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从玉器纹饰看良渚文化宗教信仰中的两类因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
良渚文化的玉器纹饰可分为两类因素和三个主题。两类因素,即以鸟纹为代表的自然崇拜因素和以神人兽面纹为代表的祖先崇拜因素,体现出两种主次不同的崇拜形式,在纹饰上它们表现为两种基本主题,同时它们又有机地结合在一起,形成一种更高层次的完整的崇拜主题形式。两类因素各自有着不同的源流。鸟祖崇拜在华东地区的新石器文化中具有悠久的传统,尤其在大汶口文化中得到充分发展,在良渚文化中仍有一定的表现。而以直系祖先崇拜为主要内涵的神权宗教,通过对氏族宗教的融合,在良渚文化中发展到极致,其以兽面纹为代表的宗教内涵和艺术传统对商周青铜文化有重大影响。  相似文献   

While ecclesiastic and state authorities in Europe largely abolished medieval cults of saints because of their “heterodoxy,” late-imperial and modern Chinese Catholic communities in Shanxi still promulgate local cults dedicated to women and men who are believed to have performed posthumous miracles or who represent heroic virtue. Although constrained beneath the scrutiny of imperial, ecclesial, and modern political ideas of “orthodoxy” and “heterodoxy,” two Shanxi Catholic villages, Dongergou and Liangquandao (Liuhecun), have managed to preserve and promote Sister Maria Assunta Pallotta and Father Wang Shiwei as contemporary versions of traditional local cults. One of the manifest characteristics of these two Chinese Catholic local cults is how they have been transformed by traditional Daoist cults and have successfully survived in a liminal space between “orthodox” and “heterodox.” Relying on archival materials from the former Taiyuan Catholic Diocese Archive, records held in Roman archives, and oral testimonies, intricate patterns of accommodation and resistance to political and church authorities can be discerned as means for these remote Catholic villages to construct identity and cultivate social cohesion.  相似文献   

This study reconstructs elements of proto-Athabaskan folklore and religion, challenging received wisdom about the character of Southern Athabaskan culture. Detailed parallelism between Athabaskan and Old World folklore traditions, especially Inner Asian ones, means we must now consider that Southern Athabaskan cultures may retain significant elements of proto-Athabaskan belief systems originating in Asia.  相似文献   

《Public Archaeology》2013,12(3):206-207

Return to Lhasa     
“Return to Lhasa, return to the Potala Palace. In the Yarlung Zangbo , River cleanse my heart, on top of snow mountains awake my soul...”  相似文献   

《Political Theology》2013,14(6):846-872

From a social-ethical point of view, an appalling lack of a sense of common good continues to haunt Philippine political life even after the restoration of democracy through the 1986 People Power revolution. Our study contends that it is mainly caused by a polity that does not allow for a participatory deliberation and envisioning of the common good and a political culture that is not nurturing but hindering the collective and institutional commitment for it. While the Roman Catholic Church has been partly responsible for this democratic deficit, it nevertheless remains a social force with a moral high ground for political transformation, if it is able to change its social location and re-invent its social mission. A self-critical Filipino church whose base ecclesial communities are inserted like leaven in civil society holds the most important key to the democratization of Philippine polity and culture in the light of the Gospel.  相似文献   

The coexistence of conservative and liberation perspectives within the Roman Catholic Church still causes disagreements. However, since Vatican II, the Catholic Church in Guatemala has established a commitment to act as a church of the poor. There is tension between Guatemala's elite and the Church, which has led to the murders of Church members and the issuance of death threats to others. Although the growth of evangelical movements has caused the Church to lose influence, the Church remains committed to the poor, which places it in sharp contradistinction to neoliberalism.  相似文献   

