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This paper explores the role of the nineteenth-century sinologist-cum-diplomat, John Francis Davis, in Sino-British relations after the ratification of the Treaty of Nanjing in 1843. It examines his time as governor of Hong Kong and as Britain's effective minister to China from 1844 until 1848, in which he attempted to have the city of Canton opened to foreign trade. Arguing that Davis's view of Sino-British relations was as cultural in character as it was political, this paper suggests that Davis fundamentally sought to establish strict equality between the two empires. He attempted to use his knowledge of Chinese civilization to build an equal international relationship between two sovereign nations rather than an imperial relationship between a conqueror and the conquered people. While this conviction laid the groundwork for Hong Kong to become a bilingual Anglo-Chinese colony, it fractured diplomacy with Qing officials. Davis's insistence on political equality would amount to an aggressive imposition of European diplomatic norms on his dealings with the Qing representative Qiying. More precisely, the paper explains how the policies of this archetypal British ‘China Hand’ bifurcated in the directions of both progressive cultural policy but also gunboat diplomacy.  相似文献   

The article recovers Henry Brailsford’s reflections on south-eastern and east-central Europe in a transformative period in international politics. Although the British journalist has been considered as key influence in the development of international relations in Britain, his commentary on the national questions in eastern Europe has remained relatively unexplored. The article argues that in response to the international politics of the Eastern Question and to concurrent imperial questions in Britain, Brailsford articulated an imperial anti-imperialist vision of international order based on the support for local autonomy and self-government across eastern Europe and the colonial world. It then proceeds to chart his gradual distancing from the politics of self-determination during the Great War and argues that Brailsford’s international thought was influenced by a series of pragmatic considerations regarding the future of central and eastern Europe. The intricacies of Brailsford’s international thought offer an informative case-study of the symbiosis of liberal and socialist varieties of internationalism in early twentieth century Britain.  相似文献   

Henry Herbert Donaldson (1857–1938) was a leader in neurological research in the United States for several decades, beginning about 1890. A detailed account of three of his earliest publications shows the neuroanatomical procedures involved in the study of the relation of brain and intelligence during the late-nineteenth-century in America. Two of the articles, published in September 1890 and December 1891, were titled, “Anatomical Observations on the Brain and Several Sense-Organs of the Blind Deaf-Mute, Laura Dewy Bridgman (1829–1889)”; the third, published in August 1892, used the information from the first two to delimit the extent of the visual processing area of the human cortex. Donaldson’s procedures included brain cuttings and measures of macroscopic brain structures, histology of cellular structures, attempts to relate macroscopic brain structures with brain functions, data corrections, estimations, comparisons, and statistics. These procedures provide a view of the relative thoroughness, accuracy, and comparability of the various neuroanatomical techniques in use at that time and of Donaldson’s implementation of the techniques. Donaldson’s brain cutting techniques were much more comparable than his measurement techniques. The latter could be quite precise, but they were fraught with lack of standardized procedures that made corrections and estimations necessary when making data comparisons across studies. Donaldson emphasized these incompatibilities, implying a need for standardization. Statistical procedures were the least thorough and effective. His, and the field’s, total complement of statistical techniques consisted of mean and range, which severely limited his ability to make complicated assessments. This limitation was not necessarily supplemented by stringent control group comparisons.  相似文献   

