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The professionalization of public theatre in late sixteenth-century Spain transformed the public street drama of playwrights and actors such as Lope de Rueda into an activity whose survival and success depended on ticket sales and attendance. It is within this context that the aside became one of the most popular dramatic techniques of Spain's Golden Age theater. This article seeks to answer two questions about the aside: (1) Do Golden Age playwrights utilize the aside in the same manner? and (2) Does the subgenre of a comedia dictate the use of a particular category of aside? I propose to answer these questions, focusing in particular on the different ways that the following comedias utilize the aside to transform the audience from mere spectators to active accomplices of what they witness on stage: Calderón de la Barca's El alcalde de Zalamea (comedia de honor), Antonio Mira de Amescua's El esclavo del demonio (comedia hagiográfica), and Tirso de Molina's El burlador de Sevilla (comedia moral).  相似文献   

The medieval hunt and hunting manuals have been studied by historians as sources for the history of medieval science and geography, and for their insights into the daily lives of the elite societies that practiced hunting as a ritualized sport. This article examines two medieval hunting manuals, Juan Manuel’s Libro de la caza, and the Libro de la montería, commissioned by King Alfonso XI of Castile, and King Alfonso X’s law code, the Siete partidas, for their rhetorical and ideological portrayals of hunting and falconry as expressions of aristocratic power and sovereignty over the natural world. The article concludes with a study of an imagined debate between the merits of falconry and hunting with hounds in the Libro de la caza and Libro de la montería that sheds light on Juan Manuel and Alfonso’s competing views on nobility, informed by the political history of war and rebellion that shaped the lives of both men.  相似文献   


I address here the performance of Lope de Vega’s Fuenteovejuna undertaken by TNT-El Vacie, giving particular consideration to the ways in which Antonio Álamo’s adaptation, Pepa Gamboa’s direction, and the staging of El Vacie, a company composed exclusively of Roma women, constitute a site of resistance as well as a performance of gender, identity, and place. From this vantage point, I wrestle with issues of agency, dialogism, and intercultural communication to make sense of ontological as well as hermeneutic aspects of the performance text: deletions and additions; orality and authority; meta-theatricality and self-reflexivity; acting and becoming. In addition, I bring to bear the fact that the name of the company, El Vacie, bears witness to the impoverished settlement or shantytown where the women reside, which stands within a mere two hundred yards of the theater where the play is performed. The name of the company signals the identification of the actresses with the marginal space in which they live, enriches the text, and further complicates their reading of Fuenteovejuna by adding levels of referentiality and indexicality that redefine boundaries as well as processes of exclusion and inclusion. While this is not the first collaboration between TNT and El Vacie—it was preceded by the successful and award-winning 2009 staging of La Casa de Bernarda Alba—I consider this performance a particularly important contribution to the construction of a historicized cultural politics of identity that makes the Romani community visible by positioning the women of El Vacie center stage as participants, creators, and interpreters of the national cultural patrimony. Through this cultural intervention, certain spaces and markers of the Roma community acquire visibility as they get inserted into a national historical discourse from which they previously had been historically excluded.  相似文献   


In addition to his exceedingly popular Legenda Aurea, James of Voragine wrote in another hagiographical genre: sermons on the saints. The Sermones de sanctis likewise became immediately popular, as his Dominican brothers used James’s model sermons to learn to preach about the saints in a format that would provide the laity with intelligible and practical theological instruction. James’s corpus gives us a rather unusual opportunity to compare the ways in which a single author manipulates multiple hagiographical genres, and his writings on St Margaret of Antioch allow us to explore how a medieval preacher used a historically disputed saint — a dragon-fighter — to provide a practical model of sanctity to his lay audience. I compare the representations of Margaret in James’s sermones and vita, arguing that James adapted certain features of Margaret’s saintly example in the vita to instruct the audience of his sermons about proper Christian virtues and actions. As a point of comparison, I explore a sermon by Évrard of Val des Écoliers in which the Augustinian teaches his audience a practical skill — how to pray — through Margaret’s example.  相似文献   

