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Ernst Beutler, ed. Briefe aus dem Elternhaus. Zürich / Stuttgart, Artemis, Verlag, 1959. Pp. 800. DM 27.80.

Max Brod. Verzweiflung und Erlösung im Werk Franz Kafkas. Frankfurt, S. Fischer, 1959. Pp. 88. DM 5. 80.

Franz Dornseiff. Der deutsche Wortschatz nach Sachgruppen. 5th edition. Berlin, Walter de Gruyter &; Co., 1959. Pp. 1088. DM 38. 00.

Norbert Fürst. Grillparzer auf der Bühne. Wien / Müchen, Manutiuspresse, 1958. Pp. 267.

Ernst Grumach (ed. ). Beiträge zur Goetheforschung. Berlin, Akademie-Verlag, 1959. Pp. 289. DM 32.

Richard Hamann und Jost Hermand. Naturalismus (Deutsche Kunst und Kultur von der Gründerzeit bis zum Expressionismus, Bd. II). Berlin, Akademic - Verlag, 1959. Pp. 336. DM 24.

Rudolf Hemmerle. Franz Kafka: Eine Bibliographie. MUnchen, Robert Lerche Verlag, 1958. Pp. 138. DM 9.

Walter Hinck. Die Dramaturgie des späiten Brecht (Palaestra, Bd. 229). Göttingen, Vandenhoeck &; Ruprecht, 1959. Pp. 172. DM 18.

Ernst Jünger. Jahre der Okkupation. Stuttgart, Ernst Klett Verlag, 1958. Pp. 310. DM 17. 80.

Hermann Kunisch. Eckhart-Tauler-Seuse. Ein Textbuch aus der altdeutschen Mystik. Hamburg, Rowohlt, 1958. Pp. 152. DM 2. 20.

Nikolaus Lenau. Sämtliche Werke-Briefe. Edited by Hermann Engelhard. Stuttgart, Cotta, 1959. Pp. 1152. DM 28.

Otto Mann. Poetik der Tragödie. Bern, Francke, 1958. Pp. 344. S. Fr. 39.50.

Walter Muschg. Die Zerstörung der deutschen Literatur. 3rd ed. Bern, Francke, 1958. Pp. 347. S. Fr. 18. 50.

Urban Roedl. Adalbert Stifter. Geschichte seines Lebens. Bern, Francke, 1958. Pp. 400. S. Fr. 23. 50.

Franz Anselm Schmitt. Stoff- und Motivgeschichte der deutschen Literatur. Berlin, Walter de Gruyter &; Co., 1959. Pp. 226.

Karl ViZtor. Deutsches Dichten und Denken von der Aufklärung bis zum Realismus. 3rd ed. Berlin, Walter de Gruyter &; Co., 1958. (Sammlung Gbchen, B. 1096). Pp. 159. DM 3. 60.

Klaus Wagenbach. Franz Kafka. Eine Biographie seiner Jugend. Bern, Francke, 1958. Pp. 345.

Hans-Heinrich Wängler. Atlas deutscher Sprachlaute. Berlin, Akademie-Verlag, 1958. Pp. 40. Pp. 40. DM 29.

Franz Werfel. Die Dramen. (2 vols.). Frankfurt, S. Fischer, 1959. Pp. 1080. DM 48.  相似文献   

Few Indigenous peoples have control over their heritage, despite international recognition of this right in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2007. In Ontario, Canada, the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990 regulates archaeology and grants licences to archaeologists to investigate archaeological heritage. Indigenous people want more control of their archaeological heritage in Ontario. To uphold Indigenous rights to archaeological heritage in Ontario, heritage legislation and policy needs to be revised and site protection increased. This paper recommends that Indigenous archaeological heritage in Ontario would be best protected by strengthening Ontario government land development policy and legislation to require the free, prior, and informed consent from affected Indigenous communities before removal of significant archaeological sites and remains from their ancestral territories.  相似文献   

