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So far as I can make out, Sitwell's comment on my essay says little that is relevant to its content. In fact he goes so far as to declare that my essay can in large part be ignored, presumably for purposes of gaining an understanding, or getting at the essence, of Margarita Bowen's book. I assume that Sitwell is writing a book review, more or less of the conventional sort, since he remarks that he is undertaking 'a review of the type May chose not to write.' I do not pretend for one moment that what I wrote is a book review. Perhaps it should not even have been called a 'review essay.' But Sitwell is not unaware of this, since he remarks that my 'essay is almost bound to be taken as a review,' which he regards as 'unfortunate.' Despite the fact that the tasks we have each undertaken are substantially different, and hence that our respective papers have little in common, I nevertheless think a few comments are in order.  相似文献   

Curry has raised some new and important issues concerning the value of the idealist philosophy in geography, and his paper makes a significant contribution to a clearer understanding of this approach. Although in his final judgment Curry comes down hard on my position, declaring it to be 'fundamentally misguided,' his actual view of idealism is more ambivalent and not nearly as clear-cut as the words 'fundamentally misguided' might suggest. This is revealed by his defence of the position in the earlier part of the paper and his mild treatment of Collingwood, on whose book The Idea of History much of my own position is based.1 There are also parts of Curry's paper that would seem compatible with idealism as I understand it, and with some clarifications and modifications to both our positions a basis of broad agreement between us would appear to exist.  相似文献   

21世纪的社区地理学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孙峰华 《人文地理》2002,17(5):73-77
本文简述了社区地理学的形成、研究现状和面临的形势,对21世纪的社区地理学进行了展望。指出21世纪的社区地理学有12个热点课题,即:(1)社区发展合作组织;(2)社区发展;(3)社区环境;(4)社区规划;(5)社区管理;(6)农村社区城市化;(7)城市社区病态;(8)社区贫困;(9)社区经济;(10)社区文化;(11)精神社区;(12)虚拟社区。从目前世界范围内的社区发展运动看,从21世纪社区地理学研究的领域看,21世纪将是社区地理学的大发展时代。  相似文献   

20世纪经济地理学发展及研究特点   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文从研究区域尺度、企业组织和思维方法三方面梳理了本世纪经济地理学的发展特点。在此基础上,指出经济地理学研究的四个特点:区域-企业综合分析、经济活动全球化研究、新产业区研究和多种思维方式的综合考虑;跨世纪经济地理学要关注人地关系、全球与地方关系、区域发展与需求关系和与区域的关系。  相似文献   


In seventeenth-century cheap print on supernatural themes, the reader is often struck by gaps, silences, and things that do not quite add up. The article explores ways of reading between the lines to expose and perhaps make sense of these discontinuities. It asks what cultural work is performed by the supernatural in such texts, and speculates on the uses served by ghosts, fairies and demons both in the self-representation of subaltern, often female, individuals and in the textual strategies of the pamphlet writers.  相似文献   

新世纪地理学的新思路新观念新战略   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
孙峰华 《人文地理》2001,16(5):16-19
文章阐述了新世纪是一个以知识经济为主体的世纪,用知识经济地理学的观点审视新世纪,新世纪的内涵将赋于地理学新的研究内容。面对这种形势,地理学用哲学观点,周密思考,精心研究,潜心探索其发展的新思路。新思路打开了地理学正视现实,面向新世纪的新视野、新领域,从而产生了一系列的新思路和新观念。地理学有了新思路和新观念,必然探索其发展的新战略。地理学有了新思想、新观念、新战略,就可以在新世纪滚滚而来的知识经济浪潮里抢抓机遇,开拓进取,勇于创新,并确立其应有的学科地位,这样,才能迎来一个灿烂美好的明天。否则,新世纪的到来,将预示着地理学进入危机时代。  相似文献   

In his article ‘Some notes on the geography of tourism,’ Britton raises a number of interesting issues about this relatively new branch of geography. Certainly he makes a thoughtful contribution to the discussion of the concepts, viability, and tasks of the geography of tourism, but there are points on which I disagree with him. I will address them through two main themes: the costs and benefits of tourism, and the conceptual questions of the geography of tourism.  相似文献   

21世纪人文地理科学的发展趋势分析及预测研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
乔家君  李永文 《人文地理》2000,15(5):58-61,9
本文在分析21世纪地理科学总体发展趋势基础上,并结合人文地理科学发展历程及面临时势,进一步探讨人文地理科学的发展前景和趋势。指出:要加强人文地理科学核心领域研究;区域与区域发展赋予新内涵;要拓展人文地理科学实践领域并加强综合研究;随着计算机、遥感技术的应用,积极推进人文地理科学计量化发展;深化人文地理科学全方位与国际接轨等。  相似文献   

选举地理学是政治地理学的重要研究领域之一。本文以Web of Science中选举地理学的学术论文为依据,借助科学计量工具,系统回顾了1982-2018年选举地理学的发展脉络,归纳了西方选举地理学的主要研究领域和研究范式。研究表明:选举地理学主要包括投票地理、选举制度、选区划分、选票转化四个领域;与此相应,西方学界对选举地理的研究范式可归纳为空间分析、地理制图、政治经济学、后结构主义。展望未来,选举地理学在解释中国的地方政治、基层选举、社区自治,以及推动中国政治地理学的学科发展方面将值得期待。  相似文献   

金融地理学的研究日益受到关注,其中地理学和经济学领域的学者参与最多。但不同的学科渊源和研究传统,使两者在研究领域、研究方法方面各有特点,差异明显。自理论渊源看,地理学的研究始于20世纪70年代的马克思主义地理学,而经济学的研究可追溯到古典区位论和循环累积因果论。地理学的研究,注重探讨区位和地方对金融交易和金融运行的影响,受政治经济学传统和文化转向的影响,特别关注金融系统发展的不平等效应和金融空间中的社会、文化因素;经济学研究主要致力于探讨货币和金融系统对区域发展影响的非中性,特别关注地理距离对信用获得的影响。地理学的研究定性研究较多,并擅长借鉴其他学科的理论和方法;经济学的研究专注简化,以计量分析为主。新出现的金融化经济体系或金融主导的增长体系迫切需要经济地理学开展研究。相互借鉴和整合可推动金融地理学的发展。  相似文献   

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