Whilst the bones of domestic cats (Felis catus ) are recovered from archaeological sites in Iberia routinely, they are rarely subjected to detailed analysis. Consequently, there is limited understanding of the nature of cat–human relations, especially in contrast to northern European regions. In this paper, we present a unique assemblage of 899 cat bones recovered from the medieval site of El Bordellet (Vilafranca del Penedès, Spain) and dated between the end of the 10th century ad and the beginning of the 11th century ad . Zooarchaeological and taphonomic analysis provides the first clear evidence of skinning related to cat fur exploitation in Christian medieval Iberia. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This essay introduces a special issue of the Journal of Medieval History on feasting and gifts of food from the early middle ages through to the early modern period. It discusses the tensions between hierarchy and community, largesse and luxury in the feast, and the continued importance of communal eating throughout the medieval period.  相似文献   

The p‐compact‐regions problem involves the search for an aggregation of n atomic spatial units into p‐compact, contiguous regions. This article reports our efforts in designing a heuristic framework—MERGE (memory‐based randomized greedy and edge reassignment)—to solve this problem through phases of dealing, randomized greedy, and edge reassignment. This MERGE heuristic is able to memorize (ME of MERGE) the potential best moves toward an optimal solution at each phase of the procedure such that the search efficiency can be greatly improved. A dealing phase grows seeded regions into a viable size. A randomized greedy (RG of MERGE) approach completes the regions' growth and generates a feasible set of p‐regions. The edge‐reassigning local search (E of MERGE) fine‐tunes the results toward better objectives. In addition, a normalized moment of inertia (NMI) is introduced as the method of choice in computing the compactness of each region. We discuss in detail how MERGE works and how this new compactness measure can be seamlessly integrated into different phases of the proposed regionalization procedure. The performance of MERGE is evaluated through the use of both a small and a large p‐compact‐regions problem motivated by modeling the regional economy of Southern California. We expect this work to contribute to the regionalization theory and practice literature. Theoretically, we formulate a new model for the family of p‐compact‐regions problems. The novel NMI introduced in the model provides an accurate, robust, and efficient measure of compactness, which is a key objective for p‐compact‐regions problems. Practically, we developed the MERGE heuristic, proven to be effective and efficient in solving this nonlinear optimization problem to near optimality. El problema de regiones compactas tipo p (p‐compact regions) consiste en la búsqueda de la agregación de n unidades espaciales atómicas que produzca regiones contiguas de tipo p‐compacto. Este artículo reporta los esfuerzos de los autores en el diseño de un marco heurístico MERGE (memory‐based randomized greedy and edge‐reassignment) el cual resuelve este problema a través de las fases de la negociación (dealing), codicia aleatorizada (randomized greedy), y la reasignación de bordes (edge reassignment). El heurístico MERGE es capaz de memorizar ( ME de MERGE) los mejo)res desplazamientos posibles hacia una solución óptima en cada fase del procedimiento de tal manera que la eficiencia de la búsqueda puede ser mejorada en gran medida. La fase de negociación crea regiones “sembradas” aleatoriamente y las hace crecer en diferentes tamaños . El componente de codicia aleatorio (RG de MERGE) completa la fase de crecimiento de las regiones y genera un conjunto factible de regiones tipo p. La reasignación de bordes se realiza vía una búsqueda local (E de MERGE) que afina los resultados con el fin the alcanzar los objetivos. Además, el enfoque propuesto aquí utiliza el momento de inercia normalizado (normalized momento of inertia‐NMI) como método para el cálculo de la compacidad de cada región. El artículo discute en detalle el funcionamiento de MERGE y cómo esta nueva medida compacidad puede integrarse perfectamente en las diferentes fases del procedimiento de regionalización propuesto. Para ilustrar y evaluar el desempeño de MERGE, el metodo es aplicado a dos problemas de p‐compact regions, uno grande y uno pequeño, basados en el modelado de la economía regional del sur de California. Los autores esperan que este trabajo contribuya a la literatura teórica y práctica de la regionalización. En términos teóricos, se formula un nuevo modelo de la familia de problemas de p‐compact regions. El NMI equipa al modelo con una novedosa forma de obtener una medida exacta, robusta y eficiente de compacidad, que es un objetivo clave para los problemas región compacta tipo p. En términos prácticos, se desarrolla MERGE, un procedimiento heurístico que ha demostrado ser eficaz y eficiente en la solución de este problema de optimización no lineal de manera casi óptima. p紧凑区域问题包含寻找一种聚集方法,将n个不可分割的空间单元集合成p紧凑的邻近区域。本文阐述了一种启发式架构MERGE(基于记忆的随机贪婪和边界再赋值算法),通过处理、随机贪婪和边界再分配这几个阶段解决p紧凑问题。MERGE启发式框架能存储 处理过程每个阶段中,向一个最优解的潜在最佳移动方式,从而可极大地提升搜索效率。一个处理阶段可将种子区域生长到可行大小。而一个随机贪婪阶段能完成区域增长并生成p区域的可行集。在边界再分配的局部搜索阶段对结果进行微调以达到更好的目标。此外,引入标准化的惯性矩作为每个区域紧凑度计算的选择方法。本文详细讨论了MERGE的工作原理,以及这种新的紧凑度测算方法如何能无缝地整合到所提出的区域化流程的不同阶段。通过在南部加州区域经济建模中一小一大两个p紧凑区域问题的应用,对MERGE的性能进行评估,期望该工作能够对区域化理论和实践作出贡献。理论上,提出了可解决p紧凑区域这类问题的新模型。在模型中引入新颖的标准化惯性矩这一精确的、鲁棒的和有效的紧凑度度量方法,是解决p紧凑区域问题的关键目标;实践上,本文发展了MERGE启发式框架,并证明了它在解决这种非线性优化问题近优性的有效性和高效性。  相似文献   

