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Frappé par certains grands succès de librairies récents (notamment Les Bienveillantes, JanKarski et HHhH), on a beaucoup réfléchi, notamment dans le numéro spécial du Débat consacré à « L'Histoire saisie par la fiction », sur la place, la portée et la fonction de l'histoire dans la production de textes littéraires. Nous nous emploierons dans le présent article à apprécier certains aspects littéraires de l'écriture historienne dans « l'enquête » de l'historien Ivan Jablonka, Histoire des grands-parents que je n'ai pas eus. Retraçant l'itinéraire de ses grands-parents, juifs communistes militants qui, fuyant la répression politique, quittent enfin leur shtetl polonais dans l'espoir de trouver refuge en France avant d'être emportés par la guerre et le génocide comme tant d'autres, Jablonka s'y implique pleinement, nous livrant aussi le récit de ses recherches et de sa façon personnelle de vivre ce passé dramatique. En analysant la fonction de cette implication subjective de l'historien dans la poursuite de ses recherches et l'écriture de son récit, nous verrons que Jablonka nous fait voir l'itinéraire tragique de ses grands-parents, mais aussi les grands courants de l'histoire dans lequel il s'inscrit, « comme Elstir peignait la mer », c'est-à-dire à partir de la manière particulière dont ils ont pu vivre ce passé.  相似文献   

Before World War II, most of Toronto's residents were of British descent, and this was reflected in the urban landscape. On St Clair Avenue West, bordering British working class neighbourhoods, a Georgian style predominated and the area was known as Little Britain. After the war, heavy Italian immigration diversified the city and St Clair. Immigrants settled around St Clair where the identity of Little Britain gave way to Little Italy. This study documents and interprets landscape change on St Clair since the war. Photographs show that St Clair retail façades experienced early and sustained change up to the 1990s with new materials and uses of space. Informant interviews with Italian-origin proprietors yielded insights into the identity and meaning of their own renovations and landscape change generally. The changing landscape, like the social process of ethnicity, involved both pride and tensions. Proprietors believed their own «Italian-style» renovations had necessarily improved upon St Clair's original appearance, and that St Clair now suffers because of recent storefront changes brought on by new immigrant settlers. Together, the visible changes and their meaning to occupants of the landscape suggest how places like St Clair can contribute to our understanding of both landscape and ethnicity.  相似文献   

想想,我有一二十年不骑尕毛驴了吧?还说什么呢,我连驴车也都是好多年不曾坐了。我们家没有驴,所有亲戚家里最后的一头驴去年也被卖了……我好想尕毛驴儿!我想它,不光是想到骑着它颠颠小跑在田间曲径,不光是想到乘坐它驾的车,  相似文献   

From the late 1950s to the early 1980s, technology in the form of aircraft, high-powered rifles, and tranquilizers changed the relationship between humans and polar bears. Whereas the polar bear had been conceptualized as a fierce beast in early-modern expeditionary literature, in the second half of the twentieth century the bear was depicted as vulnerable due to overhunting and in need of scientific study, a process that in itself portrayed the helplessness of the animal when confronted with postwar technologies. Popular American and Canadian periodicals conveyed this shift in the bear’s image. This article examines the polar bear’s image as depicted by the media and argues that the use of certain technologies by sport hunters, wildlife biologists, and conservationists enabled a domination of the bear that altered the animal’s placement within the popular imagination.  相似文献   

The Little Lady     
R.W. Hutchinson 《Folklore》2013,124(3):222-227
CREATION AND COSMOLOGY: A HISTORICAL AND COMPARATIVE STUDY. by E. O. JAMES, (Supplement to Numen), Brill, Leiden, 1969. Reviewed by S. G. F. Brandon

DE ZALMOXIS A GENGIS-KHAN. Études comparative sur les religions et le folklore de la Dacie et de l'Europe orientale. By MIRCEA ELIADE. Payot Paris, 1970. Pp. 252. 29.70 Francs. Reviewed by E. O. James.

MYTH. Its Meaning and Functions in Ancient and Other Cultures. By G. S. KIRK. Cambridge University Press. Pp. 299. £3.25 net. Reviewed by E. O. James.