Governments around the world have accepted the idea that spending on culture can have economic side‐effects such as attracting high technology industry, regenerating urban economies, or increasing a country’s status in the global economy. As governments increased their cultural spending, however, critics charged that their interest reflected an instrumental approach to funding the arts that prioritized large cultural organizations and iconic building projects with the potential to attract tourists over more mundane matters such as operating funding. This study examines flows of government and private funding to cultural organizations in the province of Ontario, Canada on the basis of the size of these organizations. The data show that in real terms, government operating grants to organizations that have received large infrastructural grants for building projects were lower in 2006 than in the pre‐spending cut era of 1990. When a larger group of arts organizations is examined by size, the reality is more complicated than either advocates or critics of the instrumental approach claim. One universal pattern across all size categories is the increase in private funding to cultural organizations in Ontario.  相似文献   

The protection of wetlands through the Ontario Drainage Act has been the subject of much debate. While seen as essential for increasing production and/or productivity of agricultural areas, drainage schemes have been usually approved at the expense of wetlands. Despite the presence of a referral process in Ontario's Drainage Act that is supposed to prevent the significant loss of wetland area, incremental losses continue to occur. The referral process allows landowners, drainage engineers, Drainage Superintendents, local conservation authorities and Ontario Ministry of Natural Resource officials to participate in the decision-making process. This research examines the recommended mitigation measures and wetland gains/losses in Zorra Township between 1978 and 1997. Data sources included drainage files, wetland evaluation files, aerial photography and interviews with government officials. The results indicate that while recommended mitigation measures of drainage schemes in the vicinity of wetlands have increased, incremental losses continue to occur. The negotiated settlements among drainage engineers and the referral agencies appear to be inadequate to maintain the spatial extent of wetlands. The regulatory approach fails to motivate changes in land-use management practices. This supports the need to include nonregulatory incentives in the effort to protect wetlands.  相似文献   

We examine Canada's recent Syrian Refugee Resettlement Initiative (SRRI) paying close attention to the resettlement role played by mid‐sized urban communities. We elaborate on a key policy dimension at work at this scale of action: local immigration partnerships (LIPs). We start with a very brief review of Canada's history of mass refugee resettlement. Second, we assess the policy of LIPs, particularly how they have been presented as a form of “place‐based policy,” and third, we offer an overview of the role the LIPs played in three case study communities (Hamilton, Ottawa, and Waterloo) during the SRRI. Finally, we present three overarching themes that emerged from our research in each of these communities: the importance of each community's history of immigration and refugee resettlement; the embeddedness of the LIP and its leadership in the local community; and how the positioning of each LIP relative to the three levels of government and its official Resettlement Assistance Program agreement holders impacted its ability to act. The history, location, and place characteristics of each community influenced the nature of intersectoral and intergovernmental relations in distinctive ways, and differentially shaped the effectiveness of each LIP's ability to contribute to the SRRI.  相似文献   

This paper assesses complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) from a spatial-temporal perspective; it would be of particular interest to those who evaluate health care resource accessibility over space. The analysis compares CAM supply (number of offices, employment, and sales) in Ontario by provincial district, metropolitan influence classification, and health care and social assistance employment quintiles using summary statistics, Kruskal-Wallis and median analyses, and local spatial autocorrelation evaluation. Metropolitan areas throughout Ontario, but especially in the southcentral part of the province, are well endowed with CAM supply and tend to be most important in terms of CAM change. CAM offices are increasing in size in the most populated parts of the province and shrinking in regions that are more peripheral. CAM supply per capita is highest in census subdivisions with moderate levels of health care and social assistance employment, a result that is not offset by significant temporal change. While CAM supply is restructuring in many of Ontario's most populated urban locations, the overall attraction of CAM resources to large and small metropolitan areas is clear. If current spatial-temporal trends continue, CAM spatial disparities will be exacerbated as accessibility to CAM in Ontario's most peripheral locations worsen.  相似文献   