The article outlines the ideal Spain, as suggested by Ángel Del Río and M. J. Benardete in their essay in El concepto contemporáneo de España: Antología de ensayos (1895-1931). To these authors, Spain consists of a kind of modernist subjectivity that opposes the official Francoist Spain. The motherland so desired by Benardete and Del Río is an ethical construction set on a humanist base, unifying the domestic and the European, tradition and modernity—one that does not exclude but integrates. The discourse represents the political thinking of liberal nationalism diffused by the Center of Historic Studies or the philosophy of Ortega and Gasset.  相似文献   

Introduction to the History of Science. Volume III. Science and Learning in the Fourteenth Century. By George Sarton. Baltimore 1947. In 2 parts: XXXV + XI + 2155 PP.

W. W. Hyde. Ancient Greek Mariners. New York. 1947. XII+360. 5 maps.

Some American Contributions to the Art of Navigation 1519–1802. By Lawrence C. Wroth. Providence. 1947. 41 p.

Marcel Destombes. La Mappemonde de Petrus Plancius. Grav´e Par Josua van den Ende 1604, D'apràs L'unique Exemplaire de la Bibliothàque Nationale de Paris. Publication de la Société de Géographie de Hanoi. Tonkin. 1944. 52 p. XIII tab. Folio.

Ermano Armao. Vincenzo Coronelli. Cenni sull'Uomo e la sua vita‐‐‐catalogo ragionato delle sue opere —— Lettere — Fonti bibliografiche —— Indici. Biblicteca di bibliografia italiana diretta da Albano Sorbelli. XVII. Firenze. 1944. XI + 326. Fig.

El Rio Del Espi'Ritu Santo. An Essay on the Cartography or the Gulf Coast and the Adjacent Territory during the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries by Jean Delanglez, S. J. Edited by Th. J. Me. Mahon. U. S. Catholic Historical Society, Monograph Series. XXI. New York. 1945. XIII+182 p. Facs.

Gamla Kartor. Varlden— Norden — Västkusten — Göteborg. Sjöfartsmuseet 4–30 Maj 1948. Göteborg. 1948. (Lund) 91 p. 12 Tab.

L'Africa Dalle Origini alla meta del Secolo XIX. Mostra Bibliografica. Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale Firenze. Firenze. 1948. 81 p.

Catalogue of Maps in the Essex Record Office, 1566 —1875. Edited, for the Records Committee by F. G. Emmison. Essex County Council, Chelmsford. 1947, 106 p., 30 pl. Facs.

The John Carter Brown Library. Annual Report 1946–1947. Providence. 1947. 63 P.  相似文献   

Canibalia El canibalismo ha sido un concepto fundamental en la definicio´n de la identidad cultural latinoamericana desde las primeras visiones europeas del “Nuevo Mundo” como monstruoso y salvaje, hasta las narrativas y produccio´n cultural del siglo XX en las que el can?´bal se ha re-definido de diversas maneras en relacio´n con la construccio´n de identidades (pos)coloniales y “posmodernas” y ha ocupado numerosos debates acade´micos. La presencia constante y a la vez mutante del canibalismo, as?´ como su centralidad en discursos de alteridad/identidad lo hace un tropo axial de la representacio´n e imaginacio´n de la identidad cultural latinoamericana. El can?´bal es—pudiera decirse—un signo o cifra de la anomal?´a y alteridad de Ame´rica al mismo tiempo que de su adscripcio´n perife´rica a Occidente. El presente ensayo se refiere a diferentes escenarios histo´ricos y articulaciones discursivas en las que dicha adscripcio´n ano´mala ocurre durante los siglos XVI y XVII, y en los que el canibalismo no so´lo fue un dispositivo generador de alteridad, sino tambie´n un tropo cultural de reconocimiento.  相似文献   