华翰维(Henry Tutwiler Wright III)为美国著名考古学家,现任美国密西根大学人类学系教授。早在1962年,华翰维已成为美国考古学会会员。1964年,他本科毕业于密西根大学人类学系,随后在芝加哥大学获人类学硕士学位(1965年)和博士学位(1967年)。毕业后,华翰维先后任密西根大学人类学系助理教授(1967年-1971年)、副教授(1971年-1976年)、教授(1976年-),密西根大学人类学系Albert C.Spaulding学院教授(2001年-2007年)、Albert C.Spaulding学院杰出教授(2007年-),圣达菲研究所教授(2002年-),密西根大学人类学博物馆馆员(1967年-)、博物馆馆长(1988年-1991年)。华翰维教授现兼任马达加斯加塔那那利佛大学考古艺术博物馆研究员(1975年-今)、西非不列颠研究所会员(1980年-今)、美国麦克阿瑟协会会员(1993年-1998年)、圣达菲研究所科学指导委员会委员(1995年-今)、圣达菲研究所成员(1998年-今)、英国东非学会会员、英国剑桥大学麦克唐纳考古研究所讲师(2009年)、山东大学立青考古访问教授(2011年-今)等。华翰维教授所获荣誉和奖励有:麦克阿瑟天才奖(1993年-1998年);美国国家科学院院士(1994年-);美国考古学会(A.I.A.)杰出成就金奖(2009年);美国考古学会终身成就奖(2013年)。华翰维教授有丰富的田野考古经验。20世纪60年代以来,他先后在美国密西根、阿帕拉契亚、切萨皮克、安纳波利斯、俄亥俄河谷,法国多尔多涅,伊拉克乌尔,伊朗德鲁让平原、扎格罗斯山、苏萨,土耳其安纳托利亚,墨西哥奥哈卡,马达加斯加,肯尼亚,埃及,叙利亚,中国河南、云南,山东,蒙古国阿尔泰等国家主持或参与考古调查发掘。1975年以来,长期致力于非洲马达加斯加的考古和研究。华翰维教授对当代考古学的理论建树有重要贡献。他是社会复杂化研究的奠基者,率先提出社会复杂化、三级聚落、四级聚落等关键概念和理论模式。在酋邦理论的研究领域有重要影响。华翰维教授研究成果丰硕,其代表作有:《马达加斯加中部早期国家形成:塔那那利佛西部考古调查》(Early State Formation in Central Madagascar:An Archaeological Survey of Western Avaradrano);密西根大学人类学博物馆,2007;《美索不达米亚早期城镇的农业生产管理》(The Administration of Rural Production in an Early Mesopotamian Town),密西根大学人类学博物馆人类学论文,38:162p.1969;《国家起源新探》(Recent Reserach on the Origin of the State),《人类学年度综述》(Annual Review of Anthropology),6:379-397,1977;《科摩罗群岛的早期航海者》(Early Seafarers of the Comoro Islands),《阿扎尼亚》(Azania),19:13-59,1984;《叙利亚东部前陶新石器遗址》(Prepottery Neolithic sites in Eastern Syria),《上古东方》(Paleorient),31/2:167-172.,2006;《伊朗西南部的人口、交换和早期国家的形成》(Population,Exchange and Early State Formation in Southwestern Iran),(with G.A.Johnson),《美国人类学家》(American Anthropologist),77:267-289,1975;《肯尼亚巴林戈地区罗博伊平原初步调查》(Preliminary Investigation on the Loboi Plain,Baringo District,Kenya),(with W.Farrand,R.Redding and M.H.Wolpoff),《密西根大学人类学博物馆科技报告No.4》,安纳堡,1976;《盖内遗址:大湖地区古印地安器物群的变化》(The Gainey Site:Variability in a Great Lakes Paleo-Indian Assemblage),(with D.B.Simons and M.Shott),《东北美考古》(Archaeology of Eastern North America),12:266-279,1984;《德鲁让平原的早期聚落和灌溉:伊朗西南部村落和早期国家社会》(Early Settlement and Irrigation on the Deh Luran Plain:Village and Early State Societies in Southwestern Iran),(with J.Neely),《密西根大学人类学博物馆科技报告No.26》,1994,等数百篇学术论文。  相似文献   

Along with perhaps North Korea, Democratic Kampuchea (DK), as the Khmer Rouge (KR) regime called itself, can be regarded as the ultimate twentieth-century paradigm of the totalitarian state. Using sheer violence and terror, a small clique usurped state power viewing itself as endowed with the messianic mission to bring happiness and prosperity faster than any of its revolutionary model and competitors. It came to control every aspect of social and private life. No one was allowed to nurse, let alone express, any form of opposition.  相似文献   