POSITIVELY BLACK. By ROGER D. ABRAHAMS. Prentice Hall International Inc., New Jersey and London. 30s. Reviewed by K. M. Briggs.

EVERYDAY LIFE OF THE PAGAN CELTS. By ANNE ROSS. London (B. T. Batsford Ltd) 1970. Pp. 224. 100 photographs and drawings by R. W. Feachem. Reviewed by Ellen Ettlinger.

HANS I VADESTØVLERNE. By JETTE LINDBO LEVY. Akademisk Forlag, Copenhagen, 1968. Pp. 151 + English summary. Reviewed by Jacqueline Simpson.

TANGU TRADITIONS. A Study of the Way of Life Mythology, and Developing Experience of a New Guinea People. By KENELM BURRIDGE. Oxford. At the Clarendon Press, 1969. Pp. xxiii + 513. 7 plates of illustrations. 6 figures. 2 maps. 4 tables. £5. Reviewed by J. S. Ryan.

WITCHCRAFT. Ed. BARBARA ROSEN. The Stratford on Avon Library, Vol. 6. Edward Arnold Ltd 1969. Pp. 407+xii. 21 line blocks. Reviewed by C. A. Burland.

THE SONG TRADITION OF TRISTAN DA CUNHA. By PETER A. MUNCH. India University, 1970. Pp. 176. Musical illustrations. Reviewed by Maud Karpeles.

TRISTAN AND ISEULT IN CORNWALL. By E. M. R. DITMAS. Published by Roberts, Brockworth, Gloucester. Reviewed by B. C. Spooner.

THE CUSTOMS, SUPERSTITIONS, &; LEGENDS OF THE COUNTRY OF SOMERSET. By C. H. POOLE. Toucan Press, 1970. Pp. 147. 428. Reviewed by Theo Brown.

MEMOIRS OF A VICTORIAN CABINET MAKER. JAMES HOPKINSON. Edited by Jocelyne Baty Goodman. Routledge &; Kegan Pau1, £1.10.0. Reviewed by Alicia C. Percival.  相似文献   

柳叶 《民俗研究》2001,(4):170-171
接近而立之年,我们才决定要孩子。当孩子还在妈妈肚子里时,我们就开始为他(她)的名字伤脑筋。无奈之下,就去翻字典,也没找到一个令人满意的字眼。为了与尚未出世的孩子进行交流,我们就先称他(她)为“贝贝”(英文baby音译,“婴孩”的意思)。妻子怀孕期间,虽然做过多次B超检查,可我们从来没想办法打探过孩子是男是女,反正无论男孩女孩我们都喜欢,“贝贝”这个称呼恰好是无论男女都可以用。后来,“贝贝”便成为孩子的小名(乳名)。  相似文献   

Combining psychological and anthropological work indicates that sleep, dreaming, and the imagination are involved in regulating mood and updating individual and collective knowledge. Psychologists often implicitly assume that all dreamers share their naturalistic model of dreaming while ethnographers often emphasize the spiritual explanations of dreaming inherent in the worldviews of their hosts. Applying cognitive and evolutionary theories of religion to the ethnography of dreaming and the imagination suggests that these capacities have adaptive value for learning, emotional adjustment, and the flow, revivification, and recalibration of knowledge traditions. A general anthropological approach to sleep, dreaming, and the imagination can surmount oversights that result from disciplinary and subfield foci and emphases.  相似文献   

张从军 《民俗研究》2006,(3):152-159
长生不老和升仙是战国秦汉时期最热门的话题,也是当时人们梦寐以求的理想追求。怎么才能够成为神仙,进入神仙的世界,和仙人一样过上神仙的日子?汉画像石以图像的形式为我们展示了一条长生之道,那就是射鸟。射鸟是汉画像中常见的一种图像,其形式有多种,一般是在一棵大树下,有人弯弓射鸟(图1)。这种图像曾经被人们解释为“后羿射日”,但有些图像中弯弓射鸟的不止一人,则与后羿的传说似乎无法自圆其说。射鸟图像形式先来看看射鸟图像的几种表现形式。目前所见已发表的汉画像石资料中,有关射鸟的图像有32幅。根据这些图像所在墓葬建筑中的位置,…  相似文献   

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