Este artículo analiza la correspondencia de Pedro de Castro y Quiñones con Francisco de Castro y Antonio de Herrera sobre las versiones históricas referentes a los hechos de su padre Cristóbal Vaca de Castro frente al gobierno del Perú. Demuestra que, con el propósito de modificar los términos de la crónica de Agustín de Zárate, Pedro de Castro supervisó directamente el texto de las Décadas de Herrera y, a través del jesuita Francisco de Castro, la versión sobre Vaca de Castro que aparece en la segunda parte de los Comentarios reales. La diferente relación del arzobispo con Herrera y Garcilaso —directa en el primer caso y mediata en el segundo— refleja la dispar autoridad de estos dos historiadores. A pesar de que esta intervención de Pedro de Castro se esconde a los ojos del lector, deja una huella tangible en la coincidencia de Herrera y Garcilaso en la escritura de la biografía del gobernador Vaca de Castro frente a la discrepancia de estos mismos cronistas en otros asuntos indianos. El estudio concluye mostrando la articulación que las historias de las Indias tenían en relación con numerosos problemas históricos, teológicos y políticos que se ventilaban entonces.  相似文献   

This introductory article examines the issue of gendered homelessness and asks why so little academic feminist writing addresses this theme. The article begins with reference to a feminist novel—The Longings of Women by Marge Piercy—that does tackle this matter. The invisibility of the novel's homeless character is used as a way of introducing some distinctions between women's and men's homelessness. More generally, the article has two objectives. The first is to examine what feminist and other critical geographers have said, conceptually and empirically, about gendered homelessness, especially in Canada but also in other Western contexts. The second involves highlighting the problematic nature of too great a focus on visibility in relation to gendered homelessness, and offers an alternative reading drawn from examining the relations of bodies and urban space in conjunction with a discussion about the politics of scale and difference. All told, this collection of essays is an effort to highlight the often hidden and variable nature of gendered homelessness in Ontario, Canada and to argue that the theme is worthy of greater attention by feminist geographers.

Paisajes en los margines: género y la falta de vivienda

Éste artículo introductoria examina el tema de género y la falta de vivienda y pregunta porque hay pocos escritos feministas académicas que toca éste tema. El artículo empieza con relación a una novela feminista—The Longings of Women por Marge Piercy—que trata el tema. La invisibilidad del personaje sin hogar en el libro se utiliza como una manera de introducir algunas distinciones entre la falta de vivienda de mujeres y hombres. Más generalmente, el artículo tiene dos objetivos. El primer es examinar lo que feminista y otros geógrafos críticos han dicho conceptualmente y empíricamente sobre género y la falta de viviendo, no solo en Canadá sino en otros contextos Occidentales. El segundo involucra destacar la naturaleza problemática de un enfoque extensivo en la visibilidad en relación a género y la falta de viviendo, y ofrecer una lectura alternativa que viene de examinando las relaciones de cuerpos y espacio urbano conjuntamente con una discusión sobre las políticas de espacio y diferencia. En general, ésta compilación de ensayos es una tentativa para enfatizar que la naturaleza de género y la falta de vivienda en Ontario, Canadá son a menudo escondidos y variables, y además para argumentar que éste tema vale la pena de tender más atención por geógrafas feministas.  相似文献   

Champaner‐Pavagadh, like many other heritage sites in India, is both an historic and ethnographic landscape. It possesses a unique status as a medieval city—Champaner—frozen in time, more or less protected by its sudden abandonment 450 years ago. At the same time, it is a living sacred site—Pavagadh Hill—visited annually by millions, with a resident population. Efforts are underway to declare the hill and the remains of the medieval city at its foot an archaeological park, which will ensure protection and conservation of cultural and natural resources. The challenge in designing the site as an archaeological park lies in articulating the pastoral image conjured up by the term in a manner that does not belie complex issues of land ownership, varied use, and ecological integrity of the site. Working landscapes—farms, flower fields, orchards, and nurseries—can be employed as a landscape‐design typology to ensure sustainability and to preserve and frame sightlines to monuments. Garden archaeology is necessary to uncover the symbiotic relationship between buildings and gardens of medieval Champaner.  相似文献   