This study is an analysis of the impact of the opening or closure of a new urban casino on crime and disorder, and house sales and prices in its neighbourhood. The two sets of time-series data were the calls to the police about three types of offences and the house sales through the Multiple Listing Service in two neighbourhoods near the casinos in Windsor, Ontario, Canada. Temporally, the weekly numbers of offences and the mean monthly house prices were oscillating almost randomly around their respective declining or stationary long-term averages with no impulse from when a casino either opened or closed. Geographically, only two types of offences increased in number nearer to a casino site, but their respective distance decays neither moderated nor steepened after a casino had closed or opened. Even so, the conclusion is premature that the open or closed casinos have had benign effects on offences and house sales in the neighbourhoods.  相似文献   

Examinations of rock art typically focus on acts of creation and compositional meaning, with little attention paid to the position of these created places in the palimpsest of history. As these sites endure, their recognition and importance within subsequent social developments, including memory and oral tradition, are both invented and reinvented as descendant populations become established or as new populations move in displacing or replacing the makers. This paper examines the ways in which oral histories of historic and contemporary First Nations populations in northwestern Ontario, Canada, challenge standard understandings of rock-art in the region, taking these sites out of the maker/meaning context and placing them within a framework of user/caretaker. The results of this contextual shift contest notions of applied cultural affiliation and traditional ownership, resulting in a perspective that reveals a transgenerational and transcultural endurance of these places in the contemporary social memory of these Indigenous communities.  相似文献   


The purpose of this investigation at the lower Nottawasaga River in southern Ontario, Canada, was to reconstruct the impact of base level on fluvial stability and human occupation during the Holocene in a topographically confined section, where the river cuts through the Edenvale Moraine. Three cores were extracted from an oxbow lake (Doran Lake) and a ground-penetrating radar survey was executed in its vicinity to study wider subsurface alluvial architecture. Radiocarbon dating suggests that the Nottawasaga River became entrenched in the Edenvale Moraine early in the Holocene, with base-level lowering in the Lake Huron basin, and that Doran Lake formed towards the middle Holocene as a meander cutoff when water levels in the Lake Huron basin increased, leading to a period of fluvial instability, enhanced flow and floodplain aggradation. Fluctuating lake levels would have affected human settlement as well as the preservation and visibility of archaeological remains predominantly through vertical accretion.  相似文献   

口头交流是民间文学的存在形式。历代都有一些文人并不以为口头文学为“文学”,致力于将当时的民间口头文学书写为书面文学。至今,仍有许多民间文学工作者在从事这一转化的工作。在过去,广大民众不识字,不能运用文字进行交流和表达思想感情,他们从事的文学活动只能停留在口头语言的层面,民间文学只能在口  相似文献   

Home as a place of caring is theorized using the literature from geography, sociology, housing and feminist studies. To support our theorization, grounded theory is used to capture and interpret the experiences of women caring for children with long-term care needs in the home. Eleven semi-structured interviews conducted with women in Ontario, Canada uncovered differences in the way the women perceived their homes and highlighted their multiple and complex experiences. The findings revealed three key issues. First, women do not want their homes to be completely defined by long-term care activities as many other types of activities are situated in their homes. Second, long-term care activities and schedules are not segregated but become deeply embedded and enmeshed within the spatial and temporal practices and processes of family life. Third, the meanings, characteristics and ideal of ‘home’ portrayed in popular culture and the academic literature often clashed with what the women experienced on a daily basis. Analysis revealed the tensions surrounding ‘reconstructing spaces in the home’ and ‘the home as a private and public place’ which are indicative of the women's struggles with the disjuncture between the ideal and lived home. The women's experiences challenge us to consider new ways of theorizing the home, and the home when it is a place where long-term care is provided.  相似文献   

Rice Lake, located in the eastern Great Lakes of North America, has a high density of prehistoric (11–0.5 ka BP) terrestrial archaeological sites. It has been speculated that a large number of sites are submerged on the lakebed, as lake levels have risen >9 m since the arrival of Early Paleoindian peoples (∼11 ka BP). In order to better understand the submerged landscape and its archaeological potential, a detailed bathymetric survey and sediment-coring program was conducted across a 30-km2 area of northeastern Rice Lake. Changes in Holocene water levels and shoreline positions were reconstructed by integrating core data with a digital elevation and bathymetric model (DEBM) that accounted for differential isostatic uplift and basin sedimentation. The DEBM was used to generate a series of maps showing changes in the lake paleobathmetry and paleogeography and areas of prehistoric archaeological potential.  相似文献   


