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黄凤志 《史学集刊》2000,2(2):59-63
1937年7月,日本发动了全面侵华战争,企图称霸亚太地区,这与英国维护在华利益、维护华盛顿体系的政策产生了尖锐矛盾。为了对付日本的挑战,英国对日采取了绥靖与争斗相结合,以绥靖为主的对策,对华采取了援助与背弃交互使用的两面政策。  相似文献   

While much of the focus in the Trident replacement debate in the UK is on Britain's long-term role as a nuclear power, a second decision is imminent, concerning the acquisition of two large aircraft carriers. In combination, these two projects will do much to determine the UK defence posture for several decades to come and are therefore best analysed together. The decisions are particularly significant when viewed in relation to the post 9/II US defence posture, especially in what is now being termed the 'long war'. The new aircraft carriers will make it possible for the UK military to work closely with the United States in future expeditionary warfare, with all the potential political controversies that might result.  相似文献   

It is the natural order of states and their governments to periodically upset the constructed balance of power and to subsequently seek out a ‘reset button.’ Such was the case following the First World War when the European map was redrawn and East Central Europe took on the appearance of a fractured and contested zone. What emerged from the confluence of four defunct empires was a collection of newly fabricated or reconstituted states vying for existence in a traditionally contested zone of influence. In October 1921, the Successor States of the Austro-Hungarian Empire convened a conference in the Adriatic town of Porto Rose to negotiate the details of commercial relations amongst themselves and to determine the broader economic character of the region. For Czechoslovakia – the most industrialized and arguably the most Westernized of these states – the conference presented an opportunity to promote its foreign economic agenda. This study represents a unique examination of the first international conference held among independent East European states and the importance it held for Czechoslovakia's foreign economic-policy objectives in the years following the First World War. At the same time, the study suggests connections with more recent overtures toward economic integration.  相似文献   

Lancaster, Jane B., and Beatrix A. Hamburg, eds. School‐Age Pregnancy and Parenthood: Biosocial Dimensions. New York: Aldine, 1986. xviii + 403 pp. including figures, chapter references, and index. $39.95 cloth.

Moore, Kristin A., Margaret C. Simms, and Charles L. Betsey. Choice and Circumstance: Racial Differences in Adolescent Sexuality and Fertility. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Transaction Books, 1986. xiv + 165 pp. including tables, chapter references, and index. $19.95 cloth.  相似文献   

Niara Sudarkasa. Where Women Work: A Study of Yoruba Women in the Marketplace and in the Home. Anthropological Papers, Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan, No. 53. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, 1973. x + 176 pp. Figures, tables, appendix, bibliography, plates. $4.00 (paper).

Christine Oppong. Marriage among a Matrilineal Elite: A Family Study of Ghanaian Senior Civil Servants. Cambridge Studies in Social Anthropology 8. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1974. (Foreword by Meyer Fortes.) xv + 187 pp. Map, tables, appendix, bibliographies, index. $13.95.

Kenneth Little. African Women in Towns: An Aspect of Africa's Social Revolution. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1974. viii + 242 pp. Appendix, bibliography, index. $16.50 (cloth), $5.95 (paper).  相似文献   

In this Special Issue, the authors explore the various ways in which the Second World War shaped children's experiences in the post-war period. They map the multifaceted interest or non-interest of states all over Europe for children in the years after the war, filter out groups of children who recall that the consequences of the Second World War significantly influenced their childhood, and investigate the childhood policies directed towards them, as well as their childhood experiences and the memories they foster about their childhood. In addition, they have included case studies from Western, Central and Eastern Europe with the aim of sparking a debate as to whether it was only a similar lifecycle that war children in early post-war Europe shared, or if they also had some life experiences in common.  相似文献   


Over the last fifteen years Karel Schoeman, Afrikaans author of well-esteemed novels, described the history of the Cape Colony during the years of the Dutch East India Company (VOC) in an ongoing series of historical studies, narratives, non-fiction, biographies and monographs. This article is an attempt to evaluate Schoeman's contribution to South African historiography: his approach and presentation, the subjects emphasised and interpretations given, and the scholarly quality and significance of his work. Characteristic of Schoeman is his ability to capture the character of the past enabling the reader to really understand it. The past is a country, far away, difficult to enter but there is a road to understanding: Verstehen, a mind open to historical sensation, listening to the voices from the past, seeing the past in its heritage. In his historical novels, Schoeman adapts history to the fictional world he creates. In his historiography, popularising scholarly knowledge with literary skills, Schoeman remains critical of many traditional stories and portraits a new, non-fiction Cape – a refreshment station for the maritime VOC empire situated halfway between Europe and Asia on African soil; a struggling colony of people of various backgrounds, poor people without history mostly; a colony full of problems, contrasts and contradictions, but also a surprising society, multiracial, multicultural, open, and full of possibilities.  相似文献   

STANLEY KARNOW. Vietnam, A History. New York: Penguin, 1984. Pp. xi, 752. $10.95 (US); GABRIEL KOLKO. Anatomy of a War: Vietnam, The United States, and the Modern Historical Experience. New York: Pantheon Books, 1985. Pp. xvi, 628. $25.00 (US); TIMOTHY J. LOMPERIS. The War Everyone Lost-and Won: America's Intervention in Vietnam's Twin Struggles. Baton Rouge and London: Louisiana State University Press, 1985. Pp. x, 192. $22.50 (US); R.B. SMITH. An International History of the Vietnam War: The Kennedy Strategy. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1985. Pp. xii, 429. $25.00 (US); HARRY O. SUMMERS, Jr. On Strategy: A Critical Analysis of the Vietnam War. New York: Dell, 1984. Pp. 288. $3.95 (US).  相似文献   

战前浙江新式交通建设出现较快发展,浙赣线是省营铁路的样板,公路建设则成为全国的模范省。交通作为战争的一个基本要素,抗日战争中浙江战场基本上是围绕交通线展开的,期间铁路几乎全毁、公路毁坏达4/5。但抗日战争也促进了浙江交通现代化发展。一是把交通建设推上了前所未有的高峰;二是把交通现代化技术水平和管理水平推到了空前的高度。但这是浙江人民在反侵略的大背景下,在政府的优先发展策略下,集中全社会力量发展形成的。日本侵华战争打断了中国现代化正常发展的轨迹,使浙江交通现代化建设延误了约半个世纪。  相似文献   

This essay examines the work of the Joint Committee on the Conduct of the War, a joint select committee of investigation formed by Congress during the American Civil War. During its tenure in the 37th and 38th sessions of Congress, the Committee investigated almost every aspect of Union military operations; however, its principal concern was the examination of Union military defeats. Members of the Committee on the Conduct of the War were influenced by the notion of inevitable Union victory. As self‐made men who had achieved a degree of success in the emerging market economy of nineteenth‐century America, Committee members exemplified the period's predominate concept of masculinity. Also skeptical of military science and distrustful of the United States military academy at West Point, the Committee showed a marked preference for volunteer soldiers and officers throughout the war. Believing that West Point generals who endorsed strategic maneuver were cowardly and disloyal, Committee members were frequently critical of regular army officers in their investigations. Confusing the rhetoric of ‘hard war’ with military competence, the Committee's disdain for military education caused it to endorse incompetent military leadership and advocate mediocre generals for high command.  相似文献   

The New Cold War     
carolyn  eisenberg 《外交史》2005,29(3):423-427

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