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民国时期,公路交通在浙江省道路交通发展史上占有重要的地位。交通在浙东地区有了较快发展,尤其是沪杭公路的建成,对于沿线地区的经济发展、社会变迁起到了重要作用及影响。1925—1937年,是沪杭公路建设发挥功效的黄金时期。本文从沪杭公路的建设及其沿线地区社会变迁进行分析,系统地考察了公路建设与社会之间的互动关系。  相似文献   

Umberto Gentiloni Silveri reflects briefly on the life and career of the Italian historian Rosario Villari who died in October 2017.  相似文献   

Dieser Artikel befasst sich mit persoehnlichen Erfahrungen einer Europaeerin, die seit dem Jahr 2000 mehrmals in Westsichuan, Nordyunnan, Gansu und Qinghai gereist ist. Es werden Motivation, Art des Reisens und eindrueckliche Erlebnisse besprochen. Zum Abschluss weist die Autorin auf laufende Veraenderungen und Zukunftsvisionen hin. Im Fruehjahr erreichte ich, damals 30 jaehrige Aerztin,  相似文献   


This article aims to analyse the water policy of the French Protectorate in Morocco (1912–1956). After the proclamation of the protectorate, actions on the part of the new rulers affected both the modern and traditional water sectors. The authorities aimed to regulate water resources to help economic growth and favour the settlers living in the occupied areas. On the management side, they tried to adapt traditional institutions and practices to those of metropolitan France, while respecting tradition to some extent. During the first half of the 20th century, these colonial interventions caused profound changes in the established order, which can still be seen at the heart of water management systems used today in this part of the Maghreb. For the purposes of this article, we have adopted evolutionary and institutional theories and applied a methodology based on historical and anthropological analysis, with contributions from the fields of law, economics and geography.  相似文献   

The pneumonic plague, which spread over Northeast China during the winter of 1910 and the spring of 1911, caused a great many deaths and brought about severe social turmoil. After compulsory quarantine and other epidemic preventative measures were enforced by the Russian and Japanese colonial authorities in both north and south Manchuria, the local government of Northeast China, lacking similar quarantine and epidemic prevention procedures, was under the threat of forced intervention. It had to establish modern public health agencies in a short time following the compulsory quarantine and epidemic prevention methods of the Russian and Japanese colonial authorities, although they caused many social conflicts and confrontations. In this respect, the quarantine and epidemic prevention measures that were implemented at that time can never be simply and absolutely labeled as “progressive.” However, a “sympathetic understanding” can be upheld for the sufferings of the common people, for the various unpleasant but necessary measures taken by the Chinese government in order to safeguard sovereignty and prevent Russian and Japanese intervention, and also for the transformation of public health systems later carried out because of lessons learned from this painful experience.  相似文献   

徐涛 《近代史研究》2018,(1):41-54,160
近代上海对于孙中山逝世后的记忆有其独特的历史发展轨迹。第一次国共合作破裂前,国民党左、右派系的党统之争喧宾夺主,成为上海一地孙中山纪念活动的主题。1927—1937年,"大上海计划"取得的市政成就多假中山之名、行建设之实,事实上与孙中山崇拜运动的关系并不深。抗日战争全面爆发后,孙中山作为夺取政权与实施统治的象征符号,历经毁灭与重塑,遭遇反复争夺。以近代上海为案例研究,可见城市个性与孙中山崇拜运动多重互动的复杂面相。上海的孙中山纪念遗存较少,其间隐藏着深层的历史成因,既可归因于上海长期保持着"一市三治"的城市格局,又与南京国民政府对上海华界的城市定位密切相关。  相似文献   

Sans résumé Ses recherches portent sur l’histoire des idées du XVIII e au XX e siècle, sur la méthodologie philosophique et l’épistémologie. Elle a récemment publié, sous sa direction, Comparatismi e filosofia, Naples, Liguori, 2006. à propos du recueil Les Mots de l’histoire. Le vocabulaire historique du Centre international de synthèse, édition établie, présentée et annotée par Margherita Platania, trad. de l’italien rév. par Catherine Rutili, Naples, Bibliopolis, 2000, 497 p. (Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici, Serie Testi, XIV). Ce texte est issu d’une conférence prononcée le 3 mai 2002 au Centre international de synthèse, à Paris (H?tel de Nevers, salon de Madame de Lambert).  相似文献   

欧阳予倩1925年在大连汤兰升,杨在青年关闯“关东”1924年9月,欧阳予倩在上海新舞台演出。正当客座踊跃、场场爆满的大好时机,不料齐卢之战(齐燮元、卢永祥军阀对打)爆发了。10月间,卢永祥又把炮火引入上海,原来喧嚣的戏剧舞台,骤然冷清起来。接连几个...  相似文献   

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