Can there be a legal or a moral right to resist the government? Scholarly interest in the right of resistance has rarely focused on German philosophy, which has often been considered unusually committed to authority. Yet, during the Enlightenment German philosophers regularly attempted to justify not just conscientious refusal but also revolution. This essay explores the two dominant justifications, which were based in Wolffian perfectionism and Kantian relational theory. It argues that we can best understand the complexity of these theories of resistance by exploring their contrasting views on the state’s purpose: providing material and spiritual welfare, or establishing freedom as independence.  相似文献   


In this paper we present an analysis of fish bones from the Barrie and Dunsmore sites, two pre-contact Iroquoian longhouse villages located between Lake Simcoe, and Georgian Bay of Lake Huron, Ontario. We use a combination of fish biology, habitat and spawning data to interpret when and where different fish species were obtained. After identifying co-occurrences of species in major features at each site, we suggest the existence of three fisheries complexes. There is some overlap in species composition between these complexes. In an attempt to distinguish between them, we also investigate probable technique and time of capture through fish bone size distribution. We use our findings to identify inter- and intra-site differences in fish procurement.  相似文献   

Canada’s Buxton Settlement National Historic Site is a striking illustration of the multi‐faceted conservation of a cultural landscape, from federal designation through to local action. Buxton is designated as a ‘continuing landscape’ distinguished by its establishment in 1849 as a 9,000 acre (3,600 ha) 1 [1] Imperial measures are given first in reference to the historic resource because the measurements are historically significant. terminus for black fugitives travelling north along the so‐called Underground Railroad, escaping the tyranny of slavery in the USA. A social experiment, in the form of a block farming settlement, waited for them at the end of their journeys. Over the intervening years inevitable shifts in agricultural practice and property ownership have transformed this rather ordinary but strongly evocative heritage resource. This is a case common to many other significant cultural landscapes—the management of the inevitable evolution that comes with a landscape that continues. This agricultural landscape confronts many of the challenges that are the focus of heritage studies today: how to give local people a voice while coordinating conservation across multiple scales of government policy.  相似文献   

Y. LIU  G. CHI  K. M. BETHUNE  B. DUBÉ 《Geofluids》2011,11(3):260-279
The Red Lake mine trend, a deformation zone in the Archean Red Lake greenstone belt that hosts the world‐class Campbell‐Red Lake gold deposit, is characterized by abundant foliation‐parallel iron‐carbonate ± quartz veins with banded colloform‐crustiform structures and cockade breccias overprinted by silicification and gold mineralization. There is an apparent incompatibility between the cavity‐fill structures of the veins and breccias (typically developed at shallow crustal depths) and the upper greenschist to lower amphibole facies metamorphic conditions recorded in the host rocks (indicating relatively deep environments). This, together with the development of veins along the foliation plane, represents an enigmatic problem that may be related to the interplay between fluid dynamics and stress field. We approach this problem through systematic study of fluid inclusion planes (FIPs) in the vein minerals, including the orientations of the FIPs and the pressure–temperature conditions inferred from fluid inclusion microthermometry. We find that fluid inclusions in the main stage vein minerals (pregold mineralization ankerite and quartz and syn‐ore quartz) are predominantly carbonic without a visible aqueous phase, whereas many inclusions in the postore stage contain an aqueous phase. Most FIPs are subvertical, and many are subparallel to the foliation. High fluid pressure coupled with the high wetting angles of the water‐poor, carbonic fluids may have been responsible for the abundance of brittle deformation features. The development of subvertical FIPs is interpreted to indicate episodic switching of the maximum principal compressive stress (σ1) from subhorizontal (perpendicular to the foliation) to subvertical (parallel to the foliation) orientation. The subvertical σ1 is favorable for the formation of foliation‐parallel veins, as fractures are preferentially opened along the foliation in such a stress regime, the origin of which may be linked to the fluid source.  相似文献   

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