The Mochica culture developed on the northern Peruvian coast between a.d. 100 and 800. A zooarchaeological study of the remains discovered in graves at four main ceremonial sites—Sipán, San José de Moro, El Brujo, and Moche—provides evidence of 12 sacrificed species including domestic animals such as llamas, dogs, and guinea pigs, and wild animals such as bats and parrots. A comparison of zooarchaeological data with Mochica iconography shows that animals served a variety of ritual purposes, for example, as mortuary food and as guides for souls of the dead in the afterlife. They were also considered to be mediators between the world of the living and that of the dead. This study enhances our understanding of funerary and sacrificial rituals linked to animals in Mochica society as well as in the central Andes.  相似文献   


The twenty-one maps of Spain that comprise the Escorial atlas (El atlas de El Escorial) and the later notebook compiled by Pedro de Esquivel for another map of Spain have long been confused. Recently identified documents in the Royal Library, Stockholm, have allowed us to recognize the two works as completely separate and to shed new light on each. In this article we describe their respective histories, starting with the Escorial atlas, now known to have been commissioned by Emperor Charles V from the Sevillian cosmographer Alonso de Santa Cruz, who between c.1538 and 1545 produced an index map and 20 regional sheets drawn to the scale of 1:400 000. We then go on to show how, later in the century (between c.1552 and 1565), Pedro de Esquivel was using a version of the topographical methods described in Peter Apian’s Cosmographia to assemble data for the map of Spain commissioned by Philip II before and just after he became king in 1556. Esquivel died in 1565 before all the data had been collected, his map was never drawn, and his notebooks, with all his astronomical measurements and calculations of angles and distances, took a curious journey that ended in Stockholm in the archives of the Royal Library of Sweden.  相似文献   

The current method for delineating U.S. metropolitan and micropolitan statistical areas (collectively referred to as core‐based statistical areas—CBSAs) is to cluster counties based on the strength of commuting interactions between outlying areas and urban cores. The social and economic integration of a metropolitan or a micropolitan statistical area is operationalized using what we believe is an outdated, monocentric perspective on functional spatial structure: one that fixates solely on inward and reverse commuting. We propose a new spatial optimization model for delineating CBSAs that can better account for polycentric urban structure by considering all intercounty commuting linkages. Our model seeks to find the boundaries that maximize the containment of entire webs of intra‐CBSA intercounty commuting. We apply the proposed method to delineate alternative sets of metropolitan and micropolitan statistical areas for comparison with the federal government's currently defined (2010 Office of Management and Budget [OMB] standards) official CBSAs. El método actual para delimitar áreas estadísticas micropolitanas y metropolitana en los Estados Unidos (denomidado genéricamente áreas estadísticos nucleares o core‐statistical areas‐ CBSA) consiste en agrupar condados en base a la fuerza de las interacciones de los desplazamientos residencia‐trabajo entre las zonas periféricas y los núcleos urbanos. La integración social y económica de un área estadística metro y micro politana se pone en operación usando un enfoque funcional que los autores consideran obsoleto que se basa en una estructura espacial urbana monocéntrica. Dicho enfoque se limita únicamente a los desplazamientos hacia el interior y de vuelta. Los autores proponen un nuevo modelo de optimización espacial para delinear CBSAs que respresenta mejor una estructura urbana policéntrica que considera todos los desplazamientos entre condados. El modelo busca encontrar los límites que maximizan la inclusión de redes enteras de desplazamientos intra CBSA y entre condados. El método propuesto es aplicado para delinear conjuntos alternativos de áreas estadísticas metropolitanas y micropolitanas y es comparado con los límites oficiales actuales de CBSA proporcionados por gobierno federal (de acuerdo a los lineamientos de la Oficina de Administración y Presupuesto u Office of Management Budget‐OMB) en 2010). 目前用于描述美国大都市区与居住区统计区域(共同地被称为基于核心的统计区域—CBSAs)的方法,主要是基于边远地区和城市核心区间的相互作用强度对郡县进行聚类。大都市区或居住区统计区域社会与经济一体化的运作方式,采用的是一种功能空间结构上落伍的单中心视角,即仅关注内部交换或反向交换。本文提出了一种新的空间优化模型用于描述CBSAs,将所有内部通勤联系考虑在内,能更好地解释多中心城市结构。该模型力图发现能最大化包含内部CBSA通勤联系网的边界。最后,将该模型应用于大都市区和居住区的统计区域描述,并与联邦政府目前定义的官方CBSAs(管理与预算 [OMB]标准2010办公室)进行了对比研究。  相似文献   