Itwasasunnydayinearlyspring.whenanloldmaninhisearly80smetthisreporterinltheLabrangMonastery.Examiningmethroughhisblackrimmedspectacles,hewasbothtalkativeandhumorous.GaoWu,whoreturnedfromTaiwantosettledown,recalled:Iwasbornintoaherder'sfamilyinXiaheCounty,Gannan.Beforeliberation,IlaboredfortheLivingBuddhaLancangoftheLabrangMonastery.Afterliberation,Iwasallottedlandandanimals.But,in1959,whenIwentonapilgrimagetoLhasa,IwastakenawaybytherebelstoIndia.IsettleddowninDarjeeling.Myson,Gyai…  相似文献   

《Political Theology》2013,14(5):738-763

Taking an interdisciplinary approach, this article questions the mainstream idea about the relationship between religion and politics that associates the church and state separation with a strict private—public division. Agreeing with the former distinction, we criticize the latter from the perspectives of both Catholic theology and peace and conflict studies. Both fields offer adequate reasons to challenge this narrow dualism, envisioning the spheres of religion and politics as complementary and mutually enriching. In response to increased violence involving religions across the globe, "religious peacebuilding" is currently developing approaches to explain such conflicts and inform peacebuilding methods and strategies. Additionally, the theological-emphasis on the eschatological presence of the "already" appeals to Catholic faith to pertinently reflect upon and frame public life. Consequently, we plead for the critical and beneficial engagement of religions in the public sphere as "not yet" sufficiently acknowledged.  相似文献   


Engel, David M., and Frank W. Munger Rights of Inclusion: Law and Identity in the Life Stories of Americans with Disabilities Chicago, Ill.: University of Chicago Press 274 pp., $56.00 cloth, $19.00 paper ISBN 0-226-20831-1 cloth ISBN 0-226-20833-8 paper Publication Date: June 2003

Olson, Keith W. Watergate: The Presidential Scandal That Shook America Lawrence: University Press of Kansas 220 pp., $35.00 cloth, $15.95 paper ISBN 0-7006-1250-5 cloth ISBN 0-7006-1251-3 paper Publication Date: May 2003

Bowler, Shaun, Todd Donovan, and David Brockington Electoral Reform and Minority Representation Columbus: Ohio State University Press 158 pp., $47.95, ISBN 0-8142-0917-3 Publication Date: April 2003

Gould, Lewis L. The Modern American Presidency Lawrence: University Press of Kansas 301 pp., $29.95, ISBN 0-7006-1252-1 Publication Date: April 2003

Mezey, Susan Gluck Elusive Equality: Women's Rights, Public Policy, and the Law Boulder, Colo.: Lynne Rienner 319 pp., $24.50, ISBN 0-58826-176-X Publication Date: March 2003

Watson, Robert P., and Colton C. Campbell, eds. Campaigns and Elections: Issues, Concepts, Cases Boulder, Colo.: Lynne Rienner Publishers 319 pp., $59.95 cloth, $23.50 paper ISBN: 1-58826-120-4 cloth ISBN: 1-58826-144-1 paper Publication Date: February 2003

Benston, George J., Michael Bromwich, Robert E. Litan, and Alfred Wagenhofer Following the Money: The Enron Failure and the State of Corporate Disclosure Washington, D.C.: AEI-Brookings 126 pp., $39.95, ISBN 0-8157-0890-4 Publication Date: January 2003

Berman, David R. Local Government and the States: Autonomy, Politics and Policy New York: M. E. Sharpe 224 pp., $24.95, ISBN 0-76556-1085 Publication Date: February 2003

Yarbrough, Tinsley E. Race and Redisricting: The Shaw-Cromartie Cases Lawrence: University Press of Kansas 225 pp., $29.95 cloth, $14.95 paper ISBN 0-7006-1218-1 cloth ISBN 0-7006-1219-X paper Publication Date: October 2002

Adler, David Gray, and Michael A. Genovese, eds. The Presidency and the Law: The Clinton Legacy Lawrence: University Press of Kansas 264 pp., $40.00 cloth, $17.95 paper ISBN 0-7006-1193-2 cloth ISBN 0-7006-1194-0 paper Publication Date: September 2002

