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此番赴山西调研,深深体味到三晋大地历史气息之厚重,积淀之深厚。山西地处黄河中游,黄河文明源远流长,古迹遍布全省,不愧为“中国古代建筑博物馆”之美誉。此次重点考察晋中、晋南地区的民  相似文献   

《Public Archaeology》2013,12(3):159-179

In this article we discuss the motivations, aims, and preliminary results of working with a local community in Ethiopia. Trying to escape from the (neo)colonial archaeology that is still practised in Africa, this project aims to achieve a cooperative and participative archaeology. This work with the community has been one of our main priorities in our last seasons, and although we have focused on elementary school and university students, we have opened up a number of different paths to follow in future years. The experience has been very positive, and engagement with local people has helped us to create awareness about the importance of cultural heritage, hopefully ensuring the future protection of the sites.  相似文献   

1 在一夫多妻制的哈莫族,家庭中的第一位夫人会佩戴一种特殊的木制项圈,底部伸出一个椽头.戴这种项圈的妻子在家庭里拥有绝对权力.她的地位高于其他女人,掌管财物使用和分配,管理其他女人和孩子们家务的分工及一切事务.2 土米集市上,大部分是哈莫族的人,还有部分沙米尔、迪麦卡、卡鲁族人等.并不是所有部落的人都有机会来赶集的,很多部落生活在边远的丛林里,需要在前一天的一大早出发,步行一整天,在离集市不远的村子住上一夜,才能赶上.集市这天,对于这里的人来说可是一个大日子.  相似文献   

This article examines the socio-economic situation of pottery-making households in southwestern Ethiopia. In this region, pottery production lies exclusively within the women's domain, and taboos and restrictions surrounding the practice prohibit male involvement. Potters are marginalized, banned from land ownership and sometimes form endogamous castes. Ethiopian development policy and the perception of indigenous pottery technology as ‘unproductive’ have threatened the continuity of the tradition and the livelihood of rural potters. Meanwhile, foreign-made plastic and enamel products are gradually replacing indigenous pottery.  相似文献   

Investigating the experience of violence against women and exploring women's coping strategies is a crucial component of re-tailoring the provision of services for victims/survivors. This article explores violence against women in the context of culture, theory of fear of violence and literature on spaces perceived to be ‘safe’ or ‘dangerous’ by women victims/survivors of violence in Ethiopia. To collect the relevant data, we conducted 14 semi-structured interviews with Ethiopian women who are victims/survivors of violence and three interviews with gender experts in Ethiopia. Our group of women suffer in ‘silence’ and confide only in friends and relatives. They did not resort to institutional support due to lack of awareness and general societal disapproval of such measures. This contrasts with claims by experts that the needs of these women are addressed using an institutional approach. Culture, migration status and lack of negotiating power in places of work are key factors when considering violence. The majority of the respondents in this study occupy both public and private spaces such as bars and homes and have experienced violence in those spaces. The social relations and subsequent offences they endured do not make spaces such as these safe. Education of both sexes, creation of awareness, sustainable resource allocation to support victims/survivors, ratification of the Maputo protocol and effective law enforcement institutions are some of the practical strategies we propose to mitigate the incidence of violence in Ethiopia.  相似文献   

Allan Hoben. Land Tenure among the Amhara of Ethiopia: The Dynamics of Cognatic Descent. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1973. xiv + 273 pp. Maps, figures, appendix, glossary, bibliography, and index. $9.50.  相似文献   



Southwest Ethiopia’s cool, moist, and steep highlands differ from other African environments, and may have fostered distinct patterns of Holocene resource use and intensification. Prior to 2004, only a few archaeological projects probed eastern and northern margins of this region. The Kafa Archaeological Project (2004–2006) excavated ten caves and rockshelters in different environments in the heart of southwest Ethiopia to obtain a Holocene chronology and compare it with adjacent regions. At Kumali Rockshelter, middle Holocene deposits show use of a microlithic industry to obtain wild game, and excellent macrobotanical preservation promises to reveal changes in plant use from 4,700 14C bp to the present. Ceramics and domestic animals appear at Kumali and Koka by ~2,000 14C bp, suggesting herding and pottery making appeared late and contacts with neighboring regions were tenuous. Technologically conservative people continued microlith production and sporadic rockshelter use into the eighteenth century CE.  相似文献   

As traditional business organizations that played an important role in China’s economy, guilds have faced unprecedented challenges in modern times due to the invasion of Western capitalism and the changes of the traditional Chinese economic structure. It was difficult to maintain the old guild rules, such as limitations on opening new workshops, recruiting new apprentices, etc. Thus, some guilds that insisted on maintaining the old rules fell into decline, while other guilds, either willingly or unwillingly, made reforms in their organization and structural function to adjust themselves to the new situations. The latter gradually transformed into the modern trade association. The different fates of traditional guilds proved that guilds had to reform properly and adapt themselves to new economic and social environments in order to survive in modern times. __________ Translated from: Jiangsu Shehui Kexue 江苏社会科学 (Jiangsu Social Sciences), No.2, 2004  相似文献   

满族人做豆酱,历史悠久,源远流长.本文通过介绍满族制酱的历史和方法,让人们了解满族这项传统美食.  相似文献   

日本所藏稀见戏曲经眼录   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄仕忠 《文献》2003,(1):141-159
2001年,据大学之间的协议,笔者作为交换教员在日从事研究.承蒙许多日本学者的热情帮助,得以拜访各地图书馆,寻访所藏中国古代戏曲,并进行<日本所藏中国古代戏曲目录>的著录工作.其间获见许多稀见藏本,颇可补中土之不足.本文选取十种,简要介绍如下.  相似文献   

A comparative study of lithic assemblages from the Gash Delta lowlands of eastern Sudan and from Seglamen in the highlands of northern Ethiopia is used to investigate the origins of the pre-Aksumite people and their anonymous predecessors. Multiple similarities in knapping strategies and in lithic tool types support the hypothesis of a south-eastward movement of agro-pastoralists into the highlands of the Tigray Plateau, probably starting in the fifth millennium BC.  相似文献   

This article explores everyday life among Guji children in southern Ethiopia and the place of children in an intergenerational social order. Based on data generated through ethnographic fieldwork among the Guji, we show that work, school and play are significant and intertwined social practices. Local knowledge and skills of importance for sustainable livelihood are acquired through children's participation in these different social practices. Oral tradition represents a key element of local knowledge and social practices in everyday life. However, political and social changes, such as settlement policies and the introduction of schools, affect the dynamic interconnectedness of these practices, as well as relations between different generations. These changes also have implications for local knowledge and local livelihoods.  相似文献   

Illife, John. The Emergence of African Capitalism. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1983. ix + 113 pp. including reference notes and index. $29.50 cloth, $10.95 paper.

Vercruijsse, Emile. The Penetration of Capitalism: A West African Case Study. London: Zed Books, 1984. vi + 180 pp. including appendices, bibliography, and index. $26.25 cloth, $10.25 paper.

van Ginsbergen, Wim, and Peter Geshiere, eds. Old Modes of Production and Capitalist Encroachment: Anthropological Explorations in Africa. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. xviii + 341 pp. including chapter references and indices. $49.95 cloth.  相似文献   

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