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J'ai passé toute ma jeunesse à opposer en moi deux parties de moi, qui peutětre ne demandaient pas mieux que de s'entendre. Par amour du combat, j'imaginais des luttes et je divisais ma nature.

—André Gide, Journal (1893)  相似文献   

《伊豆舞女》作为川端康成的成名作,为广大读者所熟知和喜爱。它同川端后来的一些作品比较起来,似乎容易把握。但是,这篇看似充溢纯稚之情的作品也往往容易被简单化,许多重要的东西被忽略。因为对《伊豆舞女》的深入研究与理解川端一生创作的许多重大问题密切相关,我们有必要对这篇作品重新认识。  相似文献   

长期以来,壶井荣的《蒲公英》被认为是一篇表现反战题材的散文。本文试图对该作品的文体及其主题作一考证和辨析,认为《蒲公英》是一篇小说,其主题具有多元性。本文还对该文译者身份作一点初步推测。  相似文献   


The ways in which the author, the sculptor Peter Randall-Page, has made use of the ideas of D’Arcy Thompson are described. How Thompson showed that commonalities of form and pattern exist across the biological and abiotic realms is described, and the implications that physical constraints limit and sometimes dominate the capabilities of evolutionary natural selection are explored. Since we evolved in a world shaped in this manner, the likelihood that this palette of forms is one that carries strong psychological meanings and associations is examined, and the ways in which these forms are a rich source of inspiration and allusion for visual artists are discussed, hinting at the play of opposing tendencies, the dance between order and randomness, and the ways in which nature can derive variations on a theme.  相似文献   

在实地田野考察和搜集大量史料的基础上,对20世纪马来西亚华人传统音乐文化的变迁进行了梳理和探讨,论述了其从传统地方性到新式统一性再到本土化发展的内在联系。华人传统音乐文化的变迁,使得马来西亚华人传统音乐文化从华人移民音乐成长为华族音乐文化,成为当地多元文化的重要组成部分。在这个变迁中,社团起到了很重要的支持作用。  相似文献   

崇尚和谐,倡导和谐,和谐发展,是中华民族文化的核心价值观之一。  相似文献   

在实际的历史写作中,部分历史学家运用反事实的方法,探究历史上的可能之事。无独有偶,海德格尔的主张也与此相似,他认为历史学的主要课题不是特殊的个体事件,也不是超乎个体事件的普遍规律,而是曾在的生存可能性。这两种观点不是为了探究历史上不曾发生过的事态,而是借此重新规定历史学的题材、性质和写作方式。但是,反事实研究所谓的可能性主要是指现成事物的偶或可能性,而海德格尔所谓的生存论上的可能性则是指此在的某种生存方式,两种可能性有着根本区别。  相似文献   

This issue of Transactions sees the first of what hopefully will be periodic Theme Sections, the aim of which is to bring together papers which have a common underlying theme or focus. The intention is not to commission such papers but, whenever the opportunity arises, to group papers that have been submitted independently but which fall within the same field or subfield of research. The papers below deal with different aspects of the 'geography of money'. That by Sidaway and Pryke is concerned with the phenomenon and discourse of 'emerging markets', and the ways in which this supposed novel development displays deeper continuities with colonial geographical imaginations. The paper by Leyshon and Pollard is concerned with the convergence of the US and UK retail banking sectors, and traces how new practices and organization arrangments are being transmitted over space. In their paper, Martin and Turner examine the wave of demutualization that has disrupted and is transforming the building society (mortgage finance) sector in the UK, focusing especially on the implications of this remapping for the geographies of shareownership and the future of small local societies.  相似文献   

Religious Theme Of Women's GarmentsReligiousThemeOfWomen'sGarments¥byWangChunyingTibetans,whoareinfluencedheavilybyTibetanBud...  相似文献   

This paper attempts to summarize the past years of research on the Mesolithic–Neolithic transition in Central Europe and to review recent discussions about the origin and spread of the Early Neolithic. Particular emphasis is given to the debate about migration or diffusion. A combined migrationist/diffusionist model is presented, arguing for an emergence of a farming economy among hunter-gatherer populations in Transdanubia and the subsequent spread of this economy through migration. The new settlers interacted with local Mesolithic groups and adopted and incorporated local material culture and sometimes even aspects of local Mesolithic economy, a process which continued throughout the Early Neolithic. With time, population increase, subsequent competition for resources, and climatic instability led to a destabilization of traditional Early Neolithic society and finally to the outbreak of severe intercommunity violence. The only escape from mutual extinction was a rearrangement of subsistence and social and political structures, possibly with contributions from surviving Terminal Mesolithic groups.  相似文献   

郑曙斌 《收藏家》2008,(9):23-26
中国古代在造纸术发明以前,丝织物除用来制作服饰外,人们还把它当作书写和绘画的材料。“帛”是先秦两汉对丝织品的泛称,实则只用蚕丝织成的细绢为书写、绘画的材质,再用笔墨书写文字,用重彩描绘人物、走兽、飞鸟、神灵形象等各种图案。这些写在丝织品上的文字和图画,被称为帛书、帛画。帛画约兴起于战国时期,  相似文献   

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