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This essay examines two sets of reports in the Qing-dynasty Jiaqing and Daoguang periods (respectively 1796-1820 and 1821-45) in order to understand better the perceived reality of the Tiandihui.The first set,found among the papers of Jiangxi governor Xianfu (1809-14),allows a comparison of a criminal gang that invoked the Tiandihui ceremony with one that did not.The second set includes the diary of Taihe county magistrate Xu Dihui (in office from 1824) that recorded various events which came to be reported to the senior officialdom as having been conducted by secret societies.By collating the incidents as reported in the diary and memorials to the emperor,the authors argue that the pressure of the administrative process was responsible for the ultimate acquiescence by the Hunan governor Han Wenqi (in office 1825-29) in the perception of an indisputable connection of the incidents with secret societies.Moreover,both sets of reports show that participants in secret-society ceremonies and officials who suppressed them knexv that the acclaimed networking of the Tiandihui as implied in its folklore was very far from the reality.  相似文献   

在云南泸西县永宁乡的茫茫深山中,隐藏着一座不为人知的千年古村落。它最为奇特的地方。在于它的建筑。  相似文献   

<正>变色龙王国马达加斯加的三宝——猴面包树、狐猴和变色龙可谓是当地最有特色的生物景观了,它们在马达加斯加岛上分布广泛,且数量多,种类齐全,深受人们的喜爱。而马达加斯加又称得上是变色龙的天堂,全球一半种类的变色龙都生活在这片土地上,大部分还都是马达加斯加的独有物种,在其他地方是难觅踪迹的。  相似文献   

The Secret of England's Greatness is a portrait by Thomas Jones Barker of Queen Victoria meeting an African envoy and presenting him with a copy of the Bible. Painted around 1863, it has become an icon of British imperialism in this period and of the justification of colonial expansion in terms of the transmission of the values of the Bible. As such, the portrait appears confident and unambiguous: the secret of England's greatness is unravelled and the truth is exposed. This article seeks to disturb the apparent absence of mystery in this painted encounter and to examine what remains concealed in the meeting between the white sovereign and the black emissary. Moving from Barker's painting to William Mulready's The Toyseller, which was completed in the same years and depicts a black pedlar trying to sell a wooden toy to a white mother and child, the article uncovers, within the language of painting and its surrounding discourses, a different kind of disturbing and exhilarating secret, concerned with racial identity and mid-Victorian desire. Working from a reading of the surface of the paintings to related representations of blackness in nineteenth-century science and culture, the article considers how The Toyseller negotiates the proximity of the figures of the black pedlar and the white mother and child and the significance of the compositional gap between them and suggests that Mulready's painting visualizes many of the issues that were at the heart of British imperialism in the middle of the nineteenth century, following the abolition of slavery.  相似文献   

<正>近些年,有关蜂子蛰死人的报道屡见不鲜,在这些报道中,甚至用上了"杀人"这样的字眼,以描述其凶狠,可谓"蜂"声鹤唳,谈"蜂"色变。我常年游走于山林之间,寻找那些在都市里难得一见的昆虫,把它们美丽的倩影拍摄下来,这样免不了跟各类蜂群打交道。十几年下来,跟"蜂烟蜂雨"的亲密接触,使我对蜂群的内幕有了进一步的了解,读懂了一些"蜂"言"蜂"语。我也试图,用我捕捉到的画面,去揭开"杀人蜂"神秘的面纱。  相似文献   

hefirstAmericansNawangGayltseneversawhadsmall,silvereaglespinnedontheircaPs.Nawangwillneverforgetthoseeagles.Theyseemedauspicious,liketotemsofvictorvorsuccess.Today,hisfacewrinklesintoasadsmilerememberingthis.TheAmericanscame,hesaid,inabigturbopropplane,a…  相似文献   

弗朗西斯·霍奇森·伯内特(Frances Hodgson Bumett)的儿童小说<秘密花园>(The secret Garden,1911)是其最著名、最成功的作品.人物塑造是这部作品的成功基础.除此之外,由于它体现了作者的女性主义思想.这一努力,同样是作品艺术魅力的重要所在.本文试图从人物、小说类型及花园的隐喻意义三个方面,从女性主义角度解读这部小说,探讨的笔触主要在于:第一,对人物的分析集中在两个少年人物——玛丽和迪肯,说明作者对"双性同体"思想的肯定.第二,该小说的类型使其成为形式独特的儿童小说.作者打破了传统中男孩子的书和女孩子的书的界限,将历险小说和家庭小说结合在一起.第三,伯内特给秘密花园赋予了隐喻意义.荒芜了十年的花园在玛丽的手中复活,因此它象征着女性发挥创造力的园地,是其"自己的屋子".  相似文献   

<正> 神农架成为我们关注的目标。到神农架之前尽管做了充分的准备,但还是心怀忐忑,怕野人来袭,怕不可预测的事情发生,一路上精神紧张又亢奋,备受刺激。神农架有那么多谜团,其中神农架的野人之谜最为人乐道。野人至今没有捕捉到,那位胡子头发老长在深山里候了8年也未果的张金星,野人倒成就了他的名声。我想,越是神秘的东西越能激发人们的好奇心,鼓动着探  相似文献   

One of the striking differences between the federal Union established under the Constitution and the Confederation of States established under the Articles of Confederation is the creation under Article III of a judicial power of the United States and of a Supreme Court to exercise that power. Acting pursuant to its power to determine the structure of that Court, Congress determined that the Court should consist of one Chief Justice and five Associate Justices. The six lawyers President Washington named to the Court 1 were leading members of the bar, yet none achieved lasting distinction by reason of his service on the Court. Chief Justice Jay, for example, is best remembered for the treaty with England which bears his name; and when he resigned in 1795 following his election as Governor of New York, local papers referred to his new office as "a promotion." 2  相似文献   

DDI公司 (日本第二电讯电话公司 )是日本电讯产业的第二大企业。其创办人稻盛和夫是日本当代著名的企业家 ,被业界誉为“平成圣人”、“经营之圣”。 1 984年 6月 ,稻盛和夫竖起了DDI公司的大旗 ,向当时强大的、处于垄断地位的NTT公司 (日本国营电讯电话公司 )挑战 ,在当时的业界人士眼中 ,稻盛和夫就像举起长枪刺向风车的唐·吉诃德一样可笑。然而十六载之后的DDI,竟以辉煌的业绩在日本电讯产业之林中确立了自己不可动摇的地位。目前 ,DDI作为稻盛和夫创办的京瓷企业集团麾下的分公司 ,已经雄居世界企业 5 0 0强之 45 8位。…  相似文献   

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