Fisher, Louis Religious Liberty in America: Political Safeguards Lawrence: University Press of Kansas 266 pp., $16.95, ISBN 0-7006-1202-5 Publication Date: September 2002

Johnson, Haynes The Best of Times: The Boom and Bust Years of America before and after Everything Changed San Diego, Calif.: Harcourt 644 pp., $27.00 cloth, $16.00 paper ISBN 0-15-602701-1 paper ISBN 0-15-200445-5 cloth Publication Date: September 2002

Mayhew, David Electoral Realignments: A Critique of American Genre New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press 192 pp., $24.00, ISBN 0-300-09336-5 Publication Date: September 2002

Cox, Gary W., and Jonathan N. Katz Elbridge Gerry's Salamander: The Electoral Consequences of the Reapportionment Revolution Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 234 pp., $55.00 cloth, $19.00 paper ISBN 0-521-80675-5 cloth ISBN 0-521-00154-4 paper Publication Date: July 2002

Petersen, Shannon Acting for Endangered Species: The Statutory Ark Lawrence: University Press of Kansas 168 pp., $29.95, ISBN 0-7006-1172-X Publication Date: May 2002

Lindsay-Poland, John Emperors in the Jungle: The Hidden History of the U.S. in Panama Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press 280 pp., $18.95, ISBN 0-8223-3098-9 Publication Date: January 2003

Ikenberry, G. John, ed. America Unrivaled: The Future of the Balance of Power Ithaca, N. Y.: Cornell University Press 317 pp., $19.95 paper, ISBN 0-8014-8802-8 Publication Date: October 2002

Bowman, Kirk S. Militarization, Democracy, and Development: The Perils of Practorianism in Latin America University Park: Penn State University Press 289 pp., $55.00, ISBN 0-271-0229-9 Publication Date: November 2002

Power, Margaret Right-Wing Women in Chile: Feminine Power and the Struggle against Allende, 1964-1973 University Park: Penn State University Press 311 pp., $65.00 cloth, $25.00 paper ISBN 0-271-02174-8 cloth ISBN 0-271-02195-0 paper Publication Date: May 2002

Taubman, William Khrushchev: The Man and His Era New York & London: W. W. Norton 876 pp., $35.00, ISBN 0-393-05144-7 Publication Date: March 2003

Zimmerman, William The Russian People and Foreign Policy: Russian Elite and Mass Perspectives, 1993-2000 Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press 235 pp., $65.00 cloth, $19.95 paper ISBN 0-691-09167-6 cloth ISBN 0-691-09168-4 paper Publication Date: March 2002

Pitcher, M. Anne Transforming Mozambique: The Politics of Privatization, 1975-2000 New York: Cambridge University Press 293 pp., $60.00, ISBN 0-521-82011-1 Publication Date: November 2002

Fisher, Louis Nazi Saboteurs on Trial: A Military Tribunal and American Law Lawrence: University Press of Kansas 192 pp., $29.95, ISBN 0-7006-1238-6 Publication Date: April 2003

Mistry, Dinshaw Containing Missile Proliferation: Strategic Technology, Security Regimes, and International Cooperation in Arms Control Seattle: University of Washington Press 252 pp., $50.00, ISBN 0-295-98294-2 Publication Date: April 2003

Gelpi, Christopher The Power of Legitimacy: Assessing the Role of Norms in Crisis Bargaining Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press 232 pp., $39.50, ISBN 0-691-09248-6 Publication Date: January 2003

Litan, Robert E., Michael Pomerleano, and V. Sundararajan, eds. Financial Sector Governance: The Roles of the Public and Private Sectors Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press 451 pp., $29.95, ISBN 0-8157-5289-X Publication Date: October 2002

Gutner, Tamar L. Banking on the Environment: Multilateral Development Banks and Their Environmental Performance in Central and Eastern Europe Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press 281 pp., $24.95, ISBN 0-262-57159-5 Publication Date: August 2002

Bradley, Mark Philip, and Patrice Petro, eds. Truth Claims: Representation and Human Rights New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press 256 pp., $24.00, ISBN 0-8135-3052-0 Publication Date: July 2002