This article explores how Henry Biaudet (1870–1915) and the Finnish historical expedition in Rome used different paratextual elements in their studies on the Nordic Counter-Reformation. The analysis of paratextual strategies of the expedition suggests that application of paratexts in historical narrative reflected the fundamental characteristics of 19th-century historiography: professionalization, development into a research based independent academic discipline and nationalism. Paratexts, such as titles, title pages, lists of previous research, prefaces and with certain restrictions also footnotes, were first of all important genre indicators, which helped to draw a line between popular and professional historical narrative. Second, paratexts served political aims by helping to create images of scholarship in cases when argumentation was politically biased. Despite the important role paratexts performed in the development of modern historical scholarship via shaping historical narrative, historians have paid surprisingly little attention to them. Hence, the analysis of the paratextual strategies of Biaudet and his expedition offers an interesting perspective to the daily practices, values and thinking of historians at the turn of the 20th century.  相似文献   

This study takes an analytical approach to the diplomatic strategy adopted by the Spanish monarchy in confronting the challenge it faced associated with the Partition Treaties that were signed by Louis XIV, William III and the United Provinces in 1698 and 1700. By consulting Spanish sources to complete the understanding of the diplomatic process, this study analyses the political action that Spain mobilized in its defence around 1700 and describes the evolution of Spain's foreign policy as the product of the mistrust that had developed between the main powers of Europe. This mistrust was politically answered by Madrid with Carlos II's last will and other planned measures to ensure the viability of the project that contained a turning point in the policy underlying the alliances of the monarchy. Although, like that of the other powers, Spain's manoeuvrability was restricted, this study concludes that Spain was able to create policy action plans and rationally implement them; moreover, the dynamics resulting from the negotiation and signing of the Partition Treaties led the monarchy to oppose them at all costs and naturally led to the choice of a French heir as its only solution.  相似文献   

The article examines a neglected Anglo-Latin poem on flying, entitled “In Artem Volandi” (1679) and penned by Francis Harding, an Oxford student. So far, the poem has neither received any critical attention nor has it ever been translated into English. The article contributes to the Anglophone understanding of the dynamic relationship between Restoration Science and satire by analysing the poem’s complex handling of a range of contemporary concerns. The prospect of human flight and the ideas about future interstellar travel in late seventeenth-century England enabled Harding to explore a host of cultural issues, including witchcraft, atomism, adultery, and colonialism. The article examines the poem’s intertext by relying on three main types of texts: works in English, works in Neo-Latin never before translated into English, and works in Latin for which translations were available. The first-time translation of the poem into English is provided at the end of the article.  相似文献   

An acerbic footnote in Volume 3 (1818) of the five-volume great work of Franz Joseph Gall and Johann Gaspar Spurzheim, Anatomy and Physiology of the Nervous System in General and of the Brain in Particular with Observations on the Possibility of Understanding the Many Moral and Intellectual Dispositions of Man and Animals by the Configuration of Their Heads, marked the end of the collaboration between Gall, the founder of organologie, and Spurzheim, promoter of phrenology. We discuss the background of this note and the nature of the rift that marked the end of Gall and Spurzheim’s collaboration.  相似文献   


This article reconstructs the personal and intellectual friendship between two cosmopolitan intellectuals: Andrea Caffi (1887–1955) and Nicola Chiaromonte (1905–1972), who met while in exile in Paris in 1932. After a brief recapitulation of their previous biographies, and an overall presentation of their participation in the revolutionary antifascist group ‘Giustizia e Libertà’ (GL) in the thirties, this article provides a detailed analysis of their dialogues and disagreements in the forties and fifties on the topics of socialism and revolution, antifascism and anti-totalitarianism, utopia and history. Particular attention is devoted to their contribution to the debates in the antifascist journal of GL (published in Paris, 1932–1935) and in the radical journal of Politics (published in New York, 1944–1950). Examined closely, the friendship between Caffi and Chiaromonte appears as a sequence of convergences and divergences, understandings and ruptures, which reflect the tensions and lacerations of the European civil war and its post-war legacy (intertwined with and overlapping the cultural Cold War). Looked at again from a distance, however, it reveals a fundamental intellectual unity—a profound apolitical affinity in a century of radical politics which had fed wars, revolutions and totalitarian regimes.  相似文献   

Journal of Archaeological Research - Why did the farming lifestyle appear and proliferate so rapidly through the Mediterranean basin between 7000 and 5500 bc? In this paper, I review the...  相似文献   

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