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This article examines the contradictions underlying the Falangist feminine ideal as it oscillated between demure/traditional and enterprising/modern in the rhetoric of the Sección Femenina. As the author demonstrates, the peculiarity of the Sección Femenina—which acted as the dominant cultural filter for women's familial, social, and political obligations at the time—stems from its leaders' at once-dominated (vis-à-vis the state) and dominant (vis-à-vis the female constituents) position in the cultural, social, national, and political landscape of post-civil war Spain. Although the retrograde ways of the Sección Femenina, whose statutes and rhetoric drew on the nineteenth-century bourgeois discourse of different and complementary gender relations, have elicited numerous studies, this article examines the use of this familiar and unthreatening (to the regime) model of female formation as the legitimating basis of its unconventional praxis.  相似文献   

Mercedes Agulló y Cobo. La Poesía española en 1961. (Cuadernos Bibliográficos, VII). Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Madrid, 1963, Pp. 62.

Frederick B. Arlz. From the Renaissance to Romanticism. Trends in Style in Art, Literature, and Music, 1300–1830. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1962, Pp. x, 311.

Theodore Besterman. Studies on Voltaire and the 18th Century. Geneva: Institut et Musée Voltaire, 1962. Pp. 263.

Germaine Brée. Gide. Brunswick, N. J.: Rutgers University Press, 1963. Pp. 302.

Lucile Kathryn Delano. Spain, Reality and Legend. Rock Hill, South Carolina: Winthrop College, 1964, Pp. 145. $1.50.

Wallace Fowlie. A Reading of Proust. New York: Doubleday &; Co., 1964. Pp. 307.

Edward Inman Fox. Azorín as a Literatury Critic. New York: Hispanic Institute in the United States, 1962. Pp. 176.

Rinaldo Froldi. Il Teatro valenzano e l'origine della commedia baroca. (Istituto di letteratura Spagnola e ispano-Americana della Università di Pisa). Pisa: Editrice Tecnico-Scientifica, 1962. Pp. 112.

Peter Gay. The Party of Humanity. Essays in the French Enlightenment. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1964. Pp. 290.

Herbert S. Gershman, Kernan B. Whitworth, Jr. Anthology of Critical Prefaces to the Nineteenth-Century French Novel. Columbia, Missouri: University of Missouri Press, 1962. Pp. vii, 233.

J. D. Hubert. Molière and the Comedy of Intellect. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1962. Pp. xvi, 275.

Willis Knapp Jones, ed. Spanish-American Literature in Translation. New York: Ungar, 1963. Pp. xxi, 469.

Maxim Newmark. Dictionary of Spanish Literature. Paterson, New Jersey: Littlefield, Adams and Company, 1963. Pp. 352.

Muriel Rukeyser, ed. and translator. Selected Poems of Octavio Paz. Bloomington, Indiana: University of Indiana Press, 1964. Pp. 171.

Nilida Salvador. Revistas argentinas de vanguardia (1920–1930). Buenos Aires: Universidad de Buenos Aires, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, 1962. Pp. 109.

Baltasar Samper. Investigación folklórica en México. I. México: Departamento de Bellas Artes, 1962. Pp. 653.

Friedrich Soleürr. Miguel de Unamuno. Dichterphilosoph des tragischen Lebensgefuhls. Bern and München: Francke Verlag, 1962. Pp. 169.

Francis Steegmuller. Apollinaire. New York: Farrar, Straus and Co., 1963. Pp. 365.

Phillip A. Wadsworth. Tristan l'Hermite: Poésies, choisies et annotées. Paris: Seghers, 1962. Pp. 150.  相似文献   

In the Cantigas de Santa María, King Alfonso X unveils an intricate cultural, political, and economic system that defines the relationship between Christian society and religious minorities. This article illustrates that the Cantigas must be understood as an ideological instrument of cultural codification that reaffirms the established Christian social order in relation to three principal groups: heretics, Jews, and Muslims.  相似文献   

The main objective of this article is to analyze the relationship between the novísimos poets—Pedro Gimferrer, Luis Antonio de Villena, Leopoldo María Panero, and Guillermo Carnero, among others—and the avant-garde movements in Spain. If during the forties the garcilasismo opposed the avant-garde, in the seventies, with the novísimos, the -ismos returned to be considered not as a radical change but as one more stage in the evolution of Spanish poetry. The -ismos are now considered not as a subversive departure from the past, but as part of Spanish artistic heritage and tradition, thus reconciling tradition and modernity or even converting the vanguard into literary tradition. The -ismos are described not as an absolute novelty but simply as a process of innovation in the same way, with their own poetic precedents, as the garcilasistas and the neoromantics of the past.  相似文献   

Ernst Beutler, ed. Briefe aus dem Elternhaus. Zürich / Stuttgart, Artemis, Verlag, 1959. Pp. 800. DM 27.80.