Cortell, Andrew P., and Susan Peterson, eds. Altered States: International Relations, Domestic Politics, and Institutional Change Lanham, Md.: Lexington Books 240 pp., $24.95 paper, ISBN 0-7391-0606-6 Publication Date: July 2002

Stiglitz, Joseph Globalization and Its Discontents New York: W. W. Norton 282 pp., $24.95, ISBN 0-393-05124-2 Publication Date: June 2002

Kaufman, Joyce P. NATO and the Former Yugoslavia: Crisis, Conflict, and the Atlantic Alliance Lanham, Md.: Rowman and Littlefield 272 pp., $29.95 paper, ISBN 0-7425-1022-0 Publication Date: May 2002

West, Harry C., and Todd Sanders, eds. Transparency and Conspiracy: Ethnographies of Suspicion in the New World Order Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press 316 pp., $21.95, ISBN 0-8223-3024-5 paper Publication Date: April 2003

Hill, Christopher The Changing Politics of Foreign Policy New York: Palgrave Macmillan 361 pp., $75.00 cloth, $24.95 paper ISBN 0-333-75421-2 cloth ISBN 0-333-75423-9 paper Publication Date: March 2003

Whitehead, Laurence, ed. Emerging Market Democracies: East Asia and Latin America Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins University Press 226 pp., $18.95, ISBN 0-8018-7219-7 Publication Date: December 2002

Rubin, Barnett R. Blood on the Doorstep: The Politics of Preventive Action New York: Brookings Institution Press 256 pp., $18.95 paper, ISBN 0-87078-474-9 Publication Date: October 2002

Brass, Paul R. The Production of Hindu-Muslim Violence in Contemporary India Scattle: University of Washington Press 476 pp., $50.00, ISBN 0-295-98258-6 Publication Date: June 2003

Feigenbaum, Evan A. China's Techno-Warriors: National Security and Strategic Competition from the Nuclear to the Information Age Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press 339 pp., $55.00, ISBN 0-8047-4601-X Publication Date: April 2003

Gottesman, Evan Cambodia after the Khmer Rouge: Inside the Politics of Nation Building New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press 428 pp., $35.00, ISBN 0-300-08957-0 Publication Date: January 2003

Laqueur, Walter No End to War: Terrorism in the 21st Century New York: Continuum Publishing Group 288 pp., $24.95, ISBN 0-8264-1435-4 Publication Date: June 2003

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Madsen, Richard, and Tracy B. Strong, eds. The Many and the One: Religious and Secular Perspectives on Ethical Pluralism in the Modern World Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press 382 pp., $22.95, ISBN 0-691-09992-8Publication Date: April 2003

Weitz, Eric D. A Century of Genocide: Utopias of Race and Nation Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press 360 pp, $29.95, ISBN 0-691-00913-9 Publication Date: April 2003

Call, Lewis Postmodern Anarchism Lanham, Md.: Lexington Books 159 pp., $60.00, ISBN 0-7391-0522-1 Publication Date: February 2003

Smith, T. Alexander, and Raymond Tatalovich Cultures at War: Moral Conflicts in Western Democracies Toronto: Broadview Press Ltd. 302 pp., $19.95, ISBN 1-55111-334-1 Publication Date: February 2003

Lomax, J. Harvey The Paradox of Philosophical Education: Nietzsche's New Nobility and the Eternal Recurrence in Beyond Good and Evil Lanham, Md.: Lexington Books 136 pp., $60.00 cloth, $18.95 paper ISBN 0-7391-0476-4 cloth ISBN 0-7391-0477-2 paper Publication Date: December 2002

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Sanders, Mark Complicities: The Intellectual and Apartheid London: Duke University Press 273 pp., $19.95, ISBN 0-8223-2998-0 Publication Date: October 2002

Dreisbach, Daniel L. Thomas Jefferson and the Wall of Separation between Church and State New York: New York University Press 282 pp., $42.00, ISBN 0-8147-1935-X Publication Date: July 2002

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