The hub location problem has been widely used in analyzing hub‐and‐spoke systems. The basic assumption is that a large number of demands exist to travel from origins to destinations via a set of intermediate transshipment nodes. These intermediate nodes can be lost, due to reasons such as natural disasters, outbreaks of disease, labor strikes, and intentional attacks. This article presents a hub interdiction median (HIM) problem. It can be used to identify the set of critical facilities in a hub‐and‐spoke system that, if lost, leads to the maximal disruption of the system's service. The new model is formulated using integer linear programming. Special constraints are constructed to account for origin‐to‐destination demand following the least‐cost route via the remaining hubs. Based on the HIM problem, two hub protection problems are defined that aim to minimize the system cost associated with the worst‐case facility loss. Computational experiment results are presented along with a discussion of possible future work. El problema de la ubicación de la central (hub) ha sido ampliamente analizado para el caso de los sistemas de sistemas radiales (hub‐and‐spoke). La presunción inicial es que existe un gran número de demandas que viajan desde puntos de origen hasta sus puntos de destino a través de un set de nodos intermedios de trasbordo. Estos nodos intermedios pueden perderse por diferentes motivos, como desastres naturales, brotes de enfermedades, huelgas de trabajadores, o ataques intencionales. Este artículo presenta un problema de tipo mediana de interdicción de hub, conocido como hub interdiction median‐HIM. Puede usarse para identificar un set de instalaciones críticas de un sistema tipo hub‐and‐spoke que, si se pierde, conduce a la máxima interrupción del servicio del sistema. El nuevo modelo se ha formulado utilizando programación entera lineal, (integer linear programming‐ILP). El modelo construye restricciones especiales para dar cuenta de la demanda de “origen‐a‐destino” (O‐D), siguiendo la ruta de menor costo, a través de los hubs restantes. Basándonos en el problema de HIM, se definen dos problemas de protección de hub que buscan minimizar el costo asociado al peor caso posible de pérdida de instalaciones. Se presentan además, resultados de experimentos computacionales, así como a una discusión sobre posibles futuros trabajos en la materia. 枢纽区位研究已广泛应用于中枢辐射型系统分析,其基本假设条件为起始点到目的地之间存在大量旅行需求的中间转运节点。但自然灾害、突发疾病、劳务罢工和蓄意攻击等因素可能导致中间转运节点的丧失。本文提出了一种枢纽封闭中心模型(HIM),可用于识别中枢辐射型系统的重要节点,一旦这些节点丧失,将导致整个系统服务最大程度的瓦解。新模型通过整数线性规划公式建立。模型特殊约束条件的建立基于最小成本路径通过余下枢纽的花费来解释始发到目的地( origin‐to‐destination)需求量。基于HIM问题,双枢纽保护问题被定义为旨在最小化系统花费及其与之关联的最坏情况下节点丢失问题。最后,根据计算的经验结果讨论未来可能深入的研究。  相似文献   

Following the voyages of Christopher Columbus, John Cabot, Alonso de Ojeda and Amerigo Vespucci in the last decade of the fifteenth century, the New World of the Americas entered the cartographic and moral consciousness of Europe. In the 1500 mappa mundi of Juan de la Cosa, navigator and map-maker, we see Europe as a hybrid moral entity, a transitional blend of the medieval and the modern at the crossroads between two mappings of Europe. This paper argues that the Juan De la Cosa map represents a blurred transition between map-making traditions and a mixed moral rhetoric of European identity. The De la Cosa map operates across two sets of imagined axes: held horizontally, the map is set to a Ptolemaic grid with Europe straddling the Prime Meridian, and yet when held vertically it presents a medieval moral continuum in which the Americas occupy an ascendant position, a verdant new Jerusalem in contrast to the Babylon of the Old World. Europe is both drawn to the centre of a new world order, and also pushed to the moral margins in an echo of the medieval mappa mundi still imperfectly resolved.  相似文献   

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