policies to divorce rates. The findings show appreciable impact and feedback effects. In states where divorces are easier to obtain, the incidence of divorce is higher; and where divorce is more widespread, states are likely to implement more permissive divorce policies.  相似文献   

The geography of heterogeneous associations, an approach derived from the tradition of actor‐network theory, is a valuable analytical contribution to the study of sub‐state territorial entities. Shown here in an application to the Maaritsa border change controversy, which took place in Estonia 2001–2003, the approach has several merits compared to now dominant analytical perspectives in regional geography. The rejection of a regional imagination, as the natural way of conceptualizing provinces, is used to demonstrate that Estonian provinces and provinciality are performed, and can be analytically described, through multiple and complex spatialities. First, the inoperative character of provinces in the everyday life of many peripheral households is understood to be the result of incoherence in regional space between rigid administrative and fluid non‐administrative provinciality. Second, the problems with long distance control in the Estonian governmental system, related mainly to the ambiguous character of legislation and unstable politico‐administrative coalitions, are identified as the main cause of failure in the government's attempt to change provincial borders in regional space. Third, provincial research is seen as the practice that attempts to translate two other provincial modalities – provinces in everyday life and in governmental provincial politics – into a report designated to provide a synoptic and simplified view of complex peripheral provinciality for the central government. The article concludes with the argument that these three provincial modalities are intertwined in practice and their performances reciprocally determined.  相似文献   

Even before the Republic of Indonesia gained control over the territory of West New Guinea (with the controversial U.N.-supervised Act of Free Choice of 1969), the government had systematically tried to forge new identities for the indigenous peoples, as Indonesians rather than Melanesians. This acculturation process has aimed at incorporating the West Papuan population into the Indonesian nation-state through the education system, the media, economic development and transmigration. The process, ‘Indonesianization’, is predicated on the assumption that inculcation of the Indonesian world-view through contact with what are considered ‘more advanced’ and ‘civilized’ Javanese, will ultimately strengthen national unity and allow greater exploitation of the rich resources in the region. The influx of Asian newcomers, many of whom have taken over the administrative, commercial and industrial spheres in West Papua, has marginalized urban and rural Papuans from economic development. In consequence West Papuans are developing a sense of their own racial and cultural distinctiveness and asserting their rights to greater participation in decision-making and self-determination.  相似文献   

成志芬  周尚意 《人文地理》2021,36(2):127-135
历史文化街区存在建筑实体要素保护好,蕴含文化意义传承差的现象.本文从新文化地理学的角度,将街区作为景观,分析建筑使用形式和使用者变化后,景观意义的传承情况.本文以北京西四历史文化街区为景观对象,采用表征、非表征理论,调查当地居民对建筑实体体现意义的理解,及其具身的、实践的文化意义.研究结果显示:第一,该区表征文化主要是...  相似文献   

从建构主义的角度,研究广州红专厂的空间功能置换和游客感知,空间功能的置换具体表现为物质载体工业建筑和机器设备的外观改造及用途变化,而游客感知则通过分析游客对工业遗产空间的感知情况,探讨空间置换后产生和传达出的意义。通过比较这些意义与工业遗产价值的关系,可以更好的理解工业遗产空间的消费主义改造方式,也可以更好的理解创意产业空间所体现的当今社会对工业遗产的态度。研究发现,游客将红专厂理解为一个文化艺术和休闲消费的场所,而不是工业文明的记忆空间。红专厂工业空间的创意产业园式改造,传递出的已经不是工业文化的内涵,而是新的消费意义,实际上是工业文化向消费文化转变的过程。这种再利用方式与真正意义上的工业遗产保护是有所偏离的。  相似文献   

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