Max Brod. Verzweiflung und Erlösung im Werk Franz Kafkas. Frankfurt, S. Fischer, 1959. Pp. 88. DM 5. 80.

Franz Dornseiff. Der deutsche Wortschatz nach Sachgruppen. 5th edition. Berlin, Walter de Gruyter &; Co., 1959. Pp. 1088. DM 38. 00.

Norbert Fürst. Grillparzer auf der Bühne. Wien / Müchen, Manutiuspresse, 1958. Pp. 267.

Ernst Grumach (ed. ). Beiträge zur Goetheforschung. Berlin, Akademie-Verlag, 1959. Pp. 289. DM 32.

Richard Hamann und Jost Hermand. Naturalismus (Deutsche Kunst und Kultur von der Gründerzeit bis zum Expressionismus, Bd. II). Berlin, Akademic - Verlag, 1959. Pp. 336. DM 24.

Rudolf Hemmerle. Franz Kafka: Eine Bibliographie. MUnchen, Robert Lerche Verlag, 1958. Pp. 138. DM 9.

Walter Hinck. Die Dramaturgie des späiten Brecht (Palaestra, Bd. 229). Göttingen, Vandenhoeck &; Ruprecht, 1959. Pp. 172. DM 18.

Ernst Jünger. Jahre der Okkupation. Stuttgart, Ernst Klett Verlag, 1958. Pp. 310. DM 17. 80.

Hermann Kunisch. Eckhart-Tauler-Seuse. Ein Textbuch aus der altdeutschen Mystik. Hamburg, Rowohlt, 1958. Pp. 152. DM 2. 20.

Nikolaus Lenau. Sämtliche Werke-Briefe. Edited by Hermann Engelhard. Stuttgart, Cotta, 1959. Pp. 1152. DM 28.

Otto Mann. Poetik der Tragödie. Bern, Francke, 1958. Pp. 344. S. Fr. 39.50.

Walter Muschg. Die Zerstörung der deutschen Literatur. 3rd ed. Bern, Francke, 1958. Pp. 347. S. Fr. 18. 50.

Urban Roedl. Adalbert Stifter. Geschichte seines Lebens. Bern, Francke, 1958. Pp. 400. S. Fr. 23. 50.

Franz Anselm Schmitt. Stoff- und Motivgeschichte der deutschen Literatur. Berlin, Walter de Gruyter &; Co., 1959. Pp. 226.

Karl ViZtor. Deutsches Dichten und Denken von der Aufklärung bis zum Realismus. 3rd ed. Berlin, Walter de Gruyter &; Co., 1958. (Sammlung Gbchen, B. 1096). Pp. 159. DM 3. 60.

Klaus Wagenbach. Franz Kafka. Eine Biographie seiner Jugend. Bern, Francke, 1958. Pp. 345.

Hans-Heinrich Wängler. Atlas deutscher Sprachlaute. Berlin, Akademie-Verlag, 1958. Pp. 40. Pp. 40. DM 29.

Franz Werfel. Die Dramen. (2 vols.). Frankfurt, S. Fischer, 1959. Pp. 1080. DM 48.  相似文献   

Although much has been written about André Breton’s concept of the Surrealist image, the present article examines a number of aspects that have so far escaped notice. In particular, it examines several antecedents of Pierre Reverdy’s theory of the image and compares the latter to that developed in the Manifeste du surréalisme. A close reading of the manifesto reveals the presence of a previously unknown model used by Breton in formulating his theory.  相似文献   

朱子“浃洽”论是朱子读书问学解读经典的重要方法论,朱子建立了以浃洽为中心的解读经典的路径。而欲理解浃洽,又必须进一步理解与浃洽相关的几个概念,如贯通、融释、涵泳、乐成等。它们在许多情况下与浃洽杂糅在一起,既有区别又互相联系。  相似文献   

在外语教学过程中,外国人以母语所编写的原版书籍往往被认定为最正宗、最正确的语言教学用书而备受推崇,而且不仅限于以语法知识为中心的教材,甚至包括了以意识形态为内核的史书等。这种情况非常不利于国民的培养以及民族国家的建设。  相似文献   

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